TFNR - A landscape a bit confused

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There is a lot of confusion in the common language about some fundamental terms in physics. An even in science, some slight basic differences between these words sometime occur. We are talking about force, field, action, energy, information, etc. In the following, we will precisely define these terms and put them in a new framework, with a consistent set of relations among them. It is really important to understand the deep meaning of these words, because in them, and in their mutual relations, we can find a large part of the knowledge of the foundations of Reality.

Thus, for Force we intend an active entity, an agent, that acts on a Field, a passive entity, an acted, producing Action, events, variations in/of the field. This is all that exists at the most elementary level of Reality, and, in some way, at the increasingly complex levels of existence.

Reality is a process, a flux of events, of incessant mutations, changes, variations. When we want to observe, to measure something, it is as we try to make a snapshot. We cannot directly measure this incessant flux of existence. We can only try to catch some image, or successive images, like in a movie. In facts, in physics, we always talk about the states of the systems and the change from one state an another. Action is always intended as a passage from one state to a successive one. In facts, in physics, we find more frequently the word Energy, than the word Action. We can say that a Force have done an Action, but we can measure that action only comparing to successive measures on the system, two states, two Energy levels, at the end.

In some ways simplifying, we can say that Energy is a measure of the differentiation of a field, of the distance from homogeneity in / of a field, and, ultimately, of the quantity of Information needed to fully describe the system. Complete homogeneity, zero Energy, zero Information. Maximum inhomogeneity, maximum Energy, maximum Information required. Thus, even more in a complex world, we have to extend the concept of Energy to comprehend the result of the measures operated on complex systems (more complex that an electron, for example). All the states of complex systems can be expressed in the wide concept of Energy, that we call Information.

Information, under the incessant pressure of a Force, organizes the Action in / of a Field in Structures, that can be described by the same Information, the amount of differentiation and organization in / of the Field, the whole system, or a sub-system in it. Structures of Information, organized in more and more complex macro structures, lead to the existence of the Forms, the objects of the Physical Reality.

It is not a case, that the basic elements of the conceptual structure that I call “The Main Causal Chain of Reality” are exactly: Force, Action, Information (Energy), Form. They are the very basic causal bricks of the creation and the evolution of Reality.

See also

TFNR - 5. The Process of Formation of Physical Reality

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