TFNR - The Research Project
As seen in the introduction, the fundamental aims of this project are rather ambitious. Nothing less than creating a new system of knowledge that can help us to better understand reality in its complexity and, more generally, building a broad framework that allows us to investigate more in deep the natural phenomena from the world of the infinitely small up to the cosmic level and the dynamics of the Universe as a whole, not forgetting the complex phenomena linked to life and cognitive evolution.
In this work we will deal essentially with the physical aspects. In this field, we will try to make some hypothesis about how reality emerges from a Source (a source of events), how it evolves from the more elementary levels to the most complex ones, how complexity emerges and forms the everchanging Universe we are observing.
We will try to explain the nature of what we now commonly think is fundamental (mass, motion, charge and spin, energy, radiation, particles, etc.) in the terms of something more fundamental, more elementary. We will shift the focus from particles to fields, from entities to events, to try to reach a deeper and, at the same time, wider vision of what Reality is. We will revise the same concepts of causality, spatiality and temporality, to try to catch the processes that lead to the emergence of agency (the capacity to act, to produce action). Agents (forces) acting on acted (fields) producing actions (events). We will try to reach a clear vision about the fundamental principles that rule the formation of reality, principles that, in their essence, emerge and ri-emerge in infinite different forms at the more and more complex levels at which we can observe and describe reality.
Then, we will make some hypothesis on how reality is forming, on the central nature and the role of information in the evolution of reality and the universe. How information evolves in the tiny structures that we call waves and particles, how those structures organize in forms, the objects that compose the Universe. A close view on what (we think) exists (entities), without lose attention on what happens (events), keeping well in mind that what exists, it exists because it happens, and not the contrary.
And even more…
- File:JTEP - The Research Project.pngReality? Universe?
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