TFNR - About this work
This work is not all mine. It is the result of a long elaboration, years of reading (books, papers, articles, etc.), thoughts, conception, reworking of a lot of material of which I am not even aware.
Besides some original concepts, schemes and visions, most of the material I used to try to construct this new system of knowledge uses many reworkings of ideas, concepts, schemes from traditional knowledge and modern science.
Some examples:
- the conceptual scheme that I call the Process of Formation of Reality is a derivation / reworking of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, a diagram, abstract and symbolic, made up of ten Sephiroth, ten archetypal attributes, or characteristics of God (the operational Agents, or Operators of Reality in the Evolutionary Knowledge System object of this paper, emanation, characterization of the Fundamental Force, the active aspect of the Source of Reality).
The other main concept of the kabbala is "Ein Sof", the energy of the Universe (the Elementary Action produced by the First Source, the Source of Reality, the pair Fundamental Force / Elementary Field, fundamental / elemental entity that transcends the concepts of space and time, energy, mass, motion, charge, spin and all the fundamental physical quantities). The Elementary Action and the Source, comparable to the concept of Ein Sof, are unknowable and not directly contactable by human reason, as they are expressed at a more fundamental level of Reality than that of Information, Information Structures and Forms, which we are made and which represent the tools and vectors that allow our interaction with the physical environment in which we are immersed and of which we are a part.
We are Information (and in its most basic form, Energy), and Information / Energy we can perceive, observe, measure. The plan of the Source, the Force / Field couple that with their interaction produce the Elementary Events, and the plan of the Elementary Action in its Modes / Components, are closed to us. Perception, observation, measurement are interactions based entirely on the "relation", on Relations, and everything that, from the causal point of view, lies beyond the expression of the Operator of Reality that we call Relation is precluded from us, is and will remain directly unknowable. Only indirectly will we be able to construct an approximate representation of it, observing its effects on the levels of Reality closest to us. Said in more "physical" terms, we will not be able to observe the event points at the space-time dimensions that resonate on the Planck scale, with their probability distributions, and their dynamics / interaction to form increasingly extensive and complex correlation structures , up to the waves and particles (vortices) that make up the (visible / ordinary) matter we are made of and the dark one that forms the immense impalpable structures in which we are immersed and of which we are part.
Contraction and expansion of God's energy in Kabbalah, contraction and expansion of the infinitesimal volumes in / of the Elementary Field, what in the Evolutionary Knowledge System we call Elementary Events, the elementary fluctuations of / in the Field at the Planck scale, slight variations in the mean and variance of their stochastic distributions, of the power spectrums, which produce the Perturbations from which everything originates, and which in an incessant Evolution lead to the entire Universe.
That same idea of contraction and expansion that has permeated Western culture for centuries and inspired the Big Bang theory, a theory that has transposed this very important cultural influence incorrectly, unfortunately. In fact it is not a one-off expansion / contraction, or repeated over time at each cyclical expansion / contraction phase of the entire Universe or of its parts, or of several separate Universes, as in the various theories derived from the initial idea of Big Bang. Rather, it is infinite (in space and time) incessant expansions / contractions of / in each point event in / of the Elementary field, at the Planck scale, under the continuous pressure of the Fundamental Force, to create what is now called "Quantum fluctuation of the vacuum", the quantum vacuum, etc., primary manifestation of the Principle of Uncertainty.
From the Kabbalah, one of the main and most powerful traditional Systems of Knowledge of the West, and from the very important religious / philosophical sources that have fueled its development, many other important ideas have arisen that have translated into interesting hypotheses concerning the general structure of Reality, the aspects and the operators / functional forces, the relationships that are established between them and that strongly determine the Formation of Reality in the mechanics of Creation and Evolution, the general properties of Reality and the particular ones at the various levels of existence.
The work done can be seen as a translation from the Kabbalistic mystique of Formation to what, in my System of Knowledge under construction, I have called Evolutionary Dynamics and the Process of Formation of Reality.
- the idea / hypothesis of the Source, a unity with two complementary aspects, the Fundamental Force and the Elemental Field, from whose internal interaction all in Evolution is Created, arises from my interest in Taoism, for me the most wonderful representation of how Reality is made and works, certainly one of the deepest knowledge of the East.
Even if the ancient texts that have come down to us, created in the languages in use in those remote times, with often poetic, strange and fantastic expressions so far from our current way of reasoning and expressing ourselves, the result of successive oral traditions and infinite transcriptions and translations, even by people who did not know the true meaning of the texts, expressions, images, terms used, often seem incomprehensible or unclear, and the meaning appears distorted and misleading, as if the authors had wanted to hide the most authentic and profound meaning, despite all this, on careful reading, with the guidance of a good understanding of the structure of reality, it is possible to recognize the depth and lucidity that inspired these texts, and to reconstruct their logic and authentic meaning. Process that would surely horrify the most intransigent exegetes, philologists and palaeographers, but which for a "knowledge hunter" like me, always in search of information on the fundamental nature of Reality, is of fundamental importance, and has allowed me to discover true pearls hidden under poetic images, mythological figures, religious doctrines, mystical traditions, bad translations, mangled terms, etc.
- the hypothesis of the inconstancy of the Speed of Light (or rather of its variability in space and/or time, depending on various factors and dynamic aspects), an idea of some scientists who have expressed themselves in this sense at various times or have mentioned in their works, and a recent movement/interest of some researchers in this direction
- the idea of the coexistence of creation and evolution as two aspects of the unitary formation of Reality comes from Hinduism and Buddhism. Evolution can be seen as a complex form of Creation, just as Creation can be seen as an elementary form of Evolution.
- the idea of the incessant action of a universal Force that gives power to Reality and makes it evolve comes from Taoism and Hinduism. Such a different and opposite idea compared to today's theory of the Big Bang and Inflation (basically a one shot creation and a long evolution produced by the expression of that first energetic event, a more evolved form, but not enough, of the old deterministic idea of a clock wound up at the beginning of time, which keeps running until it stops completely at the end of time, the heat death of the Universe)
- ??? the prevalence of what is called the second law of thermodynamics (concerning heat and energy, which implies an increase in the combined entropy of system and environment, the irreversibility of natural processes and the existence of an arrow of time). ???
</blockquote> In my Knowledge System this principle is identified by the Operational Agent "Transformation", one of the three Reality operators that make up the Information Cycle, the true evolutionary engine of Reality). If so, if the second law of thermodynamics (a "destructive principle" of complexity which, at all levels of Reality, disrupts Relations, from more complex Information to more basic Information, from order, organization, produces chaos) were the process of Reality, nothing would exist in the Universe, no Information, no complexity would form. Nothing would have been created, or even if a deity had magically created the present Universe, everything would quickly dissolve into an absolutely homogeneous disturbed field.
An opposite principle / force is at work in the Universe, a force, one or more processes antagonistic to the second principle, a "building principle" which in my system is identified by the Reality Operator called "Organization", another operator of the Cycle of information. </blockquote>
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