TFNR - Interactions between Matter and Radiant Energy

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Interactions between Matter and Energy

As Energy and Matter are both forms of Information that give structure to the Elementary Field, any Interaction between them is an exchange of Information.

Those interactions can assume different forms due to the prevalence of the properties of the kind of Information/Energy involved:

Interactions between matter halos / particles (Vortices) and radiation (Waves)

Interactions between Halos / Particles of Matter (Vortices) and Radiation (Waves) are a particular kind of interactions in the broader class of Interactions between Matter and Energy.

As Energy and Matter are both forms of Information that give structure to the Elementary Field, any Interaction between them is always an exchange of Information.

Any acceleration (a change in the velocity of motion of intensity and/or direction) of a Vortex (a class of Physical Structures of Information) produces the emission of a Wave (another class of Physical Structures of Information).

Any short range interaction, a superposition, of a Wave and a Vortex produces an acceleration (a change in the velocity of motion of intensity and/or direction) of the Vortex, of intersity commensurate with the ratio between the dimensions of the structures involved and their dynamics.

Dark matter Halos interact emitting and absorbing super large wavelenght Waves, with ultra low energy densities.

Ordinary matter Particles interact emitting and absorbing short wavelenght Waves, with medium/high energy densities e.m. waves, ranging from radio waves to gamma rays due to the dimension/energy of particles and their dynamics.

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