TFNR - The Process of Formation of Reality

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The Formation of Reality is the unitary Process through which the Reality takes incessantly form and the Universe in evolution manifests itself.

The Process of Formation of Reality (PFR) is the unitary process through which the fundamental entity, the Source of Reality (the Primary Source), in its two complementary and indivisible aspects, the Fundamental Force, the fundamental causal agent, and the Elementary Field, the elementary acted, interacting each other (the first incessantly acting on the second, the second incessantly re-acting to the action of the first), creates the Elementary Events, Elementary Action, the most elementary form of Existence. And more, through the formation and the organization of the Relations among the Events, the Source makes Information to emerge and evolve in Structures and Forms, those Forms that fill the Reality and the Universe in evolution.

This is the main process through which Reality takes form. It includes everything, all the fundamental and the derived entities, all the functional operators that cooperate and compete toward the Creation and the Evolution of Reality, all the elementary and the Complex Events, all the Relations among Entities and among Events, all the physical and the cognitive Information, Structures and Forms that compose the Universe in evolution. All other processes that partecipate to the formations of Reality, both on the physical side and the cognitive one, are to be considered as Derived Processes, particular processes derived from the more general Process of Formation of Reality.

The Process, though unitary, only for descriptive purposes, can be ideally:

Operators of the Process of Formation of (Physical and Cognitive) Reality
Process of Formation of Reality Process of Formation of Physical Reality Process of Formation of Cognitive Reality
Agent / Force Force Agent
Variation Perturbation Perception
Propagation Translation Communication
Conservation Rotation Storage
Relation Relation in Physical Reality Relation in Cognitive Reality
Organization Physical Organization Cognitive Organization
Transformation Physical Transformation Cognitive Transformation
Selection Physical Selection Cognitive Selection
Structures of Propagation Waves Messages
Structures of Conservation Vortices Concepts
Interactions Physical Interactions Cognitive Interactions - Semantic Networks
Universe of the Forms Universe of Physical Forms Universe of Cognitive Forms - Knowledge Systems

Process that produce the Existence and the Essence / Form of Reality, the manifestations of the Primary Source, the Universe in evolution. This process, where the Force incessantly transmutes the Field into Forms, on one hand represents all the work done by the Operators of Reality, the causal Agents / Forces agents responsible for its incessant construction, and on the other hand the cognitive model that helps us to understand its functions and reciprocal interactions, a scheme, a glyph that represents the process in a graphic way.

The Process of Formation of Reality is the main process, the backbone of Reality. It is the essence of Evolutionary Dynamics.

In the context of Evolutionary Physics, by "formation" we intend the entire process that from the Primary Source, the Fundamental Force, the fundamental causal entity, and the Elementary Field, the elementary variational entity, leads to the Forms, to the Universe as a whole. The combined action of the fundamental operational agents, which represent the functional root of the laws of Nature, produces an incessant causal flow, a synthesis of the expression of creative and evolutionary processes from which the organized multiplicity of the material and immaterial forms, that populate the world, emerges.

In facts, Evolutionary Knowledge proposes a descriptive model of Reality and a research direction that focuses on the interaction between the creative sub-process and the evolutionary sub-process. A unitary process that, for pure descriptive reasons, is articulated into two sub-processes and into various levels of Reality.

The interactions of the operational agents, which operate at the various levels of the process, finds its complete and elegant description in the conceptual structure that we call "Process of Formation of Reality", which corresponds to a modern glyph that is freely inspired to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and the descriptive scheme proposed by the Book of Changes, the Taoist I-Ching.

A unitary graphic scheme potentially able to frame and describe all natural phenomena.

Links to the tables of contents of TFNR Paper