TFNR - Forms

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Forms represent the products of the Process of Formation of Reality, in particular of the sub-process of Evolution which, starting from the Level of the Elementary Action, through the action of the Operator of Relation, leads up to the entire Universe in a continuous infinity of levels of increasing Complexity.

They are organized sets/networks of Structures of Information, which carry out the propagation, interaction and conservation of Information.

The Forms are in incessant evolution, mutation, the greater the greater their level of complexity.

Each Form is made up of the network of Relations that organize the Structures of Information that participate in its existence. Networks of Elementary Events organized in nested levels of increasing Complexity, from whose interaction emerges the collective behavior in which we recognize the individuality of the Form. If we observe the Form we do not see the Elementary Field which constitutes its existential substrate. If we observe the Field we do not see the individuality of the Form which constitutes its organized expression, the formed essence.

The whole set /network of the Forms, existing at a given instant, make up the Universe. Forms can be material (physical objects: complex structures, objects, bodies, etc.) or immaterial / cognitive (eg the semantic relations between material objects, forms of thought, knowledge, culture). Intangible forms, for their creation, transmission, conservation and destruction (transformation), always require the interaction of material forms (including living beings, or photons that transmit images and signals that carry the semantic content of communications).

To explain, let's take a familiar object: a book. It consists of a Material Form, an object, given by the set of Relations between the hierarchies of the most elementary Material Forms that compose it (the sheets, the cover, the paper, the glue, the cellulose particles, the molecules and the atoms of which it is made). These, in turn, are formed by the set of Relations or Interactions between the elementary Structures of Information (Particles and Waves) that participate in their Existence. In the absence of a Living Being, a (Finalistic Agent), with an appropriate cognitive level that can attribute a semantic value to the existence of the book and / or the signs present on the sheets that compose it, the book remains an exclusively Material Form. On the other hand, if such a Living Being interacts with the book, it will experience an Interaction that extends to multiple levels in different domains of Reality: as well as with the material Form, also with an immaterial / cognitive Form, which is represented by the network of relations between the signs printed on it, to which the living being attributes semantic values, meanings, and an endless chain of associations (always Cognitive Forms).

Physical Forms

Physical Forms are the product of the expression of the Operator Relation in the physical world, a more complex form of interaction between the two complementary aspects of the Physical Sources (Physical Agents / Forces and Physical Acted / Fields) that produces Complex Physical Events (organization of variations of/in the Fields, that represent the Physical Essence / Form, from the first organization of the elementary level of Physical Reality to the most complex levels). Physical Forms are the objects that make up the Physical Universe.

They are the result of the organization / relation /interaction of Physical Structures of Information, organized sets of Physical Structures of Information complex schemes of organization that give form to the Elementary Field, and the Derived Physical Fields, under the incessant Action of the Fundamental Force, and the Derived Physical Forces. They are in continuous mutation, in incessant evolution towards levels of increasing complexity.

Physical Forms are everything we can observe in the Physical Universe. According to the level of complexity, Forms can be classified as:

They organize in systems:

which make up the Universe, both in the cosmological and the biological aspects:

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