TFNR - Correlation of quantum states
This is a truly fundamental point.
Much of the difficulty in understanding the strangeness of the quantum world comes from a misunderstanding, from not understanding the difference between the state of a quantum object and the correlation of quantum states. Even better, on the difference between the Physical Space in which quantum objects exist (the InfoStructures of visible/ordinary matter) and the space of quantum states (Hilbert space).
When we talk about "states", as already said several times, we are talking about a "virtual" concept, about snapshots of the flow of Reality in which we artificially imagine stopping Time, which is obviously not possible. Instead of the term "state", we should use "dynamics" or "process". The state of the Process at time x.
In this sense, we can reformulate the distinction between the two types of space mentioned above: physical space, where quantum objects exist and evolve, quantum state space, where representations exist and evolve (which we call quantum states, or rather we should call dynamics or quantum processes).
In physical space we can say that two "entangled" quantum objects, up to an event that causes decoherence, co-evolve, their overall dynamics is correlated since the dynamics of the corresponding event points in the Elementary Field have correlated dynamics (unless indeterminacy of the natural spontaneous dynamics of the Elementary Field, each pair of corresponding event points of the two entangled objects is in turn entangled).
Therefore, two quantum objects, for example two suitably prepared electrons, are and remain entangled if all the corresponding points (or portions / partial volumes) of the two InfoStructures are entangled, have correlated dynamics, coevolve.
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