TFNR - The Aspects of Reality
Reality, at all levels of Complexity, is articulated in two complementary fundamental aspects, which correspond to the two sides of the graphic scheme, the glyph that describes the Process of Formation of Reality.
In its central section, the two complementary aspects, the dynamic and the conservative, dynamically balance each other in an equilibrium, a structure that we call "the main causal chain of Reality": Force-Action-Information-Form.
The active (dynamic) aspects are those related to the expression of the Sources in their active aspect: Agents / Forces, which produce "Action" from the point of view of Causality --> Action of Forces.
The passive (conservative) aspects are those related to the expression of the Sources in their passive aspect: Acted / Fields, which undergo "Variations" from the point of view of Variationality --> Reaction / Deformation of Fields.
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