After many years of work, today I finally finished writing the first draft of the paper Updates on the paper “The Fundamental Nature of Reality – An Introduction to Evolutionary Physics”. Launched the process of compiling the pdf file, obtained 450 pages. A lot of pages. Here is the list of chapters. Twelve of course!
1- Introduction
2 – A first look
3 – Reality? Universe?
4 – The Fundamental Nature of Reality
5 – What exists? What happens? How happens?
6 – The Process of Formation of Physical Reality
7 – The Primary Source of Reality: the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field
8 – Action: the Creation of Existence
9 – Information: the Evolution of Essence / Form
10 – The Structures of Information
11 – The Forms and the Universe
12 – Conclusions: a look into the future
Now the work is changing and will focus on two complementary directions:
-proofreading and revision of the contents (especially with streamlining and elimination of duplication)
-design and creation of the illustrations (many of which will have to be created through programming in Python)