Research Projects

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Research projects are sets of activities aimed at the production of knowledge in the context of the Evolutionary Knowledge Project. Every project develops in specific virtual laboratory that host the research activities and promotes the collaboration.

  • Reality? Universe?

Common definition

(Link to Wikipedia page: Research).


The main project (the Evolutionary Knowledge Project)comprehends five Research Areas:

  • Evolutionary Knowledge - a comprehensive approach to the observation of the natural and human world, the methodological and descriptive framework, as well as the interpretative model of Reality
  • Adventure of Knowledge - analysis and comparison of ancient and modern systems of knowledge in a evolutionary perspective
  • Discipline of the Force - way to the individual and collective evolution, through the application of the conceptual and experiential achievements of this project
  • artEvolution - promotes a diffusion, not only intellectual, of Evolutionary Knowledge, in all the artistic forms of expression
  • evTek - promotes the development of technologies inspired to the vision of Reality and the principles of Evolutionary Dynamics

The specific projects developing in this areas of research, and the relative laboratories, are the following:

See also
