Talk:TFNR - 11.2 Hypothesis of formalization in Evolutionary Physics
Since we think about Evolutionary Physics as a knowledge system, a general framework, and not as a mere physical model, also in the search of a useful formalization of that framework, more than toward a system of equations, we are driven toward a conceptual representation and a correlated set of tools that can help us to build a logical and mathematical unitary structure, able to collect and organize the various different existing formalizations that nowadays characterize the landscape of science. Formalizations often scarcely compatible, both on the logical and the mathematical side, as that of GR and QM.
The conceptual representation and the correlated set of logical and mathematical tools, which we are trying to build in the field of Evolutionary Physics, must be able to manage and represent the relations between the existing formalizations of the different physical models that can better describe the successive levels of Reality, with their different structures, forms and interactions, their different dynamics. It must be able to describe and reconcile the simplicity that we fund at the elementary level of the Field, with the vast complexity of the real world, without excessive simplifications, reduction of complexity. It must be able to explain the more and more complex operations by which the Force and the derived forces, acting on the Field and, in turn, on the derived fields, produce all the Elementary Events and the more and more complex events that incessantly creates and re-creates the Reality and makes the Information to evolve toward more and more complex structures, forms, the whole Universe in evolution.
In physics, in science in general, we incessantly try to develop more and more accurate physical models that describe the actual phenomena. These models themselves evolve trying to describe more or more vast fields of the physical world. Here we are trying to create a general model for logically and mathematically describe the Process of Formation of Reality, in all its nuances, levels and aspects. A model of the models, a framework in which all the current and future models can gain a more general sense and compatibility.
In general, and regarding the most elementary levels of Reality, we need a system of formalization that can describe the dynamics of the Fundamental Force and Elementary Field and their derived counterparts in the more complex levels, the forces and fields that we can identify in the various models that we find in the today physics. A system of formalization that allows us to represent mass, motion, charge and spin aspects of physical reality as emergent properties, “modes” of the Action of the Force on the Field, producing the various forms of the derived action of that forces on that fields, and, at the same time, that allows us to represent that emerging organization of that action, action that takes form, Information. And more, a system of formalization that allows us to deal with the emerging structures of that Information, to represent the bridge between the continuous level of the fields and the quantum level of the structures of information in that fields. A logical and mathematical system to put together entities and phenomena, to describe processes, separated by so many orders of magnitude (more than 60 orders, from the Planck to the estimated size of the Universe,) and more to the infinity in space and time.
As we can see in the following diagram, we divide the framework, the system of formalization, in at least five areas, corresponding to the main levels of the Physical Reality. The areas relative to the Source (the Force and the Field), and the one relative to the emergent Action, the most elementary form of existence, the causal former product of their interaction, and its fundamental “modes” of expression: Perturbation, Translation and Rotation, corresponding to the three main principles of Reality: Variation, Propagation and Conservation. This is the most elementary level of Reality, the real factory of space-time and the other physical fields (electric field, the magnetic, weak and strong nuclear, etc.), as we know them in the most consolidate physical theories and models.
Then, we can find the area of Information/Energy, the theatre of Evolution, from the elementary level to the most complex ones. Here we can find the laws, the equations, that formalize the evolution of the physical systems. Here the Action becomes Energy, Information.
The events The time The derivation on the time dimension From fluxes to states …
Errors: Propagation Translation, Rotation – Charge Rotation – Chirality, Rotation – Spin Rotation – Axis orientation Development areas 1. Level of the Source: in search of the strength of the Force and the resistance of the Field. How can we infer these fundamental parameters from the study of the dynamics of the Elementary Action? 2. Level of the Elementary Action: we can develop a mathematical model able to describe the dynamics of the Elementary Events, the Action, with respect to the three modes of the Action itself: Propagation (the distribution of the intensities of the perturbations, the Elementary Events), Translation (the spacetime orientation of the perturbations), Rotation (the intensity of vorticity and the spacetime orientation of axis of Rotation). The object of the perturbations are the fluctuations of the same emerging causal and the spacetime dimensions at the smallest scales. The model has also to describe the emergence of: - the causal dimension of physical reality from the expression of the Force that produce Perturbation (the basic action manifestation, Principle of Uncertainty) - the space and time dimensions from the resistance of the Field that produce Translation (Propagation in general dynamics, Principle of Action and Reaction) and Rotation (Minimum Action, Conservation in general dynamics), in its two sub-modes: chirality and axis orientation. 3. Level of Information / Energy: action that took form, the ability to act, to produce action 4. Level of the Structures of Information: again, in the impossibility to obtain an integral mathematical description of the evolution of the information / energy, representing the state of the points of the derived fields acted by forces (the views that we have of the interactions of the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, of the modes of Elementary Action), we must use “statistical” representations of the huge spacetime domains that we call particles. Fortunately, these statistical models, that have to describe these tiny objects and their strange interactions, both in a causal and in spacetime sense) are still developed. They are the quantum mechanics and, for some relevant aspects, the relativity. These two masterpieces of the physical science will find their unity, will show their compatibility, in the full comprehension of the nature and the principles of the previews levels of Reality and the relative mathematical models that we will be able to build. 5. Level of the Forms: this is the level of the microscopic and the macroscopic world, from the atoms to the superclusters in the cosmos, including the physical bodies of the living beings. It is the world of complexity, the realm of classical and relativistic mechanics, of the physics of condensed matter, the chemistry and all the complex sciences (geology, astrophysics, biology, cosmology, etc.). Cause the separation of the level of Reality is not rigid and is just a useful convention, as in the previews levels, also in this last, some phenomena proper of the preceding level manifests itself, needing the use of the models used to describe the more elementary level. This hard challenge, to build such a complex framework of formalization, will be the object of a new paper: “Quantitative aspects of Evolutionary Physics”.