TFNR - Quantum fields (or) and Particles

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From particles to quantum fields. A huge step forward towards a deeper understanding of Matter. Of visible matter, at least. Unfortunately, we are still in the world of multiplicity.

But... let's get to the topic of this section. Are "particles" or "excited states of a field" a true duality in today Physics? In a conceptual sense, I think so.

Reading the scientific literature it does not seem clear whether both particles and the excited states of the fields exist, whether they are real as distinct entities, or whether they are the same thing, in a different representation. Whether particles exist ontologically and the excited states of quantum fields are a useful/necessary formal/mathematical representation for investigating the world of interactions and making predictions of experiments and representing properties and behaviors of the particles themselves. Ultimately, QFT seems to be some kind of sophisticated tool to support the Standard Model of Particles. Do fields exist and not particles (the excited states of fields continue to be called particles for convenience)? The situation does not seem clear.

In the System of Knowledge that I propose here, despite a unitary vision of the Physical Reality and the Process of Formation, for descriptive purposes different levels of Reality are identified. Without any hesitation it is stated here that they are points of observation, different perspectives of a unitary Reality. One of the fundamental levels is that of the Elementary Action, incessantly exploited by the Fundamental Force in its Action on the Elementary Field, the observation perspective is therefore that of the variations that are produced in the Field, a perspective that we could assimilate to that of quantum fields, of QFT . The other point of observation is that of Information and the Structures in which it is organized (the level of Information and Energy, as an elementary form of Information), which we can assimilate to particles and their interactions (Dynamics of InfoStructures, Waves, Vortices and Interactions).

We therefore hypothesize that the one between fields and particles is a conceptual and observational duality, not an ontological or phenomenological duality. In my opinion, this clarification is very important. It allows us to bring some clarity to a world, that of quantum, which is extremely complex and difficult to understand, often meaningless. In particular, it allows us to observe, analyze, describe and perhaps even try to explain quantum phenomena simultaneously from two perspectives, fields and particles, or rather Field and Structure, in other words: Action and Information, Events and Relations... distinguishing the areas, the Levels of Reality, the different perspectives of observation, but always with a clear unitary vision. That is, the InfoStructures (the particles that interact, move, are created and destroyed, emitted and absorbed, etc. are schemes of organization of the variational, dynamic and conservative manifestations of the Elementary Field under the Action of the Fundamental Force, expression of the Primary Source of Reality.

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