TFNR - Waves
Waves are Structures of Information, belonging to the class of the Structures of Propagation', dynamical structures, where:
- at the level of the Source: the Action of the Operator Propagation prevails,
- at the level of the Elementary Action: the Mode / Component in which Elementary Action manifest themselves is Translation (the Component / Mode Perturbation is null, Rotation:Chirality and Rotation:AxisOrientation are indirectly involved). This mean that the propagation of Waves transfers Action in form of Translation (producing a variation in the speed of propagation in the Field, therefore producing an acceleration in the Field or in the Structures that absorb the Wave),
- at the level of Information / Energy: Motion is their main feature (no Mass since no Perturbation) (no Electric Charge, no Spin as in Vortex-type Structures, but Components Rotation:Chirality, Rotation:Axis Orientation are indirectly involved in determining the parameter we call "polarization", the orientation, direction and verse, and temporal evolution of the intrinsic angular momentum of the Wave, the so-called spin angular momentum of light),
These characteristics determine one of the most relevant properties of this type of Structures: their incessant propagation at the maximum speed allowed (what in conventional physics is considered the constant speed of light in vacuum, which in Evolutionary Physics is considered variable in space and time depending on the precise value of the Perturbation Component and its dynamics linked to the distribution of the Dark Structures) in a straight line (in the sense of General Relativity, following the geodesics, trajectories of least action that follow the so-called curvature of space-time).
Waves-type Structures can be completely characterized by three fundamental parameters:
- frequency (number of cycles per time unit) or wavelength (spatial length of one cycle), better for "single cycle waves"
- phase (angle-like quantity representing the fraction of the cycle covered up to a certain point in time)
- polarization (property of transverse waves that specifies the geometrical orientation of the oscillations)
Regarding the frequency / wavelength parameter, we can distinguish:
- single-cycle waves -> waves that constitute light, emitted by a single electron in the post-emission deceleration phase (see dynamics of the emission / absorption of light by the electrons present in the atomic orbitals of ordinary matter) or oscillation during propagation in a magnetic field (e.g. synchrotron radiation),
- multi-cycle waves (wave train): emission of radio waves from alternating electric currents, electron flows in oscillatory propagation in electrical conductors (antennas).
These are structures that mainly express Action as vectors / carriers of Information, of Energy, in terms of mainstream physics, vectors of (derived) forces. They carry out exchanges of Information, of Energy between Vortices, Structures of Conservation, relations / interactions between Vortex-type Structures.
In this type of Structures, we find:
- gravitational waves (invisible / dark sector),
- electromagnetic waves (visible / ordinary sector).
They are the essence of Radiation, the radiative aspect of Physical Reality.
Radiation includes two types of phenomena:
- electromagnetic radiation (visible radiation): this subclass of wave structures does not propagate mass, but only charge and spin. The fundamental undulatory representation of the "photon" is a wave structure that can be also seen like a particle (but not a vortex) in relation to its space time localization, shape (only one period of oscillation, resulting from a movement of a vortex structure in the space time field, with an initial acceleration and a final deceleration) and quantized energy amount (related to the quantity of Action that constitutes the Structure, in the terms of the correlation of the microstates that participate of its existence). Under the name "radiation" we cannot include the phenomena of the emission / propagation / absorption of massive particles, that is commonly named radiation, but represent a different phenomenon, connected to the dynamics, the motion, of ordinary matter particles (Vortices and Interactions). Its particle counterpart / representation is called "photon",
- gravitational waves (dark radiation): they propagate mass, and, as stated by the Equivalence Principle, space time curvature, gradient in the Elementary Field temperature, difference in speed of light / velocity of propagation of Information in the Field, or, at the end, difference in the distribution of the elementary fluctuations of the Field (intensity of the Elementary Action). Most likely, we don’t think that gravitational waves can propagate charge and spin.
The shapes of Waves (one cycle and multiple cycles waves)
In the field of Electromagnetic Phenomena, it is of utmost importance a correct distinction between structures formed by a single cycle, manifestations of a single phenomenon, from those formed by several cycles, wave trains, manifestations of a periodic phenomenon. This distinction helps to clarify the quantum weirdness of wave-particle duality, so well represented by the double-slit experiment and many other puzzling physical phenomena.
In the common scientific view of light quanta and electromagnetic radiation there is an important misunderstanding that takes us away from the correct understanding and description of shape of waves, and leads to the problem of wave-particle dualism. For a correct representation in spatio-temporal terms (geometric) of electromagnetic radiation (electromagnetic wave / photon) is fundamental the difference between single wave (what is commonly called photon), a structure of information that can be located in space and time, obviously within the limits provided by the Uncertainty Principle, and a wave train (what is commonly called electromagnetic wave, eg coherent photons emitted by a laser, radio electromagnetic emission, continuous oscillation).
See above the section: The wave-particle dualism ????
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