TFNR - The Cycle of Action: effects that become causes

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All of Reality is an endless chain of causes and effects, which in turn become causes, and so on. This infinite process is embedded in a basis of uncertainty and indeterminacy, finds its fulfillment in the classical deterministic world, and its exaltation and, at the same time, its limit in the emergence of the finality that characterizes some parts of the cognitive activity and expression of living beings.

Elementary causes that generate elementary effects (at the most elementary level of Reality, in the dynamics of Elementary Field at the Planck scale), which, with increasing complexity, begin to generate quantum effects in the transition between the level of the Elementary Action and the level of Information and its Structures.

Quantum causes that generate quantum effects at the level of the Structures of Information, which, with increasing complexity, begin to generate classic, deterministic, effects in the transition between the level of the Structures and the level of the Forms, of the objects that populate the Physical Universe.

Classic causes that generate classic effects, which with the growth of complexity, begin to generate finalistic effects, in the transition between the level of Inanimate Forms and that of Living Forms.

Finalistic causes that generate classical and even quantum effects, when the cognitive activity of living beings produces (physical) actions that modify the Physical Reality.

And again, quantum and classical/deterministic physical causes that produce cognitive effects, classical causes that produce quantum effects and, through these, also effects on the dynamics and organization of the Elementary Field, and so on...

An endless cycle where, in infinite different forms, with various levels of complexity, everything (potentially) interacts with everything, finding constraints and limits on one hand in the indeterminacy of Action at the Planck scale and on the other in the upper border of the complexity reached by the universal evolutionary processes, border in incessant movement / growth under the constant pressure of the Source in its aspect that we call Force Relation (REL).

Sources that, through their Action, produce Events organized by Relations in Processes, which in turn become new Sources of new Action, and so on. An infinite causal chain that realizes the endless Cycle of Action that we call Reality.

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