TFNR - Agents / Forces

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Agents / Forces are the active aspects of the unities represented by the Sources.

They represent the active side of Reality, of Existence. Agents are the forces that act in the Formation (Creation and Evolution) of Reality, in its two domains: physical and metaphysical or cognitive.

In other words, Agents are the fundamental causal entities that give life to, which incessantly empower the construction of Reality.

The properties of Agents/Forces

An Agent / Force manifest itself acting on the related Acted / Field. Agents / Forces are "centers of causal action". They are the emitters, the originators of the Events that represent the Action, the product of the interaction between Forces and Fields.

Fundamental and derived Agents/Forces

We can identify a fundamental agent (the Fundamental Force, the Cause, the power engine of the Creation and the Evolution of Reality) and various derived agents, different manifestations of the Force at the different levels of Reality, of Existence, the Forces that act in the Universe.

Fundamental Agent - The Fundamental Force

The Fundamental Force (or Fundamental Agent) is the active, creative aspect / expression of the Source of Reality, primary cause, causal source of the Existence and the Essence / Form of Reality, primary "substance", the substrate (that which lies below all that exists) that supports Existence and Evolution, pure substance without form.

It is the agent, the subject of reification, the Fundamental Force from which all the natural forces derive, the cause that empowers, that propels the incessant transmutation of the possible, the potential, into the existing, the actual, the real, at all levels of Complexity.

Perturbing the perfect homogeneity of the rest state of Elementary Field (Nothingness), the Force incessantly creating Elementary Events, forms the Elementary Action, the most elementary form of existence (Emptiness, the perfect / absolute vacuum).

In other words, the Force operates the fundamental state transition of the Field from Inexistence to Existence, from the absolute homogeneity that we call Nothingness, to the perturbed unorganized state (Emptiness) that is commonly called the quantum vacuum, the substrate of Information, of any Structure and any Form emerging from the organization of the Elementary Action itself.

The Fundamental Agent also empowers the evolution of Action, which produces more and more complex forms (we call this "Information"), pushing on the evolution of the Structures of Information (particles and waves in the physical realm) and the Physical Forms that make up the Universe.

Derived Agents/Forces

Derived Agents / Forces are expressions of the Fundamental Force that act at the complex levels of Reality. They are specifications of the subject, the active side of Agency, the capacity to produce Events, Action.

They express more complex forms of Causality. The Forces operating in the metric, gravitational, kinetic, electric, magnetic, weak and strong nuclear phenomena.

Classification of Agents/Forces

With respect to their functional complexity and their causal aspects, properties and functions, Agents can be classified as:

  • Operational agents (the "Operators of Reality"): the Force and the derived forces that act in the PFR. They, as centers of functional action, incessantly do the elementary jobs in the Creation and Evolution of Reality;
  • Quantum agents (waves, particles, interactions): the derived forces that act at the level of elementary particles;
  • Deterministic agents (material forms, forms of inorganic matter, from gasses to stars and galaxies, till the biggest cosmic structures): the derived forces that act at the level of ordinary reality, the "classical" forces;
  • Finalistic agents (living forms and automata, and their ecosystems): the forces that act in the existence of the living beings and automata. Finalistic agents, in their action in/on the Physical Reality, incessantly construct meta-forms, cognitive structures and forms. In their evolution, they become more and more complex centers of physical and metaphysical/cognitive action. From their exploration of the evolutive possibility given by the environment, they develop models/representations of Reality, that produce individual and collective behaviors, sexual forces, ecosystems forces, cultural, social and economic forces, spiritual forces, and so on in an incessant rise of complexity.

Operational Agents

Operational Agents, or Agents of Reality, are the fundamental causal entities that give life to Reality. They are "centers of causal action", that create and give power to the evolution of Reality.

Each operator and each entity involved in Process of Formation of Reality, each structure, each existing Form, from the elementary Field to the Universe in its complex, is an Agent, a center of causal Action. Reality is therefore an interconnected network of Agents in incessant evolutive and co-constructive interaction, Agents that express themselves at all the dimensional and complexity levels of Reality.

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