TFNR - Simplicity, elegance and naturalness
Although appreciable qualities, simplicity, elegance and naturalness cannot be the only basis for scientific research. Even if important aesthetic aspirations, they cannot represent absolute methodological principles or derogations from the scientific method. They cannot be a must that should be sought in all ways and achieved, on pain of exclusion of the theories under development.
When we move towards the most elementary levels of Reality, to its deeper levels, its correct to try to achieve simplicity, elegance and naturalness. Complexity is the result of evolution, of interaction, of the combination of multiple elementary elements, events. It is reasonable to think that the fundamental principles of Nature must be simple and in limited number (syntactic simplicity or elegance), the same for the fundamental entities at the base of the Formation of Reality (ontological simplicity or parsimony), and more, that complexity should emerge through evolution, by the infinite combinations of a few elementary bricks. But, we don't have to presume the the best theories must be the simplest, most elegant, most "natural".
A brief note on naturalness... We have many ideas about what should be considered natural. One of the most radical (and limiting in the current state of physical research) is the modern conception of atomism: that everything is / must be made of particles. In this system of knowledge, the Evolutionary Knowledge, we hypothesize that everything is made of Events (Action) produced by the (inner) interactions between Forces and Fields (that compose the Sources) organized in/by Information, in Structures (waves and particles, and their more complex interactions) and Forms (the objects that form the Universe). We have to abandon the atomistic idea that these bricks are particles. We have to go further, looking at the forces and the fields, those forces and fields that most of us today think are produced by particles. We have to go even more beyond those forces and fields, to reach the fundamental level, the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field and their dynamics produced by their inner interaction in the Source.
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