TFNR - In summary: some fundamental terms

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We resume here in brief the fundamental aspects of this particular approach to the study of Nature. This vision of Reality, as we have seen, differs in many respects from the present common scientific thought, but, in a more general sense, it offers a wider framework in which fragmented or, often, incompatible theories that dominate the current scientific knowledge can find new meanings e new important connections.

The main aspects that we have to give up to get closer to a deeper understanding of Nature are essentially “the atomistic vision” of reality, that gives centrality to particles, instead of forces and fields, and “the big bang theory”, which provides, for the Universe, an explosive start, instead of a slow evolution from a state of minimum organization.

But the deepest aspect which today limits the knowledge of reality is the misconception that the forces that currently produce the natural events, the phenomena we observe, are the legacy of an immense random fluctuation that in the distant past has created Universe, loading, so to speak, the spring that still gives motion to the whole cosmos. This vision, we would say, archaic and somehow anthropocentric, does not allow us to see the immense, infinite, force that incessantly gives birth to the Universe, in a continuous creative process, which fuels the endless evolutionary processes, which build increasing complexities.

The main questions to which science has to find answers are: "What is reality?", "How is?" and "How is evolving?". Thus, the knowledge of reality is expressed in three main areas: ontology, phenomenology and dynamics. We have to discover and understand what are the fundamental entities whose expression creates the Reality, and what are their properties that determine what types of events can happen (phenomena), what are the principles and processes (relations) that determine the evolution of the form of reality, from the infinitely elementary to the infinitely complex.

Evolutionary Knowledge

The Evolutionary Knowledge is the discipline that studies the formation of the Reality, through an integral extension of the evolutionary paradigm to all the fields of the scientific research. We aim to develop a unitary explicative framework, an evolutionary organic theory of the natural phenomena, of information, energy and matter, of the dynamics of material forms and cognitive systems of the living beings, of the man and his individual and collective expressions, of the whole Reality.


Reality is a unitary process, where the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field (the space-time field), together forming the Source of Reality, are the cause and the space-time substrate of everything that exist. The Force (the causal agent) acting on the Field (the receptive entity) creates the Elementary Action. We call this process: Creation. Under the incessant pressure of the Force, the Elementary Action auto-organizes in more and more complex Forms. Two sub processes: Evolution.

The Process of Formation

The Process of Formation of Reality is the natural unitary process by which Reality incessantly takes form and the Universe in evolution manifests itself. It can ideally be represented as the set of two incessant processes: the creation (the transition between nothingness and the Elementary Action, the quantum void) and the evolution (the organization of the Information, In-form-action, the Action that takes form). At the same time, The Process is a cognitive model that allows us the comprehension of the incessant creation and evolution of Reality.

The Source of Reality

The Source of Reality is the causal origin of the precursors of existence: the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field, the fundamental entities at the most elementary level of Reality. The properties of the Source determinate the dimensions of Reality: cause, space and time. Force and Field are a unity, different expressions of the Source. The Force is the active, the creative side of the Source. The Field is the passive, the receptive side.

The Force

The Fundamental Force is the active aspect, the active expression of the Source of Reality. The Force is the fundamental Agent, the entity that, acting on the Elementary Field, the space-time, produces the Action, the Elementary Events that constitute the most basic form of existence. It is the fundamental causal entity that incessantly creates the Reality and make it to evolve, the agent of reification, the fundamental Operator from which all the functional Operators of Reality derive.

The Field

The Elementary Field is the aspect, the passive expression of the Source of Reality. The action of the Fundamental Force perturbates the Elementary Field producing the fluctuations of space-time that are the most elementary form of existence. Pure differentiation without form. The fundamental properties of the Field are: spatiality, temporality, unity, continuity, locality. It is the space-time field, substrate of all the physical aspects of Reality: mass, motion, charge and spin.


Creation is one of the two fundamental formative aspects of Reality. The first, in a causal sense, of the two functional aspects of the unitary Process of Formation that from the Force and the Field brings to the Forms, from the simplicity and the unity leads to the complexity of the Universe. Foundation of existence, primary expression of the Force, source of existence. Continuous, incessant process that dynamically and evolutionarily keeps into existence the Reality and its manifestation, the Universe.


The Elementary Action is the most elementary form of existence, incessant product of the expression of the Source of Reality, of the interaction of its two components, the two aspect of the Source, the Force and the Field, the Force acting on the Field. Existence is mutation, incessant variation. Event is any variation of the state of an entity. So, the Elementary Action is the set of Elementary Events that animate the space-time. The three basic expressions of the Action are: Perturbation, Propagation and Conservation. The Action is all that exists. All that exists is Action.


Evolution is the causal process that constantly gives life to the essence, the form, of Reality. Anabolic / constructive processes and catabolic / destructive processes, interacting, co-evolve in the continuous construction of complexity. The evolutive operators of Reality are: Organization (construction of relations between events / structures), Transformation (destruction of relations) and Selection (natural selection of relations). Evolution is the process, an endless co-evolutionary process, from which the material and non-material forms come from.


Information is organized Action, the whole set of relations that links the events, it is what gives form. It is the pattern of organization of the relations that link the events in processes, the information elements in structures, the parts in a system, in a whole. It is the organizing element in chaos-order processes, the key element in the evolution towards complexity. It is the energy, in a broad sense.

The Causal Evolution

The causal dimension, closely connected with space and time, manifest itself in a continuum that spreads from uncertainty to finality. This dimension is the metric of the level of organization of the Field and the Structures of Information that evolve in it, a “scale” of the complexity of Reality and the Forms that populate it. The main steps in the evolution of causal dimension are: Uncertainty (indetermination), Probability (probabilistic, statistical causality), Necessity (determination), Finality (finalistic indetermination).

The Fundamental causal sequence of Reality

The structure that we call “the main causal chain of Reality” is the core of the Process of Formation of Reality. It describes the relationships between the fundamental entities of Reality: Force – Action – Information - Form. This causal structure, which from the Force leads to the Forms that populate the Universe, is the central axis of the Process of Formation of Reality, the fundamental pillar that holds in balance the dynamic and conservative aspects that give shape to Reality.

The Fundamental Principles of Dynamics

The fundamentals principles are cognitive representations of the way the Reality manifests itself and evolves. They express properties and behaviors of Reality from the most basic to the most complex level. While retaining their identity, they expressed themselves in different forms in the different domains, at different levels of Reality, at different dimensional scales, at the increasing levels of complexity: Uncertainty principle (existential principle), Action and Reaction principle (dynamic principle), Minimum Action principle (conservative principle).

The Principle of General Equivalence

The fundamental physical quantities that characterize the Elementary Action are equivalent. They reflect an underlying equivalence among physical phenomena we are trying to describe. Mass density, dark energy, space-time curvature of the metrics, temperature of the space time, velocity of propagation of information in the field and density of the elementary perturbations (the distribution of quantum fluctuations) are equivalent and have a unique physical basis. Mass does not curve space-time. Mass “is” the curvature of space-time.

The Structures of Information

The Structures of Information are patterns of organization in the Field. Structures have causal, spatial and time extension. They are the building blocks of the objects of Physical Reality. Sets, networks of relationships among events (organized Action, Information) that show a certain coherence in the basic parameters of the Field. According to the form, we can identify Propagation Structures (Waves), Conservation Structures (Vortices) and Mixed Structures (Interactions): radiation, dark matter, particles of ordinary matter.

Waves and Vortices

Waves and Vortices are the basic forms of the Structure of information. They represent the quantum aspect of the continuous Elementary Field (space-time field). Waves are Structures of Propagation, the essence of radiation. These structures have no mass (only motion, charge and spin), so they propagate in the Field at the maximum permitted velocity (c). Vortices are Structures of Conservation, the essence of matter. These structures have mass (in addition to motion, charge and spin), so they can propagate in the Field at a lower speed than the maximum allowed.


Mass is a state, a property of the Field. It is the state of a space-time domain where the distribution of the stochastic perturbations that constitute the Elementary Action is lower than the mean distribution. So, in a massive domain, as for a particle of matter, we can identify a “gradient”, a particular form of the correlation of the distributions of the intensity of the elementary fluctuations (Perturbation) of the point-events that compose that domain, in the sense of a minor intensity of the same perturbations. This is the root of gravitational phenomena and inertia.


Motion is a state, a property of the Field. It is the state of a space-time domain where the distribution of the stochastic perturbations that constitute the Elementary Action is oriented toward a direction. So, in a space-time domain, as for a particle of matter or for radiation, we can identify “divergence”, a particular form of the correlation of the distributions of the elementary perturbations of the point-events that compose that domain (Translation). This is the root of motion phenomena.


Charge is a state, a property of the Field. It is the state of a space-time domain where the distribution of the stochastic perturbations that constitute the Elementary Action is characterized by vorticity. So, in a space-time domain, as for a particle of matter or for radiation, we can identify “rotation” or “curl”, a particular form of the correlation of the distributions of the elementary perturbations of the point-events that compose that domain (Rotation). This is the root of electrical phenomena.


Spin is a state, a property of the Field. It is the state of a space-time domain where the distribution of the stochastic perturbations that constitute the Elementary Action is characterized by orientation of the axis of vorticity. So, in a space-time domain, as for a particle of matter or for radiation, we can identify “spin”, a particular form of the correlation of the distributions of the elementary perturbations of the point-events that compose that domain (Spin). This is the root of magnetic phenomena.

Dark and ordinary energy

Energy is the ability of a Form to express Action, to perform work. Energy is a property which can be transferred to other Forms or converted into different forms. Action with a form is Information, so energy is Information, In-form-action. Action is a flow quantity (a flow of events, of changes of the state of a field). Energy is action divided by time; it is a state. Dark energy is the counter part of mass, is negative mass. Dark energy is the state of a space time domain where the distribution of the stochastic perturbations that constitute the Elementary Action, is greater than the mean distribution.

Ordinary and dark matter

Matter consists of sets / networks of vortex Structures of Information in interaction, characterized by mass, motion, charge, spin. Dark matter consists of extended non-particle vortex structures with low mass density (halos, bubbles), which can host within them both dark matter structures with higher density and ordinary matter. Ordinary matter is made up of localized particle vortex structures with high mass density (elementary and composite particles).


The Physical Forms are organized sets of Structures of Information, complex patterns of organization that give form to the Field of Elementary Action (space-time). Complex status in a space-time domain. Forms are constantly changing, in incessant evolution towards increasingly levels of complexity. Depending on the level of complexity, the Forms can be classified into material forms, life forms, immaterial forms or Meta-forms.


The Universe is the present section of Reality. It is the whole, everything that exists, the sum of all the existing material and immaterial Forms. The result of the action of all the Agents, the product of the Process of Formation of Reality. It is infinite and unlimited, in causal, spatial and temporal sense.

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