TFNR - Waves (or) and Particles / Vortices
The problem of wave-particle dualism or wave-corpuscle dualism is commonly related to the supposed dual nature, both corpuscular and wave, of the behaviour of Matter and Electromagnetic radiation, as understood in the framework of quantum theory and in some experiments, including the photoelectric effect, diffraction, interference (Young's double-slit experiment) and the manifestation of wave properties by particles such as the electron. In quantum mechanics, this dualism is described by the principle of complementarity, with the subsequent overcoming of the concepts of wave and particle in favour of the concept of excitation of quantum fields.
In Evolutionary Physics, by wave-particle dualism we mean the affirmation that Waves and Particles, or rather Vortices, represent Structures of Information, patterns of organization of Elementary Events in the Elementary Field. Although having and manifesting different characteristics and Properties, both these two (pure) types of Structures of Information possess the same nature and, depending on how we observe and measure them, they appear to fall more into one of the two conceptual categories of Waves and Particles, as they have been constructed over time within the various scientific theories that have followed one another over time, based on visions and conceptions of Physical Reality that are in some way approximate and fragmented.
The statement that quantum objects are neither waves nor particles, but a strange combination of both, is incorrect. The objects of the quantum Universe are either Waves, or Vortices (particles) or Interactions between Waves, Interactions between Vortices, Interactions between Waves and Vortices. Both quantum objects (InfoStructures) of a "pure" type, pure Waves (e.g. electromagnetic waves) or pure Vortices (e.g. electrons), and "mixed" objects (Mixed InfoStructures), despite having different "shapes", possess some common properties and behaviors, deriving from the peculiar nature of the InfoStructures, organization schemes of the inhomogeneities in the temporal distributions of the spatial fluctuations of the Field (Elementary Events and Relationships / correlations that organize them into Processes).
For example, an electromagnetic wave in the visible light spectrum, emitted through a common phenomenon of absorption and subsequent emission, a single cycle wave therefore, has the characteristics of localization (despite the limits of the uncertainty which is at the basis of all the Physical Reality) that we attribute to particles, therefore to Vortices in the nomenclature we use in this system of knowledge. In addition to location, it will also have specific wavelength and wavefront dimensions, amount of Action, Energy, impulse, momentum, etc. (although these are also affected by a certain amount of uncertainty). Wavelength determined by the dynamics (acceleration and deceleration) of the electron that emitted the wave, what is commonly called quantum jump, orbit jump (incorrectly, electrons do not orbit classically around the nucleus). Wave front determined by the "effective" diameter of the electron (the "virtual" diameter of the electron is unlimited, infinite, the "effective" one is delimited by the indeterminacy of the elementary fluctuations at the Planck scale) during the emission dynamics of the wave (the effective diameter, the volume of the electron, etc. depend on its speed of motion). Amount of Action, energy, impulse, momentum, etc. all quantities related to each other and determined by the wavelength.
Let's remember that we are talking about single cycle waves, therefore waves emitted by electrons bound in atomic orbitals, compressed in the innermost regions towards the nucleus, in the absorption phase and like springs bouncing outwards in the emission phase, to find the correct position that minimizes the Action, the Energy of the atom. It is precisely the acceleration of the electron towards the outside of the atom and the subsequent deceleration that produces the emission of the wave, it is the quantity of Action stored in the atom in the absorption of energy by an electron which is so to speak incorporated into the emitted wave, which constitutes the Action of which the wave becomes a propagation vector. Furthermore, the chirality (charge) and the direction of helicity (spin) of the electron gives the specific signature to the emitted wave (it defines what are commonly called the electric and magnetic fields associated with the wave), and in particular a of the fundamental properties together with frequency and phase: polarization.
All this makes us understand the reason why in a certain observation perspective light appears to be made up of waves, in another perspective it appears to be made up of particles. And worse still, it appears to us in a strange combination of both. From what has been expressed, we should not be surprised that a "quantum of light" appears to us both as a wave (delocalized, capable of interference like waves, etc.) and as a particle (localized, characterized by a defined quantity of Action, of Energy, etc.). If we add that some of the observations / experiments that highlight this "strange" nature of light (e.g. double slit) are not described correctly, and lead to absolutely incorrect deductions about the nature of the world and quantum objects, it becomes clear how the wave/particle duality represents one of the most impenetrable and surprising mysteries of Physical Reality.
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