TFNR - Existence and Essence

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Existence and essence are two fundamental attributes/properties of the Source and the Reality. They respectively represent the ontological and the phenomenological aspects of Reality.

Existence is the product of the sub process of creation, the incessant formation of Elementary Action, the Elementary Events that incessantly creates the Existence, the building block of Reality. Existence is strictly related to the concepts of emergence, causal permanence and extension in space and time. What exists is real, and, symmetrically, what is real exists.

Essence (or Form) is the product of the sub process of evolution, the incessant formation of Information, the net of relations that organize the Action, the Events, incessantly making the Forms to evolve, building the complexity of Reality. It is the way, in which "everything that is" exists. It represents the “form” of the existence, the way in which the Universe evolves, the shape of the Forms, the way in which Reality manifests itself, both in the physical and cognitive aspects. Everything that exists has a form, but the Elementary Field in its state of minimum organization, the "without form", all potential.

Action gives existence to the Information (if the events cease to happen, everything, all the Information that represent the organization of the existing reality, will disappear immediately), that in turn gives essence/form, a shape to the new Action, the new Events incessantly occurring, that create the “substance” from which Reality incessantly evolves.

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