TFNR - The main questions about Physical Reality
Among the infinite questions that fill the minds of physicists, some fundamental are at the very centre of the research for a general and deep understanding of the nature and dynamics of Reality. Every field of science has its very important questions. Not to diminish other areas of research, but I believe that, throwing light on some fundamental aspects of the dynamics of Reality, can shed light on all scientific research. Here some questions that I think are “very very very important”. Some “what?”, some “why?”, some “how?” ...
First of all, what is the nature of Reality and Universe themselves. What is Reality? What exists? How is Reality forming? What is the Universe? What is the Universe made of? Why exists something and not nothing?
And then, what is really fundamental? What are forces and fields? What is space and time? What are events, action and energy?
What is information and evolution in the physical domain of Reality?
And again, in the fields closest to our scientific experience, what are mass, motion, charge and spin? What the real nature of waves and particles and their mutual relations that paint of weirdness the Reality? And the strange and puzzling relation between continuity and granularity?
What is matter, both the dark and the ordinary? And the cosmic expansion and dark energy?
And more, and more… till the farthest frontiers of knowledge…