TFNR - Continuity (or) and Discreetness / Granularity / Quantization

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As with other relevant conceptual dualities, in this case too we would like to hypothesize a third way that allows us to escape from this contrast of opposites which does not reflect what Physical Reality shows us. It is clear that the part of the Universe that we can observe and the invisible/dark part that shows itself only through gravitational effects are made up of Structures, what we call Information Structures here.

Particles of matter, quanta or waves (single cycle, as already highlighted) of light. And alongside these microscopic Structures, there are other immense ones, so immersed and almost indistinguishable from the cosmic turbulence at the level of the Elementary Field, which form the elusive Dark Cosmic Web. Even if, as we hypothesize here, they are not made up of particles, they are still Structures.

So how can we imagine that in this Universe of discrete (microscopic and macroscopic) Structures in incessant interaction, there are rooms for something that resembles continuity, the continuum, a continuous field, for example that of General Relativity, which allows the propagation of gravity, or the electromagnetic one, which allows the propagation of light and other e.m. radiations. across the entire wavelength spectrum? And again, which allows the motion, the propagation of those same Structures mentioned above, which seem to saturate the entire spectrum of existence.

Is the continuity, in which the discrete seems immersed, an illusion? And as we descend towards the dimensional abyss we would always find new discrete structures, up to the grains of space and time that some theories of quantum gravity propose to us? Is this a realistic, plausible hypothesis?

Isn't it perhaps simpler to replace the word "or" with "and" and hypothesize that continuity and discreteness are not mutually exclusive, but one is, so to speak, the cradle of the other? That they coexist in this multilevel Reality, where everything evolves and from each level a subsequent, more complex level emerges, with different processes, properties, behaviors, dynamics?

Here we formulate this hypothesis, which seems absolutely plausible and allows to observe Reality and Physical Phenomena under two profiles: that of the Field that supports the Structures (continuous) and that of the Structures in the Field (discrete). The hypothesis that discreteness is an emerging characteristic, which therefore arises from the particular "non-linear" dynamics of the Elementary Field, which is characterized by dimensional "resonances" that favor the creation and evolution of discrete structures, which in certain conditions, within certain dimensional and energetic ranges, they can exhibit quantization, with all the associated (quantum) phenomenology.

It is already in the incessant Action of the Fundamental Force on the Elemental Field that, despite the continuity of the latter, the first seed of discreteness begins to manifest itself. The particular resonance at the Planck scale allows us to glimpse a first (in a causal sense) hint of quantization (from which a very important physical quantity derives: what is called Planck's constant, in fact). It is in the seething of the Field in the dimensional abysses that characterize the factory of Reality, where the Elementary Events manifest themselves, where the incessant spatial fluctuations whose inhomogeneities of temporal distributions represent the Elementary Action, observable in its fundamental Modes / Components: FOR , TRA, ROT:CH and ROT:AXOR, it is there that each event point of the Field, although always continuous, expresses itself with its own peculiar dynamics, almost as if to claim its own individuality. As repeated countless times up to now, it is from the correlation of the dynamics of these event points that the variational turbulence is formed, from whose organization the discreteness and the Structures that from Form to Reality arise.

Why should we mess with a discrete space and time (which we do not observe), with a consequent sea of problems in managing the propagation of Action, Information, Structures (particles, waves, etc.), Forms (the world objects, from an atom to the largest cosmic structures). It is no longer simple to hypothesize that:

  • continuity exists and is the basis of Physical Reality,
  • difficulty exists and makes up everything we are or observe,
  • is dexterity a characteristic, an emerging "property", the result of continuous evolution?

Regarding traditional physics, its achievements and ongoing developments, in summary... The Standard Model of Particle is a very useful tool, but still incomplete and affected by this apparently irreducible multiplicity. A "periodic table of particles", so to speak. String theory, ideally an interesting initiative towards the goal of unification at a more basic level, unfortunately always moves in an atomistic context (strings, always new objects, physical or mathematical constructs, but always discrete structures).

To go further, to unify, we must move from the discrete to the continuous, a continuous field where the Physical Reality in formation, incessantly emerges in the "bubbling" of the Elementary Events, among the elementary spatial fluctuations / deformations whose temporal distributions constitute the elementary, the fundamental "substance", from whose organization everything is formed. It is at the Planck scale and beyond (at even more infinitesimal distances and times) where, from the boiling of the continuum, a first embryo of discreteness emerges, uncertain, unstable, indeterminate. But incessant, always, forever, at every point of the continuum and everywhere, in an unlimited, infinite Space and Time.

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