TFNR - Derived processes
For Derived Processes we intend all the Processes that cooperate to the construction, the formation (Creation and Evolution) of Reality, other than the fundamental processes directly operated by the Primary Source and its direct functional manifestations, the Operators of Reality, in acting the Process of Formation of Reality.
As the fundamental processes, the derived processes are intended as organized sets / networks of Events, of actions, variations, mutations of Acted / Fields operated by Agents / Forces, in the context of Agency.' In this case, at the levels of Reality other than the fundamental one, we will refer to Derived Sources (Derived Agents / Forces and Derived Acted / Fields), Complex Events, Derived Action, and so on.
They describe why and how things happens in the Physical an Cognitive Reality, in its complex levels:
- Information, Physical Information / Energy, Cognitive Information,
- Structures of Information, dark matter and dark energy, and more, the tiny particles that form ordinary and exotic matter, the radiation, represented by gravitational and electromagnetic waves (Physical Structures of Information), plus the structures that populate the cognitive side of Nature Cognitive Structures - Representations of Reality,
- Forms, the objects that we see in the material world (Physical Forms) and the "things" that we can observe in the cognitive side of nature (Cognitive Forms).
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