TFNR - Internal distribution
InfoStructures don't have a homogeneous internal distribution of Elementary Action. We use the synthetic expression "internal distribution" to indicate a concept relating to the "internal structure" of the Infostructures, which in their natural dynamics show a profile (of the internal distribution) incessantly variable over time, a spatial inhomogeneity variable over time in the distribution of correlations which organizes the Elementary Action in its Modes, the set of Elementary Events that support the Existence of the InfoStructure, correlations that support its Essence / Form and therefore represent the Information / Energy that gives structure to the Field.
The "internal distribution profile" can be called and essentially represents a "map of the internal correlations" that give shape to the Structure and therefore a map of the internal density of the Elementary Action in its Components / Modes (Perturbation, Translation and Rotation, sub-modes Chirality and AxisOrientation) which represent the spatial distribution, in the volume of the Elementary Field occupied by the IS from time to time, of the physical quantities associated with the Components of the Elementary Action: Mass, Motion, Charge and Spin.
The map, which is multidimensional in the Components of the Elementary Action, except for the natural indeterminate dynamics of the elementary fluctuations of the Elementary Field, evolves over time producing the fluctuation of the shape of the IS and of the internal distribution profile around the "ideal" theoretical profile of an ideal "static" InfoStructure, as if frozen, with a perfectly spherical shape, and not subject to any interaction with the fluctuations of the Field or with other Structures.
We reiterate that these are portions of the continuum, and not discrete parts, components, sub-structures of composite InfoStructures. Portions that cannot be configured as sub-structures, autonomous parts, which cannot therefore in turn be considered "identifiable" InfoStructures, but must be represented as "non-separable" portions of Infostructures.
In fact, we are talking above all about "elementary" Wave and Vortex type InfoStructures, therefore not made up of interactions of more elementary InfoStructures (such as, for example, nucleons or mesons composed of quarks), which, in addition to producing a variation / fluctuation in the shape of the IS, also produces fluctuation in the associated physical quantities (Mass, Motion, Charge and Spin) and their distribution in the volume occupied by the Structure itself from time to time.
We will see later that even the ISs belonging to the Dark side, the ISs that make up the Dark Cosmic Web, have a rich internal organization in flows and vortices, which make up a complex turbulence that hosts galactic substructures, for example. Nebulae, star clusters, stars with their planetary systems, clouds, gases, etc. The same thing happens to the more extensive and complex ISs that host clusters of galaxies, the intergalactic flows that bind them into filaments and nodes that are variously organized and evolving over time.
A nod to an important concept that concerns internal profiles, internal distribution maps of ISs. We introduce the concept of "purity" of an IS which we define as the distance from the internal density map of a real IS from the "ideal" internal density map of a subclass of IS (i.e. IS - Vortex class - subclass Elementary 3D Vortex -> i.e. an electron (e-) or a positron (e+). The greater this distance, the greater is evidently the "deformation" of the "internal structure" of the IS, of its density profile.
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