TFNR - From Events to Action: the dynamics of Creation

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Events are variations from the most elementary to the more complex, the macro events that incessantly support the Formation of Reality.

They are product by the Action of a Force on a Field, an interaction between the active and the passive aspects of a Source.

At the same time, Action, the causal and the variational root of each Event, the transition from the possible to the actual, is the expression of the fundamental property of the Sources that we call Agency, the act of producing Events, and the same product of Agency, the result of the occurring Events, the product of the causes and variations produced, variations of the same entities that produce the Action, Forces and Fields, Sources at the end.

In this sense, Action can be considered the most important physical quantity. It syntheses causes and effects, forces and variations in / of the fields, all the fundamental dimensionalities of Reality, Causality, Spatiality and Temporality. In facts, in physics, Action as the dimensions of Force x Space x Time (the same as Energy x Time or Momentum x Space].

Action, in the physical domain of Nature, in its most elementary form, manifests itself in three modes / components: Perturbation, Translation and Rotation (in its two sub-modes: Chirality and Axis Orientation). These are the fundaments of all that exists in the Physical Universe. From these basic forms of Physical Action derive the fundamental physical quantities and phenomena: Space-time and Metric phenomena, Mass and gravitation (from Perturbation), Motion and kinetics (from Translation), Charge and electric phenomena (from Rotation Chirality), Spin and magnetic phenomena (from Rotation Axis Orientation). The Modes of Elementary Action are relative to the distribution of Elementary Events in the causal, spatial and temporal dimensions of Reality. From the evolution and the combination of these basic Modes, all the complex forms of Action arise and evolve (the weak and the strong nuclear action and phenomena, etc.). quantity we call Action as these dimensions: Force x Space x Time (the same as Energy x Time or Momentum x Space].

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