TFNR - Gradients: the fundaments of existence

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A gradient in physics is generally defined as “an increase or decrease in the magnitude of a property (e.g. temperature, pressure, or concentration) observed in passing from one point or moment to another”, and more, as “the rate of change with respect to distance of a variable quantity, as temperature or pressure, in the direction of maximum change” and, at the same time, as “the curve representing such a rate of change”.

More in general, we can say that a gradient is an inhomogeneity. With respect to the dynamics of the Source, that incessantly leads to the creation of the Elementary Action, at the most elementary level of Reality, a gradient is an inhomogeneity in the distribution of the tiny fluctuations at the Planck scale, the fabric of space time, the Elementary Events that represent the Action. In the most complex levels of Reality, gradients can be seen as inhomogeneity in the distribution of some more complex phenomena (i.e. for temperature of a substance: inhomogeneities in the spatial distribution of the scalar velocities of the thermal motion of the particles that compose that substance).

In relation with the origination, gradients are always the product of a deforming action of a Force on a Field. So, they are the fundaments of existence, the most elementary forms of existence, the appearing of diversity, of duality, of complexity. They are the essence of the space time anisotropies that represent the “substance”, the bricks with which “Nature builds the Universe” (a poetical expression for the constructivist principle that underlies this evolutionary system of knowledge).

Difference of intensity (deformation: compression/expansion - gradient) and correlation (emerging organization or, better, deformation of the pattern of organization of gradients) are the fundamental operators that build the Reality. They are the direct product of the inner interaction of the entities, Force and Field, the two aspects of a Source.

We respectively call these two product Action (the events, the variations of the Field) and Information (the scheme of organization of those events, the network of relations – correlation - that give a form to the Action, that drives the emergence of more and more macro events). They are the building block of the complexity of Reality and the Universe.

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