TFNR - An "extreme" example about the Structures of Information
To give a concrete content to these words, especially to the expression "the correlations between the distributions of the elementary fluctuations of / in the Field" let's try to give an "extreme" example... in a domain of Reality close to us, which certainly does not have the characteristics of indeterminacy and uncertainty of the quantum world, but due to its simplicity it can help us better represent and understand key ideas.
Let's imagine a large football field (the Field), full of people (the Events, the points event of / in the Field). Let's imagine looking at (observation, measurement) what happens on the football field (observable) from the stands (observer). If we ask the people who are on the field to move freely in any direction, we will see a chaotic movement, and within certain limits we can say that each person on the field will have a motion independent of that of any other person. Speaking of probability of movements, we can say that each person will move in a random way stochastically independent of all the others. In terms of correlations between the "movement" variables, in this case -> no correlation. People's movements can therefore be described in terms of independent stochastic processes.
Some analogies:
- the football field is an analogy of the Elementary Field (or rather, of a finite portion of the Field, a volume of Space),
- the places in which people are in each instant of time are an analogy of the points event of the Elementary Field ("quasi-absolute" positions in the Field: "quasi" due to the uncertainty that incessantly influences the spatial distances at the Planck scale, what we call elementary fluctuations that constitute the Elementary Events of / in the Field, and "absolute" since Space is flat from the scales of particles up to the infinite extension of the Universe, only Time is "curved", that is, it flows at a different pace in different places; we are unable to observe the absoluteness of space, to identify the absolute positions of Events as in the Elementary Field there are no fixed reference points, everything is in movement and everything we can observe, InfoStructures and Forms, is immensely more spatially extended than what happens at the Planck scale)
- the people in the football field are an analogy of Elementary Events (the tiny spatial fluctuations at Planck scale with their peculiar temporal distributions that in each point-event of the Field define the Space-Time metric and the Mass density),
- the chaotic movements that determine the movements of people (variations of their mutual spatial distances) are an analogy of the spatial component of Elementary Events, the infinitesimal fluctuations of the spatial distances of / in the Elementary Field at the Planck Scale,
- the speed of the people's movements are an analogy of the temporal component of Elementary Events, the distributions in the time dimension of the elementary fluctuations, the average speed of movement of people in each point of the field, or in a specific area, (we could call it "movement density", or even "time flow density") represents the speed of propagation of the elementary fluctuations of / in the Elementary Field (in physics this quantity is called the speed of light in vacuum, it is considered constant, but this is not the case, according to the hypotheses proposed in this model),
- the differences in the spatial amplitudes and temporal speeds of the movements of different people in the field are an analogy of the inhomogeneities in the temporal distributions of spatial fluctuations at the Planck scale, of Elementary Events; these differences, inhomogeneities represent the Elementary Action, which is expressed and can be characterized by the aforementioned Modes / Components: Perturbation (the extension / speed of people's movements), Translation (the direction of the speed of movement, velocity of motion), Rotation:Chirality (the component of the direction of rotation of the individual people on themselves), Rotation:AxisOrietation (the direction of the axis of rotation of the individual people on themselves; in the case of people on a football field, in a vertical position with feet on the ground due to gravity, the direction of the rotation axis is distributed around the perfect vertical, while if the football field were on a space station in free fall in the absence of weight, for each person the axis of rotation on itself could be different)
- the correlations between these differences, between these inhomogeneities, is an analogy of Information, the correlations between the inhomogeneities in the distributions of the elementary fluctuations,
- the schemes of organization between the correlations of the inhomogeneities of the modalities / dynamics of the movements of the individual people on the football field (structures of groups of people that exhibit a more correlated behavior than that exhibited by other people in the football field) are an analogy of the Structures of Information,
- groups of groups of people showing some degree of related behavior / movements are an analogy of the Forms (object, Structure systems, etc.).
Let's begin!
We will therefore have a football field, full of people moving in a random and independent way (pure chaos), with speeds varying around an average value and below a limit value (a value we assume by convention equal to the last record set by the world record holder in the 100 meter races; let's consider it as an inviolable universal limit).
Image that we take as a metaphor of what happens at the most basic level of Reality, at the Planck Scale. In such an ideal situation (stochastic independence of people's movements), we can say that the football field is homogeneous, non structured, that in the football field there are no InfoStructures (the position, speed and "intention" of all people is absolutely chaotic, disordered, uncorrelated, maximum entropy). No information at a higher level (InfoStructures and related dynamics) than the elementary level of the movement of individual people (Field and related dynamics). To describe this situation accurately, with maximum level of detail, the maximum amount of Information is needed. Normally (even in physics), to describe such situations we use formalisms and statistical quantities, which provide us with convenient "synthetic" representations of the phenomenon (e.g. physical quantities like temperature, an average measurement of the individual speeds / impacts of each particle that makes up the system under observation). these "synthetic" representations give us the possibility to describe a state with a minimum quantity of Information (a single number, i.e. the temperature, or a distribution of probabilities of velocities, etc.)
Here we are using a example in the discrete (people moving on / in a field) to exemplify a dynamic situation that takes place in the continuum (elementary fluctuations of / in the Elementary Field, Planck Scale fluctuations of spatial distances in the time domain, their distributions and the related correlations). We are an expression of the emerging discrete aspect of Reality, we live at discrete levels and therefore we can only find discrete examples, since everything in us and around us is made of atoms, particles, etc. (Structures, Forms). But we must be aware that this is an oversimplification. These metaphors are useful for understanding, but we must not forget that the elementary level of Reality is continuous, and that the discrete is an emergent characteristic, dimension, property. With this clarification, let's try to delve into the example.
Let's go back to the football field. Now we provide instructions to a group of selected people who stand inside a circle in the center of the field. We tell them to start rotating on themselves while moving in more or less large circles around the center of the field while remaining within the identified circular area.
From the grandstand we will begin to see a movement that tends to be approximately swirling, which is basically / approximately centered in the center of the field, within the considered circle. A Vortex-type Structure of Information has appeared! This structure (pattern of correlations between the distributions of fluctuations / movements) is the manifestation of the information that we have provided (= action of a force) to some people in the field (= elementary fluctuations of / in the field).
The potential energy (of creation of Structures, manifestation of organizational schemes, of Information), which people had but did not express in their chaotic and independent motion, due to the action of a force (= instructions provided), i.e. for the transfer of Information / Energy from the platform to the people in the field (= execution of an experiment), from potential it has transformed into manifest Energy (precisely Information). If we observe the vortex, and the field around the considered circle, we will see that the vortex movement, due to impacts, "induction", imitation, etc. it has spread to people in the areas immediately surrounding the vortex from time to time.
And so on. We hypothesize that this "propagation of motion", which in effect is Propagation of Information, follows an inverse square law (intensity of the propagation result decreasing as the square of the distance from the center of the Vortex Structure). In this analogy the situation is not quite so defined, precise, symmetrical (the dynamics of each person is different from all the others, as we well know, the grass on the pitch is not uniform, there could be small imperfections that slow down or speed up the movements, people outside the circle could be more or less "receptive", etc. infinite variables...). But let's assume that the contributions of all these variables compensate and that the real situation fluctuates slightly around a complex attractor stable and strong enough to make the situation "ideal" or at least "near ideal".
And again, we can hypothesize that the Vortex motion widens, extends to the point where the new people reached by an increasingly rarefied Information (Energy) induce a "slight" variation of their movement, in the direction of motion in that part of the Vortex, ever lighter the further people are from the center of the Vortex.
But how can we identify the center of the Vortex? Is it an actual position (corresponding to the position of a person, or a point in the field)? Is it a stable position (absolute or relative)? Or is it a statistically calculated position, continuously variable over time, incessantly influenced by the position and dynamics of all the people present on the football field? And how can we measure and represent the contribution of each person, their position, extent of movement and dynamics, to the position, extent and dynamics of this (abstract?) structure we have called the Vortex? Where can we place the boundaries of this structure? Are they static or dynamic?
In the answer to these questions essentially lies the representation of the InfoStructures that this model hypothesizes and proposes.
It is as if each person in the field took part of, participated in the Existence and Essence / Form of the Structure of Information, of the Vortex, to an individually variable extent, and individually the intensity of their participation fluctuated over time and in relation to the particular position assumed over time in the field with respect to the Structure, etc. Everything changes incessantly, the people who participate in the Structure, the intensity of their participation, the characteristics, the speed of individual movements, the positions, the evolution over time, etc. yet the Structure is formed (Organization), evolves and changes (Transformation) and survives / persists in a causal and variational sense (Selection) until it reaches a condition of equilibrium that makes it sufficiently stable (evolutionary adaptation, obviously unintentional, non-direct, not designed, etc.).
I think, and here we hypothesize, that, when the Structure, the Vortex, is in (dynamical) equilibrium with the Field and its Dynamics, imagining a Field of infinite extension (to avoid interactions between the Structure and the boundaries of the Field), the position absolute has no relevance, makes no sense at all. What is relevant is the mutual position of people, the correlation between their dynamics with each other and with respect to the field. Everything relevant is relative: the movement of individual people (the fact that people move, Elementary Events, individual behavior) and the correlations between people's movements (how people move collectively, Relationships, collective behavior). From these two aspects arises the existence and essence / form of the Structure, as a (complex) Process of Events and Elementary Relations. Always probabilities, or at least percentages, numbers in the continuum between 0 and 1, the limit cases: zero = no correlation, 1 complete correlation. 0 = stochastic independence, independent stochastic processes. 1 = stochastic dependence, correlation, lack of independence.
If you suddenly took away the memories of people on the ground, or disoriented them with conflicting and misleading commands, the Structure would disappear rather quickly. The field and the people would still be there, the movements would continue (Events -> Action), but the correlation (Relationships -> Information) between them would disappear, the organization would disappear, and we would no longer see the Vortex Structure. Thus, even if in another area of the Field we caused a similar vortex to form, with the opposite direction of rotation. And then we pushed these two vortices to interact. Here too, under the right conditions, in the interaction both structures would disappear (annihilation). The interaction of the two structures would in fact lead to the subsequent gradual interaction of all the people involved in the structures, who would begin to suffer the influence of the dynamics of the vortex movements of both structures, and would thus lose the set direction, to return to a condition of completely chaotic, independent, uncorrelated motion (the field in the absence of structures, the Vacuum, the Quantum Vacuum).
Does the fact that there are no InfoStructures that give Form to the Vacuum mean that we are in the presence of Nothingness, that nothing exists? I would say no! The field and the people (the Elementary Events) are always there, they just do not manifest any identifiable configuration (there are not Relations, therefore there are no Processes in progress, or rather each person moves independently of the others, independent, uncorrelated stochastic processes, there is no collective Process resulting from the more or less intense correlation between individual Processes, InfoStructures do not exist or manifest themselves in/of the Field).
If, hypothetically, we wore glasses that prevented us from seeing the field and the people, but which allowed us to see only the organized patterns, what would we have seen in the mental experiment object of this "extreme example"? Nothing, until the gradual appearance of a Structure, trembling and uncertain, little by little more delineated and stable, but always dynamic. But when we say "Nothing", are we saying that there is Nothing or that we see (observe, detect, measure) Nothing? This point is crucial for understanding Reality, but above all for understanding the fundamental concepts of Nothingness, Absolute Vacuum (no Dark and Visible Structures) and Relative Vacuum (yes Dark Structures, no Visible Structures). Dark Structures: Gravitational Waves, Dark matter / Dark energy Halos (large cosmic structures, giant voids, cosmic dark web, super cluster and cluster complex dark halos, galactic halos, dark fine-grained structure of the intra-galactic medium down to the dark turbulences of space-time at the level of the smallest celestial bodies). Visible Structures: Electromagnetic Waves, Particles of Ordinary matter and all their aggregates (states of matter) which constitute the visible Forms (which can be observed, as they emit/absorb electromagnetic radiation).
Returning to the vortex structure in the field, we can imagine that the more or less organized movement (the pattern of correlations of the movements of individual people who participate in, or support the existence of the Structure) confers a sort of materiality, intangibility, resistance to the movement of the structure in the field. It is as if the vortex structure manifested, or rather as if with the emergence of the structure, properties and peculiar characteristics emerged. One of these seems analogous to the mass, which attracts other people into the correlations that shape the Vortex, but, as they approach the center of the Structure, they make further approach difficult. And that makes it "onerous" (it needs Energy, Work, or new Information) to try to make the center of the Structure move, or direct the direction of movement differently, or modify its speed (inertia, resistance to variation in motion / rest, to positive or negative acceleration). Think about how difficult it is to govern or direct the movement of a mass of frightened people trying to escape from a dangerous situation.
And again, we can see a tendency for displacement (change of position) emerge which we can call Motion. And in the context of motion we can identify the two main phenomena, inertia (constancy of speed over time) and acceleration (variation of speed over time). We lose at the vortex in the field. In the absence of new instructions (Information, Energy, Work), the structure will continue to stand still or move with uniform motion, minimizing the Action. Each person (each Elementary Event) will spontaneously tend to follow the Principle of Least Action (they will partly try to direct their movement to carry out the instructions received, and partly they will let themselves be carried away by the flow of people, based on distances, contacts, pushes, pressure, etc. from surrounding people). And so the Structure will involuntarily do so, as a result of the collective behavior of the people who are supporting its existence from time to time and determining its essence/form (in the hypothesis of the absence of constraints in the Field or of the application of Forces, i.e. of new instructions).
But we still have two aspects to consider, two properties/phenomena that we would see emerge with the emergence of the Vortex Structure. Both are linked to the rotation of people on themselves, essential to start and maintain the swirling rotary motion of the Structure. In fact, if you remember, the instructions given to the people in the field were: "start rotating on yourself while moving in more or less large circles around the center of the field while remaining within the identified circular area". Start rotating on yourself, precisely. The first aspect we talk about in this section is linked to each person's rotation on itself. By analogy this means that each Elementary Event, in addition to having a temporal component (ratio between its own intrinsic scalar movement speed with the average intrinsic scalar movement speed of all the other people in the area of the Field containing the structure -> Mass ) and a spatial component (vector speed of intrinsic movement which determines the vector speed of the Structure in its propagation in the Field -> Motion), has an intrinsic rotational component (each on itself) which we could call vorticity. This intrinsic rotational component, which occurs around a rotation axis, can have two senses, right-handed and left-handed. We can call this component: Charge (positive and negative depending on the sense of rotation). The second aspect concerns the (dynamical) orientation (direction and sense) of the axis of that intrinsic rotational component. Every point event in / of the Field in its rotational component has a direction given by the axis of rotation and a sense given by the right-hand rule. We can call this component: Spin (we can characterize the orientation as up / down, left / right, front / back, north / south, etc. depending on the direction and sense of the axis of rotation).
But are we sure that this is precisely the last aspect of characterization of the dynamics of Elementary Events? Modern physics tells us that the dynamics of the points event, of the Elementary Events of the Field can take on more complex configurations, organizations. Here we enter a sphere of derived forces, fields, action, information / energy more complex than those that characterize the Elementary Action and in general the dynamics of the Elementary Field under the incessant Action of the Fundamental Force. We enter a level of Reality that concerns the dynamics of the Field and Elementary Action in domains of the Field that host / support vortex InfoStructures classifiable as massive particles, such as leptons (particles believed to be "elementary") and hadrons (particles believed to be composed of quarks). We are here in the context of nuclear forces, fields, phenomena (Strong and Weak Nuclear Force) which we consider here as forces and fields derived from the Elementary ones mentioned above.
Even if in mainstream physics these two forces / fields are considered fundamental like the gravitational and electromagnetic ones, in the model we propose in this paper they are not. Strong Nuclear and Weak Nuclear are forces, fields, phenomena that pertain to the InfoStructures and not to the Elementary Field directly. In other words, in the absence of InfoStructures. the dynamics of the Elementary Field (spontaneous, under incessant Action of the Fundamental Force, as described by the Uncertainty Principle) manifests the components of the Elementary Action that we call Perturbation, Translation and Rotation (in the two sub-components Chirality and Axis Orientation), respectively roots of Metric / Mass, Motion, Charge and Spin, but does not manifest any dynamics, root component of forces and nuclear fields. These arise from the complex organization of field dynamics in the presence/in the spatial domain that supports/hosts a composite vortical Structure of Information (e.g. proton). Nuclear forces, fields, phenomena, although always derived forms of forces, fields and phenomena such as gravity and electromagnetism, represent more complex forms that manifest themselves only as aspects of the internal dynamics of composite InfoStructures. nuclear or similar (hadrons and leptons, nucleons, etc.).
Speaking of orientation of the axis of Rotation, pay attention not to the axis of rotation of the Structure, but of the axis of intrinsic rotation on himself or herself of each person who participates in / supports its Existence, its Essence / Form, its dynamics. Beyond metaphor, the axis of intrinsic rotation resulting from the dynamics of individual points event, of the Elementary Events of / in the Field... In the case of the example that concerns us here, since there is a gravitational field that binds people to the ground in a vertical position, except for particular postures / dynamics, the people on the field all show the same orientation of their intrinsic rotation axis. In terms of the Dynamics of the Elementary Action and its Modes/Components, we could say that in the Elementary Field, in the area / volume time by time occupied by the Vortex structure, the point value and the average area / volume value of the Rotation:AxisOrientation component appear non-zero. Indeed, the level of correlation (Information / Energy) on the area or volume considered will appear very high. In terms of mainstream physics, we could say that in the area/volume considered an intense magnetic field is present, or in other words, that the Vortex structure has a non-zero Spin value.
If the football field, instead of on Earth, was in a space station in free fall, people could hover above the field, and each person would have a different orientation of the axis of intrinsic rotation. If the orientation were independent, there was no correlation of the orientation of the axes of the people, continuing the usual analogy, we should say that in the area/volume considered no magnetic field would be observed, the structure would not exhibit any spin.
I think it is now clear that as for Perturbation (Metric and Mass and related gravitational phenomena), Translation (Motion and related kinetic phenomena), Rotation:Chirality (Charge and related electrical phenomena), and also for Rotation:AxisOrientation (Spin and related magnetic phenomena) the key is the correlation between the components of Elementary Action, a correlation responsible for the manifestation of Information / Energy (gravitational, kinetic, electric and magnetic respectively). The Force and the Field (Source) are always there. Always and forever. And so is their product, the Elementary Action, which is expressed in the Modes, with the Components mentioned (the distributions over time of the fluctuations of spatial distances at the Planck scale). What changes and evolves is the organization of the Relations (correlations) between the distributions of these fluctuations, the Elementary Events precisely.
Forces, fields, action, energy (Information) that we see in the natural world such as the gravitational, electromagnetic, etc. forces, fields, etc. they are nothing more than forces, fields, action, energy "derived" from the Fundamental Force, from the Elementary Field, from the Elementary Action, from the Energy (Information) which represents the dynamics of the Processes, the organization of the Relations between the Events of the / in the Field. Specific views of the Field focused on different Modes / Components of the Elementary Action. When we see a mass that generates a gravitational field and a gravitational force that attracts other masses, or with an equivalent representation (General Equivalence Principle) a deformation of Space-Time metric of the Field such that the other masses move following the curvature of the Space-Time generated by the first mass and in turn produce curvature that influences that mass, here, in this case we are observing the shape, the organization, the structure, the form of the Field in the Component of Elementary Action that we call Perturbation.
Perturbation, as we have seen in the sections dedicated to this concept, concerns the dynamics of the correlations between the distributions of the intensities of the elementary spatial fluctuations over time at the Planck scale. The power spectrum of these fluctuations (punctual or average of the volume of the space considered), which determines the distribution of time, in concepts familiar to mainstream physics, can be represented as the presence of a mass that produces a curvature of space-time or, with a more classical approach, a gravitational field that attracts other masses. In fact, following the hypotheses advanced in this work, Perturbation, in terms of the structure of the Field (in particular the Principle of General Equivalence), organization of the Relations between Events, can be more precisely represented as (local) deformation of the Field, with distancing from homogeneity and appearance of inhomogeneity, variation in the density (over time) of Elementary Events, curvature of time, variation in the speed of propagation of causality / information (speed of light), gradient in the temperature of the Field.
We said "curvature of time ", or "time warp" purposely. Not of curvature of space-time therefore, since the spatial distances at each event point in the (continuous) Elementary Field fluctuate around an average (universal) value determined by the properties of the Primary Source (essentially: the intensity of the Fundamental Force and the resistance of the Elementary Field to deformation, or rather the resistances of the Field, resistance to stress -> Perturbation = Curvature / Mass, to torsion (-> Rotation:Chirality = Charge) and to the variation of the orientation of the axis of torsion (-> Rotation:AxisOrientation = Spin).
Space, in this model of description of Reality, is curved only in the fluctuations that resonate at the Planck scale. To the "wider" spatial distances, from those we consider infinitesimal (but immense compared to the Planck scale) characteristic of elementary particles, to those specific to the objects of our life, to our bodies, to the wider ones relating to the Earth, to the solar system, to the stars of our galaxy, up to the immense distances relating to the dark structures that host galaxies, clusters, super clusters, the fabric of the cosmic web, up to the infinite Universe, at all these distances space is not curved, but intrinsically flat, absolutely flat. What we see as curvature, again in the hypotheses proposed here, is due to the curvature of time, and therefore to the different speed of propagation of the perturbations, of the deformations of the Field (Action, Information / Energy, Structures, Forms). The "structured", non-homogeneous Elementary Field, deformed by the incessant Action of the Force, can be seen as a time field (where each point event can be associated with a clock that measures the pace of time) and/or a velocity field (where each point event can be associated with a tachometer which measures the speed of propagation of the disturbances/deformations of the Field itself). Translated into the terms of mainstream physics:
- no spatial curvature,
- yes curvature of time,
- no constancy of the speed of light in vacuum,
- yes local variability of this speed.
In the light of this conceptual framework, all the phenomena we observe in the Universe, from particles to the cosmos, everything takes on a new and different light and meaning.
When we observe a curvature of the space-time metric, a gravitational field, a motion, an electric field or a magnetic field, this is what is manifesting: a correlation between distributions of elementary fluctuations in the Modes / Components of Action mentioned above. Through the "correlations" between the distributions of the most elementary incessant fluctuations, the formless Elementary Field takes on a Form, therefore Information (or Energy, in its most elementary form) appears. Gravity appears, so does motion, charge and spin. I repeat, these are properties and dynamics of the Elementary Field regardless of the presence of Vortex InfoStructures. or Waves, or Interactions. The Field is productive regardless. This is the effect that in quantum physics is described as the creation of virtual particles (creation and annihilation). These virtual, ephemeral structures, which appear and disappear in a very short time, a natural process connected to the Principle of Uncertainty, are in fact the fruit of the normal incessant dynamics of the Elemental Field, where the Field itself, under the incessant Action of the Fundamental Force, emits and reabsorbs "correlations" (Information, Energy) with dimensional resonances at various dimensional scales, from Planck scale up to scales close to those of the elementary particles of ordinary / visible matter, between distributions of elementary fluctuations, with dimensional resonances at the Planck scale.
The presence of correlations is perceived or observed by us, measured as gravitational field / force / action (attraction) (-> mass), as motion (by analogy we should say: kinetic field / force / action -> inertia and acceleration), electric field / force / action (attraction or repulsion) (-> electric charge), magnetic field / force / action (attraction or repulsion) (-> spin, magnetic poles).
No correlation -> no (derived) fields, no (derived) forces, no (derived) action!
The elementary, fundamental Force, Field, Action, which incessantly create Reality and make it evolve ("Process of Formation of Reality ") are always there, inaccessible to us except through inhomogeneities, correlations, their organization, etc. (Information, Energy).
In quantum physics we talk a lot about entanglement. For better or worse, in the sense that it is precisely the phenomenon of entanglement that constitutes one of the most interesting, distinctive, but also most emblematic, problematic aspects of the "weirdness" of the quantum world. So! It is precisely the root at the level of the Dynamics of the Elementary Field of the entanglement that we observe (with such concern, disbelief, wonder) at the level of the particles, of the quantum objects, that we are talking about here. Of the elementary root (in the causal and variational sense) of the phenomenon of quantum entanglement.
Let's go back to the football field on the space station and the people who move on it, but are free to float and rotate on themselves with orientations in the three spatial dimensions. We observe the people who participate, who support the Vortex structure. Yes, it's true. There are some inconsistencies in the situation we are hypothesizing. There is a mix between 2D and 3D space situations. We could solve everything more rigorously, but we would complicate the description. Let's try to continue like this, although we are aware that in some respects this is an unrealistic example.
Let's look at the spatial orientation of the axis of intrinsic rotation of the Vortex people. As we said, on earth the axes would all be oriented (roughly) in the same direction perpendicular to the ground (maximum correlation -> very intense magnetic field, close to the theoretical maximum). In the space station, the axes, due to participation in the Vortex structure, the relative rotation of people on themselves, weightlessness, etc. they could still be oriented in a direction perpendicular to the plane on which the Vortex structure occurs (rotation plane), but the probability that all the axes are aligned is less than one. In case of turbulence, also because of the interaction of the people of the structure with the people of the border areas, and more generally of the interaction with the set of chaotic movements (independent, uncorrelated) of all the people present in the field, the axes of intrinsic rotation, on an aligned orientation basis, may exhibit a somewhat chaotic, random component. We could say that the correlation between the orientations of the intrinsic rotation axes of the people takes on a (variable) value between zero and one, with values close to one for the people who are close to the center of the vortex structure, and gradually closer to zero for the people who are on the periphery, down to zero for the people who, although present in the field, cannot be considered as participating/supporting the structure.
Yet, a simple instruction from the stand would be enough, the expression of a Force on the Field and on the people who metaphorically represent the Events, an Action, a transfer of Information from the stand to the people on the field, a transfer of Energy, Work. A simple instruction could make the Vortex structure disappear in an instant, or it could trigger its movement in a defined direction, or the creation of a new structure next to the first, triggering phenomena of interaction, interference, etc. The field would always be the same, the people too, although not their movement. What would change if not the dynamic organization (Information / Energy) of correlations (Relations) between the behaviors (Action) of people (Events) within the Field?
All the Reality is this. An infinite complexity and multiplicity in incessant evolution, incessantly created and recreated by a "Source", the Primary Source, the Source of Reality, a "Causal Agent" (the Force) acting through its power (Agency) on a "Variational Acted" (the Field), producing Action (Events) that takes Form into Information (Relations between Events -> Processes). The most elementary thing we can conceive, which is gradually organized into the most complex thing we can imagine (the physical and cognitive Universe, infinite, unlimited in the three fundamental dimensions: cause, space and time).
If suddenly all this organized Action, all the correlations between the distributions of the elementary fluctuations, all the Information / Energy at all the levels of complexity, the structured Field therefore, by a global "annihilation", disappeared, only emptiness would remain, vacuum, the "Absolute vacuum". All the elementary fluctuations with their stochastically independent distributions would remain, but there would no longer be any correlation, even the most insignificant, infinitesimal one... Is this nothingness? For us who are (for Existence and Essence / Form, therefore ontologically and phenomenologically, for Creation "and" Evolution) a set of multilevel correlations (of entanglement, as it is fashionable today to say, in an extended sense, broader than that used in physics quantum, as we tried to mention above), for us (who would no longer exist and would therefore be indifferent to any definition), this condition would effectively be equivalent to nothingness (and hence all the confusion we make about the terms Nothingness and Emptiness / Vacuum). But here we need to broaden our vision. From the perspective of the Source (of the Force and the Field, and their incessant product, the Elementary Action, the elementary fluctuations, the Events) what would change? Nothing... Chilling conclusion? The "true" Nothing would only exist if the Source ceased to exist, to manifest itself, if its active / causal aspect, the Fundamental Force, ceased to act (inner interaction) on its passive / variational aspect, the Elementary Field. Stop fluctuations, no Events, absolute homogeneity, no deformation, non-existence. Nothingness!
Let's get back to the topic of this chapter. So, what is a Structure? In the sense illustrated here, a Structure is essentially something that happens, a set of Relations between Events, positions, movements, a particular dynamic organization of Events and Relations, a Process, a set / net of interacting Processes, partly random, chaotic, independent (chaos, indeterminacy, the substrate of uncertainty that fuels Existence and supports the incessant renewal of Nature, the aspect, the "creative engine" of Reality), partly deterministic, ordered, correlated (order, determination, the Information whose dynamics and conservation realizes the incessant construction of Nature and gives shape to its growing complexity, the appearance, the "evolutionary engine" of Reality).
The same thing happens in / to the Elementary Field... We can hypothesize that, in the continuum, about 10^x Elementary Events participate in the Existence and Essence / Form of a "simple" electron, the most elementary particle we can imagine (fluctuations of the Elemental Field which, given the characteristics / intensities / resistances of the Fundamental Force and the Elemental Field, resonate at the Planck Scale) and all the correlations (Relations), variously intense and correctly organized, between all the distributions of such elementary fluctuations. An immense spatial dimensional scale and an enormous complexity for a "simple" particle... And we are surprised that we are unable to fully describe it, to precisely predict its properties and behavior, to understand its nature and characteristics, its interactions with its peers and with the other particles / forces, etc.
One final consideration, so it may be useful to play again with this example and the metaphor / analogy that we used (and forced a little). In the Universe it seems that the ordinary / visible matter is not really the most common "thing". It seems like most of matter / energy is made up of something else. Even considering the inaccuracies in the proportions between dark and visible matter, and dark energy, inevitable inaccuracies given by the substantial incompleteness / incorrectness of the physical and cosmological models on which the calculations are based (Standard Particle Model and Quantum Field Theory, Big Bang / Inflation, Lambda-CDM Concordance Cosmological Model, Cosmic Microwave Background, etc.), it seems clear that the "particles" of matter and radiation that we can observe in cosmic rays or colliders are only a small slice of the "matter / energy" that fills the Universe and makes the cosmos work according to increasingly accurate observations / measurements (and problematic for the current models). How can we imagine a way out of this radical crisis? How can we use our "trivial" example to take a look at how we should look at the world in here (microcosm, quanta and beyond) and out there (macrocosm, the cosmos and the Universe)?
Let's take the analogy of the football field once again. What we interpret as a Structure of Information (an elementary structure, a simple Vortex) in the small, which we associate with the physical concept of an elementary particle (an electron, for example, as we said previously), we can associate the same with spatial (and temporal) dimensions, for the "slow" dynamics that we observe in cosmological phenomena) much, much more extensive. Let's take for example a galactic halo that hosts a normal, an ideal kind of galaxy, which does not show anomalies due to interaction with other structures, has not undergone mergers, does not interact with satellite dwarf galaxies, does not interact with the dynamics of the surrounding cosmic web environment, of the cluster that contains it, and so on. Let's also imagine that the turbulence inside the galaxy, both in the visible / ordinary component (formed by particles of baryonic matter) and in the invisible / dark part (formed by a single, cohesive and spherical halo of dark matter). Absolutely unrealistic situation, but that's to simplify.
Well, if we imagine extending the football field immensely, and going from a few thousand people to millions of billions of people, perhaps we can create an analogue representation of a dark Structure of Information corresponding to the galaxy above. The movements of this multitude of people would have to be organized with much more complex and precise, multi-level instructions, as the individual and collective dynamics would be much more complex, with an immense movement of all the billions of people on this immense football pitch. It would take a lot more Information / Energy, therefore Force, Action, to produce all that correlation at all levels of complexity. Organization of particles into atoms, of atoms into molecules, into compounds, gases, dust, micro-objects, rocks, satellites, planets, stars, star clusters, etc. up to the complex immensity of a "small" galaxy, in a tiny corner of an infinite Universe. Vertigo!
The same on the football field, with those people. Small, related groups that form the building blocks of larger, more complex groups. Correlations of correlations, correlations between the dynamic behaviors of interacting groups, and so on, ever more extensive groups, turbulence that organizes into turbulence of a wider and more complex level. All the Information / Energy that a hypothetical director of the experiment from the stand should deliver to each person, to each group, to each group of groups, and so on, is the Information / Energy that that structure possesses and manifests in its dynamics. Organization, correlation of something that exists at a more basic level, which would continue to exist, albeit unmanifest, chaotic, formless, if that Information / Energy had not been transferred. That's all there is. Existence (the product of the incessant sub-process of Creation by the Force acting on the Field, Elementary Action, Events) and Essence / Form (the product of the sub-process of Evolution, of incessant construction of correlations between distributions of elementary fluctuations, Information / Energy, Relations between Events, Processes). Everything that makes up the world we live in (both visible matter and dark matter) is Information / Energy (Action that takes on, that supports Form, Action with a Form, the Form of Action, In-Form-Action), in incessant evolution, Information / Energy supported by the elementary level of Action.
On the football pitch, in the great turbulence that a million billion people could produce just as a result of their presence, and due to the incessant interaction with their most direct neighbors, more or less strictly / intensely organized groups, individuals and groups with / dynamics more or less correlated, specially instructed, would compose an immense vortex structure (dark halo) within which, especially in the central areas, other smaller groups would compose structures that we could assimilate to celestial bodies, planets, stars, etc. and even at lower levels of size and complexity, much smaller groups, molecules and atoms, and even smaller particles of ordinary matter. Order in chaos. Organization in turbulence. Order within Order. Organization in organization. Increasing complexity.
All the properties and dynamics, the deformation of the Metric or Mass, the Motion, the Charge, the Spin that we have illustrated above for the Vortex InfoStructures that we imagine as particles of Visible Matter, those same phenomena can also be associated to the structures of Dark Matter, and above all to mixed structures (composed of dark parts and visible parts), which are the true structures that make up the Universe (mainly the galaxies). But with infinitely lower intensities of correlation (Information, Energy) compared to those of the Visible Matter.
We will thus have enormous masses, but distributed in immense spaces, with very low mass densities, albeit variable to follow the natural distributions linked to the shape of the mass profiles of the vortex structures (central peak of mass density and gradually decreasing towards the periphery of the structure) and the chaotic turbulence that characterizes the dynamics of the Elementary Field, even at such low densities.
And then, internal motions and of the entire vortex structure, which, in specific conditions for the dynamics of the cosmic web (presence of "attractors", proximity to web nodes, positioning on very dynamic filaments, internal dynamics of clusters / super clusters, etc.) can be very relevant, with high speeds, accelerations and sudden decelerations due to collisions with other dark halos.
High chirality due to the vortex rotational motion of the dark halos on themselves, but which, due to the effect of very weak levels of the Rotation:Chirality of the dynamics of the points event that support the structure, lead to extremely weak electric charge densities.
Very low density of Rotation:AxisOrientation, due to the effect of the vortex shape of dark halos (spin of the halo), combined with the high turbulence inside the various areas of the structure (correlations of the spins of the points event within the halo), can lead to intense magnetic fields capable of contributing in a decisive way (alongside mass and gravity) to design the shape of the galactic structures (of both the dark and visible components) and to direct the interaction with other surrounding halos. Magnetic fields do not derive (only, or much) from the alignment of the spin of Visible Matter particles, but above all from the (weak but very extensive in space) correlation of Rotation:AxisOrientation values (the root of the physical quantity that for particles we call Spin) of the point events of the immense structures (Dark Matter halos) that contain the visible parts of galaxies, or of the clusters, or super clusters, etc. Rarefied magnetic fields, distributed over cosmic immensities, but which in their extension can reach intensity and produce extremely relevant phenomena, alongside gravity in designing the shape of astrophysical objects and cosmological structures of the Universe.
This is a simplistic image of the vortex structure that we can imagine as a dark halo with a visible counterpart forming a galaxy as a whole. Reality is extremely more complex, due to the internal and external, dark and visible shapes and dynamics of the galaxy in the cluster that contains and influences it. Let us remember that, in this model, we hypothesize that at all levels of Physical Reality, from the Planck scale to the scale of elementary particles, to the entire cosmos, everything is turbulence, everything is dominated by turbulence, both in form and dynamics. Unfortunately... This places severe limits on the knowledge and predictability of natural phenomena, the observations we collect and the experiments we conduct. But we know. In the end we must settle for probabilities, imperfect models and summary statistical quantities of complex and turbulent dynamics that we cannot trace with infinite precision. It is indeterminacy, uncertainty raised to the nth degree. There is nothing we can do to achieve perfect knowledge of Reality as it is. Even where we think that Reality is deterministic, ultimately it is an illusion. We can predict with great precision the motion of planets, stars, even galaxies under certain conditions. But it's an illusion. We are looking at Reality from afar. It's easy that way. If we push the required precision to the individual particles that make up those Forms, those objects, or if we wish to measure, for example, the Earth / Moon distance with infinite precision, we come up against a series of important technical problems (where really is the center of the Earth and the Moon, where stable test points on their surfaces, how can we eliminate uncertainty of the light we must use to make a precise and stable measure of distance, etc.), but above all with an inescapable intrinsic property of Nature: indeterminacy. There's no escape. This is somewhat the tombstone of determinism, the ambition, given specific initial conditions, to be able to predict the evolution of systems, and at the extreme, of "the "System", of the Universe in its infinite entirety, with infinite, perfect certainty. A dream...
Returning to our "extreme" example, how could you predict the behavior of a million billion human beings moving freely, or bound by "generic" instructions, on a football field the size of a galaxy? Impossible. And this example is much simpler than the reality that we consider elementary of a particle like the electron. How can we expect "elementary", deterministic behavior, predictable with infinite precision? Turbulence and complexity (the Structure) in a turbulent and complex environment (the Field). Impossible!
One more effort, following the example we are using to try to make this model simpler and clearer (we hope). Let's try to hypothesize the Process of Formation of the InfoStructures in the Field, dark and then visible vortex structures, and perhaps later wave structures and interactions between the two basic types. With this example we could further explore the processes of formation of the structures of Dark Matter and then of Visible Matter (baryonic matter).
In the causal (of cause-effect relations, of Existence, ontological aspect) and variational sequence (of spatial and temporal relations, of Essence / Form, phenomenological aspect) of the formation of InfoStructures, we first find the structures (Wave, Vortices and Interactions) that form the Dark Matter, and then the structures that make up the Visible Matter. Or rather, the Structures of Visible Matter, in our hypotheses, can only have been formed by the complex dynamics of the Structures of Dark Matter, which therefore ontologically and phenomenologically are their causal and variational precursors.
In extreme summary (we will see the details in the next chapter, dedicated to Forms, Systems, the Cosmos and the Universe), from the first organization of the temporal distributions of the infinitesimal elementary fluctuations of the spatial distances that characterize the dynamics of the Elementary Field with relevant resonances at the Planck scale, extremely rarefied (very low density) but increasingly extensive gradients, flows, torsions are forming and little by little acquiring causal permanence and variational (spatio-temporal) structure. In particular, it is the alternating and interacting vortex structures that constitute the turbulence which, from the dimensional depths of the Planck Scale, progressively reach spatial extensions that lead them to interact. It is precisely from the interactions between the vortex structures that evolutionarily (we could say, by natural selection) have "survived", from the "friction" of the surfaces / border areas between the different structures / halos of this rarefied matter, with a very low mass density, but extremely extensive, which visible matter is formed.
Turbulent micro-vortices, formed by the accentuated turbulence of the friction zones in the peripheral regions of the gigantic Dark Matter halos. The first elementary particles, presumably electrons (or positrons), accelerated by the extreme dynamics of the Elemental Field in these border areas, to form "cosmic rays" of immense energy, in unlikely but inevitable high-energy collisions (given the dimensions, quantity, extension of the phenomena, of the times and spaces involved), go on to form other more massive particles (quarks, etc.), baryons or other hadrons, the first nucleons like protons, which through other collisions/interactions, partly random, partly facilitated by the metric, gravitational, electric, but, above all, magnetic structure of the cosmos in a phase of ever greater organization, form the first atoms, molecules.
The first gases that from the formation zones in the external parts of the dark halos, due to gravitational attraction and magnetic interaction, tend to thicken in specific areas of the galactic halos, precipitating more and more towards the center of gravity and forming dense clouds from which the first generations of stars arise, from whose explosion, dust and other gas fuel the formation of further generations of stars, and then planets, systems, star clusters, entire galaxies, involved in spectacular fusion phenomena, in complex gravitational dynamics within clusters of galaxies, and clusters of clusters, immense cosmic structures, where the dark and the visible parts interact in a complex way to form the infinite cosmic web of the evolving Universe.
This is the image that emerges from the hypotheses that we have gradually formulated on the processes that lead from the infinitely small to the infinitely large. An overall image, since to understand the Universe, Reality, I believe it is absolutely necessary to always keep the compass towards a synthetic vision of the whole, at all levels of complexity of Reality. As said several times in this work, analysis without synthesis can lead (and certainly leads, as we can see from the current state of research in physics and cosmology) into unproductive, if not downright wrong, branches. Synthesis and analysis are two approaches, two complementary tools that cannot and must never be separated.
Returning to our football metaphor, I don't think we could define a good coach, a good football strategist, as a coach who looks at the individual players but not at the pitch and the team's play as a whole, as well as one who only looks at the pitch and not to individual players. The dynamics and properties of individual players, even if studied with infinite depth and precision, are not sufficient to guarantee a good play and the victory. We need a knowledge of the pitch, of the team, an overall vision.
We could have used many other phenomena close to us (flocks of birds in flight, schools of fish in the sea, etc.) to provide a concrete example, as comprehensible as possible of what, apparently very abstract, we are trying to describe in this chapter and more generally in this work.
But I hope that this particular example has helped to clarify at least a little what we are talking about, beyond the formal and necessarily abstract definitions. Being able to imagine in a spatial / geometric / visual sense and in a temporal / dynamic / evolutionary sense helps us to understand better. Modern physics, especially the quantum field with its abstract formalisms and concepts that often appear patently absurd and incomprehensible (even to physicists) does not help us get a "realistic" idea of Reality, pardon the pun. But I'm sure we understand each other!
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