TFNR - Locality

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Let us briefly mention a crucial aspect for understanding the strangest phenomena of Quantum Mechanics, locality, the subject of a heated, centuries-old debate. This is a divisive issue, which sees on opposite sides the defense of locality in the classical / relativistic field and the acceptance of non-locality in the context of many interpretations of Quantum Mechanics (a strange non-locality, to be honest, which it keeps out causality and the possibility of instantaneously transferring information).

We will deal with this topic extensively in the next section, dedicated to Dynamics (classical, quantum and the hypotheses proposed within this research project).

Here we just say that, regarding the fundamental properties of InfoStructures, after having mentioned the themes of separability (external form), identification (unitarity of the form) and internal distribution (internal form), the local nature (locality) of the interactions between InfoStructure and Elementary Field and between InfoStructures follows naturally.

Thus, for example, if two entangled particles are hypothesized as separate, individuated, albeit with boundaries that fluctuate in the indeterminacy of the Elementary Field, not disturbed to avoid the phenomenon of decoherence (loss of correlation between the quantum states objects of observation), brought at distances that allow to exclude causal connections and transmissions / exchanges of Information (variational connections), it is evident that we can only define the dynamics of the aforementioned InfoStructures as local, and include locality among their properties.

The connection that seems to exist between the two structures, which seems necessary to justify the probabilities of the outcomes of the measurements, must be apparent, and the reasons for the strange behavior must be sought elsewhere. Here it is hypothesized that such behavior is due to the coupled interaction of preparation of the entangled state, indeterminacy and correlation of the internal distributions of the Elementary Action (correlation of the internal form), of the dynamic processes of the correlated event points / portions of the two Structures of Information.

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