TFNR - Spacial and temporal physical form of quantum objects

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As we have seen in the previous sections of this chapter, all InfoStructures, even those that make up visible / ordinary matter (Waves and Vortices / Particles) have non-zero spatial extension (no point particles) and finite or infinite duration (proper lifetime distributed around the mean lifetime for the specific type of particle).

For brevity we limit ourselves here to considering Vortices / Particles type InfoStructures. This means that the total mass and charge of the particle, as seen previously, are distributed over a "virtually infinite, but effectively finite" volume (the boundary is defined by the indeterminacy in the "basic" dynamics of the Elementary Field -> quantum vacuum energy -> elementary spatial fluctuations resonant at the Planck scale).

The distribution of mass and charge within this volume with fluctuating and to some extent undefined boundaries is itself fluctuating and to some extent undefined. The position of the center of mass and the center of charge themselves are fluctuating and to some extent undefined.

The whole Structure and its form are to some extent fluctuating and undefined. Unless there is a certain amount of indeterminacy, and the incessant fluctuation of the spatial extension, of the temporal duration, of the shape of the Structure, of the distribution of the Mass and of the position of the center of Mass, of the direction and quantity of the Motion (inertia), of the Charge and the position of the Charge center, the orientation of the Spin axis, etc., for an InfoStructure / Particle in a state of rest with respect to the Elementary Field (in inertial motion, not subject to gravitational, electrical, magnetic, etc.) the total mass, the total charge, the total spin, the total kinetic energy (better, the amount of total kinetic action -> Translation), etc. they are defined.

The shape, distribution (in the spatial volume occupied from time to time by the InfoStructure) of this Mass, Motion (quantity of kinetic energy or momentum), Charge, Spin (spatial orientation) are fluctuating and to some extent indeterminate, the result of punctual processes (the dynamics of each event point of the Elementary Field that from time to time supports the Structure is partly stochastically independent - Elementary Action of the natural dynamics of the Elementary Field and partly dependent - Information that gives shape to the Structure) partly determined partly random, and can therefore only be expressed with statistical quantities, with probabilistic quantities. This is how probabilities enter and take the scene of the quantum world, undermining the certainties of the determined physical quantities of classical / relativistic physics.

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