Relation in Physical Reality
d_ph_relation_op Relazione nella Realtà Fisica "Operatore Relazione nella Realtà Fisica L’instaurarsi di relazioni spaziotemporali tra Eventi elementari è il presupposto per la formazione delle entità complesse che compongono la Realtà, che popolano l’Universo. L’essenza della entità Informazione è rappresentata dalla relazione tra parti elementari per formare una unità più complessa. Al livello più elementare l’espressione dell’operatore relazionale consiste appunto nella creazione di un schema di relazione, di organizzazione, tra Eventi elementari che genera una entità più complessa, con un contenuto di Informazione maggiore, normalmente maggiore della semplice somma della Informazione delle parti. L’Informazione rappresenta quindi lo “schema di organizzazione”. A questo livello comincia quindi ad avere significato la misurazione, l’osservazione, è quindi possibile acquisire conoscenza. Data la proprietà conservativa del Campo, l’Informazione tende a conservarsi, pur nel continuo divenire, nella continua trasformazione, determinate dalle proprietà dinamiche del Campo stesso. L’operatore relazionale è il motore energetico dell’evoluzione, opera la transizione di fase tra il livello dell’Azione, il substrato dell’Informazione, ed il livello dell’Informazione stessa."
Relation is one of the fundamental constitutive elements of Reality: Entities that produce Events, which, organized by Relations, make up the Processes that incessantly construct the Reality.
Relations are ways in which Events happen with respect to each other, interact with each other.
Relation is a broad concept. In this model, and in particular in the field of Formation of Reality, by Relation we mean every connection, association, influence, dependence between Events, or more generally, between Processes of Events (Structures, Forms). Relations give form to Action. Relations between Events, between Action, represent Information (In-Form-Action: Action that has a form). Relation is the root of Information, which is the object of Evolution toward complexity. Relation is the root of Interaction, of all the interaction that shape the world, that produce all the phenomena, Events organized by Relations.
At the same time, Relation is one of the fundamental Operators of Reality: the operator <REL> (Relation - Essence / Form), the second functional aspect of the fundamental operator <ID>, the Fundamental Force. The product of the expression of the Operator Relation, a more complex form of interaction between the two complementary aspects of the Sources (Agents / Forces and Acted / Fields) that produces Complex Events (organization of variations of/in the Fields, that represent Essence / Form, from the first organization of the elementary level of Reality to the most complex levels), is Information (In-form-action: Action with a Form).
One of the two fundamental modes of manifestation of Fundamental Force:
- Force Existence: mode of manifestation, of expression of the Force in its action of pressure toward the Creation (the Dynamics of Events, of Action) of the Existence of Reality.
- Force Relation: modality of manifestation, of expression of the Force in its action of pressure toward the Evolution (the Dynamics of Relations, of Information) the Essence / Form of Reality.
The Operator Relation, or more properly "Operator Force Relation", together with the Operator Force Existence, is one of the two manifestations of the fundamental Agent of Reality: the Fundamental Force.
Just as the expression of the Operator Force Existence, acting on the Elementary Field, produces Events, Action, so the Operator Force Relation produces Relations between Events, Information, organized Action, which, again thanks to the expression of the Operator Relation, is organized into Structures of Information, Forms, the entire Universe in evolution.
The Operator Relation, root of Essence / Form, is the engine of Evolution. The Action, the pressure exerted on the Field by the Operator Relation, through Organization, Transformation and Selection of the Relations between Events, produces the incessant unfolding of the Cycle of Information, the true heart of the evolutionary process that builds Reality. Anabolic, organizational, constructive, and catabolic, transformative, destructive processes are incessantly intertwined, in a continuous tension towards dynamic balances, towards co-evolutionary adaptations, producing, on the one hand, increasingly complex events, for the screening of Selection, and on the other, more elementary events, new fuel for the organization of new and greater complexities.
Information, the Events that make up Action and the Relations that organize them, within the Fundamental Principles that govern their dynamics, supports the incessant formation of Reality, the becoming that characterizes the evolutionary development of the Universe, represented by the variational existence (spacetime) and by the causal permanence of the Structures of Information, from the most elementary to the most complex, material and immaterial, physical and cognitive, and of the set of dynamic relations between them.
Common definition
Links to Wikipedia pages:
- Relation
- Relationship
- Relations (philosophy)
- Relational theory
- Correlation and dependence
- Ontology components
Correlation or dependence is any relation between two or more Events. Events, their distributions can be described by a combination of stochastic and deterministic processes.
See also
- Information
- The Cycle of Information
- Organization
- Transformation
- Selection
- Complexity
- Evolutionary Ontology
- Entities
- Properties
- TFNR - Information: the evolution toward complexity
- TFNR - Evolution: the Dynamics of Information
- TFNR - Organization
- TFNR - Transformation
- TFNR - Selection
- TFNR - The role of emergence in the construction of Reality
- TFNR - Nothing is absolute, everything is relative and evolves
- Topic id: t_ph_relation_op
- Belongs to the class: Relation
- Has as instances:
- Belongs to the groups:
- Semantic Map: ekm|map=m_ph_dynamics&topic=t_ph_relation_op
- Semantic Map Test Version: ekmt|map=m_ph_dynamics&topic=t_ph_relation_op
Common definition
(Link to Wikipedia page: Reality).
See also
- Topic id: t_ph_relation_op
- Belongs to the class: Relation
- Has as instances:
- Belongs to the groups:
- Semantic Map: ekm|map=m_ph_dynamics&topic=t_ph_relation_op
- Semantic Map Test Version: ekmt|map=m_ph_dynamics&topic=t_ph_relation_op