TFNR - The Fundamental Force: the fundamental causal agent

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The Fundamental Force (or Fundamental Agent) is the active aspect / expression of the Source of Reality, the causal source of the Existence and the Essence / Form of Reality, pressure toward existence and evolution, pure pressure without form.

It is the agent of reification, the fundamental Operator from which all the functional Operators of Reality derive, the engine that empowers the incessant transmutation of the possible, the potential, into the existing, the real, at all levels of Complexity.

It is the fundamental causal Entity that incessantly creates and makes Reality to evolve.

The Fundamental Force, acting on the Elementary Field (the passive, variational aspect of the Source), incessantly produces the Elementary Events, the Elementary Action, that represents the most elementary form of Existence.

It gives incessantly life to the Process of Formation of Reality, a unitary formative process that from the Source leads to the Forms, from the unity to the Universe in evolution.

Force Existence

The first of the two primary Operators of Reality: the Existential Operator <ES>, primary causal agent that acts the creative sub-process, that produces Existence. It is the root, the origin of the derived Operators that operate the Dynamics of Action, the formation of the three components of Action, the former expressions/characterization of the Events (the first term has a general sense for the entire Reality, while the second has a specific characterization with respect to the Physical Reality):

Force Relation

The second of the two primary Operators of Reality: the Relational Operator <REL>, primary causal agent that acts the evolutive sub-process, that produces Essence / Form. It is the root, the origin of the derived Operators that operate the Dynamics of Information in its three fundamental functional modes:

and the formation and the evolution of the Structures of Information and the Forms that compose the Universe:

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