Essence / Form
Essence, Form, is a fundamental attribute/property of Reality and the Source of the Reality, the fundamental entity. It represents the phenomenological aspect of Reality. The way in which ""everything that is"" exists. Essence / Form is the product of the sub process of Evolution, where the incessant inner interaction between of two aspects of the Derived Sources, the Derived Agents / Forces and Derived Acted / Fields, produces the Complex Events, the Derived Action, the complex forms of Existence. Essence / Form express itself in the causal, spatial and temporal dimensions, and is strictly related to the basic concepts of emergence and reification (what exists is real, has a form and belongs to the Universal Reality, and, symmetrically, what is real exists with a form, both in the physical and cognitive sense).
Common definition
In filosofia, essenza è l'attributo o insieme di attributi che rendono un ente o una sostanza quello che fondamentalmente è, e che ha per necessità, e senza la quale perde la sua identità. Essenza è in contrasto con accidente: una proprietà che l'ente o la sostanza ha contingentemente, senza il quale la sostanza può ancora mantenere la sua identità.
Il termine essenza (greco τί ᾖν εἶναι, ti en einai, lat. essentia), secondo la concezione aristotelica, significa «ciò per cui una certa cosa è quello che è, e non un'altra cosa»..
L'essenza quindi sta ad indicare quelle determinazioni di una cosa, specificate nella sua "definizione", che ne costituiscono la natura (o "specie" in termini aristotelici); che psicologicamente parlando (vedi moderna epistemologia evoluzionistica) corrisponde alla particolare visione della realtà determinata dalle nostre categorie mentali: gli «apparati immagine del mondo». (Link to Wikipedia page: Essence).
All that exists, but the Primary Source, has a form, or better, happens with a form. Even in the case of the more stable processes, the essence, the form of the objects of the world changes incessantly (incessant evolutive mutation) in the phenomenical interaction with the whole, within the evolutive flux that leads the Universe towards increasing level of Complexity. The only entity which existence is without form, without essence, is the Elementary Field, in its state of minimum organization, that can be defined the ""without form"", all potential. It represents the substrate of the Forms, that shows themselves as Action organized in Information (pattern of Organization of the Relations between Events.
All the Structures of Information and the Forms that compose the Reality (derived entities) have the property of "derived existence", as various organizations of the events that build the Elementary Action . All derived entities are endowed with the property that we call Essence, which represents the way they exist. In other words, we can define Essence as the "existential form of a Structure or a Form, an object in / of the Universe.
See also
- Topic id: t_essence_form
- Belongs to the class: Properties
- Has as instances: t_ph_essence, t_co_essence
- Belongs to the groups:
- Semantic Map: ekm|map=m_ev_knowledge&topic=t_essence_form
- Semantic Map Test Version: ekmt|map=m_ev_knowledge&topic=t_essence_form