Talk:TFNR - 2.4 Derivation and emergence

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For only events really exists or, in other words, only what happens exists, everything emerges from the Source and all the forces and field, that we can observe into the Nature, derive respectively from the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, two components of the Sour ce itself. So, causality, space, time (which we call the dimensions of Reality), the derived forces and field, such as the gravitational, the electromagnetic, and thinks like mass, motion, charge, spin, the more complex nuclear forces and fields, the waves, and the particles, the atoms and the molecules that compose the objects of Reality, the whole Universe, both the ordinary/visible part, as the dark/invisible one, everything that we can observe in Nature, everything exists because it happens.

Everything is made of events, of processes of events that emerge from the original, fundamental, Source and from the infinite derived sources, again processes of events, that under the action of the various operators of reality that express themselves in the Process of Formation of Reality, take a form and, in turn, became new derived sources, that empowers the incessant evolution of the Universe.

We consider emergence as the appearing of new and more coherent structures or properties (greater complexity) through the processes of self-organization of more elementary events or less complex structures of organized events (Information).

process of derivation (deriv-ation or derived action), that is the basis of the evolutive sub-process.

Each level of reality emerges from the causally previous one, with new properties related to the collective behavior of networks of events occurring at the more elementary level. The transitions between the successive levels of reality are produced by the incessant evolutive pressure exerted by the Fundamental Force and the derived forces acting of the Elementary Field and the derived fields, like phase transitions in the physical and the complex systems.