From Evolutionary Knowledge Base
Matter is any Form, anything, formed by Physical Structures of Information with Mass (no null mass density), Matter structures.
According to visibility, we can identify:
- Dark structures: Vortices --> Dark matter Halos
- Visible structures: Vortices --> Ordinary matter Particles
Common definition
Links to Wikipedia pages:
See also
- Dark matter
- Halos / Vortices
- Ordinary matter
- Particles / Vortices
- Matter structures
- Dark structures
- Interactions between Matter and Energy
- Interactions between matter halos / particles (Vortices) and radiation (Waves)
- Energy in the structured Field
- Energy structures
- Vortices
- TFNR - The Structures of Information
- TFNR - Waves – Radiation
- TFNR - Vortices – Elementary particles of matter
- TFNR - Mixed structures – Complex vortices/particles and interactions
- TFNR - Interactions between matter and radiation
- TFNR - Properties of the Structures of Information and the connected derived forces and fields
- TFNR - The world of granularity: structures and the quantum
- TFNR - Why quantum?
- TFNR - Structures in the quantum world?
- TFNR - Quantum structures and quantum fields?
- TFNR - Potential energy of a quantum field
- TFNR - Wave, Vortices, Interactions: Radiation and Matter
- TFNR - The duality problem: wave vs Particle models of e.m. radiation and particles
- TFNR - Waves and vortices (simple particles) moving in the Field
- TFNR - No point particles, no singularities
- TFNR - The emergence of granularity
- TFNR - Jelly balls in jelly flippers: the weirdness of quantum world
- TFNR - Quantum structures in a continuous world: continuity and quantization
- TFNR - Quantum fields in the terms of the structure and dynamics of the Elementary Field
- TFNR - Fields always exists even when they do not appear: events and phenomena as manifestations of fields
- TFNR - Energy, coherence, correlation
- TFNR - The Standard model of particles is substantially correct, but…
- TFNR - The non-particle nature of the most part of the world
- TFNR - Are we made of baryonic matter?
- TFNR - Gravitational and electromagnetic fields as a partial view of the dynamics of the Elementary Field
- TFNR - A general concept of Inertia
- TFNR - Complex forces and fields
- TFNR - Continuity and quantization, fields and particles, waves and vortices: the duality
- TFNR - Locality, separability, individuation and measurement
- TFNR - Observing Structures from absolute or relative perspectives
- TFNR - The non-particle nature of the most part of the world
- TFNR - Are we made of baryonic matter?
- TFNR - Dark and ordinary energy: a different kind of physical quantities
- TFNR - Dark and ordinary matter: not just a matter of density
- TFNR - The distribution of dark matter in space
- TFNR - The evolution of dark matter in time
- TFNR - The interaction between dark and ordinary/visible matter
- TFNR - Why cannot we find the dark side of the Universe?
- TFNR - Dark Matter vs Dark Energy
- TFNR - Dark matter and dark energy: the structure of the invisible Universe
- TFNR - Energy and matter in the structured Field
- TFNR - Matter
- TFNR - Dark matter
- TFNR - Some common physical phenomena in the structured Field
- Topic id: t_matter
- Belongs to the class: Material Forms
- Has as instances: Dark matter, Ordinary matter
- Belongs to the groups:
- Semantic Map: ekm|map=m_ph_dynamics&topic=t_matter
- Semantic Map Test Version: ekmt|map=m_ph_dynamics&topic=t_matter