TFNR - In summary: some fundamental terms
We summarize here, briefly, the fundamental aspects of this particular approach to the study of Nature. This vision of Reality, as we have seen, differs in many respects from current mainstream scientific thought. However, in a broader sense, it offers a wider framework in which fragmented or, often, incompatible theories that dominate current scientific knowledge can find new meanings and important new connections.
The primary concepts that we need to abandon in order to achieve a deeper understanding of Nature are essentially "the atomistic vision" of Reality, which places centrality on Particles rather than Forces and Fields, and "the Big Bang theory", which posits a rapidly expanding beginning for the Universe, instead of a gradual evolution from a state of minimal organization.
Yet, the most profound limitation to understanding Reality today lies in the misconception that the Forces driving natural Events - the phenomena we observe - are merely the remnants of an immense infinitely energetic random fluctuation in the distant past that created the Universe. This notion, metaphorically speaking, suggests a "wound-up spring" that still powers the cosmos. Such a view, we would argue, is archaic and somewhat anthropocentric, failing to recognize the immense, infinite force that incessantly brings the Universe into existence. This continuous creative process fuels the never-ending Evolutionary Dynamics that shape increasingly complex Structures.
The main questions science must address are: "What is Reality?", "What is its nature?" and "How does it evolve?" Thus, understanding Reality involves three primary dimensions: Ontology, Phenomenology, and Dynamics. We must uncover and comprehend the fundamental entities that create Reality, identify their properties that define which types of Events can happen and which Phenomena can occur, and investigate the Principles and Processes (Relations) driving the Evolution of Reality - from the infinitely elementary to the infinitely complex.
All these concepts, merely touched upon here, will be further explored and elaborated on in the following chapters—both individually and in their interconnections.
Evolutionary Knowledge
Evolutionary Knowledge is the discipline that studies the Formation of Reality, through an integral extension of the evolutionary paradigm — within the context of a constructivist approach — to all fields of scientific research. We must develop a unified explanatory framework: an evolutionary, organic theory of natural Phenomena, of Information, Energy, and Matter, encompassing both the Dark (invisible) and Ordinary (visible) sides of the world. This framework would encompass the dynamics of Material Forms, the Cognitive Systems of living beings, of the humans and their individuals and collective expressions, and up to the whole Reality.
Reality is a unitary process, where the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field - respectively the active and passive complementary aspects and sub-entities of the Primary Source of Reality - as precursors to all the Derived Forces and their associated Fields that we observe in Nature, represent the Causal and Variational (Spatial and Temporal) substrates and dimensionalities of all that exists. As aspects of the Agency of the Source, the Force (the causal agent) acting upon the Field (the acted-upon entity) incessantly generates Elementary Events, whose inhomogeneities embody the Elementary Action. This act of Creation constitutes the first of two sub-processes that together form the Process of the Formation of Reality. Under the unstoppable pressure of the Force, the dynamics of Elementary Action self-organize into increasingly complex Structures and Forms. This ceaseless development constitutes the second sub-process, which we refer to as Evolution.
The Process of Formation of Reality
The Process of Formation of Reality is the natural, unitary process through which Reality incessantly takes form, and the evolving Universe manifests itself. This process can ideally be represented as a combination of two incessant sub-processes: Creation - defined as the transition between Nothingness and Emptiness, wherein the Elementary Field, animated by unstructured, uncorrelated Elementary Action (the infinite ocean of independent Elementary Events, the quantum void), gives rise to - and Evolution, the transition between Emptiness and Somethingness, up to the Wholeness of the entire Universe. Evolution refers to the organization of Information (In-form-action), Action that takes form, the networks of Relations that structure Events into Processes. This fundamental Process can be conceptualized through a cognitive model or glyph that symbolizes the dynamics of the Operational Agents, derived from the Fundamental Force, the Primary Agent, involved in the unceasing Creation and Evolution of Reality.
Entities are the answer to the questions "What exists? What produces existence?" They are what possess the property we call "Existence." An Entity is everything that has Existence as a fundamental property. To exist means to be real, to participate in, and to take part in Reality. We can say that Entities exist because they produce Existence - they generate Action, Events, and changes within or between (in / of) the Sources, the Agents / Forces, and the Acted / Fields couples. In other words, we cannot claim that Entities exist per se; they exist in the act of producing Existence, in the Creation of Events and Action. This definition provides a dynamic view of Reality, suggesting that Existence is not simply a static state but an active process, Relations between Events, Action and their Sources.
The Primary Source of Reality
The Primary Source of Reality is the fundamental and elementary Entity, the causal and variational origin of Existence and the Essence / Form of Reality. It is composed of a couple of complementary sub-entities: the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, "from whose inner interaction incessantly springs forth the Formation of Reality. The Force is the active, creative side of the Source, while the Field is the passive, receptive side. The properties of the Source determine the Dimensionalities of Reality: Causality and Variationality (Spatiality and Temporality), and the related Dimensions: Cause (or Force), Space, and Time. Force and Field are a unity - complementary aspects of the Source and of its main manifestation that we can call the Agency of the Source (Agent, Acted, Action).
The Fundamental Force
The Fundamental Force is the active aspect - the causal and dynamic expression - of the Source of Reality. "Causal and dynamic" because it causes the infinite and eternal dynamism on which the entire Reality is based, and by which is empowered. Within the Agency of the Primary Source, the Force serves as the fundamental Agent: the Entity that, by acting on the Elementary Field, generates the Elementary Events. These Events, through their inhomogeneous distributions, give rise to the Elementary Action, which represents the most basic form of Existence. The Fundamental Force is the essential causal Entity that incessantly creates Reality and drives its evolution. It embodies the active aspect of the dual sub-entities into which the Primary Source can be understood. As the agent of reification, it is the foundational Operator, or Operative Agent, from which all functional Operators of Reality ultimately derive.
The Elementary Field
The Elementary Field is the active aspect - the variational and conservative expression - of the Source of Reality. "Variational and conservative" refers to its ability to respond to the action of the Fundamental Force through variations in the infinite and eternal dynamism that sustains the entirety of Reality, while receiving and conserving the formative power of the Force. Within the Agency of the Primary Source, the Field serves as the fundamental Acted-upon (Acted): the Entity that, by receiving the action of the Fundamental Force, responds through its fluctuations - known as the Elementary Events. These immensely tiny and rapid variations occurring around the Planck scale, through their inhomogeneous distributions, give rise to the Elementary Action, which represents the most basic form of Existence. It is pure differentiation without form, yet with the potential to evolve into organization, structure, and form. The initial glimpse of the inhomogeneities upon which everything is built. Through its infinite induced dynamism, the Elementary Field can support metric and mass, motion, charge, spin, and the more complex physical quantities, including the nuclear weak and strong forces, fields, and interactions.
Creation is one of the two fundamental formative sub-processes that make up the Process of Formation of Reality. It is the first - causally speaking - of the two functional aspects of that unitary Process. It is a continuous and incessant process, which dynamically and evolutionarily sustains Reality and its manifestation: the Universe. Creation arises from the inner interaction of the Force acting upon the Field, producing Elementary Events - tiny and rapid fluctuations of / within the Elementary Field, resonating around the Planck scale. As the foundation of Existence, Creation embodies the primary expression of the Force. It is a relentless, incessant process that dynamically and evolutionarily supports Reality and its manifestation, the Universe.
Events are the origin and the objects of Existence, while Entities (Agents / Forces and Acted / Fields) are its subjects. They are the product of the sub-process of Creation, as part of the Process of Formation of Reality. The functional causal link between Entities and Events is represented by Action. Events emerge from the internal "Action" (or inter-action) between the two aspects of the Sources, which serve as the origins of Events and Action. Event is any variation (of / in the form) of an Entity. Variation of the Essence / Form. Fluctuation of the form of a Field under the Action of a Force, a Cause. At every level of Reality, Events incessantly emerge (Creation -> Existence) and organize themselves (Evolution -> Essence / Form). At the most elementary level, Events are elementary variations of / within the fundamental fabric of Reality resonating around the Planck scale. Technically, at the most elementary level, where the Fundamental Force incessantly acts on the Elementary Field, an Event is a fluctuation of the spatial extension of the Field itself (local infinitesimal variation of distances, areas, or, better yet, volumes). These spatial variations occur in an ever-variable time. The temporal distribution of these elementary spatial fluctuations describes the local elementary dynamics of the Field. The inhomogeneities of such distributions - in the various possible Modes / Components - represent the Elementary Action. At more complex levels, vast networks of Events linked by Relations evolve, creating intricate Processes, macro-events, and complex Forms. These Forms include the cosmic structures, biological processes that sustain living beings, and cognitive processes of Living Forms. In the domain of Physical Reality, we encounter Physical Events, the components of Physical Phenomena, observable in the world around us and analyzed in experiments. In the domain of Cognitive Reality, we identify Cognitive Events, which shape the cognitive activities of Living Beings, such as perceptions, sensations, emotions, and thoughts. Additionally, within the Metacognitive domain, we investigate and model the intricate processes underlying cognition.
The Elementary Action is the most fundamental form of Existence, the incessant product of the expression of the Source of Reality. It emerges from the interaction between the two aspects of the Source: the Force and the Field, with the Force acting upon the Field. Existence is mutation - an ongoing and incessant variation. At the most elementary level of Reality, Elementary Action arises from any inhomogeneity in the distribution of Elementary Events, which are the tiny and rapid fluctuations of the Field resonating around the Planck scale. The concept of Action is intrinsically tied to inhomogeneity - non homogeneity - within a dynamical, fluctuating, ever-changing Field. Elementary Action can manifest in three Modes / Components: PerturbAtion, TranslAtion an RotAtion (in its two sub-modes Rotation:Chirality and Rotation:AxisOrientation). I write them like this, with a capital A in the root "-ation" (which stands for Action, precisely) to make it easier to associate them with the specific concept, and therefore simplify reading. These Modes are, respectively, specifications of the more general Components of Action: Variation, Propagation, and Conservation, which correspond to the three Fundamental Principles of Evolutionary Dynamics: Uncertainty, Action and Reaction, Least Action. Action encompasses all that exists. All that exists is Action.
Evolution is one of the two fundamental formative sub-processes that constitute the Process of Formation of Reality. It is the second - causally speaking - of the two functional aspects of this unitary Process. It is a continuous, incessant process that dynamically and conservatively reshapes Reality and its manifestation - the Universe - in their ongoing development toward ever-greater levels of Complexity. It drives the formation of new Information, Structures of Information, Forms, and Systems, always interacting with what already exists - the environment. Anabolic (constructive) processes and catabolic (destructive) processes co-evolve through their interaction, fostering the continuous construction of the Essence / Form of Reality. As the foundation of Essence / Form, Evolution represents the further expression of the Force. It is a relentless, unceasing process that, through Organization (the construction of relations between events/structures), Transformation (the destruction of relations), and Selection (the natural selection of relations between events), shapes both Reality and its manifestation - the Universe.
Relations are the origin and the objects of Essence / Form. They are the product of the sub-process of Evolution, which is part of the overarching Process of Formation of Reality. The functional causal link between Relations (between Events) and Processes is represented by Information (In-Form-Action). Relations emerge from the interaction (inter-action) between Events and their inhomogeneous distributions (Action). At every level of Reality, Relations incessantly form and organize Events into Processes, which embody the ever-changing form of Reality (Evolution -> Essence/Form). At the most elementary level, Relations manifest as correlations between the temporal distributions of the spatial fluctuations within the Field itself - local infinitesimal variations of distances, areas, or more accurately, volumes within the fundamental fabric of Reality, Elementary Events resonating around the Planck scale. Specifically, the correlations between the inhomogeneities of such distributions - the Elementary Action in its Modes / Components - represent the most fundamental form of Information (commonly referred to as Energy), the raw material, the very "substance" of Evolution. At higher levels of Complexity, vast networks of Events interconnected by Relations evolve, giving rise to intricate Processes, increasingly complex Relations, and ever-more complex Forms.
Information is "organized Action", "Action with a Form", the "Form of Action" - the comprehensive set of Relations that link Events and give form to Reality. Information is the pattern of organization within Relations that connect Events into Processes, Information elements into Structures, and integrate parts into a System, forming a coherent Whole. Information, the object of Evolution, serves as the organizing principle within chaos - order dynamics, acting as the key driver of Evolution toward Complexity. The most elementary form of Information is what is commonly called Energy, which constitutes everything we observe in the physical domain of Reality. Everything that exists in the physical world is composed of Action, in its Modes / Components and their multiple combinations. If we derive Action with respect to Time, we obtain Information and, consequently, Energy in its forms - from the most elementary ones (Metric/Mass, Motion, Charge, Spin) to the more complex ones (including the Energy associated with weak and strong nuclear forces / fields) that arise from the combination / interaction of the more elementary forms. The world is composed of Information and the Structures it incessantly forms, which constitute the building blocks of the Forms and Systems that populate the Universe. Alongside the most elementary types of Information, which we refer to as Energy, we find an infinite multitude of other forms, progressively more complex, that constitute the organizational patterns of increasingly intricate Forms, shaping the physical world (inorganic, organic, and living) as well as the cognitive realm.
Energy is the most elementary form of Information. It represents the ability of a Force, Field, Structure, or Form to express Action and perform work. Action is a flow quantity (a flow of events, of changes of the state of a field). Energy is action derived by time. It is a state. Energy is a property which can be transferred to other Forms or converted into different forms. Energy manifests in many different forms - from Elementary Energy, originating from the inhomogeneities of the fundamental dynamics of the Elementary Field, to the elementary forms linked to the properties and behaviors of InfoStructures (e.g., Metric/Mass, Motion, Charge, Spin). More complex forms of Energy, such as those associated with weak and strong nuclear forces/fields, arise through the combination and interaction of these more elementary forms. Matter, both Dark and Ordinary, is a form of Energy, and therefore Information, of medium complexity. It, formed by interacting aggregations of InfoStructures, in the evolution of its Form, can contribute to the creation of Forms, objects, and Systems of Forms of progressively increasing complexity, up to the entire infinite and eternal evolving Universe.
Evolution of the Causal Dimension
The causal dimension is the metric of the distance from the most elementary form of expression of the Fundamental Force (causal complexity), and, at the same time, a measure of the quantity of Action that the Force has expressed to reach a certain level of variational organization of the Elementary Field (variational complexity). This dimension manifest itself in a continuum that extends from uncertainty to finality. The main steps in the evolution of causal dimension are: Uncertainty (indeterminacy), Necessity or Certainty (determinacy), Finality (sense, purpose, meaning). These steps coexist and interact within the world, characterizing the different levels of Reality or predominating within the various levels of Complexity in the evolving Universe. "Uncertainty" prevails at the most elementary levels, from the abyss of the infinitely small to the atomic dimensions of the "quantum" world, "Necessity" emerges and dominates within the "classical" physical world around and within us, both on the Earth and in the cosmos, "Finality" emerges in the most complex aspects of the known world, in the cognitive domain of Nature, within the dynamics of the Cognitive Systems of the Living Beings, and now, within the new and rapidly developing realm of Automata and AI Systems.
Evolution of the Variational Dimension
The variational (spatial and temporal) dimension is the metric of the distance from the homogeneity of / in the dynamics of the Elementary Field (variational complexity) produced by a certain amount of Action expressed by the Fundamental Force (causal complexity). This dimension serves as the metric of the level of organization of the Field itself (Information), of the Structures OF Information, and of the Forms that evolve within it - a "scale" of the complexity of Reality and of the Forms that populate it. In the evolution of the variational dimension, we encounter the various components of Nature: From the infinitesimal fluctuations of the Elementary Field, resonating around the Planck scale, to Waves, Particles, atoms, molecules, compounds, objects, stars, galaxies - and even beyond. All these are forms of organization of the Elementary Field, progressively larger and more complex, acting as sources of Events and nodes in immense networks of Relations, which together constitute the Processes that incessantly produce Reality.
The Main Causal Chain of Reality
This structure is the core - the backbone, the central pillar - of the Process of Formation of Reality. It holds in balance the dynamic and conservative aspects that shape Reality. It describes the sequence of causal aspects that, starting from the Force (the active aspect of the Source), leads to the Form - from the Existence to the Essence / Form of Reality: Force -> Action -> Information -> Form. All these aspects, while representing steps in the causal manifestation of the Primary Source, coexist within Reality. Each serves as the creative and evolutionary fulcrum of Nature in its incessant unfolding. Furthermore, each can be considered an observation point of the world - helping us to grasp the intricate dynamics that make Reality possible, drive its evolution, and shape its Form.
In this System of Knowledge, Processes are understood as organized sets, structured networks of Events, fluctuations, variations of / in Acted / Fields operated by Agents / Forces, in the context of the property of Sources we call Agency. Processes, together with Principles, are the answer to the question "why and how what exists (Entities) produces what happens (Events) in the way it happens (Relations)?". This forms the foundation of Evolutionary Dynamics. They describe why and how things happens in the Reality, from the most elementary levels to the more complex ones, how Reality (or part of it) manifests itself, how is incessantly (re)-created and evolves. Everything in Existence is composed of and made through Processes of Events produced by Entities and organized by Relations. Processes, in their various forms, are observed across different domains of Reality (physical, cognitive and metacognitive), Dimensionalities (Causality and Variationality: Spatiality and Temporality) and levels of Complexity of Reality. The fundamental Process, encompassing all derived Processes, is referred to here as the Process of Formation of Reality. It symbolizes the primary manifestation of the fundamental operator (Fundamental Force) and the diverse expressions of the operators deriving from it. Processes can be classified based on the domain: Physical Processes, Cognitive Processes, and Metacognitive Processes. With respect to the type (or prevalence) of function expressed: Anabolic Processes (processes dominated by organizational action, involving creation of new, more complex Information and the aggregation of component parts into a set, constructive processes), Catabolic processes (processes dominated by transformative action, involving the disaggregation / destruction of Complexity and the reduction of a system into its component parts, destructive processes), Mixed processes (pure, isolated anabolic or catabolic processes are rare in nature. mixed processes are found - for example, cellular processes that incessantly assemble more complex compounds, such as proteins synthesized from amino acids, while simultaneously disintegrating them after their function is complete, providing reusable building blocks for proteosynthesis). Additionally, in a causal sense, processes are categorized into: Fundamental Processes (underlying the Formation of Reality, physical, cognitive, and metacognitive), Formative Sub-Processes (Creation and Evolution), Derived Processes (representing the resulting expressions and operations of the fundamental Processes). This perspective highlights the interconnected and dynamic nature of Reality's Formation.
The Fundamental Principles of Dynamics
In this System of Knowledge, the Fundamental Principles, together with Processes, form the backbone of Evolutionary Dynamics. They can be seen as cognitive representations (patterns or models) that encapsulate how Reality manifests and evolves. They capture the essential aspects of Process of Formation of Reality, encompassing its properties and behaviors across all levels, from the most elementary to the most complex, and illustrate how the fundamental operator generates the basic form of Existence. The Fundamental Principles of Evolutionary Dynamics elucidate why and how Events and Relations emerge and co-evolve,and thereby define. They explain how Action takes form, "becoming Information / Energy", and thereby define how Existence assumes the Essence / Form we see in the world. While retaining their intrinsic identity, these Principles adapt seamlessly to diverse domains (physical, cognitive, and metacognitive), as well as to the different Dimensionalities (Causality and Variationality: Spatiality and Temporality), and levels of Complexity.
Principle of Uncertainty
As a specific formulation of the more general Principle of Variation (which posits that everything in existence is in a state of perpetual mutation or variation, or rather, that all existence "is" incessant variation), the Principle of Uncertainty, explores the origins of Elementary Events. It describes how the Action of the Force upon the Field generates these Elementary Events as minuscule spatial fluctuations resonating around the Planck scale, and how these fluctuations are distributed over Time (the Elementary Action Mode / Component called PerturbAtion). This process forms the foundation of Elementary Action, the most fundamental expression of Existence, the "substrate" of all that exists, the basic "substance" underpinning Reality itself.
Principle of Action and Reaction
As a specification of the broader Principle of Propagation - which states that deformations in Fields caused by the Action of Forces tend to propagate within those same Fields - the Principle of Action and Reaction describes how reactions within the Field arise, aiming to restore homogeneity in the distribution of elementary fluctuations. These reactions against inhomogeneities in the temporal distribution of spatial fluctuations (Elementary Events), produce the propagation of the inhomogeneities within the Elementary Field. Such counter-forces can be interpreted as translational reactions (Translation), representing the propagation of Elementary Action through Space.
Principle of Least Action
As a specification of the broader Principle of Conservation - which states that deformations of Fields caused by the Action of Forces tend to be conserved within those same Fields - the Principle of Least Action describes how the interactions between propagating inhomogeneities within the Field and the reactions of the Field itself towards the restoration of homogeneity result in the emergence of rotational reactions (Rotation). This process produces the conservation of Elementary Action over Time, preserving these inhomogeneities as fundamental components of Reality.
The Principle of General Equivalence
This Principle of Evolutionary Dynamics bridges the level of Action with that of Information / Energy. Specifically, it establishes crucial correspondences that help us to understand how the dynamics of the Elementary Field - expressed in the Modes / Components of Elementary Action (PerturbAtion, Translation and Rotation in its two sub-components: Chirality and AxisOrientation) - manifests itself in the fundamental physical quantities observed and measured in the physical world (Metric / Mass, Motion, Charge and Spin). These correspondences reveal specific equivalences between various physical quantities, highlighting an underlying unity among physical phenomena that may appear distinct and unrelated, despite sharing the same foundational basis. For instance, the spatial correlation of the Action Component here called PerturbAtion (inhomogeneity in the temporal distributions of elementary spatial fluctuations, or density of Elementary Events, or intensity / density of quantum vacuum fluctuations, or zero point energy fluctuations) is equivalent to the deformation (the collection of inhomogeneities) of the space-time Metric (commonly referred to curvature). Simultaneously, it is equivalent to the density of Mass, to the limiting speed of propagation of Causality, Action and Information in the Elementary Field (so called speed of light), as well as the Field's temperature.
Structures of Information
The Structures of Information, or InfoStructures, are organizational patterns of the Elementary Action within the Field. They extend across the causal, spatial, and temporal dimensions, forming the fundamental building blocks of Physical Reality. As Structures of Information - where "Information" refers to the form of Action - these patterns represent the Form of the Processes that shape Action in its various Modes or Components. The Essence / Form, incessantly emerging from the dynamics of the Action of the Force in the Field, can range from completely chaotic and turbulent to increasingly ordered and organized. Such Form may develop distinct dynamics, embodying individuation and conservation - a Structure precisely. In other words, InfoStructures can be envisioned as organized Processes of Events (Action) produced by Entities (Sources, Force / Field pairs) interconnected through networks of Relations (Information / Energy). At the most fundamental level of Reality, InfoStructures can be represented as organizational patterns (expressing Form) within the correlations of the temporal distributions of the elementary spatial fluctuations of the Field (of each of its event points) in resonance around the Planck scale. Such correlations not only define Space and Time, and thus the Metric, but also exhibit organizational patterns that can range from transient to stable, which we identify as InfoStructures. InfoStructures are the building blocks of Matter and Radiation (radiative Energy), and represent the emerging discrete aspect in the continuous Elementary Field. Depending on their shape and dynamics, the Structures of Information can be categorized as Propagation Structures (Waves), Conservation Structures (Vortices), or Mixed Structures (Interactions). Waves and Vortices are the basic forms of the Structure of Information. In the dynamics of Reality, InfoStructures in turn become Sources (derived) of Events and Relations that are more extensive and complex than those that make up the Processes that we observe as InfoStructures.
Waves are Structures of Propagation, the essence of Radiation. These Structures have no Mass (only Motion—a property associated with the Spin of the Structure that emitted them). In the absence of Mass, which represent a sort of resistance to the variation of Motion, Waves propagate in the Field at the maximum allowed speed. This is the limit of the speed of propagation of Causality, Action, and Information—commonly referred to as the speed of light. Though a limit, it is not a constant; in fact, it is slightly variable in both Space and Time. Waves can be multi-cycle (originating from periodic phenomena - such as the emission of radio waves by the alternating motion of electrons in a conductor like an antenna) or quasi-periodic phenomena (like the emission of gravitational waves during the merger of black holes or neutron stars) or single-cycle (arising from one-shot phenomena, such as the emission of a photon during the acceleration and subsequent deceleration of an electron in the orbital cloud of an excited atom - a so-called quantum jump). Multi-cycle waves exhibit purely wave-like properties and behaviors, while single-cycle waves display both wave-like and corpuscular (particle-like, as in the case of the photon) properties and behaviors.
Vortices are Structures of Conservation, the essence of Matter (both Dark/invisible and Ordinary/visible). These Structures have a fundamental property called Mass (in addition to Motion, Charge, and Spin). According to the Principle of General Equivalence, Mass (and Metric) is equivalent to a negative curvature of Space-time - more precisely, of Time, since at the scale of Particles and beyond, Space is flat. This equivalence corresponds to a "local Time flow rate" lower than the "universal or regional average value". Consequently, Vortices propagate in the Field at a lower speed than the maximum allowed - the aforementioned limit. Elementary Vortices in the dark (invisible) side of Matter correspond to ideal galactic halos and to ideal bubbles that compose cosmic structures such as star clusters, planetary systems, and more. On the ordinary (visible) side, pure elementary Vortices correspond to elementary Particles like electrons (and muons, tau), neutrinos, and possibly quarks. The other particles of the Standard Model are composed Particles, which, in this model, are referred to as Mixed Structures - Interactions of elementary Particles.
Interactions and Mixed Structures
Under certain conditions, Interactions of Structures of Information, Wave and/or Vortices, can create new and more complex Structures, referred to as Mixed Structures. In Reality, it is exceedingly rare to encounter pure Structures of Information. What we observe are almost always Structures formed by varying degrees and stability of Interactions between Structures of Propagation and Structures of Conservation - or Mixed Structures created through interactions between pure Structures and Mixed Structures, or among Mixed Structures themselves. A direct expression of the Operator Relation at the level of the Structures of Information, across all levels of Complexity, the Operator Interaction establishes Relations between the Structures of Propagation, the Structures of Conservation, and the related Events that characterize the Dynamics and Evolution of the Structures of Information. This process leads to the formation of Mixed Structures and more complex Processes. In the ordinary/visible side of Physical Reality, this represents the level at which complex Derived Physical Forces manifest themselves by acting on Derived Physical Fields (commonly referred to as quantum fields), forming the foundation of every manifestation of Matter. At this level, we encounter composite particles such as Baryons and Mesons, which are composed of other particles regarded as truly elementary. On the dark / invisible side, we observe the real complex halos that host galaxies, including the sub-halos that accommodate satellite galaxies accompanying the central visible galaxy of the halo.
Metric / Mass
Metric is a Process, a Phenomenon, a Dynamic Property, a Behavior of the Elementary Field that emerges from the elementary dynamics of the Field itself. It has a universal dimension and infinite local dimensions, as the Field is unlimited and infinite in both spatial and temporal dimensions. Metric is what we call Space-time, or rather, the shape of Space-time. We can talk about "absolute Metric" (of the Field itself, homogeneous, representing the Void, an absence of organization, of Information, Energy, and Matter) and "relative Metric" (of the inhomogeneous, deformed, structured Field, indicating the presence of organization, of Information, Energy, and Matter). The deformation, or rather, the inhomogeneity of the Metric (commonly called curvature of Space-time) represents Information in its elementary form: Energy. Mass can be conceptualized as a local deformation or inhomogeneity of the Metric, arising from the dynamic Processes that support the Existence and Essence / Form of a Vortex-type InfoStructure. Mass manifest in two "polarities", negative - the common Mass, gravitationally attractive - and positive - a sort of "anti-Mass" referred to as Dark Energy, which is repulsive. These are respectively equivalent to negative and positive values of PerturbAtion. The Deformation of the Metric and Mass are two facets—two perspectives—on the same Phenomenon, the inhomogeneity of the Field and its dynamics at the most elementary level, in the Mode / Component of the Elementary Action referred to here as Perturbation. Curvature and Mass are two faces of the same Phenomenon, deriving from varying intensities of correlation between the inhomogeneities in the temporal distributions of spatial fluctuations, resonating around the Planck scale. Deformation of the Elementary Field, curvature of Space-time, Mass are therefore one and the same - observed from different perspectives. Deformation of the Metric: from the point of view "of" the Elementary Field. Mass: from the point of view of an InfoStructure "in" the Field. Together, they are the foundation of gravitational phenomena.
Motion - as Metric/Mass - is a Process, a Phenomenon, a Dynamic Property, a Behavior of the Elementary Field, emerging from the elementary dynamics of the Field itself. Motion refers to the change in position of an object over time relative to a reference point, described in terms of speed, direction, velocity, change of velocity over time (acceleration), change of acceleration over time (jerk), and changes in velocity and acceleration over space, among others. We can distinguish between "absolute Motion" (pertaining to the Field itself, representable as Potential Energy of Motion - e.g., potential of acceleration, such as gravitational potential) and "relative Motion" (relating to the InfoStructures within the Field, representable as Expressed Energy of Motion - e.g., Kinetic Energy, such as Energy of inertial Motion). The correlations between the spatial directions of the elementary fluctuations of the Field - resonating around the Planck scale (whose inhomogeneities may be referred to as Translation, one of the Modes / Components of Elementary Action) - represent Information in its most elementary form. This is what we refer to as Kinetic Energy: Potential Kinetic Energy (acceleration) and expressed or effective Kinetic Energy (inertial Motion). Together, acceleration and inertial Motion form the foundations of kinetic phenomena.
Charge (precisely, Electric Charge) - like Metric / Mass, and Motion - is the condition of a spatial domain where elementary spatial fluctuations resonating around the Planck scale (whose inhomogeneities may be referred to as Rotation:Chirality, one of the Modes / Components of Elementary Action, sub-mode: Chirality precisely) exhibit non-zero net chirality in the natural vorticity of the Elementary Field. Charge - like Metric / Mass, and Motion - is a Process, a Phenomenon, a Dynamic Property, and a Behavior of the Elementary Field, emerging from its intrinsic dynamics. Charge can be understood as a local inhomogeneity of chirality in vorticity, arising from the dynamic Processes that underpin the Existence and Essence/Form of Vortex-type InfoStructures. It embodies Information in its most elementary form: Energy. Charge manifests in two "polarities" (positive and negative), determined by the direction of chirality. Opposite chiralities electrically (electrostatically) attract, while identical chiralities repel. This interaction defines what is known as Electric (or electrostatic) Energy, which comprises Potential Electric Energy - observed from the Field's perspective - and Expressed or Effective Electric Energy - interpreted as Charge - observed from the point of view of an InfoStructure "in" the Field, a quantized property of an InfoStructure. Together, these elements form the foundation of electrical phenomena.
Spin (precisely, Magnetic Spin) - like Metric / Mass, Motion, and Charge, is the condition of a spatial domain where elementary spatial fluctuations, resonating around the Planck scale exhibit a more or less intense correlation in spatial orientation (of the axes) of the natural vorticity of the Elementary Field. These inhomogeneities are referred to as Rotation:AxisOrientation, a sub-mode of one of the Components of Elementary Action. Spin - like Metric / Mass, Motion, and Charge - is a Process, a Phenomenon, a Dynamic Property, and a Behavior of the Elementary Field, emerging from its intrinsic dynamics. It can be understood as a local inhomogeneity of orintation of the vorticity axis, arising from the dynamic Processes that underpin the Existence and Essence / Form of Vortex-type InfoStructures. Spin embodies Information in its most elementary form: Energy. Spin manifests in opposite "polarities" (positive and negative, or north and south poles), determined by the sense of the direction of that axis. But, unlike Charge, which assumes discrete values (e.g., positive / negative), Spin encompasses infinite orientations. Different orientations magnetically (magnetostatically) attract, while identical orientations repel. This interaction defines Magnetic Energy, which comprises Potential Magnetic Energy - observed from the Field's perspective - and Expressed or Effective Magnetic Energy - interpreted as Spin - observed from an InfoStructure's point of view "in" the Field. Together, these elements form the foundation of magnetic phenomena. Charge and Spin, along with electric and magnetic phenomena, are deeply interconnected. This link is encapsulated in the theory of electromagnetism, where variations in the electric field induce changes in the magnetic field.
Dark Energy
Dark Energy is the counterpart to "normal" Mass (both Dark and Ordinary), acting as "antimass" (positive mass density) and producing the (apparent) phenomenon we refer to as the Universe's accelerated expansion through gravitational repulsion and positive Space-Time curvature. It represents Space-time regions where the temporal distributions of the elementary spatial fluctuations of the Elementary Field, resonating around Planck scale, (Perturbation) exceed the universal or the local average. Dark Energy forms the outer regions of Vortex-type InfoStructures, such as Dark Matter Halos and Ordinary Matter Particles. In essence, Dark Energy is a component of the InfoStructures that make up both Ordinary and Dark Matter.
Ordinary Energy
Ordinary Energy refers to any elementary form of Information that is not in the form of Matter (whether Dark or Ordinary). It consists of patterns of correlation that organize the dynamics of the point-events of the Elementary Field - specifically, the correlations between Action in its Modes/Components (e.g., Translation). Ordinary Energy can be exchanged across different regions of the Field or between various InfoStructures within it. It can be observed either from the perspective of the Field as Potential Energy or from the viewpoint of the InfoStructures within the Field as Expressed / Effective Energy. Energetic Processes transform Potential Energy into Effective Energy or generate Potential Energy from Effective Energy, creating a continuous flow of organization, transformation, and Evolution. Ordinary Energy manifests in various forms, such as Gravitational, Kinetic, Electric, and Magnetic Energy. It also includes more complex physical phenomena, such as strong and weak nuclear phenomena. Additionally, other complex forms of Energy / Information emerge within Forms and Systems of Forms - for example, chemical Energy within atoms and molecules.
Radiant Energy
Radiant Energy, a form of Ordinary Energy, represents elementary Information associated with Wave-type InfoStructures like Gravitational Waves and Electromagnetic Waves, which transport Causality / Action / Information in Space without involving material bodies. These are termed "radiation," distinct from particle-based radiation like alpha or beta particles. Gravitational Waves, the "Dark Radiant Energy," are Space-time ripples caused by Mass Motion, propagating at light speed. Major sources include binary systems of neutron stars or black holes, mergers of such objects, supernovae, and spinning asymmetric neutron stars. Characterized by low frequency, long wavelength, and carrying linear and angular momentum, gravitational waves propagate as correlations of Elementary Action. These waves induce linear deformation and rotational torsion in encountered structures, from particles to cosmic forms, manifesting as effective accelerations and stresses within the Elementary Field. Electromagnetic Waves (EMW), described as electric and magnetic perturbations propagating in space, are categorized as Wave-type InfoStructures and divided into two subtypes: Single-cycle Waves (commonly known as photons, these are more localized in space and time) and Continuous or Multiple-cycle Waves (arising from periodic electron acceleration and deceleration, such as in conductors driven by alternating currents). In terms of Elementary Action, EM Waves carry Translation correlations (linked to linear motion) and Rotation:AxisOrientation correlations (linked to angular motion). Emitted waves create deformations in compatible structures, propagating as linear and angular acceleration potentials in the Elementary Field.
Matter - both Dark and Ordinary - is a form of Energy, and therefore Information. It represents a medium-complexity, highly structured form of Energy, composed of more or less organized aggregations of interacting InfoStructures. These are sets / networks of vortex-type InfoStructures interacting in Space-time, characterized by physical properties such as Mass, Motion, Charge, Spin, and other physical quantities associated with more complex devived Forces / Fields / Interactions (e.g., strong and weak nuclear). Matter is a foundational element for the Creation and Evolution of Forms, objects, and Systems of Forms of increasing complexity, extending to the entire infinite and eternal Universe. One of the peculiar properties of Matter is Mass, which can be presented in two different "polarities": Negative Mass (the Mass we normally refer to, producing gravitational attraction and concentrated in the central region of the Vortex-type InfoStructures) and Positive Mass (commonly known as Dark Energy, producing gravitational repulsion and characterizing the external regions of the Vortex Structure).
Dark Matter
In conventional physics, dark matter is a hypothesized entity proposed to explain phenomena such as galaxy rotation and gravitational effects (e.g., weak and strong lensing). It is considered a form of matter that neither emits nor interacts with light or electromagnetic radiation. In this model, Dark Matter, or "invisible / transparent matter", consists of diffuse, extended, non-particle Vortex-like InfoStructures (halos, bubbles) characterized by extremely low Mass density. These structures can host sub-structures of Dark Matter and Ordinary (visible) Matter at higher density, forming complex turbulent configurations (nested vortices of varying sizes, shapes, and dynamics) that act as the building blocks of the cosmic structures of the cosmic web. Their dimensional resonances, detectable by gravitational effects, align with observed cosmic structures at various scales, from large voids and superclusters to galaxies and planetary systems.
Ordinary Matter
In conventional physics, "ordinary matter" refers to entities like quarks and leptons or anything with mass, excluding exotic matter, strange matter, and antimatter, as they do not form the atoms and molecules observed in the Universe. This model defines Ordinary Matter as all Matter composed of Vortex-type InfoStructures - elementary, composite, or complex - naturally occurring or artificially produced, including exotic particles and antimatter. It refers to all InfoStructures with Mass (negative or positive). The term "Ordinary" distinguishes it from Dark Matter, though "Visible" would be more precise. Ordinary Matter consists of concentrated, compact, Vortex-like InfoStructures (Particles) characterized by high Mass density, forming composite and complex structures through Interactions. These include all massive Particles produced by colliders, cosmic rays, stellar cores, etc. "Visible" matter emits detectable radiation, such as electromagnetic or gravitational, distinguishing it from Dark Matter. Ordinary Matter fills the Universe, despite low-density regions such as cosmic voids, concentrating in filaments and nodes that make up the gigantic cosmic web. New Matter is constantly formed through interactions between the large Dark Vortex structures that host galaxies, clusters and superclusters. It aggregates to form increasingly stable configurations that we observe exactly as galaxies and clusters.
Physical Forms are structured Systems, organized sets, complex patterns of organization of Structures of Information that shape the Elemental Field of Action. Each Form is a network of Relations that organizes the Information Structures participating in its existence. Each Form is a network of Relations that organizes the Structures of Information that participate in its existence and that gives it its Essence / Form. As Complexity increases, Forms evolve into Systems composed of less complex sub-Forms, creating an infinite network of nested Systems in incessant evolution. They propagate, interact, and conserve Information, existing in nested levels of increasing complexity. These Forms encompass the physical objects we observe in the world around us - atoms, molecules, rocks, galaxies, organic compounds, and even the intricate bodies of living beings. Forms are dynamic, ceaseless transforming and evolving toward higher levels of Complexity. Based on their level of Complexity, Forms can be categorized as Material Forms, Living Forms, Immaterial / Cognitive Forms, or Meta-forms.
The Universe represents the "present" section of Reality, the whole, encompassing everything that exists - the totality of all the existing material and immaterial Forms. It is the result of all Agents' Action, the product of the Process of Formation of Reality. Infinite and boundless in causal, spatial and temporal terms, the Universe evolves through perpetual Creation by the Primary Source, with an endless Evolution from elementary levels (Elementary Field) to complex structures (cosmological, biological, cognitive). As its name implies, the Universe is a unified phenomenon encompassing everything. For purely descriptive purposes (without suggesting any opposition or separation) two main domains can be identified: a physical domain (including all Matter, Energy, cosmic structures, and physical substrates of life) and a cognitive domain (consisting of the Cognitive Reality created by the activities of living beings).
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