Talk:TFNR - 2.4 Agency, agent, acted, action
Agency is the fundamental property of the Sources (Agents and Acted). It is the capacity to produce Action.
Agents and Acted (the complementary entities that constitute sources) are respectively the subjects and the objects of Agency.
Action is the product of the interactions of Agents and Acted. Therefore, Action is the former, the primary expression, the manifestation of Agency of the Sources.
Agency is the power/capacity/ability to act, to make events happen, to create/transform reality, to exert a causal power, to operate Reality, in detail, to perturbate, propagate, conserve, to relate, to organize, transform and select, to structure and interact, to exist as a whole (the forms and the Universe). Agency means capacity to produce events, to make actions, to produce changes in/on a field. Doing agency means produce events, physical events and cognitive events (or meta-events). Agency is the property that allows sources to produce real action, the whole Reality.
With respect to the Dimensions of Reality, we can say that agency is everywhere (space dimension), all the time (time dimension) and at any level of complexity (causal dimension). Creation and the Evolution of Reality are agency-based and agency-oriented. In the approach of Evolutionary Knowledge, agency operates in an independent causal structure that implies a reciprocal triadic causation. Actions of an agent on an acted may produce concordance, discordance, invariance (conservation). Agency can be absolute or relative, fundamental or derived, concentrated or distributed (hierarchically, circularly, etc.).
With respect to the systemics aspects of Reality we have to consider the delicate dynamic equilibrium between individuation (the independence of a structure, the distinction between different structures, the internal coherence among the events that take part to that structure) and collectivity (the relational link among structures, that manifest systemic aspects and a collective physical behavior in the events that take part to the existence of those structures, complex and articulated patterns of organization that create structural constraints and collective agency).
As complexity arises, as evolution gives way to multiplicity, the relation between these two cooperative principles become more relevant. The same happens to the distinction between content and form. The evolutive pressure of forces acting on fields and field resisting to and constraining forces, gives way to the formation of more and more complex “individual” structures/forms that form wider and more and complex collective structures, that exert agency as a whole, as a wider and more complex individual structure/form. In this sense, agency evolves, as the entities (sources: forces and fields), that build the Universe, and the relations between them evolve.
With respect to the dynamic aspects of Reality great relevance acquires the dynamics of the chaos-order processes, in which the organization (intended as a dynamical equilibrium between chaos and order) of action, that becomes Information, creates the more or less stable organized physical structures and forms that fill the Universe.
Agency, causality and existence are strictly connected, in the sense that “agency is the cause of existence”, the capacity to produce existence, events, action. The domain in which agency occurs is the field. The Elementary Field in the case of the creation of the most elementary form of existence, the Elementary Events, the Elementary Action. The derived fields in the case of the more and more complex forms of existence, the events, the derived action. In particular, in the more complex levels of reality, the domain in which agency occurs is the relational field, in which action gives place to information, a structured form of action.
In the physical domain of Reality, agency manifest itself as physical agency, a fundamental property of any physical entity. It expresses itself in the two complementary aspects of an acting force and an acted (state modified) field, whose interaction produces the physical action, the physical events that realize all the phenomena we can observe in Nature. Force and field, impulse and resistance/constrain, respectively the active and the passive sides of the sources.
These forms of agency all arise in relation to either the physical actions or the physical relations in the physical fields. This means that agency manifest itself both in incessant act of creation (producing action, existence) and in the incessant act of evolution (producing relation, essence-form, information, complexity). In other words, agency is always expression of sources that create existence and/or sources that push evolution on.
The Structures of Information/Forms that result from the (less or more) complex organization of the Elementary Action, the Elementary Events emerging from the Source, the Physical Structures, both constrain the physical forces and constitute centers of physical action. This has a transformative impact upon its constraining structure: structures are transformed by agency and, at the same time, the same structures transform the whole/the other structures/the environment/the fields through agency.
Agents are the subjects of Agency. Agents are forces, the forces that produce changes in the state of acted, the fields.
In a wider sense, looking at the general structure of Reality and its Process of Formation, we can identify a fundamental class of agents that we call Operators of Reality. They are the forces that operate in the Process of Formation in the incessant construction of Reality (i.e. those operating at the level of the Field and Elementary Action are Perturbation, Translation and Rotation, those at the level of Information and its evolutive processes are Organization, Transformation and Selection). Stated that only a fundamental force exists (the Fundamental Force, the active side of the Source) all the Operators are acting operative functional forces, derived from that Force. They act on the Field, the passive size of the Source, realizing the creative and evolutive sub-processes that respectively create the existence, the Action, and the essence, the form, the Information that gives shape to the structures and forms that incessantly evolve in the Universe.
As subjects of agency, agents can be fundamental or derived, absolute or relatives, individual or collective.
All the forces, whose action we can observe in Nature, are derived from the Force, a Fundamental entity. With evolution, forces become more and more complex. In this system of knowledge, forces, that we commonly call the fundamental forces of Nature, are derived forces manifesting in the low-middle levels of Reality. Gravitational and electromagnetic forces are the more basic, operating at the level of the Field and the low-level structures of dark matter/dark matter and ordinary matter. Weak and strong nuclear forces are more complex, manifesting themselves especially in the dynamics of the composite particles of ordinary matter.
All forces are relative, but the Fundamental Force, that operates at the most basic level of Reality, where the Information and the Structures are not yet present, where causality, space and time and not yet appeared, where Elementary Action is in the act of emerging from the chaotic fundamental level where uncertainty dominates.
Forces can manifest themselves in an individual or a collective form. Derived forces, obviously. The Fundamental Force is a unity in the Source, therefore this distinction has no sense at the fundamental level of Reality. Every derived entity can be seen as a derived source of forces acting on fields (i.e. an electron exert a gravitational force acting of the gravitational field due to its mass and motion, an electromagnetic force acting on the electromagnetic field due to its charge, spin and motion, a weak nuclear force acting on the weak nuclear field manifesting in weak interactions). In any group of entities, each one manifest itself as an individual source, but all the interacting entities of the group behave collectively as a super entity, which manifests derived forces acting of derived fields, both in the inner interactions through the entities that represent its parts, and the outer interactions with other super entities. This is the systemic principle, applied to the entities that populates the Universe, at each level of Reality, from the more elementary (basic structures in the Field) to the most complex (i.e. super clusters of galaxies, complex evolving molecular interactions, planetary ecosystems of living being).
Forces are the agents of differentiation toward the new, to the new organization of the existing, producing new and different forms of existence, and, at the same time, the agents of conformity to the general order/laws. The everchanging disequilibrium between these two lines of evolution of Reality is the manifestation of the metabolic cycle of Information, with its two incessantly interacting processes, the catabolic – constructive one and the anabolic – transformative one, that respectively are the manifestations of the action of the two Operators of Reality that we call Organization and Transformation. Together with the third, the Selection Operator, they realize the incessant evolution of Information, the formative sub-process operating at all the levels of Reality.
Acted are the objects of Agency. Acted are field, the fields whose states are changed by agents, forces.
There is only one fundamental acted, the Elementary Field. Any other field is derived from that fundamental entity. Operators of Reality act on the Elementary Field realizing the Process of Formation of Reality, producing the Universe in evolution. Everything that exists emerges from the organization of the Field. The former dynamics of the Field, with its tiny fluctuations in the same dimensions of Reality (causality, space and time), represents the fundamental form of existence.
As objects of agency, acted can be fundamental or derived, but they are collective. ??? fundamental or derived, absolute or relatives, individual or collective.
fundamental or derived
absolute or relatives
individual or collective
Action is …
Action is never free, it is always constrained. Actions are always subject to constraints that derive from the resistance opposed by the acted, the fields, to the action of the agents, the forces.
Active and passive aspects of Action: Conservation and transformation are tightly connected, the same operational functions, but operating at different level of reality, the first the passive expression of the Action, the second operating at the level of Information, destructing old more complex information to produce new less complex Information, to feed the auto organization processes.
Elementary and derived: The Elementary Action can be operated only by the Fundamental Source, the Force and the Field, the former Agent and the Elementary Acted.
Derived actions are operated by derived entities (structures, forms), which are able of producing different types of (derived) actions. Action can be operated by the parts composing a structure, a form, of by the whole structure, or even by aggregates of structures, acting as a whole, as an individual form. So, we can talk about sub-structure actions, structure actions and super-structure actions.
Action evolution is the causal evolution of Reality. Action takes form evolving in Information, becoming and forming more and more complex structures and forms. As the Action evolves from chaos and uncertainty (max possibility min realization) to order and determination (min possibility max realization), the expressions of the Source, and all the derived sources at the more and more complex levels, pushes the evolution of Reality toward an “always instable” organization that spans from the probability domains of the quantum world to the most complex levels of the cognitive world of living beings, where finality and “will” emerge, empowering and constraining their behaviors.
Action changes and at the same time is the change Action transforms, changes the form … models reality … creates new (derived) causal sources … organize, gives shape to the structures, creates, transforms, destroys Information, empowers the PFR and the sub-processes, at the micro and the macro dimensions.
The change operated with the action of the Agent on an acted is Energy / Information
Actions are of often movements, motion is one of the most common forms of action (the physical counterpart of translation)
Actions can be stochastically independent or, in various measures, correlated, showing coherence.
Forms of action
- Gradient – difference in density ???
- omogeneità: non vi è alternativa
- isotropia
- disomogeneità: alternativa
- anisotropia
- Direzionalità
- Motion – propagation of a gradient ???
- Charge – conservation of gradient ???
- Spin – orientation of conservation ???
Human beings can construct infinite simulacra of potential courses of action. Human beings’ need to choose among infinite potentialities, the article concludes, grounds both their intrinsic liberty and their irredeemable responsibility.
Da un lato, l’universo quale gli esseri umani tendono a percepirlo e concepirlo pare caratterizzato da una generale motilità, ove per motilità si deve intendere la possibilità che ogni entità di questo stesso universo si sposti in relazione alle altre, dando così luogo all’impressione di un mutamento di posizione sia nello spazio che nel tempo (cfr. Leone 2012d).
Intentional, spontaneous, active motion of living beings…
Dall’altro lato, la motilità biologica si caratterizza come una specificazione di questa motilità generale, ovvero come la capacità di muoversi spontaneamente e attivamente, consumando energia in tale processo. Ma cosa vuol dire “spontaneamente”? E che cosa “attivamente”?
The root of motion is gradient. A gradient is a manifestation of a polarization, a divergence between a positive and a negative polarity.
Divergence is an effect of the mutant nature of Reality, that we call incessant evolution. Universe incessantly evolves, the Field mutates under the incessant action of the Force. This mutation is not infinite. The Field, as a constrain, opposes a resistance that limits the range of the mutation. This constitutes a continuity and at the same time a tension between two opposites: a density below the local or the universal mean density, a density above the mean.
Più in astratto, “polarizzazione” è il nome che diamo all’intellegibilità degli effetti del tempo nell’universo; alla leggibilità della sua evoluzione. polarità positiva e una negativa
non può darsi senso se non a partire da una differenza
pura attualità pura potenzialità … gradiente tra potenzialità e attualità
gradi di libertà, matrici di potenzialità
principio di attualizzazione rispetto a una matrice di alternative potenziali, consente di abbracciare l’intero universo in una veduta d’insieme, la quale si configuri come una sorta di primo embrione di “teoria del tutto
Dall’altro lato, però, l’identificazione di questo principio comune non può distogliere dal tener conto che, lungo il corso dell’evoluzione, tale stesso principio subisce riconfigurazioni che ne alterano decisamente la portata e soprattutto le conseguenze dal punto di vista di una filosofia o metafisica del senso.
Non a caso la semiotica strutturale contempla simultaneamente due accezioni del termine “senso”: da un lato è senso ciò che emerge da una differenza, ovvero dalla capacità di percepire un gradiente; dall’altro lato, però, è anche senso la direzionalità che consegue a questa percezione, ovvero lo stabilirsi di un’intenzionalità che configura il soggetto rispetto a tale gradiente (cfr. Calabrese 1987).