A wonderful and interesting video on the shape and dynamics of our local universe, the portion of cosmos our galaxy, the Milky Way, takes part.

“Superclusters – regions of space that are densely packed with galaxies – are the biggest structures in the Universe. But scientists have struggled to define exactly where one supercluster ends and another begins. Now, a team based in Hawaii has come up with a new technique that maps the Universe according to the flow of galaxies across space. Redrawing the boundaries of the cosmic map, they redefine our home supercluster and name it Laniakea, which means ‘immeasurable heaven’ in Hawaiian.”


Read the research paper: http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nature13674
Read Nature’s news story: http://www.nature.com/news/earth-s-new-address-solar-system-milky-way-laniakea-1.15819

Vorticity is a fundamental property of Reality, from the elementary level of the Field of Action, to the elementary physical structures, as particles, to the behavior of fluids, up to the shape and dynamics of galaxies and larger cosmic structures.

Some amazing examples …






Chandra X-ray Observatory Chandra X-ray Observatory

E ora è la volta dei quark e dei leptoni. Nessuna particella viene risparmiata in questa pazza corsa verso dimensioni sempre più infinitesime, verso livelli sempre più fondamentali, frammenti di materia sempre più piccoli e sfuggenti.


Gli atomi, nell’antichità così chiamati perché ritenuti indivisibili, sono stati frantumati, sezionati, via via sempre più in  profondità, a scoprire famiglie successive di particelle, schegge di materia da misurare e classificare, e, tra queste, legami sempre più forti e ravvicinati, un panteon di divinità  sempre più potenti, forze esotiche che sfuggono ai nostri sensi limitati.

E’ una ricerca infinita, giacché le dimensioni delle particelle coinvolte sono sì infinitesime, ma sempre di moltissimi ordini di grandezza superiori alla scala di Planck, la scala dove le dimensioni spaziali e temporali sfumano in un incessante brulicare di energia informe, regno dell’indeterminazione, del campo fondamentale, la fornace, il crogiolo nel quale ribolle lo spaziotempo, substrato di ogni fenomeno.

Ad ogni ulteriore resezione, come in un’autopsia che non termina mai, sempre nuovi livelli, nuovi oggetti, nuove strutture, si presentano innanzi agli occhi degli sperimentatori. Ad ogni giro, nuovo materiale affolla le menti creative dei teorici, in un girotondo senza fine.

E’ la mania del collezionismo che ci fa cercare sempre nuove farfalle, esotiche e variopinte, da raccogliere, fotografare, scambiare? E’ il bisogno di arrivare in fondo, di trovare il principio e la fine, la nascita e la morte, nelle forme materiali che ci circondano, a nostra immagine e somiglianza?

Osserviamo il cielo, con le sue nubi sempre mutevoli, che vediamo talvolta rincorrersi, spinte da venti impetuosi, talvolta affollarsi le une sulle altre, tanto da impedirci per giorni di vedere il cielo, l’azzurro, lo sfondo, il fondale aereo sulla cui scena si formano le strutture che chiamiamo nuvole.

E’ forse questa la svolta? La nuova via in grado di farci comprendere meglio la realtà fisica fondamentale e i suoi fenomeni sfuggenti? Spostare lo sguardo dalle strutture che attraggono la nostra attenzione con le loro forme sfavillanti, le loro complesse evoluzioni e interazioni, allo sfondo che le ospita, le sostiene, le nutre dell’energia fondamentale che ne consente l’esistenza, la permanenza causale…

Dal discreto al continuo, dalla struttura al campo, dall’informazione all’azione. Verso quelle dimensioni infinitesime, la fucina dove incessantemente la Forza forgia la realtà più elementare, causa che si trasforma in spazio e in tempo, e poi in strutture, sempre più grandi e complesse, particelle, atomi e molecole, oggetti e cellule, rocce e organismi, pianeti, ecosistemi, stelle e galassie, idee, culture, un’evoluzione senza tregua e senza fine, un universo in evoluzione.

Nelle grandi occasioni, nei momenti di svolta, di fronte a eventi potenzialmente in grado di portare a intense e repentine accelerazioni nel percorso umano verso la conoscenza della realtà, ecco che le bocche si aprono e i fiati si sprecano. Nel tentativo, pur lodevole, di spiegare al volgo quanto neppure gli esperti conoscono, il mondo viene inondato dalle più assurde stupidaggini.

La particella di Higgs (Fonte: Wikipedia)

Risultato: gli specialisti, o supposti tali, rimangono in una quasi assoluta oscurità, che tentano di spacciare per luminosa e profonda conoscenza, e i comuni mortali, che in generale non mostrano particolare interesse verso l’approfondimento culturale, ma la cui attenzione vagante è richiamata dalle luci intermittenti e dai suoni assordanti, vengono disorientati da informazioni frammentarie o palesemente errate, che generano false convinzioni e fuorvianti miti metropolitani.

La cosa più esilarante è che entrambe le parti, che da secoli si contrappongono nell’eterna disputa culturale tra fede e scienza, si contendono allegramente il diritto di sentenziare sui fondamenti della Realtà. Gli uni esaltando il primato dello Spirito, gli altri, quello della Materia, avvinghiati in un vortice dogmatico sempre più autoreferenziale, che non lascia spazio al vero dibattito, al confronto che porta al superamento delle posizioni contrapposte, all’integrazione, verso una reale unità della Conoscenza.

Onore al Professor Higgs, a prescindere dall’effettiva bontà e rilevanza dei suoi lavori e della vera natura della recente scoperta, a tutti i ricercatori che chinano le loro schiene sugli strumenti  e agli studiosi che affinano le loro menti sui modelli teorici, onore alla serietà e alla modestia degli scienziati innamorati della ricerca e della Conoscenza, che sanno, seguendo un precetto buddista, rettamente pensare e rettamente parlare.

Di stupidaggini è già pieno il mondo, senza necessità di rabbocchi pseudo scientifici o pseudo spirituali. Lasciamo ai santi e ai mistici il privilegio di parlare con scioltezza di Dio, in un anelito che sgorga dal cuore. Ridiamo sacralità a questo termine, che indica la forza più grande che c’è, la causa dell’esistenza e dell’evoluzione della realtà.

Una forza infinita ed eterna, da cui emanano tutte le forze e le forme che popolano l’Universo ai vari livelli di complessità. La manifestazione, l’epifania della Natura in evoluzione. Forza creativa ed evolutiva in azione.

La Forza.

P.S. Accostare Dio a un bosone?!? Un errore concettuale e sostanziale che lascia esterrefatti, che denota una evidente assenza di riflessione sui concetti più fondamentali dell’esistenza. E’ l’idea stessa di realtà che si fonda su di essi: forza, campo, energia, materia… Il bosone è definito come una particella vettore, portatrice della forza che caratterizza un campo fisico. “Portatrice di forza”, non “forza”. Sarebbe come confondere la barca solare che trasporta Horus nel suo viaggio giornaliero nella volta celeste, con Horus stesso. L’uno, la forza, l’altro, il vettore, lo sfondo, il campo. Ma le analogie, comode per fornire un’immagine allegorica, cessano qui.

Google translation from Italian.

Dark matter and dark energy are two of the most important research subjects in modern cosmology, and with two of the biggest mysteries that modern science involved. Many assumptions, the plots with high-energy physics, observations and experiments connected.On these two issues as relevant to understanding the universe in which we live, Evolutionary Physics offers a specific course of research and some original assumptions, which reflect points of view on reality totally unconventional.

It does not seem realistic to consider specific issues, such as, for example, the problem of dark matter, without putting into question the very foundations of physics and cosmology. Everything is closely connected to everything. The analytical methods, so important for deep understanding of individual phenomena, should not deprive us of that overview essential to understand the complexity of reality in its fullness.

Dark Matter Two of the most mysterious and enigmatic concepts in recent years have entered the scene of cosmology, dark matter and dark energy have profound implications on our view of reality, the concept of space-time evolution of the universe . Expansion of the cosmos to the nature of gravity, all the fundamental phenomena of nature are touched in some way.

To understand the true nature of dark matter will be necessary, so learn and understand the phenomenon we commonly call “mass” phenomenon in the context of conventional physics can not find a convincing interpretation. Within the mass of Evolutionary Physics is one of the fundamental properties of elementary field, the field space-time properties that are manifested in the creation and dynamic structures of ordinary matter and dark. It is becoming clearer as to the characteristics and behavior, dark matter can not be made of ordinary matter, as “strange” or exotic. It should look the other way, the standard system of particles can not help us in this quest. The basic characteristics of dark matter that seems to emerge more clearly from the observations are extended to its nature, distributed in a large portion of space, its low density, the purely gravitational interaction with ordinary matter, the dynamics peculiar structure to “bubbles”, and so on. These characteristics are very different from those we commonly attribute to ordinary matter.

To grasp the real nature of these entities and phenomena related to them need to investigate the characteristics and properties of the field space-time. To understand the properties that we call mass, charge and spin, we must look beyond the particles of ordinary matter, should be combined with the research activities of more fundamental particles a new approach and focus on the field. The field understood as the source of the material structures, and not as, on the contrary, entity generated by the existence of matter.

As part of Evolutionary Physics, and especially in the theory that we call “Evolutionary Dynamics of the Field”, which describes the properties and evolution of the primary field, we associate to each point of space-time continuum tensor structure we call micro-states and describe fully the dynamics at the Planck scale. Among the material structures that emerge from the organization of micro-states are, with different characteristics and properties, the two types of structures with mass, which we call dark matter and ordinary matter. The particles of ordinary matter is made up of micro-vortices in the local structure of the field space-time, with limited spatial extent and organization of high dynamic attributes of microstates. The structures of the dark material, in contrast, are constituted by vortices extended, with limited intensity of organization, or correlation, of the dynamic attributes of the micro-states. To investigate these fundamental aspects, see in particular the article “Foundations of a new dynamic,” which analyzes the structure of space-time field and the dynamics of physical reality to the most basic level.

As for dark energy, a term which is commonly referred to the enigmatic entity responsible for the expansion of the universe and all phenomena in some form that counteract the force of gravity on cosmic scales, we believe that this represents not physical entity, but a fundamental phenomenon of nature, the manifestation of the basic properties of space-time field, as understood in the context of Evolutionary Physics. A concept closely linked to the dynamics of dark matter and the processes of creation and evolution of ordinary matter. A phenomenon produced by the progressive organization of the field, in other words, the accumulation of matter, dark and ordinary, in cosmic structures more and more organized.

To understand the nature and linkages of these two concepts, it is necessary to outline the evolutionary history of the universe, the creation of matter, ordinary and dark, complex adaptive processes and mechanisms Retrospective characterize the dynamic interaction. In a nutshell, it all starts with the field space-time vacuum, a self-regulating system in open entrance, perturbed at the Planck scale by elemental force, sheer chaos without any form of organization.For clarity, we associate a physical entity that field which is conventionally called the “quantum vacuum” at the Planck scale. Spontaneous organization of infinitesimal perturbations of the metric field in a time interval immense structures emerge gradually more extensive, filling all available space, start to come into contact and interact. These structures, shaped vortex, created by self-organization of dynamic parameters of the micro-states in the spatial domain occupied express the phenomenon we call mass.

This phenomenon is constituted by a local reduction in the intensity of the elementary disturbances, according to a precise quadratic distribution law, a sort of stretching of space-time. In the peripheral areas of these vortices, or bubbles, which come into contact, there is a growing phenomena of violent friction that triggers the formation of ordinary matter, micro vortices begin to fall toward the centers of the bubbles of dark matter, to organize and form the first galaxies. As the level of organization of space-time increases, the ordinary matter accumulates and aggregates into galaxies and clusters, which should increase the mass of huge bubbles of dark matter that host galaxies and clusters. This phenomenon induces a progressive contraction, a decrease in the spatial extension of the bubbles, with a consequent reduction in the intensity of mutual interaction and, therefore, the creation of new ordinary matter. At intervals huge, the general tendency to self-organization of the field will produce a new expansion of the bubbles of dark matter that will lead to huge new processes of formation of new ordinary matter, and so on in a progressive accumulation of matter, a gradual increase the level of organization of the Universe.

A complex feedback process linking the amount of dark matter and ordinary intensity of disruption to the existing primary field, which is inversely related the velocity of light in vacuum. As the field there is progressive reduction of the speed of light, which produces the phenomenon of cosmic distances conventionally called “cosmic expansion”. Not the removal of galaxies and clusters, not creating new space, but a general decrease in the speed of light has the effect of the expansion of the Universe. In a never ending process, with alternating periods of intense formation of ordinary matter, with periods of intense cosmic expansion, the image that comes to us from the recesses of the universe of time and space is deformed more heavily in a complex superposition of gravitational lenses of varying intensity and extent.

From this brief exposition is clear and concise picture of a tumultuous universe in evolution, as a living organism whose breath changes its limbs, the look, the pace in the world. A large body of many cells, an infinite network of bubbles of dark matter, galaxies, stars, networks of molecules, atoms, particles. Networking events, micro-states, a field space-time Unlimited molteplicemente organized on countless levels, a vast ocean of information that gives structure to the field, in an endless crescendo of complexity.

To learn more:

 Dark Matter (Materia Oscuraonly in Italian)

Dark Energy
(Energia Oscuraonly in Italian)

Foundations of a New Dynamic
(Fondamenti di una Nuova Dinamicaonly in Italian)

Evolutionary Cosmogony
(Cosmogonia Evoluzionisticaonly in Italian)

After the phase of the enthusiastic statements, questions, criticisms and terse denials, admitted with resignation, it’s opening a more serene space for some general reflection.

I certainly do not want say the classic “I told you so”. In fact, in the Evolutionary Physics, from the very birth of this original vision of Reality, there has never been room for particles faster than light. But, really, that’s not what I would like to point out.

The ICARUS detector in Gran Sasso (INFN)

What I would like to draw attention to, because I think it is absolutely relevant and indicative of the state of theoretical research in this new millennium, is the obscurity in which the foundations of physics seem to be immersed.

I do not speak of sophisticated research on the internal dynamics of binary pulsar systems, of whirling blacks holes, clusters of galaxies surrounded by giant halos of dark matter. I’m not talking about cutting-edge research on extremely complex systems, on which we have little data, and we can not submit to laboratory experiments.

I’m talking about speed of light, speed and fragments, even if evanescent, of matter. I’m talking about fundamental physical quantities, on which we can, in certain sizes and with all the physical and technological limitations, make accurate observations and measurements.

In fact, our world is made up primarily of energy (like light), bits of matter (like neutrinos) and momentum (whose most basic measure is speed). It is as if a chef does not know the water, the flour and the act of mixing. It’s not a criticism of science. Or, at least, not in all of science. As in every sphere of life, there is good science and bad science. It is true that the foundation of the scientific method lies in doubt, in the falsifiability of the theories, in the process of overcoming and continuous refinement of the representations of the world, but I think, to the point where we have come, we should have some (and I say “some “) certainties on which to build a sufficiently strong and stable building to accommodate a deeper knowledge, able to evolve into broader and, at the same time, truly unitary representations of Reality.

Returning to the neutrinos, thinking that “something” in the universe can move faster than the speed of light in “vacuum” seems to me a rather unscientific  attitude. I would think so even in face of evidences considered irrefutable. Even then, I would be led to think of measurement, systemic or interpretation errors. I feel encouraged to find a valid explanation within the representation of Reality proposed by Evolutionary Physics. Not that this theory represents an inviolable dogma. Certainly, in phenomenological areas less fundamental, or rather elementary, there is room for doubt, for falsification, and there’s always room for new research and development of new and better theories.

But on a few fundamentals, on the basic physical quantities, on the deep nature of Reality, on the motion, mass, energy, we can not have doubts so huge, that, after almost one hundred years by the remarkable work of Einstein and other geniuses of research, allow us to ask if neutrinos are faster than light!

That’s the power of science that illuminates the darkness of ignorance? The reason against superstition? The method against the faith? There is no one who has the courage to say that science, on key issues, is running like a ball on the ring, and that ultimately is not giving the impression of being destined to go in the basket?

How is it possible, after all the tests and meet the best accredited scientific theories, ask yourself the question: “Neutrinos faster than light?”. Unfortunately, it is not the right question. Is not the question which can lead to the answers we seek. Sometimes it happens to ask a “silly” question, the classic banana peel, revealing ignorance. Here, it happened just that. A part of the scientific community is literally slipped on the peel. Although temporarily, and even with the determination to carry out stringent testing, they have focused on a horse that obviously could not win, indeed, could not fly. Because, with their forces and without an appropriate means, horses, donkeys as well, can not fly!Nor is it necessary to dig a tunnel from Geneva to the Gran Sasso to allow neutrinos to transit. It is a waste of valuable resources to make accurate measurements to determine if a fragment of matter moving at speeds as superluminal. Precious resources that could support more useful experiments.

If we define the speed of light in a vacuum as the limiting speed of propagation of any type of perturbations in space-time and if we take this super-verified relativistic dynamics, it makes no “scientific” sense wondering if “something” with mass, however small (the neutrino), can move faster than “something” massless (the light).

The right questions are others. What is the space-time field? From where comes the force that seems to keep the Universe in constant motion and restless mutation? In this context, what is energy, what is mass, motion, electric charge, spin? In terms of physical quantities, of the fundamental dimensions of Reality: force, space and time.

It is in this context that Evolutionary Physics is advancing ambitious proposals, which need to be developed, formalized and verified by new experimental facts, as Science really likes…


Foundations of New Dynamics: the deep nature of Reality – Paolo Scaranari (unfortunately, at the moment, only in Italian: Fondamenti di una Nuova Dinamica: la natura profonda della Realtà)

Causality is one of the basic properties, along with the space and time, one of the three dimensions of Reality. Like space and time, causality emerges from indetermination, which characterizes the most basic level of physical reality, through the expression of the fundamental principles that govern the dynamics of the elementary field (the cause-space-time Field).

Causality is the only property that we can attribute to  the source entity of creation and evolution of Reality: the Force. Nothing else can be said. Pure potential without limits, without dimensions, pressure toward existence and evolution of the essence of Reality. Causal source of Action and Information, which, in their mutual interaction, constantly give life to physical and non- physical and forms that constitute the universe.

Causality emerges from indetermination, which characterizes the Field at the most elementary level, through the expression of the principle of relation. The source of causality, limit of uncertainty, lies, in other words, in the relationship between the organized elementary events, a relationship in the dynamic behavior of micro-states associated with spacetime points. The higher the level and extent of space-time correlation between events and more evident and is determined causality. Reality emerges in a continuum which extends between uncertainty and causality, from the most basic to more complex levels. Uncertainty, which overlooks the most elementary levels and infinitesimal dimensions of the Planck scale, that characterize the structure of cause-space-time Field, survives in some form at the infinitely greater dimensions that characterize the world of the Structures of information, that we identify commonly in particles of ordinary matter. Up to disappear into the more complex aggregates of matter, at higher dimensional levels. The fundamental dimensions of Reality, cause, space and time, which combined emerge from the level of uncertainty, show a profound formative interweaving and a great evolutionary interaction.

Force-Action-Information-Form: is the fundamental causal sequence, the backbone of the Process of Formation of Reality. The process which, through the expression of primary and derivative operators of Reality, leads from the Force to the Form, from the elementary to the more complex levels of Reality.

The Force generates the elemental Action, which, in its two expressions Translation and Rotation, is the elementary Field. Action without a form, the elementary events not organized, undifferentiated chaos, realm of uncertainty. From the organization of the elementary events, that constitute the dynamics of micro-states associated with the points of cause-space-time Field, emerge the forms that populate the Universe at all levels of complexity. The pattern of organization of the micro-states, the set of relations between the elementary events that constitute the Field, represents the information the most basic level. Hierarchical networks of relationships between structures made by increasingly complex event constitute the complex Information that gives shape to material and immaterial Forms.

Through this simple causal sequence, the Universe, the set of all existing forms, is constantly recreated and continuously evolves towards increasing levels of complexity, from the most elementary particles of matter to the galaxies, from simple molecules to complex living organisms, able to adapt and modify the environment, to build complex ecosystems and social, cultural and spiritual structures. A fully connected universe, a unitary causal flow, which from a single force originates and evolves.

Pico – Knowledge Dynamics Project promotes research in the field of study, analysis and management of the evolutionary dynamics of knowledge systems with a highly innovative approach. The project is aimed at developing new tools and methodologies for the creation, organization and sharing of knowledge, through the application of the fundamental principles of the evolutionary research.

Now online a presentation about research activities, fundamental aspects and topics concerned with this project.


Open the project presentation (Italian version) (pdf 1.3 Mb)


The summary:

  • The “Pico” Project
  • Knowledge Dynamics
  • Knowledge Analytics
  • Knowledge Management
  • Knowledge Tools
  • Semantic Web Applications
  • Semantic Maps
  • The theoretical framework
  • Evolutionay Metaphysics
  • The Process of Formation of Metareality
  • The theory of the Agents and Operators di Metareality
  • Ontology of Metareality 
  • Phenomenology of Metareality 
  • Semantic networks 
  • Systems of Knowledge 
  • Evolutionary Knowledge System 
  • Evolutionary Phenomenology and Ontology 
  • Evolutionary Knowledge Base 
  • Beyond Knowledge Management 
  • References

In addition to topics related to knowledge management and web sematic, have also provided the conceptual basis for the Evolutionary Metaphysics and the Formation of Metareality, that part of the Reality that consists of the cognitive experience of living beings, from the simplest to humans.

Ho letto questo interessante libro alcuni mesi orsono. Nonostante il tempo trascorso e il livello delle letture successive quest’opera continua a ritornarmi alla mente.


E’ un libro per tutti, anche se a tratti può sembrare difficiale o noioso. Sì, non è incoraggiante ciò che sto dicendo. Il libro è anche molto piacevole e stimolante. L’autore alterna sapientemente parti più concettuali e descittive ad esempi illuminanti.

E’ un libro per tutti coloro che vogliono trovare in sè, o negli altri, motivi per guardare con più fiducia al futuro, nonostante i segnali e le sensazioni non precisamente positive che quotidianamente ci rattristano.

E’ un libro sui cambiamenti immensi che caratterizzano i tempi moderni e sulle risorse che gli individui, i gruppi, i sistemi educativi, le società civili possono mettere in campo per affrontare il futuro.

E’ un libro sulle abilità cognitive, sulle forme di intelligenza che dobbiamo sviluppare per avere più probabilità di successo, o anche solo di sopravvivenza economica, sociale, culturale. Un invito a riflettere sulla nostra intelligenza, sulle forme di intelligenza che opera in noi stessi, nelle azienda in cui lavoriamo, nella società in cui viviamo.

Cinque le forme di intelligenza individuate dall’autore come chiavi per il futuro:

  • l’intelligenza disciplinare (la padronanza delle maggiori teorie e interpretazioni del mondo),
  • l’intelligenza sintetica (la capacità di integrare idee e conoscenze di diverse aree),
  • l’intelligenza creativa (la capacità di affrontare la soluzione di problemi nuovi),
  • l’intelligenza rispettosa (la consapevolezza delle differenze tra uomini e culture diverse)
  • l’intelligenza etica (la consapevole accettazione delle proprie responsabilità).

Il mondo del futuro richiederà capacità cognitive che finora sono state puramente accessorie. Vogliamo coltivarle?