TFNR - Mixed structures – Complex vortices/particles and interactions

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In a general and systematic perspective, we can say that Mixed Structures are the result of the Action of the Operator Interactions on the Structures of Propagation and the Structures of Conservation and the related Events that characterize the Dynamics and the Evolution and more complex events.

These structures constitute the building blocks of the Forms that populate the Physical Universe, both at large scales of size (astrophysical and cosmological), where we find the Structures that make up the dark sector (halos and bubbles of dark matter that create the dark structure of the cosmos , halos, bubbles, filaments, voids, etc.), and at medium scales (size scales of particles and atomic nuclei), the Structures of the visible sector that form Ordinary / Visible Matter.

They are characterized by higher levels of complexity than those of the interacting structures (e.g. at the physical level, the more complex protons and neutrons are composed of more elementary quarks and bosons).

In Reality, especially in the dark sector, it is very difficult to find pure Structures. We almost always observe Structures composed of more or less intense, more or less stable Interactions, of Propagation Structures and Conservation Structures, or even Mixed Structures formed by Interactions between pure Structures and Mixed Structures, or of Mixed Structures between them. Even in the visible sector, apart from electromagnetic waves / photons, neutrinos and electrons, the rest of Ordinary Matter is made up of Mixed Structures.

Most of the Mixed Structures of the visible sector consist of complex vortices (all the "non-elementary" particles, particles that we can call "composite", or "complex"), formed by several elementary 3D vortices dynamically linked by 2D vortices (cavities), immersed in the turbulence of the Field from the Planck scale to that of the particles themselves on which the self-generated turbulence (so called virtual particles incessantly popping in and out) is superimposed from the internal dynamics of these same components. Here we can find most of the particles that exist in nature or have been produced in colliders (hadrons: baryons, like protons and neutrons, and mesons, bosons: weak and strong nuclear bosons like gluons and W / Z particles).

Physical quantities associated with Mixed Structures

The Physical Quantities associated with Mixed Structures are generally more complex and detailed than those of the pure types of InfoStructure Waves and Vortices. An example for everyone: weak and strong nuclear forces ("derivative" forces and phenomena) emerge and manifest themselves as a result of the complex internal and external dynamics of Mixed Structures, they are emerging products of complexity. Even if we tend to call them elementary particles, Mixed Structures, as mentioned, are objects, very complex structures dominated by turbulence, whose physical quantities that we find stable are produced by resonances, non-linearity effects, threshold effects, etc. (which represent pseudo-chaotic attractors that polarize physical quantities: mass, motion, charge, spin, shape, etc. around more or less stable values), and by the equilibrium conditions in the Field that determine their existence, shape , the dynamics.

Resonances in the turbulence and conditions of dynamic equilibrium in the Elementary Field are crucial aspects only mentioned here, which must be studied in depth, central for a deeper understanding of the nature and phenomenology of the Visible InfoStructures (Particles of Matter, in the Physical context) and Dark ones (Halos, Bubbles, etc., in the Astrophysics and Cosmology field). It will probably be necessary to develop a new mathematical framework or adapt already available math to support the development of this new vision of the world of Structures and more generally of the organization of Events and Relations in the Physical Processes that we observe.

Types of Mixed Structures

Let us try to outline a classification of Mixed Structures:

  • Dark sector
    • Composite Dark Structures: Dark Matter Structures, Halos / bubbles (from single bodies like planet, stars, planetary systems, star clusters, galaxies, groups, galaxy clusters, super clusters, giant voids, cosmic giant structures / walls, etc.), filaments, etc. composing the dark cosmic web
    • Complex Dark Structures: the Dark Cosmic Web
  • Visible sector
    • Ordinary matter
      • Composite Ordinary Structures: Particles, normally stable, which form ordinary / baryonic matter, nucleons (common baryons, protons and neutrons, three or more 3d vortices tied together by 2d/3d gluon vortex tubes)
      • Complex Ordinary Structures: Atomic nuclei
    • Exotic matter (generally unstable, short-lived, particles from natural or artificial phenomena and collisions): two 3d vortices tied together by a 2d/3d gluon vortex tubes (mesons), three or more 3d vortices tied together by 2d/3d gluon vortex tubes (esotic baryons)

The role of turbulence and resonance for the Existence and Essence / Form of Mixed InfoStructures

Both in the dark and visible sectors, turbulence represents a central aspect that influences the shape, behavior, properties and dynamics of Mixed InfoStructures. The Structures are influenced by the turbulence of the Elemental Field which from the dimensions of the continuum, smaller than the Planck scale, manifests itself up to the larger cosmic scales, to the entire Physical Universe.

Resonances in specific dimensional intervals, more or less wide, in this turbulence constitute from time to time the Elementary Events, the fluctuations at the Planck scale, then the Particles of Visible Matter (Ordinary and Exotic), the atomic nuclei, the atoms and the molecules, objects, bodies, planets and stars, star clusters, galaxies, groups, clusters, superclusters, etc. These resonances are fundamental to Physical Reality as we know it. They represent causal and variational intervals (spatial and temporal) that favor the emergence of new, broader, more complex Structures and Forms that organize Action into Information, into Essence / Form. They favor emergence and are rewarded by Evolution which pushes their resonance to increasingly higher levels in real evolutionary peaks.

These resonances are dimensional, but also energetic, of Mass, more generally of quality / quantity of Information. By carefully observing Reality at all the dimensional levels we can access, in addition to the macro-resonances mentioned above, we find a myriad of micro-resonances associated with specific Structures / Forms. We see this clearly in the world of elementary particles, in experiments with colliders. At specific energies, peaks in event frequencies appear which are then associated with specific particles. But this is also the case with cosmic dimensions. Structures tend to concentrate around specific dimensional/energy (and mass) amplitudes, with more or less wide distributions around average values. For example, most galaxies appear to fall within a wide but fairly defined size range, the smaller ones tend to be incorporated by fusion into larger and more massive galaxies, before being able to grow further. Most galaxies tend to have sizes/mass within a wide, but defined range. In the cosmos there are processes that favor the incorporation of smaller galaxies into larger galaxies, and disfavor the formation of extremely large galaxies. Systemic processes, acting at many levels, internal and external to galaxies, which favor this dimensional/energetic/mass resonance.

File:Causal and variational evolutionary resonant peaks.png
Causal and variational evolutionary resonant peaks

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