TFNR - Material forms
By Forms we mean complex structures, objects, bodies, etc.
What do we mean by "material" in this knowledge system? Material is what is composed of Matter and or Radiation, of more or less organized aggregations of Physical Structures of Information. Objects, bodies, material substances are therefore composed of Vortices and / or Waves, and their Interactions (Energy structures, Matter structures, Dark structures, Visible structures), from which their main Physical Properties derive (Space-time extension, Mass, Motion, Charge, Spin, etc.) alongside new emerging forms and properties.
Material Forms includes inorganic and organic substances, and also the physical part (the body) of Living Forms and that (the hardware) of Automata.
They organize in Physical Systems (and Ecosystems), which make up the Physical Universe, both in the cosmologicaland the biological aspects.
There is a big misunderstanding in science and perhaps also in the common representation of Reality. The meaning of the term "material" is often confused with that of the term "real". Reality includes both material and immaterial aspects, both physical (Physical Forms) and cognitive (Cognitive Forms) aspects. This confusion represents a big mistake, which produces an infinite chain of conceptual errors and an incorrect development of science, of its models, theories and visions. The whole diatribe on realism that opposed Relativity and Quantum Mechanics derives not only from an incorrect representation of physical objects (Particles, Waves and Interactions), above all from an incorrect conception of Reality, excessively focused on matter, on an outdated concept of materiality (atomistic concept).
Only what is material is real? What does "real" mean, and what "material" means? What is real? Everything is real. What is material? A part of Reality is material... by difference, we could say: everything that is not cognitive (circularity?). But surely we cannot assimilate the term "real" to the term "material".
From now on, and more properly, we shall have to say "materially real", and "cognitively real".
A car, our hand, an electron, are material Structures and Forms. A thought, a dream, the meaning of a road sign, are Cognitive Structures and Forms, which have a material substrate that supports their existence and the semantic / cognitive essence precious for a Finalistic Agent (a Living Being or an Automaton).
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