TFNR - Unstructured Energy: Energy of the unstructured Field

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Let's focus on the first two levels of inhomogeneity and try to clarify their nature, from the ontological, phenomenological and dynamical points of view. We are at the most elementary level of Reality, where the most fundamental aspects of the Process of Formation of Reality are at work, which we call the sub-process of Creation, responsible for the transition from the state of Nothingness to the state of Emptiness, therefore for the Formation of the most elementary form of Existence, the Elementary Events.

We are in the phase of the incessant transition between Non-Existence and Existence in its simplest form. It is precisely in this phase that, I repeat, the fundamental dimensions of Reality incessantly emerge: "causality", through the expression of the Fundamental Force, its Action on the Elementary Field, and "variationality", the result of the Action of the Force that produces its effects on the Field, whose Form changes, "varies" precisely. And what varies, at infinitesimal dimensional scales, around the Planck scale and beyond, are spatial and temporal distances. In this dimensional dynamics, Space and Time emerge and are defined, which interacting produce the entity we know under the name Space-time, from whose dynamics arises the Metric that is the foundation of what we call Curvature and what we call Mass, and of the related gravitational phenomena.

This is a model of Formation of Reality that hypothesizes the incessant parallel and synergic work of these sub-processes: the continuous Creation of Existence (Elementary Action) and the equally continuous Evolution of the Essence / Form of Reality (Information, Energy, Structures, Forms, Systems, the Universe as a whole).

Let's summarize: at the most elementary level of Reality, where the Primary Source, through the internal interaction of its two aspects the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, incessantly produces the Elementary Events, the inhomogeneities in their distribution representing the Elementary Action, with its three Modes / Components, Perturbation, Translation and Rotation, the true "substance" of all that exists. Those inhomogeneities represent the most elementary form of Energy / Information, Unstructured Energy or Elementary Energy, which make up the Structures of Information that we observe, measure, through their mutual Interactions, Waves and the Vortices that make up the physical world.

Let's start with the "First level of inhomogeneity".

The first form of inhomogeneity is represented by the spatial fluctuations of the Elementary Field that resonate around the Planck scale. These are what we have called Elementary Events, fluctuations of the Elementary Field, inhomogeneity of Space distances, areas, volumes, at the most elementary level of Physical Reality. It represents Energy in the unstructured Field (Energy corresponding to the Elementary Events).

Let's try to place two types of representations side by side to try to clarify these concepts that are very far from what is disclosed by conventional science. For each transition between the different states of the Elementary Field that represent the various Levels of Reality and the different levels of Complexity that nest in them and follow each other from a causal and variational point of view, I will provide a discrete two-dimensional grid representation and a continuous two-dimensional gradient representation. In both cases, these are approximate, imaginative representations, since a faithful representation of a level of Reality so far from the one we live in, which we experience, would be impossible, even more so on a printed page. In fact, it would be a matter of providing spatially three-dimensional, temporally dynamic representations, in the continuum, of infinitesimal dimensional domains (around the Planck scale), in which all the event points fluctuate, with a very high incidence of uncertainty, in all the Components of Elementary Action (temporal distribution of spatial fluctuations, spatial directionality of fluctuations, direction of torsion of fluctuations, spatial direction of the torsion axis of fluctuations). Although far from Reality, in any case, the two types of representation that I have chosen can be useful to support the description and to make it a little more understandable.

Let's start with the state that I have called Nothingness. The Nothing. The Primary Source of Reality is not manifest, its infinite potential of causal and variational Agency is not expressed. The Force does not act, does not produce Action. The Field does not vary, does not undergo variations, and does not produce re-Action. Absolute and immutable homogeneity.


It is evident that since there is no Action, there is also no Information. In particular, the elementary form of Information that I have called Energy (in this completely hypothetical, scholastic condition, the Primary Source of Reality having in fact as its essential property and behavior the manifestation of its formative power) is stationary, invariably null.

Let us move on to the condition that corresponds to the first level of inhomogeneity. Let us assume that the Source produces Causal Action and Variational Effects. Of the latter, let us limit ourselves for a moment to observing only the first aspect that we call "spatial fluctuations" around the Planck scale. What do we expect to see in such a dynamically inhomogeneous Field? This is the most elementary aspect of the most elementary state in which we can observe the Elementary Field. If we could slow down Time by an immense factor (40 or more orders of magnitude) and vastly expand our vision and resolution (about 35 orders of magnitude) we would see rulers floating, expanding and contracting in all directions, infinitely in a bizarre three-dimensional landscape where everything is uncertain and evanescent, unstable and infinitely changeable. Pure chaos.

Let's try to imagine how the above representations could have changed. We are in the state we call Emptiness, absolute void, pure chaos, no order, no organization, no Form. Only spatial fluctuations, Elementary Events.


In this minimal level, even without Form, a Form, however elementary, is present. An impermanent Form that is always changing, which leads us to conclude that we are in the presence of pure chaos. Yet even in this absolute chaos, if we could take a snapshot, we would see something. A chaotic, random Form, and yet a Form. And the presence of Form means the presence of Information. And therefore Energy. Of a typology of very low level, absolutely unusable, with maximum entropy we could say. But Information / Energy.

And how could we measure, represent this Energy? In an extreme phenomenological situation like the one we are trying to describe, so far from our sensory experience, two elements are at work. The Fundamental Force that produces Action. The Elementary Field that deforms, that becomes inhomogeneous. The spatial distances that vary. Force and variation of position, displacement. Does that ring a bell? Force for displacement.

It is the first definition of Energy that we find in a physics schoolbook, force applied along a certain distance. What happens when we move a leg to walk, the Forces, the Action, the Energies involved, have the same nature, although more complex expression, of the same physical quantities that characterize the most elementary level of Reality, where Metric, Mass, Motion, Charge, Spin are not yet expressed, they still have to evolve, through the joint manifestation of the Agents of Reality, of the functional Operators responsible for the Formation of Reality.

And what about "Work", the physical quantity connected to Energy. Work that manifests itself precisely through the Action of a Force. Work corresponds to the Action of the Fundamental Force on the Elementary Field in the production of the Elementary Events, of the spatial fluctuations we are talking about. And the Work exerted by the Force that we see as deformation / inhomogeneity of the Field, in the absence of constraints / interactions, is re-expressed in the opposite direction by the Field that expresses re-Action, Action equal and contrary to that which produced the deformation in the Elementary Field, a dynamic and conservative Field at the same time, support for all the Formation of Existence and Essence / Form of Physical Reality.

Let us assume that the Force is constant, the incessant, continuous, constant manifestation of the active aspect of the Source. And let us also hypothesize that the resistance to the variation that the Elementary Field opposes to the Action of the Force is also incessant, continuous and constant. In this context perhaps we can express the instantaneous Energy of the Elementary Field as the sum of all the variations of the spatial distances result / object of the elementary fluctuations, the sum of all the displacements produced and frozen in the hypothetical snapshot that we took at any instant of the flow of Formation of Reality.

Let us now move on to the "Second level of inhomogeneity".

The second form of inhomogeneity is represented by the inhomogeneities of the temporal distributions of the spatial fluctuations of the Elementary Field that resonate around the Planck scale. These are what we have called "temporal distributions of Elementary Events", inhomogeneities of the Temporal distances, of the speed of the flow of Time, at the most elementary level of Physical Reality. It represents Energy in the unstructured Field (Energy corresponding to the distributions of Elementary Events).

It represents the Energy of the point event of the Field due to the Elementary Action in its fundamental Modes / Components, Perturbation, Translation, Rotation:Chirality and Rotation:AxisOrientation). It is the first form of multiplicity. Each point-like event expresses its dynamics in multiple ways corresponding to the Modes/Components of the Elementary Action.

Here too we try to observe the graphic representations to try to understand how the Energy associated with this state of the Elementary Field can / must be expressed. Compared to the previous situation, something fundamental has changed. Next to Space, Time has appeared. And this makes everything more complicated, because taking a snapshot means blocking, stopping Time.


But how can we evaluate the total Energy, that related to spatial movements and at the same time that associated with the temporal distributions of such movements? Better we should say spatial fluctuations, because the term displacement makes us think of something that moves, that shifts, but here nothing moves, it is Space itself that contracts and expands. The impossibility of proceeding to a precise joint measurement of Energy (associated with spatial fluctuations) and Time (of the temporal distribution of spatial fluctuations) is the root of the Uncertainty Principle. This Principle is at the basis of all the Formation of Reality (it describes its fundamental processes at the most elementary level). The foundation of its nature is located at the maximum causal and variational depth, at the first manifestation of the Source. We have therefore elected it as the "first Principle of Evolutionary Dynamics".

If we stop Time, we can evaluate the Energy of the elementary fluctuations produced by the Force in its Action on the Field. If we want to see the temporal distribution of such fluctuations we cannot stop Time and therefore we cannot see the product of the Action and therefore evaluate the Energy. There is no way out. It is not a matter of technology, methods, tricks. It is a mission impossible. Nature is made like this. Space and Time go hand in hand, but, so to speak, they play hide and seek. If one is in sight, the other is certainly hidden. We cannot do anything about it. And this characteristic goes back throughout the Process of Formation, in the Evolution of Reality, up to InfoStructures, where it manifests itself as uncertainty in the measurement of conjugated variables at the level of quantum mechanics, and to the Forms, where its effects gradually fade, scaling down and compensating for each other at increasingly larger scales of size at the level of classical mechanics.

So what? What can we do to evaluate the Energy associated with this second level of inhomogeneity? Here, to overcome the impasse, a trick is needed! We can / must ignore the Energy associated with spatial fluctuations, since in the flow of Time these fluctuations compensate each other incessantly and their effect does not propagate to the increasingly larger dimensional scales as we move away from the Planck scale to approach the scales that characterize the quantum world, and then up towards our macroscopic world, and on towards the stars and the infinite Universe, where Space, unlike what is asserted by the dominant theories, is perfectly flat and Time is curved. The fluctuations of spatial curvature around the Planck scale compensate each other in the dimensional surroundings, and therefore, although they constitute the most elementary form of Existence on which everything is built, they do not exert any effect on the dynamics of the higher dimensional scales.

Let us consider only the Energy associated with the inhomogeneities in the temporal distributions of the Elementary Events, of the infinitesimal spatial fluctuations. This is the root of the curvature of Time, which corresponds to the first Component of the Elementary Action, which we call Perturbation, in turn the root of the Curvature of Spacetime (in fact as we are saying, to be understood as the curvature of Time only) and of Mass. Temporal curvature from the point of view of the Elementary Field source of the Metric and of metric phenomena (gravitational potential energy) and Mass (effective gravitational energy) from the point of view of the Structures in the Field, source of gravitational phenomena (metric and gravitational phenomena, Curvature and Mass being complementary aspects of the same phenomenon, manifestation of the Perturbation Component). But we will talk about this extensively in the next chapter.

So far we have not yet spoken of Relations between event points, of correlations in their dynamics. We have only spoken of single event points, of their spatial and temporal dynamics, as if they were totally independent. This is not the case. The Elementary Field, in addition to being dynamic and conservative, is infinitely, continuously and incessantly connected. We will speak of this in the next section dedicated to the third form of inhomogeneity.

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