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*'''conversion of [[Motion]] in [[Mass]]''': a few words on the processes of conversion of Motion into Mass and vice versa, before closing this long section dedicated to Motion and kinetic phenomena.<!--latex:br-->I am not sure that the term "conversion" is suitable to represent what happens in the situations mentioned in the table here, which collects most of the situations of variation of the Motion of an InfoStructure that involve a simultaneous increase in its Mass. Of its relativistic Mass, obviously, since the Rest Mass does not vary. The relativistic Mass is equal to the Rest Mass multiplied by the Lorentz factor (gamma). <!--latex:br-->In terms of our Dynamics of Elementary Action, and consequently of the Dynamics of Information / Energy, we can represent this phenomenon in this way: the acceleration of a "Vortex" type InfoStructure of the "Elementary" subtype (e.g. an electron) involves a Translation correlation transfer between the structured Elementary Field (e.g. a gravitational field is present) and the Structure in question (the electron in the example) or a Translation correlation transfer between InfoStructures of the Wave type, Multicycle subtype (e.g. a radiowave) as in an accelerating cavity in a particle collider. The situation does not change. Translation correlation transfer between the structured Field (e.g. gravitational field, or structured due to the dynamic presence of InfoStructures of the Wave type, for example, as mentioned) means that the Translation correlation scheme of the Vortex Structure in question (the electron) varies, increases. This increase, in terms of the physical quantities that characterize the Motion, can be expressed as an increase in its speed, and consequently, in its Kinetic Energy (Effective Energy). Potential Energy of the Field, or similar to it, such as the Kinetic Energy of the Wave, are transferred to the electron, increasing its Kinetic Energy (always a correlation of Translation, spatial orientation of the elementary fluctuations of the Field around the Planck scale). The increase in speed translates into an increase in the quantity of motion (linear momentum) of the particle. In short, in the increase of the Inertial Motion of the electron, an increase in its inertia (therefore, as this happens, it is increasingly onerous, more and more Action, Energy, is needed to cause its further acceleration). But this is not all. The Vortical Structures, due to their peculiar shape, if they are stable, like an electron, means that they are in equilibrium with the surrounding Field. A change in speed causes a shift in the equilibrium point, which defines the physical quantities of that particle. In particular, the effect of acceleration on the shape of the elementary Vortex will be that of its spatial contraction (less occupied volume). This is to compensate for the greater correlation of Translation in the direction of accelerated Motion. The correlation of Translation for maintaining the shape of the 3d Vortex representing the electron we are dealing with will gradually decrease. Like a skater who gathers her arms, thus increasing the speed of rotation on herself, the Vortex will undergo a contraction of the volume with a concentration (in a context of conservation of Mass, Motion, Charge and Spin, therefore of linear momentum, intrinsic angular momentum in chirality and spatial orientation of the axis, etc.) in particular of the Mass (curvature of Time) and Charge (intrinsic rotation). But this does not only translate into a shrinking of the vortex particle and a greater concentration of its Mass (increase in density). This contraction also involves an increase in the relativistic Mass (rest mass multiplied by the Lorentz gamma factor). To simplify, we could say that the vortex, during acceleration, in order to maintain its vortex shape and continue to exist, must contract, become smaller and "vortex" more in itself. This increase in mass becomes very evident at speeds close to that of light, where the gamma factor assumes increasingly higher values. It is intuitive that the greater the level of Translation correlation that represents the propagation of the Structure in the Field, the less correlation is available for the conservation of the vortex nature of the Structure itself. <!--latex:br-->As the speed tends to the maximum limit (commonly called the speed of light, or better the speed of the propagation of Causality, of Action, of Information in the Elementary Field, let us remember, a limit value but locally variable due to the local curvature of Time, which represents the Mass), the Mass of the accelerated particle will tend to infinity, the occupied volume to zero. In terms of this model, if the Translation correlation relative to the Propagation of the Particle approaches one hundred percent, there is almost no correlation left for the very existence of the particle, which contracts into ever smaller volumes, with ever greater: <!--latex:br-->- correlation of the Elementary Action Component that we call Perturbation (increase in relativistic Mass and linear momentum, but also greater temporal curvature, lengthening of the particle's lifetime), <!--latex:br-->- concentration of the Rotation:Chirality correlation (which represents the Charge, whose sign does not change due to the spatial contraction), <!--latex:br-->- concentration of the Rotation:AxisOrientation correlation (spatial orientation of the axis of the Rotation Component, which represents the Spin, intrinsic angular momentum, which could vary due to the interaction with magnetic fields or magnetic components of e.m. radiation). <!--latex:br-->So, in summary, we expect that the particle subjected to acceleration, as its propagation speed in the Field approaches the local limit speed, will have greater Mass and slower time (longer lifetime), the two things are equivalent (Mass = curvature of Time), less occupied volume (spatial contraction), same electric Charge, same Spin (in the absence of magnetic interactions, obviously). Even if on this last aspect it would be necessary to conduct specific experimental research, as it could be hypothesized a progressive spontaneous reorientation in the Spin axis in the direction of Motion for the principle of least resistance, Least Action. Colliders that use electromagnetic waves to accelerate particles are therefore not suitable for this type of verification, as the magnetic component reorients the Spin axis. <!--latex:br-->In the case of deceleration, everything said here must obviously be taken the other way around. As the velocity decreases, the Translation correlation is smaller and therefore becomes available again for the conservation of the shape of the Vortex particle, which gradually tends to return to its rest shape (with nominal Mass and time curvature, and the same for the occupied volume). The contraction due to acceleration is replaced by the expansion due to deceleration. <!--latex:br-->The case of high-speed collisions remains to be examined. In high-speed collisions, the deceleration is so rapid, instantaneous, that the process of reduction of the relativistic Mass cannot occur. At the instant of the collision, the increase in Mass due to the speed reached with respect to the rest Mass of the particles involved is maintained, making it available for the formation of temporary turbulence from which the particles generated by the collision gradually emerge. The greater the speed of the incident particles, the greater the available Mass, the greater the Mass of the outgoing particles. In high-speed collisions, the deceleration is so rapid, instantaneous, that the process of relativistic Mass reduction cannot occur. At the instant of the collision, the increase in Mass due to the speed reached with respect to the rest Mass of the particles involved is maintained, making it available for the formation of temporary turbulence from which the particles generated by the collision gradually emerge. The greater the speed of the incident particles, the greater the available Mass, the greater the Mass of the outgoing particles. At speeds close to that of light, the contribution of Mass relative to the speed reached with respect to the speed of light with respect to the rest Mass of the particle can be very significant. The spatial contraction (especially longitudinal), the smaller spatial dimension of the particles involved in the collision, the smaller volume occupied, consequent to their acceleration to speeds close to that of light, in terms of the Dynamics of Elementary Action means that in the central regions of the particles the Perturbation values (and therefore, the temperature of the Field, the speed of propagation, the density of Mass, the rate of the temporal flow, etc. as described by the Principle of Universal Equivalence) are greater, even much greater than those that the same particles would have at rest (absolute rest, with respect to the Elementary Field). The Perturbation distribution profile of the individual Vortex Structures that represent the particles in the collision phase is more compressed. <!--latex:br-->Even with the peculiarities related to the immense spatial distances and the times extremely dilated compared to those of the interactions of the particles of Ordinary Matter, we expect a similar behavior for the collisions between Dark (Matter) Halos, within the complex dynamics that characterize the Cosmic Web, especially the Dark part, which we call precisely the Dark Web. We therefore expect that within the turbulent environment of the Cosmic Web, especially in the areas of greater density, in the filaments most populated by galaxies, or even more so in the nodes that constitute real dynamic attractors, the density of galaxies leads to relatively frequent collisions. Since, especially in the filaments, the galaxies seem to substantially follow a fairly coherent flow, we can expect above all "soft" collisions, due to differences in relative velocity, or to the constrictive effect of the walls of the large bubbles that delimit the filaments (large voids or bubbles with low galaxy density) and that push the galaxies of the filaments to cluster and follow the flow towards the nodes. In the vicinity and inside the nodes we should instead expect a higher frequency of more violent impacts, up to the extreme, frontal ones, with a clear separation of the various galactic components according to their density of Mass: the dark matter halos of the two colliding galaxies that stop against each other, in the near impossibility of interpenetration and merging due to their similar density (here too the extended exclusion principle applies), the gas that, with various densities, fills the peripheral and internal zones of the two galaxies, which tends to proceed forward by inertia, with shock fronts, and other dynamics that slow down its passage towards the space occupied by the other colliding galaxy and that can produce rapid phenomena of condensation with the triggering of violent processes of star formation, and also the respective configurations of the Visible Matter (spirals, arms, bars, nucleus, etc.) which, denser, with greater inertia, proceed forward against each other, crossing each other, and little by little going to occupy the dark bubble of the other colliding galaxy. In the case of particularly complex collisions (e.g. at particular angles), it is possible that, at least in one phase of the collision, the Visible matter is partially or totally projected into an area where there is no well-formed dark halo, but only a more or less shapeless turbulence. Everything we can hypothesize for galactic collisions, also here with the respective peculiarities, we can extend to the collisions of galaxy clusters. The spatial dimensions, the temporal ones, the dynamics of movement / interaction of the components of the two colliding clusters, can lead to bizarre behaviors and truly "strange" results, with remixing of dark components, gas, visible matter, entire galaxies or parts of them, which in extremely dilated times can dynamically reorganize themselves in very complex coevolutionary processes in new forms and new and different aggregations. It is highly possible that this is more or less the situation of a famous collision of galactic clusters, the Bullet Cluster, where, as mentioned, during collision the components of the cluster pair, dark matter, gas and stars behave differently. And so on at increasingly larger scales, super-clusters, squeezed between gigantic voids, to form almost insurmountable bulwarks, high gravitational walls that confine and accelerate immense "blocks" of cosmic web, stretch them into sparkling filaments, to then re-aggregate them into immense lumps of light in the nodes of the web, the galaxies like grains of dust in the impetuous wind of the Universe. Even in this type of collisions and, more generally, of dynamics that mainly concern the Structures of the Dark sector, which seem to occur in slow motion so to speak, Ordinary Matter can reach relativistic speeds, where therefore the same phenomena of conversion of Motion into Mass, which we hypothesized above, can occur. In any case, both for the Dark Structures, even with a low density of Mass, moving at relatively more contained speeds, due to their spatial extensions from large (galaxies) to immense (super-clusters, giant voids, etc.), they can show important increases in Inertial Mass in absolute terms, even if their weight in relative terms, compared to their Rest Mass, is decidedly low. In short, in the Universe, where turbulence dominates the panorama both in the Dark sector and in the Visible one and everything is in motion, a good amount of the Mass that we observe due to its gravitational effects is Inertial Mass, which is added to the Rest Mass, the Mass that characterizes each Structure in itself, assuming that it is at rest. | *'''conversion of [[Motion]] in [[Mass]]''': a few words on the processes of conversion of Motion into Mass and vice versa, before closing this long section dedicated to Motion and kinetic phenomena.<!--latex:br-->I am not sure that the term "conversion" is suitable to represent what happens in the situations mentioned in the table here, which collects most of the situations of variation of the Motion of an InfoStructure that involve a simultaneous increase in its Mass. Of its relativistic Mass, obviously, since the Rest Mass does not vary. The relativistic Mass is equal to the Rest Mass multiplied by the Lorentz factor (gamma). <!--latex:br-->In terms of our Dynamics of Elementary Action, and consequently of the Dynamics of Information / Energy, we can represent this phenomenon in this way: the acceleration of a "Vortex" type InfoStructure of the "Elementary" subtype (e.g. an electron) involves a Translation correlation transfer between the structured Elementary Field (e.g. a gravitational field is present) and the Structure in question (the electron in the example) or a Translation correlation transfer between InfoStructures of the Wave type, Multicycle subtype (e.g. a radiowave) as in an accelerating cavity in a particle collider. The situation does not change. Translation correlation transfer between the structured Field (e.g. gravitational field, or structured due to the dynamic presence of InfoStructures of the Wave type, for example, as mentioned) means that the Translation correlation scheme of the Vortex Structure in question (the electron) varies, increases. This increase, in terms of the physical quantities that characterize the Motion, can be expressed as an increase in its speed, and consequently, in its Kinetic Energy (Effective Energy). Potential Energy of the Field, or similar to it, such as the Kinetic Energy of the Wave, are transferred to the electron, increasing its Kinetic Energy (always a correlation of Translation, spatial orientation of the elementary fluctuations of the Field around the Planck scale). The increase in speed translates into an increase in the quantity of motion (linear momentum) of the particle. In short, in the increase of the Inertial Motion of the electron, an increase in its inertia (therefore, as this happens, it is increasingly onerous, more and more Action, Energy, is needed to cause its further acceleration). But this is not all. The Vortical Structures, due to their peculiar shape, if they are stable, like an electron, means that they are in equilibrium with the surrounding Field. A change in speed causes a shift in the equilibrium point, which defines the physical quantities of that particle. In particular, the effect of acceleration on the shape of the elementary Vortex will be that of its spatial contraction (less occupied volume). This is to compensate for the greater correlation of Translation in the direction of accelerated Motion. The correlation of Translation for maintaining the shape of the 3d Vortex representing the electron we are dealing with will gradually decrease. Like a skater who gathers her arms, thus increasing the speed of rotation on herself, the Vortex will undergo a contraction of the volume with a concentration (in a context of conservation of Mass, Motion, Charge and Spin, therefore of linear momentum, intrinsic angular momentum in chirality and spatial orientation of the axis, etc.) in particular of the Mass (curvature of Time) and Charge (intrinsic rotation). But this does not only translate into a shrinking of the vortex particle and a greater concentration of its Mass (increase in density). This contraction also involves an increase in the relativistic Mass (rest mass multiplied by the Lorentz gamma factor). To simplify, we could say that the vortex, during acceleration, in order to maintain its vortex shape and continue to exist, must contract, become smaller and "vortex" more in itself. This increase in mass becomes very evident at speeds close to that of light, where the gamma factor assumes increasingly higher values. It is intuitive that the greater the level of Translation correlation that represents the propagation of the Structure in the Field, the less correlation is available for the conservation of the vortex nature of the Structure itself. <!--latex:br-->As the speed tends to the maximum limit (commonly called the speed of light, or better the speed of the propagation of Causality, of Action, of Information in the Elementary Field, let us remember, a limit value but locally variable due to the local curvature of Time, which represents the Mass), the Mass of the accelerated particle will tend to infinity, the occupied volume to zero. In terms of this model, if the Translation correlation relative to the Propagation of the Particle approaches one hundred percent, there is almost no correlation left for the very existence of the particle, which contracts into ever smaller volumes, with ever greater: <!--latex:br-->- correlation of the Elementary Action Component that we call Perturbation (increase in relativistic Mass and linear momentum, but also greater temporal curvature, lengthening of the particle's lifetime), <!--latex:br-->- concentration of the Rotation:Chirality correlation (which represents the Charge, whose sign does not change due to the spatial contraction), <!--latex:br-->- concentration of the Rotation:AxisOrientation correlation (spatial orientation of the axis of the Rotation Component, which represents the Spin, intrinsic angular momentum, which could vary due to the interaction with magnetic fields or magnetic components of e.m. radiation). <!--latex:br-->So, in summary, we expect that the particle subjected to acceleration, as its propagation speed in the Field approaches the local limit speed, will have greater Mass and slower time (longer lifetime), the two things are equivalent (Mass = curvature of Time), less occupied volume (spatial contraction), same electric Charge, same Spin (in the absence of magnetic interactions, obviously). Even if on this last aspect it would be necessary to conduct specific experimental research, as it could be hypothesized a progressive spontaneous reorientation in the Spin axis in the direction of Motion for the principle of least resistance, Least Action. Colliders that use electromagnetic waves to accelerate particles are therefore not suitable for this type of verification, as the magnetic component reorients the Spin axis. <!--latex:br-->In the case of deceleration, everything said here must obviously be taken the other way around. As the velocity decreases, the Translation correlation is smaller and therefore becomes available again for the conservation of the shape of the Vortex particle, which gradually tends to return to its rest shape (with nominal Mass and time curvature, and the same for the occupied volume). The contraction due to acceleration is replaced by the expansion due to deceleration. <!--latex:br-->The case of high-speed collisions remains to be examined. In high-speed collisions, the deceleration is so rapid, instantaneous, that the process of reduction of the relativistic Mass cannot occur. At the instant of the collision, the increase in Mass due to the speed reached with respect to the rest Mass of the particles involved is maintained, making it available for the formation of temporary turbulence from which the particles generated by the collision gradually emerge. The greater the speed of the incident particles, the greater the available Mass, the greater the Mass of the outgoing particles. In high-speed collisions, the deceleration is so rapid, instantaneous, that the process of relativistic Mass reduction cannot occur. At the instant of the collision, the increase in Mass due to the speed reached with respect to the rest Mass of the particles involved is maintained, making it available for the formation of temporary turbulence from which the particles generated by the collision gradually emerge. The greater the speed of the incident particles, the greater the available Mass, the greater the Mass of the outgoing particles. At speeds close to that of light, the contribution of Mass relative to the speed reached with respect to the speed of light with respect to the rest Mass of the particle can be very significant. The spatial contraction (especially longitudinal), the smaller spatial dimension of the particles involved in the collision, the smaller volume occupied, consequent to their acceleration to speeds close to that of light, in terms of the Dynamics of Elementary Action means that in the central regions of the particles the Perturbation values (and therefore, the temperature of the Field, the speed of propagation, the density of Mass, the rate of the temporal flow, etc. as described by the Principle of Universal Equivalence) are greater, even much greater than those that the same particles would have at rest (absolute rest, with respect to the Elementary Field). The Perturbation distribution profile of the individual Vortex Structures that represent the particles in the collision phase is more compressed. <!--latex:br-->Even with the peculiarities related to the immense spatial distances and the times extremely dilated compared to those of the interactions of the particles of Ordinary Matter, we expect a similar behavior for the collisions between Dark (Matter) Halos, within the complex dynamics that characterize the Cosmic Web, especially the Dark part, which we call precisely the Dark Web. We therefore expect that within the turbulent environment of the Cosmic Web, especially in the areas of greater density, in the filaments most populated by galaxies, or even more so in the nodes that constitute real dynamic attractors, the density of galaxies leads to relatively frequent collisions. Since, especially in the filaments, the galaxies seem to substantially follow a fairly coherent flow, we can expect above all "soft" collisions, due to differences in relative velocity, or to the constrictive effect of the walls of the large bubbles that delimit the filaments (large voids or bubbles with low galaxy density) and that push the galaxies of the filaments to cluster and follow the flow towards the nodes. In the vicinity and inside the nodes we should instead expect a higher frequency of more violent impacts, up to the extreme, frontal ones, with a clear separation of the various galactic components according to their density of Mass: the dark matter halos of the two colliding galaxies that stop against each other, in the near impossibility of interpenetration and merging due to their similar density (here too the extended exclusion principle applies), the gas that, with various densities, fills the peripheral and internal zones of the two galaxies, which tends to proceed forward by inertia, with shock fronts, and other dynamics that slow down its passage towards the space occupied by the other colliding galaxy and that can produce rapid phenomena of condensation with the triggering of violent processes of star formation, and also the respective configurations of the Visible Matter (spirals, arms, bars, nucleus, etc.) which, denser, with greater inertia, proceed forward against each other, crossing each other, and little by little going to occupy the dark bubble of the other colliding galaxy. In the case of particularly complex collisions (e.g. at particular angles), it is possible that, at least in one phase of the collision, the Visible matter is partially or totally projected into an area where there is no well-formed dark halo, but only a more or less shapeless turbulence. Everything we can hypothesize for galactic collisions, also here with the respective peculiarities, we can extend to the collisions of galaxy clusters. The spatial dimensions, the temporal ones, the dynamics of movement / interaction of the components of the two colliding clusters, can lead to bizarre behaviors and truly "strange" results, with remixing of dark components, gas, visible matter, entire galaxies or parts of them, which in extremely dilated times can dynamically reorganize themselves in very complex coevolutionary processes in new forms and new and different aggregations. It is highly possible that this is more or less the situation of a famous collision of galactic clusters, the Bullet Cluster, where, as mentioned, during collision the components of the cluster pair, dark matter, gas and stars behave differently. And so on at increasingly larger scales, super-clusters, squeezed between gigantic voids, to form almost insurmountable bulwarks, high gravitational walls that confine and accelerate immense "blocks" of cosmic web, stretch them into sparkling filaments, to then re-aggregate them into immense lumps of light in the nodes of the web, the galaxies like grains of dust in the impetuous wind of the Universe. Even in this type of collisions and, more generally, of dynamics that mainly concern the Structures of the Dark sector, which seem to occur in slow motion so to speak, Ordinary Matter can reach relativistic speeds, where therefore the same phenomena of conversion of Motion into Mass, which we hypothesized above, can occur. In any case, both for the Dark Structures, even with a low density of Mass, moving at relatively more contained speeds, due to their spatial extensions from large (galaxies) to immense (super-clusters, giant voids, etc.), they can show important increases in Inertial Mass in absolute terms, even if their weight in relative terms, compared to their Rest Mass, is decidedly low. In short, in the Universe, where turbulence dominates the panorama both in the Dark sector and in the Visible one and everything is in motion, a good amount of the Mass that we observe due to its gravitational effects is Inertial Mass, which is added to the Rest Mass, the Mass that characterizes each Structure in itself, assuming that it is at rest. | ||
− | *'''conversion of [[Mass]] in [[Motion]] (propagating potential kinetic Energy)''': conversion of Mass into Motion, in order to be appreciated, requires extremely intense and violent phenomena. One of the phenomena that can convert Mass into Motion is certainly the emission of Gravitational Waves. Later in this same chapter, we will see what Gravitational Waves consist of, how they are produced and what effects they have on Dark and Visible Matter. Here it is enough to say that G.W. are produced by the (acceleration) / deceleration of massive objects. In order to be detectable with current instruments, in order to have observable effects on matter (e.g. pulsars), such objects must have very high mass, must be compact and must undergo accelerations / decelerations of great intensity (e.g. rotations around the common center of gravity of binary systems of neutron stars / black holes, or, probably, the expulsion of the external states and the collapse of supernova nuclei, etc.) and must not be too far from the detection instruments / objects. G.W. are the analogue of E.M. Waves emitted by particles. They are InfoStructures that transport deformations of the Elementary Field, which transport Elementary Action in the Translation and Rotation components: AxisOrientation, which correspond respectively to linear momentum and angular momentum. In fact, G.W. propagate linearly in the Elementary Field at the maximum speed allowed (locally), just like E.M. Waves, and are also characterized by polarization. Therefore, they transport Motion (linear momentum) and Spin (orintation of intrinsic angular momentum), while they do not transport Mass and Charge. When a G.W. transits in the portion of the Elementary Field that from time to time supports, for example, one of the mirrors of a G.W. interferometer, this Wave causes a temporary (very slight) acceleration of the mirror in the direction of the transported linear momentum, as well as a possible equally slight torsion of the mirror in the direction of the orientation of the transported intrinsic angular momentum in the case that this Wave is polarized (the emission of polarized G.W. requires emitting objects with Spin (with extremely high correlation intensities of the orintation of its intrinsic angular momentum). That said, let's take a specific phenomenon of merging neutron stars or black holes to try to formulate plausible hypotheses on how this conversion could occur. | + | *'''conversion of [[Mass]] in [[Motion]] (propagating potential kinetic Energy)''': conversion of Mass into Motion, in order to be appreciated, requires extremely intense and violent phenomena. One of the phenomena that can convert Mass into Motion is certainly the emission of Gravitational Waves. Later in this same chapter, we will see what Gravitational Waves consist of, how they are produced and what effects they have on Dark and Visible Matter. Here it is enough to say that G.W. are produced by the (acceleration) / deceleration of massive objects. In order to be detectable with current instruments, in order to have observable effects on matter (e.g. pulsars), such objects must have very high mass, must be compact and must undergo accelerations / decelerations of great intensity (e.g. rotations around the common center of gravity of binary systems of neutron stars / black holes, or, probably, the expulsion of the external states and the collapse of supernova nuclei, etc.) and must not be too far from the detection instruments / objects. G.W. are the analogue of E.M. Waves emitted by particles. They are InfoStructures that transport deformations of the Elementary Field, which transport Elementary Action in the Translation and Rotation components: AxisOrientation, which correspond respectively to linear momentum and angular momentum. In fact, G.W. propagate linearly in the Elementary Field at the maximum speed allowed (locally), just like E.M. Waves, and are also characterized by polarization. Therefore, they transport Motion (linear momentum) and Spin (orintation of intrinsic angular momentum), while they do not transport Mass and Charge. When a G.W. transits in the portion of the Elementary Field that from time to time supports, for example, one of the mirrors of a G.W. interferometer, this Wave causes a temporary (very slight) acceleration of the mirror in the direction of the transported linear momentum, as well as a possible equally slight torsion of the mirror in the direction of the orientation of the transported intrinsic angular momentum in the case that this Wave is polarized (the emission of polarized G.W. requires emitting objects with Spin (with extremely high correlation intensities of the orintation of its intrinsic angular momentum). That said, let's take a specific phenomenon of merging neutron stars or black holes to try to formulate plausible hypotheses on how this conversion could occur. <!--latex:br--> Let us imagine a binary system of black holes (both for example with masses between 20 and 50 solar masses), rapidly rotating around the common center of gravity. Both black holes in their increasingly narrow orbits will experience increasingly intense accelerations. The masses of the two objects will obviously be different (from slightly to significantly different). This will produce a certain level of eccentricity in the rotation of the two bodies and this will lead to even more intense accelerations. The two bodies linked in such a binary system will undergo an increase in Mass as their orbital rotation speed (rotation around the common center of Mass) increases. The increase in speed and, consequently, in Mass translates into a contraction of the volume occupied by each of the two objects. In the case of neutron stars / pulsars, the contraction of the body will be the sum of the contractions that affect all the individual particles that make up the body itself, neutrons, quarks, etc.). In the case of well-formed black holes, so to speak (where all the particles of matter, electrons, quarks, etc., that originated the black hole and all those that gradually fall beyond the event horizon and feed it, have merged into what we call a black hole, a sort of super unitary particle, super dense and super massive, rapidly rotating on itself) it is the entire body that contracts as a result of the increase in speed, and therefore of its Mass. Here too, therefore, we can think of the total Mass of the B.H. as ideally formed by the sum of the Rest Mass (the Mass of all the matter that was compressed during the collapse and of all that was added and is constantly added) and the Relativistic Mass, due precisely to the speed reached (linear of the orbiting and angular of the spinning on itself). For simplicity, we neglect here all the (very complex) effects that can influence these speeds, the increase in relativistic Mass, the contraction of the volume occupied by the B.H. (among the many, the structure of the environment in which the B.H. moves, dark matter and visible matter for example of the accretion disk, the presence of other massive bodies nearby, the emission of electromagnetic radiation in the external regions, the interaction with the companion of the binary system, the possible transfer of matter between the two bodies, the tidal effects, and so on.). Alongside this increase in the Mass of the two bodies of the binary system, due to the accelerations, the irregularities / eccentricities of the orbits, etc. we will witness an emission of radiation in the form of Gravitational Waves, which like E.M. Waves, will transport Elementary Action into the Translation and Rotation Components: AxisOrientation, linear momentum and spatial orientation of the intrinsic angular momentum, Motion and orientation of Spin, momentum and polarization. This mechanism, with the appropriate (enormous) dimensional and quantitative differences, is similar to that which occurs in the case of emission of electromagnetic radiation (so-called synchrotron radiation, with a peak at X-ray wavelengths) by a charged particle (e.g. electron, positron) moving at speeds close to the speed of light, forced by a magnetic field to move along a curved trajectory (just as neutron stars / B.H. in binary systems are forced by gravity to move along spiraling curved trajectories until the final fusion, at which point there is a peak, in intensity and frequency, of GM emission). The emission of such Waves reduces the linear momentum, the quantity of motion of the emitting bodies, reduces the speed, and therefore the Mass, with an increase in the volume occupied by the body, a process inverse to the one we saw before, where we witness a progressive increase in the orbital speed of the two bodies due to the effect of gravity that binds the bodies in the binary system, and the consequent increase in the relativistic Mass and the contraction of the occupied volume. Let's say that in this cosmic tug-of-war, gravity wins in the end, attracting the two bodies ever closer in an ever tighter spiral until the final fusion. To summarize, gravity produces an increase in the orbital speed, in the relativistic Mass, and dimensional contraction. At the same time, the Constrained Motion, with its accelerations, produces a radiation of linear (and angular) momentum in the form of G.W. that produce a reduction in the orbital speed, in the relativistic Mass, an increase in the volume. Between the two mechanisms, the most intense is obviously the one related to the attraction that leads to the final fusion of the two bodies. In light of what has been hypothesized here, this phenomenon should not strictly be classified as a conversion of Mass into Motion. The conversion does indeed occur, but it is relativistic mass, not the rest mass of the particles that make up neutron stars, or the mass of the super particle object that we call a black hole. More properly we should say that the (relativistic) Mass increases or decreases due to the variation in the velocity of the body resulting from the radiation of linear momentum (G.W.). <!--latex:br-->Other phenomena that manifest themselves with the conversion of Mass into Motion are those that concern atomic nuclei (decays, fission, fusion, etc.) where Mass seems to disappear in favor of emissions of e.m. radiation and/or massive particles at very high speeds. Here too, however, we assume that the Mass so to speak converted is relativistic Mass (internal vibrations of nucleons), or binding Mass (nuclear forces, gluons, etc.) and not the rest Mass of the particles (which from observations seem to be very modest). |
Revision as of 19:36, 6 November 2024
What we intend for Motion and kinetic phenomena
Motion is a phenomenon, something that happens... A process, a dynamic condition, not a state (so-called state of motion). It is a phenomenon that happens to and in the Elementary Field, which implies variations "of" the Field (which hosts, supports and propagates) and "in" the Field (of the InfoStructures that exist and move in it). It is the dynamic condition of a portion of the Field, of a space-time domain, in which the elementary spatial fluctuations of the event points show a direction, the direction of motion for each point of the portion considered.
Motion is a phenomenon, but at the same time it can be seen as a deformation of a Field, as we have seen for Metric (Space-time curvature) and Mass. Motion is a deformation of a derived Field, a partial and specific view of the Elementary Field, focused on the organization of the correlation of Translation, of the spatial directionality of the 'elementary' fluctuations.
What we normally call Mass and what we assume to be Dark Energy share the same nature. In fact, they are the two specular aspects of the same phenomenon, deformations, inhomogeneities (local, more or less extended, more or less uniform or non-uniform, more or less irregular/turbulent or regular/ordered) which can be represented asGradients that produce reactions from the Elementary Field aimed at restoring homogeneity, the uniformity of distributions.
These reactions produce the emergence of correlations in directionality, the more or less intense / dense spatial orientation of the elementary fluctuations, what we call Translation. In vector terms, Divergence (Translation -> Motion -> acceleration) in the direction of the Gradients (Perturbation -> Positive and negative Mass -> alteration of the temporal flow / speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information).
We speak generically of Motion and kinetics in Space-time, but we should speak explicitly of its two fundamental aspects: inertial motion and accelerated motion, which determine the nature of the systems / frames of reference in which we observe and evaluate natural phenomena, especially in the context of Relativity.
Inertial and accelerated motion are the two kinds of Motion that allow us to describe kinetic phenomena. Reality is movement, the Universe is in constant change at all dimensional scales, in the infinitely small as well as in cosmic dimensions. Movement is everything, is the creative basis of Existence and the evolutionary engine of its Essence / Form.
The elementary spatial fluctuations, whose temporal distributions represent the primary substance of which the world is made, are the first form of Motion that we can imagine. It represents the foundation of everything, the most elementary Form of Existence.
We will see how both the Elementary Field and the InfoStructures in it can / should be characterized by the two aforementioned forms of Motion, inertial and accelerated, and the related phenomena, inertia and acceleration. We will see the differences and their meaning in relation to Motion in general, and, specifically, in relation to:
- the gravitational attraction and repulsion (produced by what in this system is considered the curvature of Time, since Space, at the size scales of the InfoStructures that make up Visible Matter and even more so of the InfoStructures that make up Dark Matter, is flat),
- as well as the electric and magnetic attraction and repulsion (produced by what in this system is considered the chirality of the elementary fluctuations and the spatial orientation of their axis of rotation, respectively Rotation:Chirality and RotationAxisOrientation).
Translation, and therefore Motion and the kinetic phenomena, are (produced by) the reaction of the Elementary Field to the inhomogeneities present in it, in its dynamics, in the Elementary Action of the components Perturbation (thermal curvature / Mass density), Rotation:Chirality (Charge) and Rotation:AxisOrientation (Spin). Reaction that tends to restore homogeneity, uniformity.
It is no coincidence that Vortices are the only types of InfoStructures that, due to their shape and conformation (both for the profile / spatial distribution of Perturbation and for those of Rotation, and therefore of Mass, Charge and Spin) produce Translation in the Field (acceleration) and therefore kinetic effects (attraction / repulsion) on other Structures.
At the same time, in specific equilibrium conditions that guarantee their permanence / stability over time, Vortices carry / convey Translation, which manifests itself in the Field for the restoration of homogeneity and that linked to the spontaneous turbulence of the Field itself, in the vortex form of the Structure. Translation which therefore, rather than restoring homogeneity by destroying the Vortex Structure, paradoxically participates in its conservation, in a dynamic causal permanence.
This is the root of kinetic phenomena. As metric / gravitational, also the kinetic phenomena are phenomena that concern the Elementary Field (in its specific "views" that we call Derived Fields with their associated physical quantities Space-time, Mass, Motion, etc.) and the Elementary Action that characterize them, Information / Energy, InfoStructures and the Forms that manifest in it.
In terms of the correlations between the temporal distributions of the spatial elementary fluctuations of the Elementary Field resonating around the Planck scale
Organization of the correlation of Translation... In the terms of the Dynamics of Elementary Field and the Modes / Components of Elementary Action, this means that Motion (in its two basic inertial and accelerated forms) is the manifestation, the product of the correlations between "the spatial orientations" of the temporal distributions of the elementary spatial fluctuations resonating around the Planck scale of each point event of Elementary Field.
If the spatial orientations of the distributions at each point event or in the considered portion of the Elementary Field are stochastically independent (no correlation), we will see no Motion, "no acceleration" (like that associated by a gravitational potential in a gravitational field, "no inertial motion" of a InfoStructure supported by that point or that portion of the Elementary Field.
If the spatial orientations of the distributions in any given point event or in the considered portion of the Elementary Field are correlated to some extent, if therefore there is "divergence in the Field", in the distributions, we will see Motion, in addition to / superimposed on the omnipresent random and incessant reorientation of the Elementary Energy produced by the spontaneous dynamics of the Elementary Field.
Let's summarize:
- correlation of Translation in an InfoStructure "in" the Field: inertial motion (the Structure present in a portion of the Field where there is no correlation of Translation continues undisturbed in its condition of inertial Motion or absolute stillness, i.e. absence of Motion with respect to the Field),
- correlation of Translation in a portion "of" the Field: accelerated motion (the Structures present in the portion of the Field under observation are accelerated, the speed, direction and/or sense of Motion is modified or the condition of "absolute" stillness is lost).
Let's briefly look at the fundamental differences between the two aspects, the two basic forms of Motion, plus the condition of non-Motion.
A premise. I know that absolute rest as well as absolute motion are not accepted and acceptable concepts in the field of conventional physics, as wonderfully highlighted by relativistic mechanics (and it could not be otherwise, given the focus on the level of Reality that concerns InfoStructures and Physical Forms, in particular the Particles of Visible Matter). But I ask the reader here too to make an effort to imagine a level of Reality causally and variationally (spatially and temporally) underlying those of the Structures and Forms. I am obviously referring to the level of Elementary Action, which animates the Elementary Field, whose dynamics is fundamental to understanding the nature and phenomena of the fundamental physical quantities that characterize those Structures so central to conventional physics.
The impossibility for us (as beings formed by InfoStructures, we can only observe and know Physical Reality through interactions between InfoStructures) to find points or frames of reference in the Elementary Field, entails the impossibility of casting "physical" glances into the absolute. This translates into the conclusion that there is no "absolute" plane of Reality (Dynamics of Elementary Action), where the "relative" phenomena (Dynamics of Information, of Information Structures, Dynamics of Physical Forms and of the Universe) find their foundation and plausible, even if hypothetical, explanations. I ask the reader to follow me in this descent (or ascent) to levels of Reality inaccessible to methods focused on and tools made of InfoStructures, to try to imagine Motion and the kinetic phenomena from the point of view of the Elementary Field, to therefore make an effort to imagine the unimaginable (and perhaps the unobservable).
In summary:
- Inertial Motion (Inertial Motion, or non accelerated Motion, is the Motion of a Structure of Information "in" the Elementary Field without correlated Translation in it): Inertial Motion of an InfoStructure implies that in the Elementary Field, in the region affected by the Motion trajectory, Translation of all the points events is stochastically independent (not correlated). In terms of Elementary Events, infinitesimal spatial fluctuations, of which Translation represents the spatial orientation, this means that in the considered region of the Field there are no correlations between the spatial orientations of such elementary spatial fluctuations. The correlations between Translation representing the Information / Energy (in this case Kinetic Energy) of the InfoStructure in Motion in such region of the Field (where as mentioned there are no correlations between Translation -> no acceleration, represented for example by a gravitational potential produced by the presence of a massive InfoStructure), interacting punctually with the stochastically independent Processes that represent the dynamics of the Field, are not modified as a whole. The shape of the InfoStructure is substantially preserved, except for the Indeterminacy / Uncertainty transferred from the chaotic / turbulent dynamics of the Field to the Structure itself (Indeterminacy / Uncertainty of the position and of the quantity of motion, of Time and Energy, of orthogonal directions of spin or polarization, in short of conjugate variables of Particles and Waves). Motion, the propagation of an InfoStructure in the Elementary Field is a Process that consists in the interaction of Translation of each point (in the continuum) of the spatial geometry of the InfoStructure with Translation of each corresponding event point. It is a complex Process that is embodied in an extended network of interactions between Processes with a deterministic prevalence (the shape of the InfoStructure that moves in the Field) with Processes with a stochastic prevalence (the natural spontaneous chaotic turbulence that characterizes the unorganized, unstructured Elementary Field, on which a set of other Processes with a deterministic prevalence can overlap that represent other InfoStructures present in the Field itself). So, even when we witness the inertial Motion of a Particle that does not undergo any interaction with other InfoStructures, therefore in the absence of forces that modify or accelerate its Motion, all the points (in the continuum) of that Particle are interacting with all the event points of the region of the Field that at a given moment is supporting that Structure. As said, a complex network of interactions between stochastic / deterministic Processes in a dynamic equilibrium between chaos and order that preserves the shape and properties of the Structure within the limits of the Indeterminacy / Uncertainty that represents the spontaneous dynamics (Elementary Events) of the Field itself. It is in the Relations between such Events, between Elementary Action, in the punctual Relations between Information / Energy of the Field and that which represents the shape of the Structure in propagation (correlations between the Mode / Component that we call Translation) that the Processes that realize Motion are expressed. It should be remembered that chaotic processes, describable as stochastically independent processes, of the spontaneous dynamics of the Field are essentially expressed at scales smaller than or around Planck scale (dimensions around 10-33 meters) while a Vortex-type InfoStructure of Visible Matter (for example an electron) is expressed at dimensions around 10-15 meters. This is about 18 orders of magnitude. It is also true that, due to the spontaneous dynamics of the Field (in the terms of conventional physics, we speak of quantum fluctuations, quantum foam, etc.), the omnipresent turbulence manifests itself at spatial dimensional levels much larger than the Planck scale, for example in the form of what in conventional physics are called virtual particles. But since it is a turbulence that "borrows" Energy from the Field itself (spontaneous dynamics due to the incessant internal interaction of the Source of Reality, the Action of the Fundamental Force on the Field itself described by the Uncertainty Principle), the temporal domain and therefore the probability of interactions that can substantially modify the Structure involved, its properties and associated physical quantities, is rather low. Here particles emitted in areas of the cosmos and in remote eras manage to propagate practically undisturbed through sidereal distances for very long times, in very long journeys in the infinite and unlimited Elementary Field.
- From the point of view of the dynamics "of" the Elementary Field (absolute perspective): all event points of the portion of the Elementary Field instant by instant affected by the propagation of the InfoStructure in Inertial Motion before and after its transit fluctuate in stochastically independent spatial directions / orientations (Translation -> Divengence). No correlation between the spatial orientations of the spontaneous dynamic processes that animate the Field at infinitesimal dimensional scales. The event points directly affected by the propagation of the Structure, those that instant by instant support the Structure, are reoriented in the directions of the corresponding points of the Structure in transit. The Information relating to the orientations carried by the Structure overlaps (interacts, composition of forces, parallelogram rule) with the random one of the natural turbulence of the uncorrelated, unstructured Field. The interaction extends to the entire volume of the spatial portion of the Field time by time occupied by the Structure. As said, after the passage all the event points of the Field affected return to their dynamics for all the Components of the Elementary Action involved in the structure of the InfoStructure in Motion, and therefore also for Translation.
- From the point of view of the dynamics of the Structures of Information "in" the Elementary Field (relative perspective): all the Components of the Elementary Action expressed in the Existence and Essence / Form of the InfoStructure in Motion, and therefore also Translation, are only weakly influenced by the punctual interaction with the spontaneous dynamics of the Field in the corresponding Components of the Elementary Action dominated by Indeterminacy / Uncertainty. The uncorrelated / unstructured Field (dynamics of stochastically independent event points) does not show Information (in this case the Action has no Form - no In-forma-azione - it in fact arises from the Relations between the Events, from the correlations between the distributions of the elementary fluctuations). The weakness of the influence of the Field on the Structure in Inertial Motion is due, in addition to the absence in the Field of Information in the form of derived Energy (e.g. gravitational acceleration, electric charge, etc.), both to the differences in scale between the Indeterminacy / Uncertainty of the Field around and below the Planck scale and the size of a Vortex / particle InfoStructure (as mentioned, it is about 18 orders of magnitude), and to the limited times in which at each event point the interaction with the Information carried by the corresponding points of the scheme representing the shape of the Structure occurs. Furthermore, the Vortex shape of the Structure, the most elementary shape with self-conserving properties that we find in Nature, significantly limits the loss of shape of the same due to interactions with the spontaneous turbulent / chaotic dynamics of the Field. Therefore, we could say that the Structure in Inertial Motion in the uncorrelated / unstructured Field does not "feel" anything but a weak noise / vibration in all the Components of the Elementary Action, which does not substantially influence its shape. Only a certain amount of Indeterminacy is transferred, which should be modest in any case and which in a certain time interval should substantially reduce to zero due to the mediation of the "successive" contributions (in terms of Translation, no substantial influence on the propagation trajectory). With a simile we could say that the Structure would perceive only a certain infinitesimal vibration / skidding like a ball rolling freely on a surface that is not perfectly smooth. If the roughness of the surface is absolutely modest compared to the size of the ball, the effect of the induced vibrations / skidding is absolutely negligible (any increase in the temperature of the ball and the surface due to friction, slowing down of the Motion, etc. introduce complexity that, to maintain clarity in the simile, it is best to avoid here). One last note... For an InfoStructure in the Field, given the lack of absolute reference points and the absence of acceleration, it is impossible to distinguish a condition of inertial motion from a condition of rest (absolute rest, since a relative rest with respect to an object in inertial motion is "absolute" inertial motion with respect to the Field).
- Accelerated Motion (Condition "of" the Elementary Field with presence of Translation that produces acceleration of the InfoStructures in it and Motion of a Structure of Information "in" a Elementary Field without other Translation in it): Accelerated Motion of an InfoStructure implies that in the Elementary Field, in the region affected by the trajectory of the Motion, the Translation of all the events of the points is not stochastically independent, that it is somehow correlated. The extent of this correlation of the Component of the Elementary Action that we call Translation in each event point of the Field represents the quantity, the intensity of the acceleration that the corresponding points of the Structure will "feel", and that will modify its Motion (velocity: speed + direction) through an incessant and continuous interaction in each point. The longer the interaction between Structure and Field lasts, the greater the variation will be: increase or decrease in speed, variation in the direction of the Motion. In terms of Elementary Events, infinitesimal spatial fluctuations, of which the Translation represents the spatial orientation, it means that in the considered region of the Field there are correlations between the spatial orientations of such elementary spatial fluctuations (e.g. produced by the presence of a Mass, Visible Matter and/or Dark that produces a gravitational potential). The correlations between Translations that represent the Information / Energy (in this case Kinetic Energy) of the InfoStructure in Motion in that region of the Field (where as mentioned there are correlations between Translation -> positive or negative acceleration), interacting punctually with the stochastically independent Processes that represent the dynamics of the Field, are modified. The shape of the InfoStructure can be substantially preserved (in the case of modest accelerations) or modified to different degrees (even destroyed as in the case of dismembered stars or spaghettified objects due to excessive proximity to a black hole of great Mass). In addition to the Indeterminacy transferred from the chaotic / turbulent dynamics of the Field to the Structure itself (Uncertainty of position and momentum, of Time and Energy, of orthogonal directions of Spin or polarization, in short Uncertainty of conjugate variables of Particles and Waves), in the case of presence of correlation between Translation in the Field, the interaction involves a variation in the correlation scheme between the Translation of the Structure, of its scheme of Information that gives shape to the Structure itself. Therefore, when we witness the accelerated Motion of a Particle, we are settling into an interaction of that Structure both with the Field itself, unstructured, with its natural turbulence, and with other InfoStructures, an interaction mediated by the Field that will show a non-homogeneous organization of its infinitesimal spatial fluctuations and of the relative temporal distributions, inhomogeneities that we call potentials (gravitational, electric, magnetic) and that cause the acceleration of the Motion of the Structures that transit in the portion of the Field involved. These interactions manifest themselves as forces acting on the Structures themselves, which modify their Motion (and not only that, since they can modify their shape, properties, associated physical quantities, in addition to the velocity obviously).
- From the point of view of the dynamics "of" the Elementary Field (relative perspective): let us imagine that each event point of a portion of the Elementary Field is associated with a vector (vector field) that represents the spatial orientation (direction and sense) of the elementary spatial fluctuations (Elementary Events). Let us imagine that in such a portion the orientation of the fluctuations can be represented by partially correlated stochastic processes. The orientation in each point is thus partly stochastically independent (spontaneous turbulence of the Field) and partly determined (presence of a potential, e.g. gravitational potential produced by the presence of a Mass different from that of the Structure under observation), in a fixed direction parallel to the linear trajectory of propagation of the Structure in Motion (constant and equally oriented divergence). The event points of the Field directly affected by the propagation of the Structure, those that instant by instant support the Structure, are reoriented in the directions of the corresponding points of the Structure in transit. Or rather, the orientation of each point will be the result of the composition (parallelogram rule) of the chaotic orientation contribution of the spontaneous fluctuation of the Field itself, of the divergence present in the orientation of the fluctuations in the portion of the Field involved and of the Information carried by the Structure in Motion (orientation that realizes the inertial Motion of the Structure, its instantaneous velocity). If the divergence contribution of the Field suddenly disappeared, the Structure would continue to propagate with uniform linear Motion in the uncorrelated / unstructured Field, at the velocity reached immediately before the disappearance of the divergence. Let us repeat... The Information relating to the orientations carried by the Structure overlaps (interacts, composition of forces, parallelogram rule) with that which is partly random (natural turbulence of the uncorrelated, unstructured Field) and partly determined (divergence described above, e.g. gravitational potential). The interaction extends to the entire volume of the spatial portion of the Field occupied by the Structure from time to time. As mentioned, after the passage all the event points of the Field involved return to their dynamics for all the Components of the Elementary Action involved in the structure of the InfoStructure in Motion, and therefore also for the Translation (in this case, random orientation of the spontaneous fluctuations of the natural turbulence of the Field to which is added the divergence produced for example by the presence of a Mass). While the Information of the Structure, the correlations between Translation that represent the velocity (speed and direction / sense) of its Motion in the Elementary Field, is incessantly modified by the interaction with the divergence present in the Field. Part of the potential Energy (the Information relating to the divergence, to the correlation between the directions of the fluctuations of the event points that support the corresponding points of the Structure) is acted on and transferred to the Structure, which acquires kinetic Energy, effective Energy (Information that represents the Shape of the Structure and that propagates in the Field).
- From the point of view of the dynamics of the Structures of Information "in" the Elementary Field (relative perspective): all the Components of the Elementary Action, and therefore also the Translation, only weakly influenced by the point interaction with the spontaneous dynamics of the Field in the corresponding Components of the Elementary Action dominated by Indeterminacy / Uncertainty, are normally much more influenced by the Translation / divergence component present in the Field, a component that we can call acceleration since it causes the variation of the velocity of the Structure that would otherwise propagate in inertial Motion. If suddenly the gravitational attraction (Translation / acceleration oriented towards the centre of Mass of the Earth) disappeared, all the satellites in orbit, with the delay of the propagation of gravity at the speed of light, would "go off on a tangent". They would be thrown into the cosmos. As seen, this influence derives from the interaction between the Translation components of the event points of the Field (potential energy, potential acceleration, so to speak) and those of the corresponding points of the Structure in Motion (inertial Motion, Effective Energy called Kinetic Energy). From their composition comes the increase of the Translation of the points of the Structure which will consequently vary its inertial Motion (and its speed, quantity of motion, kinetic energy, etc.), with an increase or decrease independently of the directions and senses of the two Translations interacting in each point. Changes of trajectory, rotations in space, etc. may occur always depending on the intensities, directions and senses of the two Translational components of the Field and the Structure. In each subsequent instant (always in the continuous flow of time, the Structure is increasingly different from its initial state, due to the continuation of the influence of the Translation of the Field, the acceleration precisely, and with each change in position of the Structure in the Field, the Structure itself will be able to "feel" a different quantity / quality of Translation / potential Energy / acceleration for each event point of the Field, assuming that this is not homogeneously distributed (a different case from the one hypothesized here for simplicity: constant Translation value and oriented in the direction parallel to the linear trajectory followed by the Structure in Motion). The Structure in accelerated Motion in the correlated / structured Field as indicated above, in addition to the weak noise / vibration in all the Components of the Elementary Action, which does not substantially influence its Motion and shape, as in the case of inertial Motion in an uncorrelated / structured Field, will "feel" the acceleration and will feel its velocity (speed, direction, sense of Motion) vary, could conceivably see its position (relative to other Structures) vary, as well as its absolute position in the Field if absolute reference points were possible (hypothesis unfortunately not compatible with the nature of the Elementary Field and of the Structures that form and evolve in it).
- Non-Motion, Absolute Rest (Condition "of" the Elementary Field with complete absence of Translation, no acceleration of the InfoStructures in it and no inertial Motion of a Structure of Information "in" a Elementary Field): a state of non-motion of an InfoStructure implies that in the Elementary Field, in the region affected by the trajectory of Motion, the Translation of all the point events is stochastically independent (not correlated) and at the same time also the Structure (we are always referring to a hypothetical elementary Vortex type Structure) does not show correlation of the Translation. In terms of Elementary Events, infinitesimal spatial fluctuations, of which the Translation represents the spatial orientation, it means that in the considered region of the Field there are no correlations between the spatial orientations of such elementary spatial fluctuations and the same thing is true for the scheme of relations between the spatial orientations of the Information that organizes the Structure in question. The correlations between Translation representing the Information / Energy (in this case Kinetic Energy) of the InfoStructure at rest in that region of the Field (where as mentioned there are no correlations between Translation), in this case equal to zero, interacting punctually with the stochastically independent Processes that represent the dynamics of the Field, are not modified as a whole and the Structure remains at rest. The shape of the InfoStructure is substantially preserved, except for the Indeterminacy / Uncertainty transferred from the chaotic / turbulent dynamics of the Field to the Structure itself. As already mentioned, we are talking here of "absolute rest". I reiterate that it is clear to me that for conventional physics this is a "heretical" and highly erroneous concept, incompatible with the vision that physics has of the world. But, as indicated several times in the course of this work, here we are trying to formulate hypotheses and proposals, even highly unconventional, in order to construct a new vision of Reality, of the physical world, of the Universe. I therefore ask not to reject this concept, and more generally, that there is an absolute level, even if not directly observable, from whose dynamics the bizarre phenomena that we observe arise (especially in the quantum world). And in any case, especially in this chapter, many times we have spoken of InfoStructures and we have tried to imagine their dynamics by providing the vision from the point of view of the Structures in the Field (relative vision) and from the point of view of the Elementary Field that supports them (absolute vision). In short: no correlation of Translation "of" and "in" the Elementary Field, no Motion. Translation is Action, Motion in the corresponding Information / Energy (in the form of Potential Energy "of" the Field, which produces acceleration and accelerated Motion, and / or Effective Energy, Kinetic Energy we call it, "in" the Field, which is inertial Motion, and relates to inertia of the Structure).
- From the point of view of the dynamics "of" the Elementary Field (absolute perspective): all the points event of the portion of the Elementary Field instant by instant affected by the propagation of the InfoStructure in inertial Motion before and after its transit fluctuate in stochastically independent spatial directions / orientations (Translation -> Divergence). No correlation between the spatial orientations of the spontaneous dynamic processes that animate the Field at infinitesimal dimensional scales. The event points that support the corresponding points of the Structure at rest in the Field, are reoriented in the directions of the corresponding points of the Structure at rest. Information about the orientations carried by the Structure overlaps (interacts -> composition of forces, parallelogram rule) with the random information of the natural turbulence of the uncorrelated, unstructured Field. The interaction extends to the entire volume of the spatial portion of the Field occupied by / hosting / supporting the Structure.
- From the point of view of the dynamics of the Structures of Information "in" the Elementary Field (relative perspective): as already seen for the case of the inertial Motion of a Structure in the Field, all the Components of the Elementary Action expressed in the Existence and Essence/Form of the InfoStructure at rest are only weakly influenced by the point interaction with the spontaneous dynamics of the Field in the corresponding Components of the Elementary Action dominated by Indeterminacy / Uncertainty. But in the case of absence of Motion, the Translation carried by the Structure is zero (no kinetic Energy, no Motion), as well as that present in the portion of the Field involved (no potential Energy, e.g. gravitational, no acceleration, again... no Motion). The uncorrelated / unstructured Field (dynamics of stochastically independent event points) does not show Information (in this case the Action has no Form - it has no In-forma-azione - it in fact arises from the Relations between the Events, from the correlations between the distributions of the elementary fluctuations). We could say that the Structure at rest in the uncorrelated / structured Field does not "feel" anything but a weak noise / vibration in all the Components of the Elementary Action, which does not substantially influence its shape. Only a certain amount of Indeterminacy is transferred, which should be modest in any case and which in a certain interval of time should be reduced to substantially zero due to the mediation of the "successive" contributions (in terms of Translation, no substantial influence on the condition of rest). Let's resume the note highlighted above... For an InfoStructure in the Field, given the lack of absolute reference points and the absence of acceleration, it is impossible to distinguish a condition of inertial Motion from a condition of rest (absolute rest, since a relative rest with respect to an object in inertial Motion is an "absolute" inertial Motion with respect to the Field).
In terms of Entities, Events, Relations and Processes
Like Space-time and Mass, Motion it is not an entity, something that exists in itself, fixed, immutable, absolute. It is not a Force, it is not a Field. It is a Phenomenon, something that happens, the manifestation of the Action of the Fundamental Force on the Elementary Field. A particular vision on a fundamental phenomenon that incessantly creates the most elementary form of Existence, Elementary Action, the elementary spatial fluctuations of the Elementary Field that resonate around the Planck scale. As for everything that exists, for the whole Reality, also Motion can be defined as a Process, a network of Events produced by Entities, organized by Relations.
In terms of Source (Force - Field), Action, Information, Form
In other words, Motion is one of the (dynamic) Forms (organizations) that the Elementary Field assumes under the Action of the Fundamental Force. Form that manifests itself if we observe the dynamics of the Elementary Field in the Mode / Component of the Elementary Action that we call Translation, which supports what we could call Kinetic Information / Energy.
In the unstructured Field (from the point of the Elementary Field and its dynamics)
Motion exists as a manifestation of the spontaneous dynamics of the Elementary Field, even without the presence of InfoStructures. In spatial fluctuations around the Planck scale and even lower, the natural turbulence of the Field produces an incessant chaotic re-orientation of those fluctuations, which we call Translation. The occasional spontaneous emergence of correlation of Translation, as described by the Uncertainty Principle, in particular for the relation Energy (correlations) and Time (duration), the more intense and broad the correlation, the shorter the phenomenon. This natural turbulence (of correlation -> Information / Energy) overlaps with the more elementary one of the spatial fluctuations of the Field, and appears as a first spontaneous form of organization of the Field, which, under specific conditions, can lead to the formation of impalpable InfoStructures (which, due to their characteristics, especially the extremely limited density of their Matter, we can imagine as Dark Structures), the seeds of Dark InfoStructures that, in extremely broad time frames, will evolve towards the immense structures of Dark Matter, which, within the cosmic turbulence, realize the large-scale structure of the Universe.
In the structured Field (from the point of view of InfoStructures in the Elementary Field, and their dynamics)
Why do things, Structures and Forms, move? Why does everything in the Universe move? Why does Motion seem to be the very Essence of Existence? Where does the Force, the Energy, come from, that all this Motion generates and sustains, and that continues incessantly to generate and sustain, moment after moment, from eternity towards eternity? A religious person, a mystic would say... "from God". It is one of the possible answers, that comes from and speaks to a part of us that "feels" Reality, that lives through emotions and visions that emerge from the depths of our soul, from our cognitive system, a very complex system. But here we are trying to go beyond, beyond the (unfortunately unsatisfactory) answers of modern science, beyond the "mystical" answers of religions, beyond the sometimes too abstract and disconnected reasoning of philosophy. We want to bring here "plausible" proposals and hypotheses, that can be a stimulus to orient the search for knowledge of Reality towards new horizons. Search for knowledge, whether you want to conduct it in the scientific, mystical or philosophical field. Hard questions, which to be answered require not only or not so much detailed arguments, or scientific data, but first of all a global vision of Reality, Nature, the Universe, and the global processes that incessantly produce its formation.
These questions, which concern Motion, and the possible answers are intrinsically linked to what we have already seen for Space-Time and Mass, and to what we will see later for Charge, Spin, and the further and more complex forms of structured Energy that we will see in the section "Complex physical quantities and phenomena". They are linked to the Fundamental Nature of Reality, to the incessant expression of the Primary Source of Reality, to its power, its Agency, to its incessant causal and variational Action, transcendent and immanent at the same time, which manifests itself through the inner interaction of the Fundamental Force on the Elementary Field, in the production of Elementary Events. Elementary Action that immediately evolves towards and manifests itself in its Modes / Components: Perturbation, Translation and Rotation. And again, Relations between Events, correlations between the processes of Elementary Action, that emerge in the dimensional abysses of Physical Reality, at the smallest scales that we can imagine, in a world so indefinite and indefinable that the mind is lost, and with it the equations of Physics, together with our possibilities of giving perfect certainty to what we observe. Relations, correlations that shape, sculpt the turbulence ..., which represents almost all of what exists, at all the scales of magnitude. Of this, we only see the indirect effects on what normally attracts our senses: Matter, objects, and their eternal dance that designs the forms of the world in which we live, of which we are part.
A digression aimed above all at making a synthesis, at finding the global dimension while we go into the details of the formative processes that connect the existential dimension with the essential / formal one, the levels of Elementary Action with those of Information / Energy, and of its progressive organization in Structures and Forms. Processes that connect Events with Relations, and, going to the extremes of the continuum that leads from Nothing to the Universe, Processes, or rather, Process of Processes that connect the Source with the whole in Evolution. Here is the key word: Evolution. The word that most implies change, variation, movement, Motion... Variation, fluctuation, indeterminacy are the foundation of the Creation of Existence, and, at the same time, the foundation of the Evolution of the Essence / Form of Reality.
Returning to the point, let's see how inertial and accelerated Motion manifest themselves and act in the structured Field, in the dynamics of InfoStructures, therefore.
Motion is the Information / Energy of the Field as we observe it from the point of view of the Elementary Action in the Component that we call Translation, the direction and sense of orientation of the infinitesimal spatial fluctuations that animate the Field.
Accelerated and inertial, the two forms of Motion, are in fact the same thing, they share the same origin and nature, which however expresses itself in a different way when we observe it from the point of view of the Elementary Field (not structured, or not observing the structures in it), than when we observe it from the point of view of the Structures that populate it and organize its dynamics.
While we see Potential Energy / potential acceleration (the propensity of the Field to induce displacement, variation of speed, direction, sense, etc. in the Structures present in it) we are observing the effects of a configuration, an organized pattern of correlations between the orientation of the elementary spatial fluctuations of the event points of a portion of the Field. An organized pattern of correlations produced for example by the pattern of Perturbation correlations specific to the Mass of an InfoStructure present in another portion of the Field causally and variationally connected to the one under examination. Said in terms of classical physics, we are observing a portion of Space-time where, due to the presence of a Mass at a certain distance, a gravitational potential manifests itself, producing a force that determines the acceleration of a test Mass. Said in slightly more sophisticated, relativistic terms, we are observing a portion of Space-time where, due to the presence of a Mass at a certain distance, a curvature manifests itself, inducing a test Mass to "slide" towards the other Mass (and vice versa, respecting the ratios betweeen the Mass quantities). These two representations, the first only approximate, the second quantitatively correct and very successful, provide descriptions / explanations with a vaguely "magical" flavor, at least "abstract": force at a distance that determines..., curvature of space that induces..., nothing detailed enough to help us connect "materially, geometrically, factually, etc." the observed effects (acceleration) with the dynamics of a more elementary level of Reality, with more fundamental physical entities.
While "Potential Energy / potential acceleration that produces accelerated Motion" appears to be a quality "of" the Field, we must imagine "Kinetic Energy / effettive energy of inertial Motion" as a quality of a Structure in the Field, the same quality that however manifests itself in the organization, in the form of a Structure of Information present "in" the Field. A pattern of organization of correlations (at the level of spatial orientation) that "slips" in the Field, that overlaps with each of its event points, that influences the spontaneous dynamics of its elementary fluctuations, forces that compose themselves with the classic vector rules, Information that propagates in the Field. In the absence of organization of correlations of Translation in the Field, this propagation, this sliding in the Field is autonomous and undisturbed, having as its only limit the maximum speed of propagation in the Field itself (which we commonly call the speed of light in a vacuum and which is mistakenly believed to be a universal constant, being only a universal limit and a universal mean value around which the local limit values are distributed): we call this autonomous and undisturbed propagation "inertial Motion".
The simplest and most elementary form of Motion, of correlation between Translation, is that produced by the reaction of the Field to the presence of the correlation of Perturbation, presence of Mass / (Space)time Curvature. This is an acceleration proportional to the Mass present, acceleration that decreases with the square of the distance from the center of mass of the aforementioned Mass. Potential Acceleration, or as it is commonly called, gravitational potential. We could call it "Potential (kinetic) energy", which transforms into "effective or expressed kinetic energy" when a Structure enters the portion of the Field in which such potential Energy manifests itself:
- Potential kinetic energy -> potential acceleration in a portion "of" the Field,
- Effective kinetic energy -> energy espressed in the inertial Motion of a Structure "in" the Field.
Returning to the initial questions, where does the force come from? The Energy capable of ensuring that the inertial motion continues to occur infinitely. How can a Field be "perfectly conservative" if it is not simultaneously "perfectly" dynamic? A profound, elementary universal process must be at work to allow this capacity to conserve and this process must be a dynamic process. A sort of conveyor belt that determines the incessant propagation of causality, of Action, of Information, or in other words, of forces, of events / variations, of relations / correlations between variations. Not a substance. A process! Something that happens to the Elementary Field under the Action of the Fundamental Force!
The greater the correlation of Translation carried by the InfoStructure, the greater its speed of propagation in the unstructured Field (absence of Translation correlations of the event points of the portion of the Field in which the propagation of the Structure occurs).
For the series "a picture is worth a thousand words", let's try to take a flight with the imagination. Those "ball transfer tables" come to mind, used to transport, turn, and position objects. A grid of free moving balls, integrated in the surface of the table, allow to move heavy loads with small efforts. Let's imagine placing a package (a Structure of Information) on the large ball table. In facts, we would like to say "an infinite and unlimited table" (an analogy of the unstructured Field = no correlations of Perturbation, Translation, Rotation, therefore no Space-time curvature / no Mass, no Motion / acceleration, no Charge, no Spin).
If we now give a light push to the package, what can we expect to observe? We would certainly see an acceleration, an increase in the speed of movement of the package on the ball table. The package, in ideal conditions, once the push is over, should stop accelerating and start moving at a uniform speed in a linear direction (inertial motion). And instead, on the ball table we would have the package that little by little slows down until it stops. No matter how well the board is built, friction sooner or later exhausts the effect of the push exerted by the acting force (cause of Motion). We are we are dealing with a non-conservative (dissipative) system.
Let's try to imagine how we could solve this problem without limiting the freedom of the package to move in any direction and sense. Each sphere could be equipped with an intelligent divice, an oscillator or a tiny motor, a sensor, processor and actuator device capable of keeping the sphere in constant vibration / rotation in the direction and sense:
- random: if the sphere is not supporting the package,
- conformally oriented: if the sphere is supporting the package (the direction of vibration / rotation of the sphere is detected by the movement of the package and reproduced by the sphere).
A complex and expensive system, but let's imagine we have no budget problems, nor engineering problems to make this device work in a way that can solve the problem of preserving the Motion of the package.
Here, if everything works as designed, after the acceleration of the initial push, the package would continue to move with uniform linear motion on our "enhanced" ball table. Not knowing and not seeing the devices, we could imagine that the package is moving "spontaneously / naturally" (magically?) with inertial motion and that this motion could continue forever without any variation. Unless someone grabs the package and pushes it in a different direction, of course. Unless, less trivially, someone pulls the plug! The artificial conservation of motion, of the quantity of motion, would be interrupted instantly. Result? The package would stop.
There is a trick but we can't see it. Maybe nature works like this. There is an underlying mechanism that we don't see and that "magically" makes things go as we expect. Someone, or rather, something... that pays the bill! On these aspects, it seems to me that the ancients had clearer ideas than we, modern, super-rational men, who abhor magic.
And up to this point we have imagined the inertial Motion. And the accelerated one? To achieve it with a package and an "enhanced" ball table we would have to modify the devices we have imagined. They should not limit themselves to, so to speak, supporting and ensuring the path of the package. They should promote it, provoke it, enhance it. In addition to making the Structure (the package) and the Information it represents (the shape, the organization of the parts of the package, of the molecules that compose it, of the atoms, particles, etc.) propagate and continue to propagate, the ball table with the devices (Elementary Field and Translation Component of the Elementary Action, respectively) must do something more than eliminate friction and conserve Motion. They must produce Motion.
To do this we must provide new Information / Energy to the package, during its movement. Information / Energy that interacts with that already carried by the package at every moment, adds to and slightly modifies the shape, the quality of the package, modifies its Information, the way in which the Action that characterizes it, that ensures its existence. All the events, from the most elementary to the most complex that characterize it in a given moment, and determine all its physical characteristics. Therefore from the Elementary Events, to the interactions of the particles that make up its atoms, the vibrations of the molecules, the spatial distribution of the paper that wraps the contents, the organization of the materials inside the container... Everything! Infinite complexity. So much Information.
Information / Energy that we need to provide to "accelerate" the package we could make available by modifying the devices so that they "add something" to the package's journey. A small additional push that slightly increases the kinetic energy and the speed of the package, or slightly influences the direction of its Motion. It would be enough to provide specific instructions to the processing and actuation systems of the devices, to modify their programming appropriately. To obtain the desired effect, however, it would be necessary to have a scheme, a set of relations to best orchestrate all the devices of the spheres of the table. Here, this scheme represents precisely the Information / Energy that organizes the chaotic spontaneous dynamics of the Elementary Field at the smallest dimesional scales.
Let's imagine programming the devices so that each of them adds 1% to the motion of the package in terms of speed (space traveled in time) and produces a forcing of 1% of the orientation of the motion in a given direction, the same for all devices. We have built the analogue of a gravitational field. Each sphere of the table will show, so to speak, a given gravitational potential, "potentially" able of producing a variation in the speed and/or direction / sense of the Motion of the package.
It is quite clear what would happen to the package if we were able to realize such an engineering implementation. The analogue of a body inertially undergoing a free fall towards a large mass whose presence produces gravitational attraction (= acceleration). In the terms of our system, correlation of Translation of the Field that interacts and is composed (parallelogram rule) with the Translation time by time proper to the InfoStructure in Motion. Inertial motion that becomes accelerated Motion.
Again, don't let anyone think of pulling the plug, or not paying the bill! No Elementary Events, no party!
Motion, like Space-time / Mass, is an emergent phenomenon produced by the dynamics of the Elementary Field, by the spatial correlation of the orientation of the elementary spatial fluctuations. Motion must also be seen as a Derived Field, as a physical quantity, such as Mass, Charge, Spin, etc.
And like all the Derived Fields (specific views of the Elementary Field) and the physical quantities that arise from their peculiar Phenomena (the physical quantities that characterize the Derived Fields and the InfoStructures that can be observed and measured in them) it can only be observed, measured in a relative sense, even if Motion has relevant aspects in the absolute dimension, which are based on the fundamental properties of the dynamics of the Elementary Field.
We refer in particular to the aforementioned concepts of Absolute rest, of absolute acceleration, of limit velocity of propagation (commonly called the speed of light in a vacuum). We resume these concepts here, together with that of Inertial Motion, which represents the most common aspect of movement, and which, in our impossibility of directly observing what happens in the Elementary Field, especially due to the absence of absolute reference points, makes us think that Motion has only a relative dimension (movement with respect to something).
Some of the concepts we present here do not concern exclusively the Translation Component, but also what we call Perturbation, root, as we have seen, of Space-time / Mass and of metric / gravitational phenomena. In fact, Motion (we are not talking here about the natural dynamics of the Elementary Field, which is expressed in the turbulence that characterizes its spontaneous dynamics at dimensional scales around and below the Planck scale, but of the motion of InfoStructures in the Field) is not a phenomenon that happens in itself. It requires causes, forces, expressed action. We must look for these causes in the phenomena, in the interactions, in the forces that find their causal root in the Components of the Elementary Action that we call Perturbation and Rotation (Chirality and AxisOrientation), and in the curvature of the Metric / Mass, Charge and Spin that derive from the correlations of those. As well as from the more complex physical quantities and phenomena that we find in the dynamics of nuclear and atomic structures.
We will thus see the concept of inertia, so central to understanding natural dynamics from the particle level to the cosmological, universal one. Inertia and other kinematic quantities such as the momentum for linear motion and the moment of inertia for rotational motion that summarize in themselves the interaction between Perturbation and Translation. As always we will try to represent the two points of view, that "of" the Field and that of the InfoStructures "in" the Field.
- From the point of view "of" Elementary Field:
- Speed limit: as we have already underlined in many points of this work, this is a very important topic, I would say crucial, for the general vision of physical reality, for its implications for the understanding of various phenomena, for the understanding of what we observe in the Universe, even the aspects that today conventional science struggles to trace back to the most accredited physical models. To state that the speed of light in a vacuum is not constant is a strong position, not trivial and difficult to sustain as it seems to demolish one of the most robust certainties of science, to deny one of the dogmas of modern physics, to contradict the interpretations of an avalanche of observations and measurements. In short, it appears to be a heretical and "threatening" position, and frankly a bit crazy. I can understand the reactions. But even here I invite a serene detachment, and the (temporary) suspension of judgment. That something fundamental is not working in modern physics and cosmology is clear to everyone, even to the most ardent defenders of the prevailing paradigm. That patches are no longer sufficient to patch the conceptual chasms of consolidated models, perhaps is not so clear to everyone, considering the content of many papers that are still coming out these days. Not to everyone, but it seems to be clear to many, to all researchers who look around lost, in search of a good idea, of new fields to explore, of new certainties. This is not a completely new idea, by the way. Since General Relativity, hypotheses have repeatedly emerged that the speed of light might somehow not be constant. Abandoning the dogma of the constancy of the speed of light in a vacuum, a concept on which, as I said, much of physics and cosmology is based, seems frightening (especially because one of the implications is that the interpretation of observations and experiments conducted for decades must be reviewed because they may not be correct). Indeed, this may require redefining distance and/or time measures on cosmic scales. It may also require rewriting the metric tensor in general relativity, maybe modifying Maxwell's equations, in a way that is consistent with all other physical theories. Nontrivial. But, after years of elaboration, which I am trying to express here, I believe it is absolutely necessary to accept the idea that, although what we commonly call "speed of light in a vacuum" is a limit value, it is, in principle, not constant in space or time. Indeed, this non-constancy, this variability, which may seem like a great nuisance because it forces us to revise everything we have learned about the Universe, is the foundation of what exists, the reason why something exists instead of nothing. The question comes spontaneously. Why do we say that "c" is variable and how to prove this statement? Let's start by saying that the variability of the limit of the "speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information in the Elementary Field" (yes, this is the correct way we should call what is commonly called the speed of light in a vacuum, and from now on, for brevity, we will call it the Absolute Vacuum Speed Limit) is deeply connected to the hypotheses we have proposed regarding the fundamental nature of two central concepts in physics: curvature of the Metric (of Space-time) and Mass. Concepts that we have hypothesized as different views of a single unitary phenomenon that finds its root in the dynamics of the Elementary Field and in the Perturbation Component. The fact that conventional physics has not recognized the identity of these two concepts, that it has not interpreted as equality of nature, ontological equality (they are the same thing that we can observe from two different points of view), the two parts of the famous Einstein field equation that relates the curvature of Space-time and energy / mass, can make us understand that the question of the constancy of the speed of light may not have been considered in its completeness and in the depth of its implications. So, what we hypothesize here is that there is a natural value of such an Absolute Vacuum Speed Limit, constant and universal: the speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information in the "absolutely unstructured" Elementary Field. Hypothetical condition, imaginable only at the beginning of time, so to speak before the beginning of the formation, of the evolution of the Universe. Each Structure (both dark and visible), of vortical type, elementary or composite, therefore with non-zero correlation of Perturbation, therefore with Mass, implies a scheme / profile of local values of Speed Limit different from the Absolute Vacuum Speed Limit (lower for the portion of the Structure with negative Mass, higher for the portion with positive Mass, Dark Energy). Always in the context of the hypotheses formulated in this work, the values of the Speed Limit different from the Absolute Vacuum Speed Limit correspond and are determined by the corresponding scheme / profile of the rate of flow of Time. The Component of the Elementary Action that we call Perturbation and its correlation that we call Mass, as hypothesized in the Principle of General Equivalence, correspond precisely to the different rate of flow of Time, to the different Speed Limit, as well as to what we can imagine as the temperature of the Elementary Field. We therefore define these quantities. Absolute Vacuum Speed Limit: universal limit of the speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information in the "absolutely unstructured" Elementary Field, constant limit in Space and Time. Local Portion Relative Speed Limit: limit of the speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information in a portion of the "structured" Elementary Field (present Dark structures and possibly Visible structures), variable limit in Space and Time that reflects the entity and distribution of negative and positive Mass in the portion considered. Local Point Relative Speed Limit: limit of the speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information in an event point of the "structured" Elementary Field (present Dark structures and possibly Visible structures), variable limit in Space and Time that reflects the punctual entity of negative or positive Mass in the event point considered. The propagation of Causality, Action, Information in the Elementary Field depends on the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of the Relative Speed Limit. We can say that the distribution and evolution of the Relative Speed Limit corresponds to the distribution and evolution of the rate of flow of Time, or, in equivalent terms, to the distribution of Mass and to the variation in Space and Time of such distribution. The deviation of the Relative Speed Limit from the Absolute Vacuum Speed Limit in the vast portions of the Elementary Field where only Dark Structures (Dark Matter halos) are present is extremely weak at a point level, given the very small density of Mass. But given the large extension it can significantly influence the propagation of the structures of Visible Matter, in particular the Structures of Electromagnetic Radiation, of photons. The variation of the Relative Speed Limit, together with the connected orientation of the Translation (potential Motion, potential acceleration) that produces the attraction towards the center of Mass, in the Universe produce intense gravitational lensing phenomena (both strong and weak) that deform the field of view, and therefore the way we see the Universe, but at the same time it provides us with a powerful system to detect the distribution of Mass (negative and positive) at a cosmic level.In summary:
- Absolute Vacuum Speed Limit: limit of the "speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information in the Elementary Field", the absolute limit in the Unstructured Elementary Field (absolutely homogeneous Field, unstructured, no Perturbation, no Traslation, no Rotation Chirality and AxisOrientation), constant under the assumption that the properties of the Fundamental Force (constant pressure intensity) and the Elementary Field (resistance to deformation) remain constant,
- Local Portion Relative Speed Limit: limit of the speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information in a portion of the "structured" Elementary Field (Dark Structures and possibly Visible Structures present), variable limit in Space and Time that reflects the entity and distribution of negative and positive Mass in the portion considered,
- Local Point Relative Speed Limit: limit of the speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information in an event point of the "structured" Elementary Field (Dark Structures and possibly Visible Structures present), variable limit in Space and Time that reflects the punctual entity of negative or positive Mass in the event point considered.
- Acceleration limit: in principle there is no limit to acceleration (variation of speed over time), neither in an absolute sense, from the point of view of "the" Elementary Field, nor in a relative sense, from the point of view of the InfoStructures "in" the Field. The acceleration limit is obviously determined by the speed limit. The closer the speed of an InfoStructure is to the speed limit (Absolute Vacuum Speed Limit or Relative Speed Limit, depending on the condition of the portion of the Field in which the acceleration of the InfoStructure is occurring) the greater the force that must be exerted to obtain a further increase in its speed. In fact, the greater the speed of an InfoStructure (the closer its speed is to the speed limit in that portion of the Field) the greater its Mass (and its density), which will oppose an ever greater resistance to acceleration. This is a first high-level explanation, which finds its roots in the Dynamics of Elementary Action in the propagation phenomena of Visible InfoStructures of the Vortex type, which we will see shortly in the paragraph "Phenomena and Dynamics".
- Amount of Perturbation needed to produce a given amount of Translation: how much Mass is needed to produce a given amount of force of attraction to produce a given amount of Motion: in terms of the Dynamics of Elementary Action and its Modes / Components "gravitational attraction" can be represented as a more or less intense orientation of the elementary spatial fluctuations (quantity or intensity of correlation of the Translation in the event points of the portion of the Field time by time occupied by the InfoStructure subject to attraction) in the direction and towards the center of gravity of the Masses that attract each other. The greater the correlation of the orientation, the greater the convergence of the orientation of the elementary fluctuations, the greater the potential acceleration, the gravitational potential energy or gravitational potential, the greater the Motion induced in the attracted Structure, the greater its acceleration, and the speed reached (always within the local / relative limit of the speed), the greater its Inertia. For Vortex-type Structures, therefore equipped with Mass, the Mass represents a resistance to the variation of the Motion. As seen, Mass is correlation of Perturbation and Motion correlation of Translation. Translation correlation is a phenomenon that represents the reaction of the Field (tending to restore homogeneity) to the deformation represented by the correlation of the Perturbation (inhomogeneity). The relationship between Perturbation and Translation produced represents the force of attraction that attracts the Masses involved towards the center of mass. In terms of the Dynamics of the Field and of the Elementary Action, of the elementary fluctuations, in fact, as already illustrated above, the Motion can be described as the interaction of the orientation of the elementary fluctuations of the Field with the Information relating to the orientation carried by the Information Structure that propagates in the Field itself (parallelogram rule, composition of forces). As predicted by the classical (with the obvious limitations and approximations) and relativistic laws of gravitation, the relation between the correlation of Perturbation (Mass) and the attractive force produced has a constant of proportionality represented by the "gravitational constant (G)", or the corresponding relativistic gravitational constant (k = 8 pi G / c^4), and is inversely proportional to the square of the distance. The acceleration experienced by the attracted Mass (correlation of Translation, Potential Motion, potential acceleration of the Field) will be proportional (Newton's second law) to the Mass itself and to the attractive force produced by the correlation of the Perturbation, as expressed above.
- Speed limit: as we have already underlined in many points of this work, this is a very important topic, I would say crucial, for the general vision of physical reality, for its implications for the understanding of various phenomena, for the understanding of what we observe in the Universe, even the aspects that today conventional science struggles to trace back to the most accredited physical models. To state that the speed of light in a vacuum is not constant is a strong position, not trivial and difficult to sustain as it seems to demolish one of the most robust certainties of science, to deny one of the dogmas of modern physics, to contradict the interpretations of an avalanche of observations and measurements. In short, it appears to be a heretical and "threatening" position, and frankly a bit crazy. I can understand the reactions. But even here I invite a serene detachment, and the (temporary) suspension of judgment. That something fundamental is not working in modern physics and cosmology is clear to everyone, even to the most ardent defenders of the prevailing paradigm. That patches are no longer sufficient to patch the conceptual chasms of consolidated models, perhaps is not so clear to everyone, considering the content of many papers that are still coming out these days. Not to everyone, but it seems to be clear to many, to all researchers who look around lost, in search of a good idea, of new fields to explore, of new certainties. This is not a completely new idea, by the way. Since General Relativity, hypotheses have repeatedly emerged that the speed of light might somehow not be constant. Abandoning the dogma of the constancy of the speed of light in a vacuum, a concept on which, as I said, much of physics and cosmology is based, seems frightening (especially because one of the implications is that the interpretation of observations and experiments conducted for decades must be reviewed because they may not be correct). Indeed, this may require redefining distance and/or time measures on cosmic scales. It may also require rewriting the metric tensor in general relativity, maybe modifying Maxwell's equations, in a way that is consistent with all other physical theories. Nontrivial. But, after years of elaboration, which I am trying to express here, I believe it is absolutely necessary to accept the idea that, although what we commonly call "speed of light in a vacuum" is a limit value, it is, in principle, not constant in space or time. Indeed, this non-constancy, this variability, which may seem like a great nuisance because it forces us to revise everything we have learned about the Universe, is the foundation of what exists, the reason why something exists instead of nothing. The question comes spontaneously. Why do we say that "c" is variable and how to prove this statement? Let's start by saying that the variability of the limit of the "speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information in the Elementary Field" (yes, this is the correct way we should call what is commonly called the speed of light in a vacuum, and from now on, for brevity, we will call it the Absolute Vacuum Speed Limit) is deeply connected to the hypotheses we have proposed regarding the fundamental nature of two central concepts in physics: curvature of the Metric (of Space-time) and Mass. Concepts that we have hypothesized as different views of a single unitary phenomenon that finds its root in the dynamics of the Elementary Field and in the Perturbation Component. The fact that conventional physics has not recognized the identity of these two concepts, that it has not interpreted as equality of nature, ontological equality (they are the same thing that we can observe from two different points of view), the two parts of the famous Einstein field equation that relates the curvature of Space-time and energy / mass, can make us understand that the question of the constancy of the speed of light may not have been considered in its completeness and in the depth of its implications. So, what we hypothesize here is that there is a natural value of such an Absolute Vacuum Speed Limit, constant and universal: the speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information in the "absolutely unstructured" Elementary Field. Hypothetical condition, imaginable only at the beginning of time, so to speak before the beginning of the formation, of the evolution of the Universe. Each Structure (both dark and visible), of vortical type, elementary or composite, therefore with non-zero correlation of Perturbation, therefore with Mass, implies a scheme / profile of local values of Speed Limit different from the Absolute Vacuum Speed Limit (lower for the portion of the Structure with negative Mass, higher for the portion with positive Mass, Dark Energy). Always in the context of the hypotheses formulated in this work, the values of the Speed Limit different from the Absolute Vacuum Speed Limit correspond and are determined by the corresponding scheme / profile of the rate of flow of Time. The Component of the Elementary Action that we call Perturbation and its correlation that we call Mass, as hypothesized in the Principle of General Equivalence, correspond precisely to the different rate of flow of Time, to the different Speed Limit, as well as to what we can imagine as the temperature of the Elementary Field. We therefore define these quantities. Absolute Vacuum Speed Limit: universal limit of the speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information in the "absolutely unstructured" Elementary Field, constant limit in Space and Time. Local Portion Relative Speed Limit: limit of the speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information in a portion of the "structured" Elementary Field (present Dark structures and possibly Visible structures), variable limit in Space and Time that reflects the entity and distribution of negative and positive Mass in the portion considered. Local Point Relative Speed Limit: limit of the speed of propagation of Causality, Action, Information in an event point of the "structured" Elementary Field (present Dark structures and possibly Visible structures), variable limit in Space and Time that reflects the punctual entity of negative or positive Mass in the event point considered. The propagation of Causality, Action, Information in the Elementary Field depends on the spatial distribution and temporal evolution of the Relative Speed Limit. We can say that the distribution and evolution of the Relative Speed Limit corresponds to the distribution and evolution of the rate of flow of Time, or, in equivalent terms, to the distribution of Mass and to the variation in Space and Time of such distribution. The deviation of the Relative Speed Limit from the Absolute Vacuum Speed Limit in the vast portions of the Elementary Field where only Dark Structures (Dark Matter halos) are present is extremely weak at a point level, given the very small density of Mass. But given the large extension it can significantly influence the propagation of the structures of Visible Matter, in particular the Structures of Electromagnetic Radiation, of photons. The variation of the Relative Speed Limit, together with the connected orientation of the Translation (potential Motion, potential acceleration) that produces the attraction towards the center of Mass, in the Universe produce intense gravitational lensing phenomena (both strong and weak) that deform the field of view, and therefore the way we see the Universe, but at the same time it provides us with a powerful system to detect the distribution of Mass (negative and positive) at a cosmic level.In summary:
- From the point of view of InfoStructures "in" the Elementary Field:
- Relative velocity: relative velocity means the velocity of a Structure (B) with respect to the reference system constituted by another Structure (A), considered at rest. In relativistic physics, it is not possible to add the velocities as in classical physics, but a velocity-addition equation is used to combine the velocities in order to respect the local velocity limit. In terms of the Dynamics of Elementary Action, we can say that there is an upper limit to the correlation of Translation that cannot be exceeded, when the correlation is total, when all the elementary spatial fluctuations are perfectly and completely oriented in the same direction and sense. Furthermore, it is not possible to reorient the fluctuations, therefore there is an upper limit to the velocity of Motion, the local limit of velocity, precisely. This limit to the correlation of Translation must be taken into account for the addition of velocities. The sum of the correlations cannot exceed this maximum, this limit and it is necessary to take into account the increase in the Masses of the Structures in play, which makes the increase in speeds increasingly more costly from an energetic point of view (Potential motion, potential acceleration produced by the correlation of the Perturbation, therefore by the Mass). The photons, which have no Mass, all propagate at the local limit speed (Translation totally correlated in the direction and sense of propagation).
- Inertia: Inertia is the natural tendency of objects in motion to remain in motion and of objects at rest to remain at rest, unless a force changes their speed or direction or sense (first law of motion, principle of inertia). It is considered one of the main manifestations / characteristics of Mass, but here we assume that it is a property of Motion, of the correlation of Translation, an expression of the Dynamics of Elementary Action, manifestation of the peculiar Dynamics of the Elementary Field in the context of the Propagation of deformations / inhomogeneity of the distributions of elementary spatial fluctuations. So, here we assume that Inertia concerns not the dynamics of Perturbation (whose correlation is the root of Mass), but the dynamics of Translation (whose correlation represents Motion). It is true that the Inertia of a body depends on its Mass. But its inertial motion, its speed depend on the correlation of Translation. The Mass remains the same (and therefore so does the correlation of Perturbation). But no Translation correlation, no Inertial Motion. So, in this context and in light of the hypotheses we are formulating regarding fundamental physical quantities, including Motion, we would say that Inertia is a property of an Information Structure in a condition of non-accelerated Motion, without interactions, without forces acting on it. It is also true that there is a form of incessant interaction between the natural spontaneous dynamics of the Field described by the Uncertainty Principle and the Information / Energy carried by (which gives shape to, which represents the shape of) InfoStructures. But this interaction is modest in size compared to the dimensions of the InfoStructures of Visible Matter (many orders of magnitude), also taking into account that the contributions of the spontaneous turbulence of the Elementary Field (so-called quantum fluctuations) being random tend to compensate each other, thus reducing the impact on the InfoStructures.
- Linear momentum (Quantity of Motion): linear momentum or translational momentum is the product of the mass and velocity of an object (possibly corrected by a Lorentz factor in relativistic terms). We can therefore say that it is a property of an object, or of a Structure, due to its Mass (of the component of the Elementary Action that we call Perturbation, which constitutes its root in the dynamics of the Elementary Field) and of the Motion (of the component that we call Translation).
- Rotational momentum (Momentum of Motion): the same for rotational motion (not to be confused with the Mode / Component of Elementary Action that we call Rotation, Chirality and AxisOrientation, respectively roots of electric and magnetic phenomena.
- Acceleration: acceleration is defined as the variation of velocity over time. Since we have an absolute limit of velocity and an absolute dimension of time, we assume here that acceleration can be seen from two different points of view. The absolute one, acceleration with respect to the Elementary Field, which unfortunately we cannot observe directly due to the lack of reference points, of absolute reference frames. And the relative one, acceleration, for example, of an InfoStructure with respect to an initial or previous velocity. While we cannot perceive Motion at constant, inertial velocity, we can perceive that we are accelerating (positive or negative). This involves the perception of a force that is exerted on our state of rest or Motion. In any case, unlike what happens with speed, in the case of acceleration, even though we cannot "directly" observe the variation of the rate of movement in the Elementary Field (absolute point of view in the absolute), in addition to being able to directly observe the variation of speed with respect to another InfoStructure, to a relative frame of reference (relative point of view), we can recognize the possibility of "indirectly" observing the variation of the rate of movement in the Elementary Field, through perception / measurement relative to a frame of reference, one's own frame of reference (absolute point of view in the relative). This approach seems to be artfully proposed to avoid the embarrassment of the duality of the question of whether acceleration is absolute or relative. But in fact, as often happens, outlining a third way leads out of the impasse and allows us to open gaps in a narrow vision that does not allow us to understand the complexity of the world in terms of the dynamics of something more elementary. This approach helps us to reconcile the equivalence gravity (gravitational acceleration) / acceleration (inertial acceleration), which arises in the context of the existence of an absolute limit "of" the Field to the speed of propagation, with the relative vision of the speed of the Structures "in" the Field. In any case, in the end, acceleration is always determined by the interaction between the Field and the Structure(s), between the potential Energy (e.g. gravitational, or electric, or magnetic, etc.) "of" the Field, however generated, and the expressed Energy (e.g. kinetic) of one or more Structures "in" the Field. It is always a transfer of correlation of Translation (Information / Energy of Motion, potential and/or expressed) between the Field and the Structures in the Field. Interaction, Action between different entities, Action in the Mode / Component that we call Translation, root of Motion.
- Kinetic Energy: the simplest, classical expression of kinetic energy is given by a means times mass times velocity squared. Or, in terms of "momentum", momentum squared divided by two times Mass. Recall that Energy is an elementary form of Information, a snapshot of a process described by Action, a snapshot that allows us to capture the quantity and form of Action in an instant of Time. In particular, here we speak of expressed Energy, Energy that characterizes an Information Structure, or a System of Structures in the Elementary Field, or a Form, an object composed of Information Structures. For example, a tennis ball composed of molecules, composed of atoms, composed of subatomic particles, InfoStructures of the vortex, elementary or composite type, composed in turn of organized sets of elementary spatial fluctuations, Event Processes organized by Relations. Or, a cluster of galaxies, with the dark component, a complex system of low-density and wide-extension halos nested in a turbulent structure, which contain, influence and are influenced by the visible component, composed of molecules, atoms, particles, elementary fluctuations, processes of Events organized by Relations. This is what we are made of, and so is the entire infinite and eternal Universe. I take this opportunity to remember that the total Energy (Information) of a physical system (including the share related to the natural turbulence of the spontaneous Dynamics of the Elementary Field at the smallest scales around the Planck scale) is given by the sum of the potential Energy (Energy "of" the Field) and the expressed Energy (Energy of the Structures "in" the Field).
Phenomena and Dynamics
The Propagation of Structures of Information in the Elementary Field can take different forms, manifestations of different Phenomena. To clarify the approach and to exemplify, let's try to describe some of them briefly (we will revisit and expand these examples in the section "Some common physical phenomena in the structured field" in the last part of this chapter):
- propagation of Wave-type Structures (Waves): in these last sections, concerning physical quantities and related phenomena, we have not talked much about Wave-type InfoStructures. We have made reference several times to Vortex-type Structures, since, unlike Waves, having Mass, they find their root in the Perturbation Component, which has been the subject of the first two sections concerning Physical Quantities and related phenomena in the structured Field (Metrics and Mass). Regarding the Translation component, root of Motion, the subject of this section, we cannot fail to highlight that all types of InfoStructures are affected by the phenomena of Motion. In particular, Waves, having no Mass (no Perturbation correlation), propagate at the maximum speed allowed locally (point by point in the portion of the Field time by time occupied by the InfoStructure) by the dynamics of the Elementary Field (Local Point Relative Speed Limit). This limit is mistakenly considered a universal constant ("c", speed of light in a vacuum), especially because of the incorrect conception of empty, unstructured space for the space that does not host Visible Matter Structures). As we have hypothesized, all cosmic space is "occupied", organized in Dark Matter structures that constitute the Dark Web, the dark skeleton of the Universe, on whose structure and dynamics the cosmic web is formed and evolves, composed precisely of a complex and turbulent network of Dark and Visible InfoStructures in constant interaction and coevolution. To understand how a Wave propagates in the Elementary Field (for example an electromagnetic Wave, a photon, a single cycle wave), in the absence of forces (no interactions with other Structures "in" the Field), it is necessary to have sufficient clearness on how a Wave-type InfoStructure is made. And to achieve this clearness, it is necessary to know well enough from which Structures the Waves are emitted (ontological aspect: entities involved), how Waves are emitted (phenomenological aspect: what happens) and why they are emitted (dynamic aspect: how the entities involved emit the Waves). The structures that emit Waves are the Vortex-type Structures (e.g. elementary or composite material particles, electrons, protons, etc.), through their deceleration, in phenomena that involve the movement of free Vortices (e.g. synchrotron radiation), or of bound Vortices (e.g. the rebound towards the outside of the atom of an electron previously compressed towards the nucleus by absorption of other electromagnetic radiation, emission by an electron that returns to its non-excited energy state). In the case of emission by an atomic electron, a photon of visible light (a single-cycle Wave) is emitted when a previously excited electron (pushed towards the innermost regions of the atom, towards the nucleus), bounces outwards returning to its natural position. The emitted Wave (the photon) will have the structure, the imprint of the shape of the emitting electron. In particular, we expect it to have the following spatial dimensions: transverse amplitude orthogonal to the propagation direction equal to the size of the electron (maximum area, at the limit where the uncertainty overwhelms the intensity of the correlation of Perturbation, Rotation Chirality and Rotation AxisOrientation), longitudinal amplitude in the propagation direction equal to the path of the electron in the deceleration phase (wavelength), polarization equal to the orientation of the spin of the emitting electron translated into the orientation of the Rotation AxisOrientation Component of the Wave/photon, amount of transported Action equal to the linear momentum and intrinsic rotational momentum lost by the decelerating electron, Action manifesting itself in the Translation -> Propagation Motion Components (maximum correlation -> propagation at the maximum allowed local speed, Local Point Relative Speed Limit), Rotation Chirality (so called Electric Field of the e.m. wave / photon) and Rotation AxisOrientation (so-called Magnetic Field). The shape of the Wave / photon depends on the spatial distribution and the temporal evolution of the Information that gives shape to / transported by the Structure, by the interaction with the natural turbulence of the Field and by the possible interaction with other Structures (Dark and Visible). Let's see the different aspects of the Information that gives shape to the Wave / photon: what determines the true shape and energy of the Wave / photon is the correlation scheme of the Rotation Chirality Components (Electric Field) and Rotation AxisOrientation (Magnetic Field), which produces the characteristic orthogonal oscillation in phase of the two Components (single cycle oscillation). To these is added the correlation of the Translation Component (Motion), which causes the elementary spatial fluctuations of the Field of the event points of the portion that time by time supports the Structure to produce the propagation of the correlation scheme of the Rotation Chirality and Rotation AxisOrientation Components, the shape of the Wave / photon precisely. Let us recall that the propagation of an Information scheme (Energy + Form) that characterizes a Structure consists in the interaction of such Information in each event point of the Field affected by the presence of the Structure with the elementary Action of the corresponding event points that behave as harmonic oscillators whose intensity, spatial orientation, sense and direction of the torsion axis are, so to speak, "conditioned, reoriented, etc." by the Information of the Structure in motion. In propagation, except for the Indeterminacy induced by the natural turbulence of the Field, the Information that gives shape to the Structure in motion is conserved (which translates into the conservation of linear momentum, angular momentum, charge, spin, energy, etc.). The work that enables the propagation and preservation (causal and variational permanence, respectively the Existence and the Essence / Form) of the Information Structure is carried out by the Primary Source of Reality through the Elementary Action produced by the inner interaction of the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, while the form of what is propagated is provided and represented by the Information of the moving Structure.
- propagation of Vortex-type Structures (Vortices): again, here too, for Vortex-type Structures, to understand how a Vortex propagates in the Elementary Field (for example an electron, an elementary Vortex), in the absence of forces (no interactions with other Structures "in" the Field), it is necessary to have sufficient clarity on how a Vortex-type InfoStructure is made. Unlike Wave -type Structures, where the Elementary Action is expressed and manifested only in the Modes / Components Translation and Rotation Chirality and AxisOrientation and not in Perturbation, no Mass, Vortex-type Structures express all the Components of the Action, thus manifesting Mass, Motion, Charge and Spin, as well as one of the complex physical quantities and phenomena (weak interaction). But let's see briefly how an electron is made. We will resume this description later with more details in the sections "A model of free electrons" and "A model of electrons in atoms". An electron is a Vector-type Elementary-subtype InfoStructure. A single 3D spatial vortex evolving in Time (4D structure), not a rotating structure, but a structure where each event point of the portion of the Field that is supporting it from time to time expresses its own intrinsic "Rotation" (torsion of the individual event points) with a direction of chirality (Rotation:Chirality, Component of the Elementary Action that represents the intrinsic angular momentum) whose correlation linked to the shape of the electron itself represents its (electric) Charge and the orientation of the rotation axis (Rotation:AxisOrientation, Component of the Elementary Action that represents the spatial direction of the axis of the intrinsic angular momentum, which then in an external magnetic field assumes two complementary values e.g. up or down, etc.) represents its Spin. The other Component of the Action that we call Translation, in addition to supporting / characterizing the Motion of the electron in the curved space-time, that is in the structured Elementary Field, whose deformation represents the Dark Structures (diffuse) and the Visible Structures (concentrated) that populate it, also supports its vortex shape ensuring its permanence, its conservation. This "vortex motion", which we could interpret as an explicit rotation (therefore different from the intrinsic one that represents Charge and Spin, even if causally connected to it), is a sort of torsion of the entire portion of the Elementary Field, which is associated with the torsion of the individual event points of the portion itself. This torsion carries in itself, and channels into the vortex shape, the Translation that represents the Action produced by the re-Action of the Field to the deformation that the Vortex entails. The central depression in the Perturbation Component reaches a minimum at the center (of Mass) of the electron, and decreases going towards the outside of the particle reaching zero in the quasi-spherical surface that divides the internal portion characterized by negative Mass, the Mass as we commonly understand it, from the external portion characterized by positive Mass (what at the cosmological level, due to the widespread enormous structures of Dark Matter, we call Dark Energy). Outside the surface where the electron is at rest, not subject to forces, the sphericity is almost perfect except for the (usual) spontaneous turbulence of the Elementary Field at scales around the Planck scale. The internal portion is therefore at negative pressure (Mass) and the external one at positive pressure (Dark Energy, positive because it receives the contribution of the re-Action of the Field, in the form of Translation, like water that slides towards the sink drain and presses and is channeled into the vortex motion ensuring its conservation). If the electron is free, not bound, therefore not squeezed between other Vortical Structures, this external pressure is free to redistribute itself in the volume of the surrounding Field, virtually up to infinity (with the obvious limits imposed by the limit velocity of propagation on one side, and on the other by the level of uncertainty that reaches to overwhelm the residual pressure at a certain distance from the particle). Between the Translation towards the particle, pressure towards the inside, and this redistribution of the pressure towards the outside, an equilibrium is created that ensures the conservation / continuity in the Existence and Essence / Form of the Structure, as well as its properties, phenomenology and dynamics. It is interesting to note how the gravitational potential Energy, for example, is converted into kinetic Energy of the particle that is accelerated. But as the particle in question propagates in the Field, in the direction of the center of Mass of the Field / Particle system, Translation Correlation is transferred from the field to the Particle, to the Vortex-type InfoStructure, which accelerates and acquires kinetic Energy. The movement in the Field towards the center of Mass causes the intensity of the Translation correlation in the Field (the view of the Translation correlation in the Field in this case is represented as a gravitational field) to gradually decrease -> decrease of the potential Energy to which the Particle is exposed, exactly equal to the amount of kinetic Energy acquired by that Structure. Also for Vortex -type Structures, the work that enables the propagation and preservation (causal and variational permanence, respectively the Existence and the Essence / Form) of the Information Structure is carried out by the Primary Source of Reality through the Elementary Action produced by the inner interaction of the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, while the form of what is propagated is provided and represented by the Information of the moving Structure. After this necessary premise and brief description, let's return to the topic of Motion, which can be expressed in two fundamental ways: inertial or accelerated:
- inertial Motion: this type of Motion occurs when an object, a Form, an Information Structure, is not subject to forces (therefore, in the terms of the Dynamics of Physical Reality proposed by this research project, when the Information that characterizes the Structure, in particular the Translation correlation, of the spatial orientation of the elementary fluctuations is not modified by the interaction with the Field, since there are no correlations of the Elementary Action in the various Components, in particular Translation). The Information that characterizes, that gives shape to the Structure, in particular the spatial orientation of the elementary fluctuations (Translation correlation), in the interaction with the Field influences the dynamics of the event points of the Field itself in the spatial portion time by time occupied by, which supports the propagating Structure. The Translation correlation scheme of the Structure, in the case of Inertial Motion, since there is no Translation correlation in the Field, is preserved and propagates without variations (no change of speed, direction and sense, therefore no acceleration) unless there is interaction with the weak temporary and local correlations that characterize the natural turbulence of the spontaneous dynamics of the Field (occasional and temporary organization of elementary spatial fluctuations -> Indeterminacy). Inertial Motion is associated with the concepts of Inertia, Inertial Mass, Constancy of Velocity and Conservation of Motion, which we have already mentioned and which we will return to later. In the context of the hypotheses formulated in this work, by Inertia we mean the resistance to the variation of the scheme of correlation of the Component Translation of the InfoStructure in the Elementary Field. In other words, it is the resistance that an organized set of correlations of the Translation (Motion) and the Perturbation (Mass) that gives shape to a Structure and characterizes its properties and associated physical quantities. Resistance to the variation of the Information that gives shape to the Structure.
- accelerated Motion: unlike what happens in Inertial Motion, in the case of Accelerated Motion in the Elementary Field there are correlations of the Elementary Action in its various Components In particular in Translation. But not only. Variations of the condition of Motion, of the appropriately organized correlations of Translation of the Structure, can be produced by the interaction with Translation correlations in the Field produced for example by the presence of Masses other than that of the Structure under examination. The presence of Masses (of Structures, Forms, objects with Mass) orients the elementary spatial fluctuations of the surrounding event points towards the center of Mass of the system of massive objects (Translation correlation of the Field) which interacts with the Structure under examination producing, in the time of propagation in the Field, a continuous series of variations of the translation correlation of the Structure (Information / Energy which we call Motion). The Motion of the Structure (Information / Expressed Energy / Kinetic Energy), which would be inertial, is constantly varied, "accelerated", by the interaction with the Translation correlation present in the Field (Information / Potential Energy / gravitational potential). "Appropriately organized correlations of Translation" are commonly called "state of Motion" or state of rest, absolute rest when there is an absence of correlations in the Structure (Information, Expressed Energy, Kinetic Energy) and in the Field (Potential Energy, e.g. gravitational). But that's not all. There are other interactions between correlations of Components of the Elementary Action of the Structures and the Field that can produce a variation of the Motion, of the correlation of the Translation component of a Structure in the Field. For example, Rotation:Chirality. Torsions at the event points of the Elementary Field (Electric Potential produced by the net electric Charge of one or more other Vortex-type Structures) and Information of the Structure under examination (obviously always Vortex-type) in the same direction (e.g. Left-handed chirality in the Field -> Net positive electric Charge and Left-handed Charge that characterizes the organizational scheme of the Rotation correlation: Chirality of the Structure under examination -> Net positive electric Charge) produces Opposite Translation in the portion of the Field that separates the positively charged Structures from the negatively charged Structure under examination. Opposite Translation, which translates into electric repulsion -> Moving away -> acceleration in opposite spatial directions). Specularly for the Field and the Structure under examination charged in an opposite way, one positively and the other negatively (Opposite Chirality, one left-handed and the other right-handed, different polarity of the electric Charge) -> Concordant Translation, which translates into electric attraction. The same thing, albeit in different ways, occurs for the Rotation Component:AxisOrientation, which gives rise to magnetic phenomena, and to the acceleration produced by the different spatial orientation of the Chirality axis in the Field (Magnetic Potential) and in a Structure (Spin) in the Field. Other situations in which Accelerated Motion is produced occur in the context of Complex physical quantities and phenomena (strong and weak nuclear interactions, collisions between Structures, Forms, objects, elastic phenomena, etc.).
- emission of Wave-type Structures by Vortex-type structures: emission and absorption are two fundamental phenomena, crucial to understand the origin, shape and properties of Wave-type Structures, both in the form of photons and e.m. waves. Emission and absorption, like all other natural phenomena, are mediated by the Field and its Dynamics, and are particular organizations / configurations of the Elementary Action of its Modes / Components. Local and localized configurations / organizations, even if difficult to localize both due to the lack of suitable instruments, but above all due to the intrinsic quantum characteristics of the objects that emit and absorb (Vortex-type Structures, particles such as electrons, protons, etc.), of the emitted and absorbed objects, photons / e.m. waves) and of the phenomena themselves (governed by Indeterminacy, influenced by the interaction that each observation / measurement involves). Emission and absorption are therefore mediated by the point-by-point Vortex - Field interaction (emission), point-by-point Wave-Field (propagation) and point-by-point Vortex - Field (absorption). The Field and its dynamics supports the phenomena of emission, propagation and absorption in their entirety. If we could map exactly and completely the dynamics of the Field event points in the volume involved, minus the ever-present Indeterminacy (the spontaneous and natural turbulence of the Field, and the turbulence embedded in the shape of the Information Structures involved: e.g. the incessant fluctuation of the shape and properties of the atomic electron that goes to emit a photon, of the emitted photon that propagates in the Field until it collides and is absorbed by another electron of a different atom, of this electron that absorbs the photon and of the two atoms involved, turbulence and Indeterminacy everywhere, remember...). Because we have different emission phenomena, involving different InfoStructures, different Forms / objects and various phenomenal situations, we have different sub-types of Waves: Some general considerations on this topic. Considerations that for relevance we should have inserted in the section dedicated to "Waves", at the beginning of this chapter dedicated to the Structures of Information. But perhaps it is good that they are placed here, in this section, where, in relation to the concept of Motion, to kinetic phenomena, to the functional expression of the Translation operator, they assume particular importance and allow us to try to dispel a series of erroneous images of waves and photons, omnipresent at all levels in official scientific literature, in popular science, in videos on the web. Images that, in my opinion, give us an erroneous representation of the phenomena we are talking about here, of the objects involved and of their dynamics. Here too, as in many other parts of the knowledge of the world, we need to free ourselves from old "certainties", cleanse our minds, to make room for new visions of Reality that help us to understand more, more deeply, to build better descriptions of physical phenomena. As anticipated in chapter two, I think that there is some confusion in the way we look at light and more generally at electromagnetic radiation, both in the classical and quantum fields. Basic confusion which in my opinion determines an incorrect understanding of fundamental properties and phenomena such as, among many others, the emission and absorption of photons by atoms and particles. One of the fundamental problems lies in the erroneous visual representation that is currently given of the electromagnetic radiation and the relative particle, the photon, the quantum of light. It is well known that light has a dual, undulatory and corpuscular nature and / or behavior. But what doesn't work is how we imagine the shape of it all. Why and where did the great misunderstanding arise? In my opinion, it comes from the fact that we represent photons as packets of waves (a concept borrowed from the quantum wave function) and waves as wave trains, made up of multiple (infinite?) cycles! There are no such things in nature. Or rather, the normal light that the sun sends us incessantly or the one that illuminates our computer screens is not like that. So, how should we think of a quantum of light generated by my bulb and absorbed by my retina? A Structure of Information, shaped like a Wave, single cycle. A single cycle! This is crucial. This single cycle of a wave is the photon, localized, with a precise length (within the bounds of the omnipresent uncertainty), its wavelength, and a quantity of action commensurate with its length and Planck's constant. At the same time, therefore, this structure, which for convenience and comprehensibility we call a photon, is a wave with an extension in space, and can appear as a particle, as it has its own precise (always within the limits of uncertainty) position and action, and therefore Energy / Information (we call Energy the most elementary form of Information). And why just a cycle? We must try to imagine the emission of a wave / photon from an excited atom. An atom is hit by a photon of such wavelength that its energy can be absorbed by an electron. This electron (the impulse received by the photon implies more energy, more mass, less volume occupied) is pushed towards the inner part of the atom. All electrons move to some extent, their spatial distribution around the nucleus reorganizes, their orbitals are deformed by elastically accumulating the energy received by the photon that hit the first electron. The atom is excited, it has more energy than that specific of its unexcited ground state. The whole electronic configuration of this atom, in an elastic way, will contribute to bring back an electron (the electron hit by the photon, or another electron of the atom, depends on the number, on the configuration of the electronic orbitals, on the energy transferred by the photon, on the direction of impact, etc.), which will bounce in such a position as to return the atom to a non-excited state. The leap made by the moving electron (as ejected by the elastic force of the compressed electronic configuration) will result in an acceleration (due to the elastic energy transferred to it by the entire compressed electronic configuration) and an almost immediate deceleration due to the exhaustion of the boost and the return to the prevalence of the charge attraction on the boost received. Acceleration / deceleration involves a loss of energy that will be emitted as a wave / photon, in the form of a single cycle of a wave. A complete cycle of a sine wave exactly corresponding to the acceleration / deceleration profile of an elementary (massive) vortex structure, an electron, moving at a slower speed than the light being emitted. The absorption of a photon by an electron of an atom and the consequent compression of the electronic configuration of the atom (energetic reorganization of the electronic orbitals) produces the non-uniform movement (acceleration / deceleration) of an Information Structure (of the Vortex type: an electron), which generates another Structure of Information (of the Wave type: a photon) which propagates towards the outside of the atom at the maximum permitted speed, the limit of the velocity of propagation of Information in the Elementary Field, that we commonly call the "speed of light". Action and Reaction. A Process of Events (the electron, with non-zero Perturbation, a structure with mass, motion, charge and spin), a dynamic configuration of correlations (Information) between inhomogeneous distributions (Elementary Action: Perturbation / Mass, Translation / Motion, Rotation:Chirality / Charge, Rotation:AxisOrientation / Spin) of elementary fluctuations, of Elementary Events, produces another Process of Events (the photon, with zero Perturbation, no mass, only motion, charge and spin), a dynamic configuration of correlations (Information) between inhomogeneous distributions (Elementary Action: Translation / Motion, Rotation:Chirality / Charge, Rotation:AxisOrientation / Spin) of elementary fluctuations, of Elementary Events. In short, a quantum of light can be represented as a single cycle of a wave propagating in the Elementary Field. It therefore shows: -wave aspects / behaviors, determined by the fact that it is a wave (interference, diffraction, etc.), with a precise, within the limits of indetermination, spatial extension, quantity of action, energy, -corpuscular aspects / behaviors, determined by the fact that it is a single cycle of a wave, with a precise, within the limits of indetermination, localization. The problems of localization of the waves and of the spatial extension of the particles (no point particle) are therefore overcome. This type of structure can account for both undulatory and corpuscular behaviors and phenomena. But, where can we see the trains of waves? Not in the case of the emission of photons by excited atoms, as we have seen. We find trains of waves where there are repeated periodic oscillations of electrical charges (or magnetic equivalents). Essentially in the case of radio waves, where oscillators produce movements of electrons in antennas made of conductive materials, generally metal. This oscillatory movement, back and forth, which involves charge carriers, electrons (and holes, like in semiconductors), with repeated periodic accelerations and decelerations, produces the emission of electromagnetic waves composed of multiple cycles, in fact, of wave trains.File:Wave emission.pngVarious types of Wave emission phenomena
- absorption of Wave-type Structures by Vortex-type structures: symmetrically, absorption phenomena can also be of different typology according to the different typologies of photons / e.m. waves which depend on the emission modalities, of generation of such Wave-type Structures. The absorption of photons (one cycle waves) by electrons bound in atomic nuclei is embodied in an interaction between the approaching single wave and an atomic electron that is on the trajectory. In the interaction, always in the portion of the Elementary Field where the two structures are hosted, interaction (inter-Action, exchange of Elementary Action in its Components) point by point, Translation correlation (linear momentum -> impulse) and Rotation correlation:AxisOrientation (orientation of the angular momentum -> polarization direction) are transferred. The Vortex-type Structure (electron) accelerates its Motion and reorients its Spin direction due to this interaction (linear and angular momentum) with the Wave-type Structure (photon). The movement of the electron towards the inside of the atom and the reorientation of the Spin will be the result of the Forces exerted (Transferred Action) by the photon and those (resistance, constraint, reaction, etc.) exerted by the atom, by its internal structure, by the structures that compose it (nucleus, other electrons, etc.), by the interaction with the other atoms that surround the atom in question, by the turbulence of the Field and by that at the level of the atom (thermal component), by the interaction and dynamics of everything listed above, with their respective weights, which obviously can vary during the very brief instant in which the absorption occurs. A "simple" phenomenon of absorption of a photon by an atomic electron... Great complexity! The electron of the atom has absorbed the linear momentum and the angular momentum of the photon that disappears (the photon is the linear momentum and the angular momentum transferred is the Action that is transferred; therefore if the Action has been absorbed, the photon no longer exists). The electron has undergone an acceleration and has been moved towards the inside of the atom (which is "excited", deformed). The atom can be imagined as a spring that has been loaded and is ready to release its energy, resulting from the deformation it has undergone. If the energy received from the absorbed photon is sufficient to be able to produce a bounce of an electron towards the outside, but not sufficient to free the electron (photoelectric effect), we witness the emission of a photon (always single cycle wave) that follows the absorption. If the energy received is not sufficient to produce the emission of a photon of light, we could find ourselves in the following two situations: emission of an infrared photon (thermal radiation), transfer of linear and angular momentum to the entire atom, which returns internally to a condition of equilibrium (atom not excited, not deformed), but retains the momentum received from the absorbed photon in its thermal vibrational state (higher speed of vibration / displacement, heating, higher temperature). In the case of a multi-cycle Wave-type Structure, a wave train, an e.m. wave emitted by an alternating electric current flowing in a conductor, absorption can occur either in an analogous conductor or by entire molecules or atoms or by single electrons in atoms, depending on the wavelength of the wave. Let's quickly see in a more useful case, absorption by free electrons, conduction electrons, in a conductor (antenna). Simplifying a lot, these electrons, free to flow in the conductor, hit by the multi-cycle waves of appropriate wavelength emitted by another antenna, interacting with the waves incident on the receiving antenna, absorb the linear and angular momentum that constitutes these waves, modifying their state of motion in the conductor and their spin orientation, generating an alternating electric current, which can be appropriately amplified, decoded, etc. to receive any transported signal. We recall that antennas have maximum efficiency, "sensitivity", if in particular relationships with the length of the wave to be received (one length, half, a quarter, etc.) and in appropriate spatial orientation with the directionality and polarization (tuning of the length and spatial orientation of the antenna). As highlighted in the table, there are other absorption modes of Wave-type Structures (single or multi cycle, photons or e.m. waves), related to different types of Waves: for example, absorption of gamma rays by atomic nuclei, absorption of microwaves emitted by generators in free space (e.g. emitted by magnetrons or klystrons), transported by waveguides and radiated by special antennas (e.g. radar antennas), scattering of electrons following total or partial absorption of x-rays (as in Compton scattering, with decrease in the energy of the photon and thus increase in its wavelength).File:Wave absorption.pngVarious types of Wave absorption phenomena
- interference between Wave-type Structures: in quantum physics it is believed that each photon interferes only with itself, as a consequence of quantum superposition principle and as a sign of wave-particle duality. When a single photon incides on a double-slit we gradually see a peculiar interference pattern, but only if the path information of a particle (which-path, which-slit) is not known. If a measurement is performed, quantum superposition collapses and no interference pattern appears. Some variations of this experiment involve the use of entangled photons, double double slits, delayed passages, etc. In any case, the interaction between different photons, even identical in spectrum, phase and polarization, seems ideally impossible, since they are single-cycle Waves consisting of Translation and Rotation correlation patterns, and not Perturbation (no Mass). Two photons, if they are in / are supported by the same portion of the Elementary Field during their propagation at the maximum speed allowed locally, should so to speak pass into each other, or, for a very short period, both share the same portion of the Field, parading point by point, surface by surface for their respective wavelength, without interacting substantially, and without this passage producing interference (constructive / destructive) and without leaving a trace on the two photons or on the portion of the Field that supported / hosted them in their "encounter". So there remains the issue of the interaction of the photon with itself. I know that this is a cornerstone of quantum physics, but self-interaction seems rather strange, too strange even for the most abstract of physical theories. And truly implausible. It seems more sensible to assume that the single photon interacts with the Elementary Field, with a configuration, an organization of Information, particular patterns of organization of the correlations between the Components of the Elementary Action that give shape to the Field in the region between the single or two slits (depending on the type of experiment we are observing). The issue of knowing the path remains, in the case of the two slits. I believe that, since each measurement modifies the object of the measurement itself, the trajectory of the photon in crossing one or the other of the slits is spatially modified and this determines a different interaction of the photon with the particular organization of the Field inside the slit. But this is a long and complex story, which we will mention in a special section at the end of this chapter, and will be the subject of a future dedicated paper, given its crucial importance for understanding the quantum world and the Fundamental Nature of Reality.
- conversion of Motion in Mass: a few words on the processes of conversion of Motion into Mass and vice versa, before closing this long section dedicated to Motion and kinetic phenomena.I am not sure that the term "conversion" is suitable to represent what happens in the situations mentioned in the table here, which collects most of the situations of variation of the Motion of an InfoStructure that involve a simultaneous increase in its Mass. Of its relativistic Mass, obviously, since the Rest Mass does not vary. The relativistic Mass is equal to the Rest Mass multiplied by the Lorentz factor (gamma). In terms of our Dynamics of Elementary Action, and consequently of the Dynamics of Information / Energy, we can represent this phenomenon in this way: the acceleration of a "Vortex" type InfoStructure of the "Elementary" subtype (e.g. an electron) involves a Translation correlation transfer between the structured Elementary Field (e.g. a gravitational field is present) and the Structure in question (the electron in the example) or a Translation correlation transfer between InfoStructures of the Wave type, Multicycle subtype (e.g. a radiowave) as in an accelerating cavity in a particle collider. The situation does not change. Translation correlation transfer between the structured Field (e.g. gravitational field, or structured due to the dynamic presence of InfoStructures of the Wave type, for example, as mentioned) means that the Translation correlation scheme of the Vortex Structure in question (the electron) varies, increases. This increase, in terms of the physical quantities that characterize the Motion, can be expressed as an increase in its speed, and consequently, in its Kinetic Energy (Effective Energy). Potential Energy of the Field, or similar to it, such as the Kinetic Energy of the Wave, are transferred to the electron, increasing its Kinetic Energy (always a correlation of Translation, spatial orientation of the elementary fluctuations of the Field around the Planck scale). The increase in speed translates into an increase in the quantity of motion (linear momentum) of the particle. In short, in the increase of the Inertial Motion of the electron, an increase in its inertia (therefore, as this happens, it is increasingly onerous, more and more Action, Energy, is needed to cause its further acceleration). But this is not all. The Vortical Structures, due to their peculiar shape, if they are stable, like an electron, means that they are in equilibrium with the surrounding Field. A change in speed causes a shift in the equilibrium point, which defines the physical quantities of that particle. In particular, the effect of acceleration on the shape of the elementary Vortex will be that of its spatial contraction (less occupied volume). This is to compensate for the greater correlation of Translation in the direction of accelerated Motion. The correlation of Translation for maintaining the shape of the 3d Vortex representing the electron we are dealing with will gradually decrease. Like a skater who gathers her arms, thus increasing the speed of rotation on herself, the Vortex will undergo a contraction of the volume with a concentration (in a context of conservation of Mass, Motion, Charge and Spin, therefore of linear momentum, intrinsic angular momentum in chirality and spatial orientation of the axis, etc.) in particular of the Mass (curvature of Time) and Charge (intrinsic rotation). But this does not only translate into a shrinking of the vortex particle and a greater concentration of its Mass (increase in density). This contraction also involves an increase in the relativistic Mass (rest mass multiplied by the Lorentz gamma factor). To simplify, we could say that the vortex, during acceleration, in order to maintain its vortex shape and continue to exist, must contract, become smaller and "vortex" more in itself. This increase in mass becomes very evident at speeds close to that of light, where the gamma factor assumes increasingly higher values. It is intuitive that the greater the level of Translation correlation that represents the propagation of the Structure in the Field, the less correlation is available for the conservation of the vortex nature of the Structure itself. As the speed tends to the maximum limit (commonly called the speed of light, or better the speed of the propagation of Causality, of Action, of Information in the Elementary Field, let us remember, a limit value but locally variable due to the local curvature of Time, which represents the Mass), the Mass of the accelerated particle will tend to infinity, the occupied volume to zero. In terms of this model, if the Translation correlation relative to the Propagation of the Particle approaches one hundred percent, there is almost no correlation left for the very existence of the particle, which contracts into ever smaller volumes, with ever greater: - correlation of the Elementary Action Component that we call Perturbation (increase in relativistic Mass and linear momentum, but also greater temporal curvature, lengthening of the particle's lifetime), - concentration of the Rotation:Chirality correlation (which represents the Charge, whose sign does not change due to the spatial contraction), - concentration of the Rotation:AxisOrientation correlation (spatial orientation of the axis of the Rotation Component, which represents the Spin, intrinsic angular momentum, which could vary due to the interaction with magnetic fields or magnetic components of e.m. radiation). So, in summary, we expect that the particle subjected to acceleration, as its propagation speed in the Field approaches the local limit speed, will have greater Mass and slower time (longer lifetime), the two things are equivalent (Mass = curvature of Time), less occupied volume (spatial contraction), same electric Charge, same Spin (in the absence of magnetic interactions, obviously). Even if on this last aspect it would be necessary to conduct specific experimental research, as it could be hypothesized a progressive spontaneous reorientation in the Spin axis in the direction of Motion for the principle of least resistance, Least Action. Colliders that use electromagnetic waves to accelerate particles are therefore not suitable for this type of verification, as the magnetic component reorients the Spin axis. In the case of deceleration, everything said here must obviously be taken the other way around. As the velocity decreases, the Translation correlation is smaller and therefore becomes available again for the conservation of the shape of the Vortex particle, which gradually tends to return to its rest shape (with nominal Mass and time curvature, and the same for the occupied volume). The contraction due to acceleration is replaced by the expansion due to deceleration. The case of high-speed collisions remains to be examined. In high-speed collisions, the deceleration is so rapid, instantaneous, that the process of reduction of the relativistic Mass cannot occur. At the instant of the collision, the increase in Mass due to the speed reached with respect to the rest Mass of the particles involved is maintained, making it available for the formation of temporary turbulence from which the particles generated by the collision gradually emerge. The greater the speed of the incident particles, the greater the available Mass, the greater the Mass of the outgoing particles. In high-speed collisions, the deceleration is so rapid, instantaneous, that the process of relativistic Mass reduction cannot occur. At the instant of the collision, the increase in Mass due to the speed reached with respect to the rest Mass of the particles involved is maintained, making it available for the formation of temporary turbulence from which the particles generated by the collision gradually emerge. The greater the speed of the incident particles, the greater the available Mass, the greater the Mass of the outgoing particles. At speeds close to that of light, the contribution of Mass relative to the speed reached with respect to the speed of light with respect to the rest Mass of the particle can be very significant. The spatial contraction (especially longitudinal), the smaller spatial dimension of the particles involved in the collision, the smaller volume occupied, consequent to their acceleration to speeds close to that of light, in terms of the Dynamics of Elementary Action means that in the central regions of the particles the Perturbation values (and therefore, the temperature of the Field, the speed of propagation, the density of Mass, the rate of the temporal flow, etc. as described by the Principle of Universal Equivalence) are greater, even much greater than those that the same particles would have at rest (absolute rest, with respect to the Elementary Field). The Perturbation distribution profile of the individual Vortex Structures that represent the particles in the collision phase is more compressed. Even with the peculiarities related to the immense spatial distances and the times extremely dilated compared to those of the interactions of the particles of Ordinary Matter, we expect a similar behavior for the collisions between Dark (Matter) Halos, within the complex dynamics that characterize the Cosmic Web, especially the Dark part, which we call precisely the Dark Web. We therefore expect that within the turbulent environment of the Cosmic Web, especially in the areas of greater density, in the filaments most populated by galaxies, or even more so in the nodes that constitute real dynamic attractors, the density of galaxies leads to relatively frequent collisions. Since, especially in the filaments, the galaxies seem to substantially follow a fairly coherent flow, we can expect above all "soft" collisions, due to differences in relative velocity, or to the constrictive effect of the walls of the large bubbles that delimit the filaments (large voids or bubbles with low galaxy density) and that push the galaxies of the filaments to cluster and follow the flow towards the nodes. In the vicinity and inside the nodes we should instead expect a higher frequency of more violent impacts, up to the extreme, frontal ones, with a clear separation of the various galactic components according to their density of Mass: the dark matter halos of the two colliding galaxies that stop against each other, in the near impossibility of interpenetration and merging due to their similar density (here too the extended exclusion principle applies), the gas that, with various densities, fills the peripheral and internal zones of the two galaxies, which tends to proceed forward by inertia, with shock fronts, and other dynamics that slow down its passage towards the space occupied by the other colliding galaxy and that can produce rapid phenomena of condensation with the triggering of violent processes of star formation, and also the respective configurations of the Visible Matter (spirals, arms, bars, nucleus, etc.) which, denser, with greater inertia, proceed forward against each other, crossing each other, and little by little going to occupy the dark bubble of the other colliding galaxy. In the case of particularly complex collisions (e.g. at particular angles), it is possible that, at least in one phase of the collision, the Visible matter is partially or totally projected into an area where there is no well-formed dark halo, but only a more or less shapeless turbulence. Everything we can hypothesize for galactic collisions, also here with the respective peculiarities, we can extend to the collisions of galaxy clusters. The spatial dimensions, the temporal ones, the dynamics of movement / interaction of the components of the two colliding clusters, can lead to bizarre behaviors and truly "strange" results, with remixing of dark components, gas, visible matter, entire galaxies or parts of them, which in extremely dilated times can dynamically reorganize themselves in very complex coevolutionary processes in new forms and new and different aggregations. It is highly possible that this is more or less the situation of a famous collision of galactic clusters, the Bullet Cluster, where, as mentioned, during collision the components of the cluster pair, dark matter, gas and stars behave differently. And so on at increasingly larger scales, super-clusters, squeezed between gigantic voids, to form almost insurmountable bulwarks, high gravitational walls that confine and accelerate immense "blocks" of cosmic web, stretch them into sparkling filaments, to then re-aggregate them into immense lumps of light in the nodes of the web, the galaxies like grains of dust in the impetuous wind of the Universe. Even in this type of collisions and, more generally, of dynamics that mainly concern the Structures of the Dark sector, which seem to occur in slow motion so to speak, Ordinary Matter can reach relativistic speeds, where therefore the same phenomena of conversion of Motion into Mass, which we hypothesized above, can occur. In any case, both for the Dark Structures, even with a low density of Mass, moving at relatively more contained speeds, due to their spatial extensions from large (galaxies) to immense (super-clusters, giant voids, etc.), they can show important increases in Inertial Mass in absolute terms, even if their weight in relative terms, compared to their Rest Mass, is decidedly low. In short, in the Universe, where turbulence dominates the panorama both in the Dark sector and in the Visible one and everything is in motion, a good amount of the Mass that we observe due to its gravitational effects is Inertial Mass, which is added to the Rest Mass, the Mass that characterizes each Structure in itself, assuming that it is at rest.
- conversion of Mass in Motion (propagating potential kinetic Energy): conversion of Mass into Motion, in order to be appreciated, requires extremely intense and violent phenomena. One of the phenomena that can convert Mass into Motion is certainly the emission of Gravitational Waves. Later in this same chapter, we will see what Gravitational Waves consist of, how they are produced and what effects they have on Dark and Visible Matter. Here it is enough to say that G.W. are produced by the (acceleration) / deceleration of massive objects. In order to be detectable with current instruments, in order to have observable effects on matter (e.g. pulsars), such objects must have very high mass, must be compact and must undergo accelerations / decelerations of great intensity (e.g. rotations around the common center of gravity of binary systems of neutron stars / black holes, or, probably, the expulsion of the external states and the collapse of supernova nuclei, etc.) and must not be too far from the detection instruments / objects. G.W. are the analogue of E.M. Waves emitted by particles. They are InfoStructures that transport deformations of the Elementary Field, which transport Elementary Action in the Translation and Rotation components: AxisOrientation, which correspond respectively to linear momentum and angular momentum. In fact, G.W. propagate linearly in the Elementary Field at the maximum speed allowed (locally), just like E.M. Waves, and are also characterized by polarization. Therefore, they transport Motion (linear momentum) and Spin (orintation of intrinsic angular momentum), while they do not transport Mass and Charge. When a G.W. transits in the portion of the Elementary Field that from time to time supports, for example, one of the mirrors of a G.W. interferometer, this Wave causes a temporary (very slight) acceleration of the mirror in the direction of the transported linear momentum, as well as a possible equally slight torsion of the mirror in the direction of the orientation of the transported intrinsic angular momentum in the case that this Wave is polarized (the emission of polarized G.W. requires emitting objects with Spin (with extremely high correlation intensities of the orintation of its intrinsic angular momentum). That said, let's take a specific phenomenon of merging neutron stars or black holes to try to formulate plausible hypotheses on how this conversion could occur. Let us imagine a binary system of black holes (both for example with masses between 20 and 50 solar masses), rapidly rotating around the common center of gravity. Both black holes in their increasingly narrow orbits will experience increasingly intense accelerations. The masses of the two objects will obviously be different (from slightly to significantly different). This will produce a certain level of eccentricity in the rotation of the two bodies and this will lead to even more intense accelerations. The two bodies linked in such a binary system will undergo an increase in Mass as their orbital rotation speed (rotation around the common center of Mass) increases. The increase in speed and, consequently, in Mass translates into a contraction of the volume occupied by each of the two objects. In the case of neutron stars / pulsars, the contraction of the body will be the sum of the contractions that affect all the individual particles that make up the body itself, neutrons, quarks, etc.). In the case of well-formed black holes, so to speak (where all the particles of matter, electrons, quarks, etc., that originated the black hole and all those that gradually fall beyond the event horizon and feed it, have merged into what we call a black hole, a sort of super unitary particle, super dense and super massive, rapidly rotating on itself) it is the entire body that contracts as a result of the increase in speed, and therefore of its Mass. Here too, therefore, we can think of the total Mass of the B.H. as ideally formed by the sum of the Rest Mass (the Mass of all the matter that was compressed during the collapse and of all that was added and is constantly added) and the Relativistic Mass, due precisely to the speed reached (linear of the orbiting and angular of the spinning on itself). For simplicity, we neglect here all the (very complex) effects that can influence these speeds, the increase in relativistic Mass, the contraction of the volume occupied by the B.H. (among the many, the structure of the environment in which the B.H. moves, dark matter and visible matter for example of the accretion disk, the presence of other massive bodies nearby, the emission of electromagnetic radiation in the external regions, the interaction with the companion of the binary system, the possible transfer of matter between the two bodies, the tidal effects, and so on.). Alongside this increase in the Mass of the two bodies of the binary system, due to the accelerations, the irregularities / eccentricities of the orbits, etc. we will witness an emission of radiation in the form of Gravitational Waves, which like E.M. Waves, will transport Elementary Action into the Translation and Rotation Components: AxisOrientation, linear momentum and spatial orientation of the intrinsic angular momentum, Motion and orientation of Spin, momentum and polarization. This mechanism, with the appropriate (enormous) dimensional and quantitative differences, is similar to that which occurs in the case of emission of electromagnetic radiation (so-called synchrotron radiation, with a peak at X-ray wavelengths) by a charged particle (e.g. electron, positron) moving at speeds close to the speed of light, forced by a magnetic field to move along a curved trajectory (just as neutron stars / B.H. in binary systems are forced by gravity to move along spiraling curved trajectories until the final fusion, at which point there is a peak, in intensity and frequency, of GM emission). The emission of such Waves reduces the linear momentum, the quantity of motion of the emitting bodies, reduces the speed, and therefore the Mass, with an increase in the volume occupied by the body, a process inverse to the one we saw before, where we witness a progressive increase in the orbital speed of the two bodies due to the effect of gravity that binds the bodies in the binary system, and the consequent increase in the relativistic Mass and the contraction of the occupied volume. Let's say that in this cosmic tug-of-war, gravity wins in the end, attracting the two bodies ever closer in an ever tighter spiral until the final fusion. To summarize, gravity produces an increase in the orbital speed, in the relativistic Mass, and dimensional contraction. At the same time, the Constrained Motion, with its accelerations, produces a radiation of linear (and angular) momentum in the form of G.W. that produce a reduction in the orbital speed, in the relativistic Mass, an increase in the volume. Between the two mechanisms, the most intense is obviously the one related to the attraction that leads to the final fusion of the two bodies. In light of what has been hypothesized here, this phenomenon should not strictly be classified as a conversion of Mass into Motion. The conversion does indeed occur, but it is relativistic mass, not the rest mass of the particles that make up neutron stars, or the mass of the super particle object that we call a black hole. More properly we should say that the (relativistic) Mass increases or decreases due to the variation in the velocity of the body resulting from the radiation of linear momentum (G.W.). Other phenomena that manifest themselves with the conversion of Mass into Motion are those that concern atomic nuclei (decays, fission, fusion, etc.) where Mass seems to disappear in favor of emissions of e.m. radiation and/or massive particles at very high speeds. Here too, however, we assume that the Mass so to speak converted is relativistic Mass (internal vibrations of nucleons), or binding Mass (nuclear forces, gluons, etc.) and not the rest Mass of the particles (which from observations seem to be very modest).
See also
- TFNR - Physical quantities and phenomena in the structured Field
- TFNR - Space-time and metric phenomena
- TFNR - Mass and gravitational phenomena
- TFNR - Charge and electric phenomena
- TFNR - Spin and magnetic phenomena
Links to the tables of contents of TFNR Paper