Selection is the third of the fundamental components of The Cycle of Information, the evolutionary engine of Reality, and, at the same time, one of the Operators of Reality acting in the sub-process of Formation of Reality that we call Evolution.
It is the Agent which acts in the Process of Formation of Reality, at any level of Complexity, from the most elementary level where the creative expression of the primary Source produces the Elementary Events, to the whole complexity of the Universe as a whole. It contributes to produce the increasingly complex Processes (Events produced by Sources, organized by Relations) that make up all the Structures, the Systems and the Forms that fill the Universe.
Selection, as an Operator of Reality, produces the survival, or rather the causal permanence, of the Information "compatible with the environment", of the Structures, the Systems and the Forms produced by the whole of interacting local and universal evolutionary Processes.
It is a key mechanism of Evolution. It is an interaction operator that, through the Interaction between the different processes that contribute to the incessant Formation of Reality, produces the permanence or elimination of the (local) processes of events representing Structures, Systems and Forms, Processes that do not adapt to the (universal) Processes of Events that represent the environment. In other terms, Selection ensures the survival or the extinction of the Variations (spatial and (temporal variations) produces by the inner interaction between Agents / Forces and Acted / Fields, the complementary aspects of the Sources.
It produces the permanence or elimination of the Relations between not (or less) organized (chaotic) events, the permanence or elimination of Information, the regulation of the Complexity of the structure of the Elementary Field, of the Structures, of the Systems, Forms, of the Universe as a whole.
It represents a factor of balance between Organization and Transformation in the evolutionary formation of Reality. Between the pressure to incessantly incorporate new chaotic Events into an evolutionary flow of emerging complexity and the pressure to disorganize the relations between those events, into subsets of events that constitute new raw material for the further action of the Organization towards the creation of new relations, in the infinite Cycle of Information.
This Operator, expression of the Operator Force Relation, exerts a constant pressure toward the interactive dynamical equilibrium between:
- the "chaos towards order, anti-entropic, anabolic, constructive (Organization) and
- the "order towards chaos", entropic, catabolic, destructive (Transformation)
evolutionary processes.
It is the way of expression of the Relational Operator that gives "causal permanence" to Information, the survival of Relations between Events, "effects" that can become in turn "causes", regulating the crescendo of Complexity of Reality and the Universe.
L'Operatore Selezione determina la permanenza causale degli Eventi, dell'Informazione, delle Strutture di Informazione, delle Forme, dei sistemi nel rapporto con gli altri Eventi, Strutture, Forme, sistemi che compongono l'Universo, e che costituiscono "l'ambiente". L'azione di tale operatore si sostanzia, quindi, nella incessante interazione costruttiva o distruttiva tra Eventi elementari e complessi, Informazione, Strutture, Forme.
E' la modalità di espressione dell'Operatore Relazionale che determina la distruzione o la conservazione causale degli schemi di relazione tra Eventi. Determina, quindi, la permanenza causale dell'Informazione, e ai livelli complessi delle Strutture e delle Forme determina la permanenza causale delle Forme stesse, che producono nuovi effetti in una incessante interazione.
Terzo funzionale del livello dell'Informazione ed elemento di uscita del relativo ciclo metabolico. Insieme a Organizzazione e a Trasformazione, realizza i processi di adattamento che rappresentano le strutture evolutive responsabili della incessante crescita della complessità della Realtà.
Al livello dell'evoluzione biologica l'Operatore Selezione si caratterizza come meccanismo di selezione naturale.
d_selection Selezione "L'Operatore Selezione determina la permanenza causale degli Eventi, dell'Informazione, delle Strutture di Informazione, delle Forme, dei sistemi nel rapporto con gli altri Eventi, Strutture, Forme, sistemi che compongono l’Universo, e che costituiscono “l’ambiente”. L’azione di tale operatore si sostanzia, quindi, nella incessante interazione costruttiva o distruttiva tra Eventi elementari e complessi, Informazione, Strutture, Forme.
E’ la modalità di espressione dell’Operatore Relazionale che determina la distruzione o la conservazione causale degli schemi di relazione tra Eventi. Determina, quindi, la permanenza causale dell’Informazione, e ai livelli complessi delle Strutture e delle Forme determina la permanenza causale delle Forme stesse, che producono nuovi effetti in una incessante interazione.
Terzo funzionale del livello dell’Informazione ed elemento di uscita del relativo ciclo metabolico. Insieme a Organizzazione e a Trasformazione, realizza i processi di adattamento che rappresentano le strutture evolutive responsabili della incessante crescita della complessità della Realtà.
Al livello dell’evoluzione biologica l’Operatore Selezione si caratterizza come meccanismo di selezione naturale." Selection "The Operator Selection determines the causal permanence of the Events, of the Information, of the Structures of Information, of the Forms, of the systems in the relationship with the other Events, Structures, Forms, systems that copose the Universe, and that constitute ""the environment"", Tha action of this operator materializes, therefore, in the incessant constructive or destroying interaction between elementary and complex Events, Information, Structures, Forms. <br It's the way of expression of the Relational Operator that determines the destruction or the causal conservation of the patterns of relationships between Events. It determines, therefore, the causal permanence of the Information, and at the complex levels of the Structures and of the FOrms determines the causal permanence of the same Forms, that produce new effects in an incessant interaction.
Third functional of the level of the Information and element of way out of the related metabolic cycle. Together with Organization and with Transformation, realizes the processes o adjustment that represent the evoutive structures responsible of the incessant growth of the complexity of the Reality.
At the level of the biological evoution the Operator Selection charactherizes itself as mechanism of natural selection. " Selection "The Operator Selection determines the causal permanence of the Events, of the Information, of the Structures of Information, of the Forms, of the systems in the relationship with the other Events, Structures, Forms, systems that copose the Universe, and that constitute ""the environment"", Tha action of this operator materializes, therefore, in the incessant constructive or destroying interaction between elementary and complex Events, Information, Structures, Forms. <br It's the way of expression of the Relational Operator that determines the destruction or the causal conservation of the patterns of relationships between Events. It determines, therefore, the causal permanence of the Information, and at the complex levels of the Structures and of the FOrms determines the causal permanence of the same Forms, that produce new effects in an incessant interaction.
Third functional of the level of the Information and element of way out of the related metabolic cycle. Together with Organization and with Transformation, realizes the processes o adjustment that represent the evoutive structures responsible of the incessant growth of the complexity of the Reality.
At the level of the biological evoution the Operator Selection charactherizes itself as mechanism of natural selection. "
Common definition
(Link to Wikipedia page: Selection_(disambiguation)).
Selection Operator determines the causal permanence of Events, Information, Information Structures, Forms, systems in the relationship with other Events, Structures, Forms, systems that make up the Universe, and that constitute "the environment ".
The action of this operator is embodied, therefore, in the incessant constructive or destructive interaction between elementary and complex Events, Information, Structures, Forms.
It is the way of expression of the Relational Operator that determines the causal destruction or conservation of the relationship patterns between Events.
It therefore determines the causal permanence of Information, and at the complex levels of Structures and Forms it determines the causal permanence of the Forms themselves, which produce new effects in an incessant interaction.
Third functional of the Information level and output element of the related metabolic cycle. Together with Organization and Transformation, it carries out the adaptation processes that represent the evolutionary structures responsible for the incessant growth of the complexity of Reality.
At the level of biological evolution, the Selection Operator is characterized as a mechanism of natural selection.
See also
- The Cycle of Information
- Information
- Dynamics of Information
- Organization
- Transformation
- Emergency
- Complexity
- TFNR - 8. Information: the evolution toward complexity
- TFNR - 8.1 Evolution: the Dynamics of Information
- TFNR - 8.1.3 Selection
- TFNR - 8.2 The role of emergence in the construction of Reality
- Topic id: t_selection
- Belongs to the class: The Cycle of Information
- Has as instances: Physical Selection, Cognitive Selection
- Belongs to the groups: Dynamics of Information, Operational Agents
- Semantic Map: ekm|map=m_ev_dynamics&topic=t_selection
- Semantic Map Test Version: ekmt|map=m_ev_dynamics&topic=t_selection