Talk:TFNR - 2.4 One Source, many sources
Sources are entities that produce events, Action.
There is only one fundamental Source, from which everything emerges.
FS (FF + EF) -> EE (EA) : existence at the most elementary level
The Source has an infinite capacity/power of forming (formation = creation + evolution) the Reality. Infinite power of organization. It manifests itself as a source of activity, or, better, as the true origin of the agency, the power to produce action, through the inner interaction between the agent and the acted, Force and Field.
The Fundamental Source manifests itself through the sub-process of Creation, that produces the elementary form of existence.
The Source incessantly “acts” the Creation, in the sense that, from its expression, the Elementary Action, the Elementary Events, the former variations that incessantly build the causality, the space and time, the most elementary form existence incessantly emerges as a result of the inner interaction of its two aspects, the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field. Nothing else can really be said about the Source, but that it is the origin of Reality. Nothing we can say, but that it is the Source of Reality… the Nature… the Universe in evolution.
As we will see later, the double nature of Source will be reflected on the emerging dimensions of Reality, cause, space and time. In fact, its active side, the Force, is the root of the causal dimension, while the passive side, the Field, represents the dimension of space and time. Thus, the two fundamental components of Source ("F" and "st") together lead to the emergent product of their interaction: the Action (S), which effectively has the dimension of a force (F) for space and time (S: [F⋅s⋅t]), or, in an equivalent sense, the dimensions of [energy]⋅[time] or [momentum]⋅[length].
There are infinite derived sources, that produce all the events that incessantly build the whole Reality, the Universe in evolution.
dS (dF + dF) -> cE (cA) : existence at all the more and more complex levels of Reality
The derived sources emerge from a process of derivation (deriv-ation or derived action), that is the basis of the evolutive sub-process.
Derived sources, the manifestations of the Source at the more and more complex levels of existence, “act” the Evolution. From their expression, more and more complex action, that we call Information (In – form – action: the complex events, variations, the changes in the structure of space-time, that build structures and forms) emerges in the groove of causality. It composes the Universe through the never-ending dance of the derived forces and the connected derived fields.
From absolute to relative: the process of derivation (or relativisation), fundament of the process of formation.