TFNR - Entities

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Entity is the answer to the question "what exist?". It is what has the property that we call "Existence". To exist means to be real, to be in, to take part of Reality.

Something can exists physically or metaphysically/cognitively:

  • physical entities are entities that exist in the physical domain of Reality (for example: particles, trees, our body, galaxies, the whole phisical Universe).
  • metaphisical or cognitive entities are entities that exist in the metaphysical/cognitive domain of Reality (for example: sensations, emotions, the cognitive side of behaviours, thoughts, cultures, the sense and the semantics)

Only one kind of entities actually exists in the Reality: the Sources.

Sources are the causal, space and time origins of the events that incessantly form the Reality. Sources, even though they are inseparable unities, always manifest two aspects: an active and a passive side. For convenience, having good in mind that they can’t really exist as separated entities, only for descriptive purposes and following the common knowledge, we can identify two kinds of (sub-)entities: Agents (or forces) and Acted (or fields).

As stated above, Agents/Forces and Acted/Fields are different aspects of the unity represented by the Source. Forces don’t have sense, cannot exist, without fields, and vice versa. Agents/forces are the active side of Existence, of Reality. Acted/fields, the passive side. We can’t find a gravitational force without a corresponding gravitational field. The field manifests itself when the related force acts on it. The force manifest itself acting on the related field. Force and field are one, different aspects of the Source of Action.

We can identify fundamental and derived entities, fundamental or derived in respect of the contiguity with the causal and space-time Source of Reality. Everything that exists, in this wide sense, in turn can be considered a source, a derived source, derived from the Fundamental Source. So, every "object" of Reality can be considered a source of action. In facts, in the physical realm, we normally talk about particles as sources of forces and the related fields manifesting in consequence of a manifestation (action) of a force producing a variation of the corresponding field, in the very action of acting on it.

Differently from the common view proposed by conventional physics (matter as source of forces and fields), we always think about the manifestations of forces and fields in term of actions, as processes of events produced by derived sources (the same derived forces and fields) as complex organizations of the more elementary events occurring at the level of the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, the Fundamental Source, at the end.

One fundamental entity

There is only a fundamental entity, the causal and variational (space-time in a extended sense) origin of all that exist, the Source of Reality, and, for extension, its two components cited above. It is difficult to talk about the Source, because it represents the former origin of existence and, at the same time, the former existence, without form, undifferentiated, absolute uniformity, absolute potentiality.

In the following, we will always refer to it through its two aspects. So, we will say that the fundamental entities that exist at the most elementary level of Reality are:

  • the Fundamental Force: it is the fundamental Agent, the former cause, the causal side of the Source of all that exist;
  • the Elementary Field: it is the fundamental substrate, the container, the spatial and temporal side of the Source of Reality.

We now must repeat again that he Force and the Field are a unity, different aspects of the Source, the one, the only origin of Reality. The Force is the active, the creative side of the Source. The Field is the passive, its receptive side. They can’t exist separately. This is of the most importance, because, in my opinion, the uncorrect comprehention of the right relation between force and field, in the classical and relativistic approach, as in the quantum one, is a source of infinite problems and misunderstandings, that lead to the today difficulty to reach a synthetic vision in physics.

The Force acts on the Field in its causal former state, the "nothingness", producing Elementary Action, the set of Elementary Events, causing the state transition to the Elementary Field, absolute "emptiness", the vacuum, the space-time field in its most elementary absolute homogeneous form (minimum level of organization), where the distributions of the fluctuations of the metric of each point of the emerging space-time is stochastically independent from that of all other points. It’s a hypothetical state, due to the natural tendency of the Elementary Events to organize.

Infinite derived entities

Derived entities comprehend everything that exist: Information, the Structures of Information, the material and immaterial Forms, the Universe.

We can classify physical derived entities in two classes:

  • Agents: the forces that act (the natural forces: gravity, electric and magnetic forces, the nuclear weak and strong force, and all the complex agents that we can observe in the Reality.
  • Fields: the fields on which the forces act, producing variations of the field state that we call events, whose organization represents the natural phenomena, like particle interactions, chemical reactions, the physical interactions of the material forms, the dynamics of the cosmic structures. The natural fields (gravitational, electric and magnetic, weak and strong nuclear fields) and all the complex fields that we can observe in the Universe.

Agency - Agents - Acted - Action -

Agency is the fundamental property of the Sources. It is the capacity to produce action.

It can be observed through two different perspectives:

  • causality: is the main expressione of Agents/Forces
  • spaciality and temporality: are the main expressions of Acted/Fields (spatiality and temporality are different dimentions of expression, but we will always observe them as a unity). In facts, their manifestation in the incessant construction of Reality is always unitarian, as is the product of their manifestation: the space-time (in an extended form, able to support not only mass and motion, with the related gravitational and cinematic phenomena, but even charge and spin, with the related electric and magnetic phenomena.

Agents, as seen above, are the active side of Sources.

Acted/Fields, their passive sides.

Action, the events, is the product of the inner interaction between Agents and Acted, the manifestation of the Source, the main expression of Agency.

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