TFNR - Very important hypotheses about Reality

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In this paper I will try to give a vision, a new and mostly unconventional picture of the world, of Nature and Reality, and how I suppose they work. Thus, you will find innovative ideas, strange proposals and heretical hypotheses, different ways of considering what we already know mainly about physics and cosmology. Existing theories, which have proven to work well in describing important parts of the physical world, become pieces of a larger puzzle that seeks to embrace all of Reality.

File:Puzzle Knowledge Map.png
Puzzle Knowledge Map

Therefore, we will focus more on the fundamental principles which, expressing themselves in infinite different ways, describe the main functional and operational aspects of the Formation (Creation and Evolution) of Reality and the Universe. Principles that can be declined in multiple forms, to describe the birth of the Universe, as well as the complex dynamics of the cosmos, the articulated and tortuous paths of the evolution of life, the flight of a bird, as well as the collision of two protons in the Large Hadron Collider. It is a thirst for unity, integration, depth and coherence, which pushes us to seek, beyond the fragmentation and the exasperated specialization of modern science, the first, fundamental and elementary principles on which the infinite complexity and variety of natural phenomena is formed / constructed.

Ideas, hypotheses, proposals, models that, I hope, will help to address the most important problems or critical issues of the current scientific landscape, with particular reference to Knowledge, Reality, Microcosm (the world of Physics) and Macrocosm (the world of Cosmology). Open eyes and free minds, this is the recipe for this exploration of territories that are partly unknown, and partly so apparently familiar. They need a new observation that takes us beyond the clichés and dogmas that we have built over time. Below we try to list and briefly comment on some of these hypotheses, those that we can consider the most distinctive core hypotheses in this System of Knowledge. I don't think I've got them all right, but I think many of these hypotheses can help build a new vision of Physical Reality, move research forward and overcome the current impasse in fundamental physics and cosmology. In the second chapter we will take "a first look" at this extraordinary vision and its main key points, qualifying elements, supporting arguments.

In general

  • The global vision

A broader and deeper (global) understanding of Physical Reality is not strictly linked to a complete and comprehensive understanding of Particle Physics (5% of the Universe by estimate). Even if we were able to unify GR and QFT in a QGT and complete the SM I don't think we would have a general vision of Reality, its origin, dynamics and evolution. Something more is needed. Understanding of the processes governing its incessant formation, the fundamental principles, the high-level structure, the elementary dynamics, the basic entities, their properties and behaviors, etc.

  • We need a revolution

The biggest problems in physics and cosmology arise from a misinterpretation of observations of natural phenomena, heavily influenced by the many cultural biases that researchers, like any other person on Earth, carry with them. The problem is the interpretation, the explanation we give to what we see, directly or through the instruments we build. Mathematics contributes to aggravating the problem, since it is used to support these misinterpretations. There are mathematically functioning theories, capable of producing exact predictions, that provide us with incorrect explanations, which we believe even if they are scarcely plausible or even contradict our natural sense of reality. Interpretations that cease to have their natural status of hypothesis, to assume that of dogma, which cannot be contradicted, under penalty of exclusion from the peer group. Interpretations that, repeated endlessly, become part of the cultural biases that influence the construction of new interpretations of reality. When this happens and a "paradigm" consolidates, becomes rigid, nothing can save it. Only a revolution. And revolutions, as we know, involve the destruction of what exists to make room for the new. I believe that such a turning point is necessary. Which is not and cannot be reduced to looking for a new particle, writing a better equation, putting a good patch on a perforated model. A change of vision is needed. And to start observing the world, and everything we think about it, with new eyes and an open mind. Questioning every single opinion, every interpretative model, every theory. Scary, isn't it? But absolutely necessary. With the fragments of the destruction of the past, we must try to build a new understanding of Nature and its phenomena, trying to recover all the good that philosophy and science have created so far, without taking anything for granted.

  • Fundamental and elementary does not necessarily mean simple, or elegant, or beautiful

Above all "elegant and beautiful", but somehow also "simple" are "human" qualities. Even if human beings, "we", are an expression of the evolution of Reality, we are therefore part of the whole Reality, both Physical and Cognitive, and we share its nature, its fundamental principles, its formative processes, even if we may not like this, we must not be so presumptuous as to think that Reality, the Universe, must conform to these qualities that we appreciate so much and are so important to us. It is true, we are led to think that a beautiful model, clear and simple, a beautiful equation, so elegant, are like a sign of their goodness, of their correctness. And we take great pleasure in discovering gems and pearls, out of the rough rock, small islands of order in a sea of ​​turbulent chaos. It is our cognitive system, evolved to recognize patterns, meanings, sounds, beauty and elegance in the midst of noise and mud. to grasp subtle regularities, useful in the continuous evolutionary challenge that Nature imposes on us. But there, where the formative forces act on the deepest and most elementary reality, where Existence and Essence / Form ceaselessly emerge from chaos, there, our aesthetic preferences can do nothing. At the center of creative turbulence and evolutionary boiling, there, we humans, enablers of high and distant levels of Reality, there we can do nothing. In looking into the abyss, we must stop the mind, the judgment, the preference, and limit ourselves to observing without adding anything. If we can grasp some aspect of order, simplicity, elegance and beauty, we must greet it as an unexpected gift and rejoice for it, without thinking that this is to please us who observe.

  • Conventional physics, fundamental physics, does not sufficiently consider the form

Conventional fundamental physics, does not sufficiently consider the form, the shape of things that exist and happen at the most elementary levels of Reality (entities, events, relations, processes), the Form and its Evolution. It speaks generically of Energy (elementary forms of Information), while it should always describe phenomena in terms of Information.


  • Everything that exists comes from one source, the Primary Source of Reality.

Everything that exists from a physical point of view is formed by the increasingly complex organizations of the infinite deformations (inhomogeneities) of the Elementary Field under the Action of the Fundamental Force, the expression of the infinite and eternal Agency of the Primary Source of Reality.


  • No Action at a distance
  • Planck scale is not the bottom of the barrel. It is "only" a fundamental resonance in the dimensional abyss that, in the continuum, points from zero towards infinity

It is "only" a fundamental resonance located between the infinite cosmic dimensions and the infinitesimal ones of the dimensional abyss that supports the continuum. Resonances are dimensional intervals in which more or less ordered structures emerge, manifest themselves and evolve in the ubiquitous sea of ​​universal turbulence. Now at the resonance around the Planck scale (10^-43 meters) we have other significant resonances, for example the dimensional resonance in which the majority of elementary particles are concentrated (10^-15 - 10^-15, even if the actual spatial dimensions of particles such as quarks and electrons are not so clear), the resonance of atoms and molecules, that of stars and planets (here too the interval is rather wide to accommodate very different objects), the resonance of galaxies, that of clusters, that of cosmic voids that represent the framework of the cosmic web, and perhaps other even wider resonances that we have not yet identified.


  • Complexity is the product of the causal and variational (spatial and temporal) evolution of Reality
  • Generate a field (gravitational, electric, magnetic, etc.)

What is called "Generate a field" in scientific and common language is definitely a stretch and contains an incorrect implication. This expression makes one think that the field, for example magnetic, first is not there and then suddenly appears, is generated, for example by an electric current. But this is profoundly wrong and a source of misunderstandings and incorrect understandings of fundamental phenomena of physics. The magnetic field is always there. It is simply unmanifest, its value at the point or volume considered is equal to zero. Ready to assume a value other than zero if a cause (e.g. electric current) produces a non-zero correlation of the Elementary Action in one or more of its Modes / Components:

  • corr(Perturbation) -> Mass -> gravitational phenomena,
  • corr(Translation) -> Motion -> kinetic phenomena,
  • corr(Rotation:Chirality) -> Charge -> electrical phenomena,
  • corr(Rotation:AxisOrientation) -> Spin -> magnetic phenomena.
  • Mass "is" the curvature of Space-time. The curvature of Space-time "is" Mass. They are the same thing. Two concepts that share the same nature, the same origin.
  • Space-time curvature is in facts "Time curvature

What we commonly mean by curvature of Space-time is, in fact, curvature of Time. Space is curved only at infinitesimal dimensional levels (resonance around the Planck scale) and this curvature compensates for itself over greater distances or volumes, leading to the flatness of Space at dimensional levels much higher than the Planck scale (at our scale, at cosmic scales, Space is perfectly flat). The curvature of Time, on the other hand, manifests itself at all dimensional scales, constituting the phenomenon we call Mass. Curvatures of Time at the level of the Elementary Field, continuous and unlimited, Mass at the level of the Information Structures (halos of Dark Matter, particles of visible Matter).

  • Speed of light is the limit of the velocity of propagation of Action (Causality, Information, Energy, Matter, ...) in the Universe, but it is not constant either in space or in time.

Structures of Information

  • Fundamental physical quantities and related phenomena

The physical quantities and related phenomena that characterize the Information Structures are the curvature of Time / Mass and the related metric / gravitational phenomena, Motion and kinetic phenomena, Charge and electrical phenomena, Spin and magnetic phenomena. In addition to these, we have derived quantities and related phenomena (weak nuclear and strong nuclear, with the associated quantities such as Flavor, Color, etc.), derived quantities and phenomena precisely, as they manifest and characterize non-elementary Structures / objects, or complex aggregations of elementary Structures.

  • Elementary particles (like electrons) incessantly change shape, extension, life span, mass, etc. due to their condition of motion (i.e. relativistic velocity / acceleration, thermal vibrations), environment (i.e. as free particles of in an atom, etc.)
  • Dark matter is not made of particles
  • On why an electric current produces a magnetic field

What we call "magnetic field" is considered to be the effect of currents of electric charges. This causal connection, however, is not direct. In fact, what generates the deformation / inhomogeneity of the Elementary Field in the Component of the Elementary Action Rotation:AxisOrientation, is the non-zero correlation in a volume of Space of the elementary quantity Spin, root of magnetic phenomena. A current of electric charges (e.g. electrons) that move in a conductor produces the alignment of their Spins, an alignment that translates into a non-zero level of correlation between the Spins. In the Elementary Field, in the vicinity of the flow of current of electric charges characterized by non-zero correlation between their Spins, what we call Magnetic Field manifests itself, cause of magnetic phenomena, precisely. Therefore, if in an atom of a chemical element, for structural and dynamic reasons, there is some alignment of the spins of the electrons that are part of it, a non-zero correlation therefore, that atom will be magnetic. No electric current involved. Magnetizing a specific material means producing some alignment of the spatial orientation of the Spin axes (Component of the Elementary Action that we call Rotation), a non-zero correlation between the orientation of the Spin axes, of the intrinsic angular momenta of the electrons that make up the atoms of that material.


  • The structure of Atoms: locality, locality, locality everywhere and for ever
  • No singularities (in big bang and in black holes)

The Universe (the cosmological vision)

  • No Big Bang
  • No Inflation
  • No Big Bounce, Big Rip, Big Crunch, Big Freeze, Big "?"
  • No Multiverses
  • The Universe (and Space-time) is infinite and unlimited in Space and in Time: no beginning, no end, no boundaries
  • Space DOES NOT Expand - Space expansion is an apparent phenomenon

What we call "expansion of the cosmos" is an apparent phenomenon determined by the dynamics of the Elementary Field, by the complex dynamics of the cosmos. It is the evident manifestation of the non constancy of the speed of light (the velocity of propagation on information in the Field).

Due to the interaction of the local dynamics of the Field and the large scale structures of the cosmos, this phenomenon not universally homogeneous. It is not a universal property of space-time but something that happens due to the shape of space-time and that influences the same shape of space-time. It is the result of the complex large and small scale dynamics of the Elementary Field.

New time is incessantly created? Yes. At a constant pace? No. It depends on the local density of the Elementary Events, on the local structure (deformation, inhomogeneity) of the Elementary Field.

New space is incessantly created? No.

What (locally) changes is the velocity of propagation of the elementary fluctuations (the EE) in /of the EF due to the (local) structure of the Elementary Field.

  • CMB - Cosmic Microwave Background is not the relic of Big Bang

No Big Bang, no relic radiation that fills all space in the observable universe.

CMB is the "temperature of the Elementary Field, the black-body radiation produced by its peculiar dynamics emerging from the spontaneous natural turbulence of the Elementary Field.

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