TFNR - The Structures of Information

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The Structures of Information are patterns of organization of Action in the Field, that give a form to the distributions of the elementary fluctuations in space-time domains of the Field.

They are networks of relations among events (Information, In-form-action), that show some coherence in the basic parameters of the Field (Perturbation, Translation and Rotation, hereinafter P-T-R), a network of organized events that show consistent collective expressions/behaviors and common properties emerging from the more elementary levels of Reality, from the dynamics of the Action.

In other words, the Structures of Information, at the most elementary level of Physical Reality, are patterns of correlation among the quantities that describe the micro-states, the point distributions of the elementary fluctuations (the elementary events, the Action) in a spatial domain of the space-time field.

They represent the quantum aspect of Reality in the continuous Elementary Field. Although composed by the correlations of an enormous number of events in space time domains, nets of micro-states in a continuous field, Structures can be considered as units, units intended as organizations or systems, "individualities", that show emergent properties and behaviors.

Structures are the entities that compose the physical world: force carriers, radiation, dark matter, particles of ordinary matter, and all the connected fields and forces, as their expressions. As entities, Vortices (particles) and Waves, the elementary and composite structures of matter and radiation, can be defined Agents; specifically, Quantum Agents, as their interactions mainly follow the principles of quantum dynamics. Structures of Information represent the causal sources of the quantization of matter and energy in the continuous space time field.

They are the building blocks of the Material Forms, the objects of Physical Reality. As nets of Physical Structures of Information in incessant interaction(like waves and particles), the Material Forms evolve in more and more complex objects (atoms, molecules, bodies, etc.), showing different emergent features and properties, behaving in the different ways as described by the dynamics proper to that kind of Structure/Form (the physical and chemical dynamics for atoms forming molecules, for molecules forming materials, for material forming complex bodies like rocks, tissues, organisms, planets and stars, and so on). Transcending the level of Structures, new properties and behaviors emerge with the evolution of Material Forms. And vice versa, the new properties and behaviors of the Forms, make the Structure to evolve modifying their behavior, their properties, in an incessant co-evolution that gives form to the Universe.


The Structures of Information

As represented in the diagram, in relation to their shape and properties, we can divide the Structures of Information in three main classes: Waves, Vortices and Interactions. Physical Reality is characterized by the dynamics of the Structures of the two pure classes and their incessant interaction that forms more complex composite or mixed Structures. Any class collects Structures both in the dark and in the ordinary side of Physical Reality.

Due to the complex phenomena called the undulatory - corpuscular duality, in the Physical Reality, in the quantum world, the weird behavior of the structures of matter and light creates confusion about the real nature of the Structures and their correct comprehension in the terms of dimensions of Reality (cause, space and time) and the right classification as waves or particles/vortices. Following the unity of the Field, we can grasp the unitary nature of the Structures of Information in the terms of the organization of the Action of the Field itself under the constant pressure of the Force. So, despite differences in the patterns of organization, we can indifferently represent waves as particles (i.e. the photon) and particles as waves (as in the quantum mechanics description of the wave–particle duality).

Waves are Structures of Propagation, dynamical structures, where motion is their main feature. They are the essence of radiation. Radiation comprehend two kind of phenomena:

  • electromagnetic radiation: this subclass of wave structures does not propagate mass, but only charge and spin. The fundamental undulatory representation of the “photon” is a wave structure that can be also seen like a particle (but not a vortex) in relation to its space time localization, shape (only one period of oscillation, resulting from a movement of a vortex structure in the space time field, with an initial acceleration and a final deceleration) and quantized energy amount (related to the quantity of Action that constitutes the Structure, in the terms of the correlation of the microstates that participate of its existence). Under the name “radiation” we cannot include the phenomena of the emission of massive particles, that is commonly named radiation, but represent a different phenomenon, connected to the dynamics, the motion, of ordinary matter particles (Vortices and Interactions).
  • gravitational waves: they propagate mass, and, as stated by the Equivalence Principle, space time curvature, gradient in the Elementary Field temperature, difference in speed of light / velocity of propagation of Information in the Field, or, at the end, difference in the distribution of the elementary fluctuations of the Field (intensity of the Elementary Action). Most likely, we don’t think that gravitational waves can propagate charge and spin.


Vortices are Structures of Conservation, conservative structures, where mass is their main feature, in addition to motion, charge and spin. They are the essence of matter. According to the shape, properties, level of organization, complexity, we can identify the following subclasses:

  • elementary vortices
    • dark matter elementary halos (i.e. galactic halos),
    • elementary particles (i.e. electrons, quarks, neutrinos, gluons and the other bosons, excluding photons),
  • composite vortices
    • composite structures of dark matter (i.e. dark matter halos of clusters, including inside them many interacting galactic halos and gravitational waves produced by their dynamics),
    • composite particles of ordinary matter (i.e. hadrons, baryons and mesons, composed by quarks, gluons),
  • complex vortices
    • the dark structure of the Universe, in a broad sense (large scale dark structures, dark matter halos of super clusters, the structures that include more clusters, dark filaments, attractors, etc.).

Interactions represent composite Structures formed by the interaction among elementary Structures. This class comprehend almost all the Structures that form Physical Reality, the pure structures normally being organized in more complex aggregates. In this sense, we should classify as Interactions the composite and the complex vortices, above mentioned. In a narrow sense, this class includes:

  • the interactions between dark matter structures (gravitational waves and dark matter halos), forming more complex dark matter structures, like dark filaments or that weird structures we can observe in the case of galactic, or more likely, cluster collisions, with the appearance of gravitational shock waves and other complex dark forms,
  • interactions between ordinary matter structures (e. m. waves and ordinary matter vortices): bosons (gluons, heavy bosons, higgs boson, etc.).

Where the Structures of Information come from? Which is their origin? How they take form? The simple and concise answer is that they form from the dynamics of the Field, ruled by the three Fundamental Principles (Uncertainty, Action and Reaction and Least Action), essentially through two aspects of the evolutive processes.

The first, self-organization, is a fundamental aspect of the evolutive dynamics of Reality, as described in a previous chapter. Structures emerge from the Field, coevolving in an incessant evolutive interaction with the dynamics of the Field itself, where the evolutive Operators of Reality, Organization, Transformation and Selection, give form to more and more complex Structures and interactions. Given appropriate "environmental" conditions (an appropriate local state of the Field) processes of events (Information) organize spontaneously in stable structures, with "causal permanence" and characterized by properties that derive from the “collective behavior” of the elementary events that participate to their existence, or, in other words, from the correlations of the Action (perturbation, translation and rotation) of the microstates relative to the considered space-time domain.

The second, interaction, is the aspect through which many of the Structures are produced by the dynamics of existing Structures (i.e. the emission of e. m. waves by accelerating charged particles, the formation of mass particles by the friction of the huge dark matter halos hosting clusters and super clusters, the formation of composite Structures through the interaction of elementary ones).

Different kinds of Structures have different properties. In general, we can say that all the Physical Structures of Information have causal, spatial and temporal extension. Other properties are related to the shape of the structure (the form in the space), to its dynamics (the form in the time), to the way in which it can interact with other structures. Many other properties derive from the way in which the single structure is aggregated with other forms. In other words, the properties of the structures imply the properties of the more complex aggregates to which they take part, and the emerging properties of the aggregates imply the properties of the structures that compose the aggregates themselves. The elementary and the complex co-evolve influencing each other.

Physical Structures have causal, spatial and temporal extension:

  • causal extension: Structures are derived centers of action, able to express action, to produce events, to express derived forces in sub processes of formation that from the Force lead to the Physical Forms, composed by the same Structures. They are one of the steps of the main causal chain (Force-Action- Information-Form), representing, as stated, the structured aspect of Information;
  • spatial extension: potentially any vortex structure has an infinite spatial extension, the limits being only determined by the decreasing, moving away from the “center” of the structure, of the Action forming the structure in its modes of expression (Perturbation, Translation, Rotation, with their physical quantity counterparts: mass, motion, charge and spin). The same potentially infinite spatial extension, even with a slightly different configuration, characterizes wave structures, always produces by the dynamics of vortex structures. In general, Structures have an extremely huge extension compared with the dimensions of the tiny fluctuation of space time field that characterize the factory of Reality at the Planck scale;
  • temporal extension: it can span from the smaller period that can be associated to the Planck time to the supposed infinite lifetime of a stable particle as proton. In general, the lifetime of a Structure is influenced by its shape, by the composition for composite structures, by the velocity of its movement, the energetic environment in which it stays and moves (the local state of the Field: the casual fluctuations of the Field itself and the quantum fluctuations of the same structure), not considering the interactions of the structure with other structures and the derived forces expressed by them.

What is different observing Structures from absolute or relative perspectives, from the point of view of the Field (the absolute perspective) or from the point of view of the Structures themselves (the relative perspective)?

In a further paragraph, we will describe, in short, the same Structures viewed from the two perspectives. In particular, vortices and wave structures, at rest or moving (uniform or accelerated motion), observed by:

  • the absolute perspective of:
    • a point event, represented as a micro-state, of the Field,
    • a space domain, a portion of the Field, a set of points events, represented by a net of micro-states,
  • the relative perspective of:
    • the same observed structures, moving in the Field.

From the point of view of the Field (the absolute perspective), we can see a Structure as a pattern of organization of the elementary fluctuation of the Field itself, a scheme of correlation of the micro-states that describe the dynamics of the point events of the Field, a space time domain that shows same Information, organized Action with a form. In the unstructured Elementary Field, the absolute, for definition, no reference points can be found. Reference points are always constituted by Structures or by Forms as net of Structures. So, from the point of view of the Field, we will always see a Structure as a scheme of organization forming, propagating, conserving, transforming or disappear, a pattern in the organization of the point distributions of the elementary fluctuations of the space time itself.

And more, observing a Structure from the absolute perspective, not as a point event, but as a domain in the Field, with a non-null space and time extension, will give us a close vision of the dynamics of the Elementary Field that underlines the dynamics of the particles and the waves and their multiform interactions.

Observing a Structure from the relative perspective, from the point of view of the structure resting or moving in the Field, we will see a variation of the parameters of the same structure, or a changing in the same Information that forms the Structure, caused by the continuous interaction between the Action in the Field, with the eventual Information that gives it a structure, and the Information of the Structure. For “eventual Information” we always intend some part of one or more Structures that include in their space time extension the considered domain.

At the end, we can say that the continuous interaction between Action (Perturbation, Translation and Rotation) of the Field and Information (the pattern of organization of the correlations between P-T-R) of the Structure determines mass, motion, charge, spin and the dynamics of the Structure itself and, at the same time, modifies the physical quantities of the Field and, at the same time, the shape in space, the permanence in time and the physical quantities of the Structure.

In the Process of Formation of Reality, the Dynamics of the Structures of Information is that part of Evolutionary Dynamics that specifically describe the level of the Structures of Information. It analyzes all the processes of the two main classes of structures, the Structures of Propagation and the Structures of Conservation, and the Interactions of the two that produce the Structures that compose the Material Forms, the states of matter, the objects of the Physical Reality.

The interaction among the Structures of Information is the bridge toward Material Forms. More than the properties of the single structures, the “collective behavior”, the emerging properties of the dynamics of nets of Structures, at the same time belonging to the same class and to different classes, is what determines the properties of Material Forms. Here we can thing to the different states of matter (solid, liquid, gas, plasma and various types of condensates) to the different chemical elements that forms more and more complex molecules with increasingly amazing properties and behaviors.

Looking at Reality in the most complex levels, all the Material Forms, like chemical, geological, organic, biological, cosmic structures, and the most complex forms made by the cognitive action of the Living Beings, show a vast and mutating net of properties emerging and incessantly evolving from the properties and the dynamics of the underling levels of the Structures that compose them. The properties and the dynamics of the elementary levels of Reality determine, entails, the emergence of the properties and the dynamics of the objects that populate the more complex levels, but in turn this evolution toward complexity enables the emergence of new and more complex properties and behavior of the objects of the more elementary levels, incessantly opening new possibilities of further evolution toward new levels of organization of Reality. It is an iterative and nested process of co-evolution of the elementary and the complex levels, of what exists and what can exist, that interests all the aspect of the Existence and the Essence of Reality.


The Structures of Information are the product of the expression of the Operator Relation, a more complex form of interaction between the two complementary aspects of the Sources (Agents / Forces and Acted / Fields) that produces Complex Events (organization of variations of/in the Fields, that represent Essence / Form, from the first organization of the elementary level of Reality to the most complex levels).

The Dynamics of the Structures of Information is the part of Evolutionary Dynamics that, in the Process of Formation of Reality, studies the dynamics of the "schemes of organization of the Relations among Events" that incessantly form Reality, in their causal, space and time dimensions. It analizes and describes all the processes of formation, acting at the Level of the Structures of Information, of the two principal types of Structures, the Structures of Propagation and the Structures of Conservation, and the Interactions that produce the Mixed Structures.

The Dynamics of the Structures of Information analyzes and describes the products, the results of the processes of Organization, Transformation and Selection of Information.

In general, by "Dynamics of the Structures of Information" we intend the dynamics of:

Evolutionary Ontology - Phenomenology - Dynamics

This part of dynamics studies:

Information represent the substance, the support of all the Structures and the Forms that exists, and its dynamics as the root of all the complex phenomena both in the Physical and in the Cognitive domains of Reality.


At the level of the Elementary Field, the Structures of Information represent networks of Elementary Events, or Microstates, correlated (organized by Relations), which manifest a collective behavior from which a condition of individuation emerges such that the Structures themselves can be configured as independent entities.

Waves, vortices (massive particles), interactions, constitute the network of structures that populate the descriptive models of the constituents of matter.

Among them we find the constituents of ordinary matter, the particles from whose interaction the atoms are composed, and the other particles that are created in high-energy collisions.

We also find the structures that we call Dark Matter, the diffuse low-density structures that create the texture of the cosmos, the galactic bubbles, and the even larger ones that house immense clusters.

Waves represent dynamic structures capable of carrying Information or, in terms of conventional physics, vectors of forces. Here we find electromagnetic waves and their particle counterpart, photons.

Vortices represent conservative structures, from whose fundamental nature the phenomenon of mass derives. Structured information which, due to its peculiar shape, acquires a (apparently) permanent form.

Here we find elementary particles, including leptons and quarks. From the interaction of these Structures composite particles arise, which form most of the particles that exist in nature or have been produced in accelerators (hadrons - protons, neutrons, etc. - and mesons).

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