TFNR - A recipe for cooking Reality
A top-down approach to understanding what Reality is.
Dev... ???
If I were God, having to create a Reality from nothing...
What could I do, what could I use to create, to build a Reality from scratch?
How could I start a Process of Formation of Reality?
From nothing... From Nothing... Form Nothingness
Oh God, how could I use "nothing"... the Nothing... to create Something... and to make it evolve to Everything...
Formation: Creation + Evolution
Reality, to begin to exist (in an almost eternal state without time) is waiting for a first expression from a force that normally mankind calls God, a manifestation, a first Action from the Source, from the Source of Reality.
God as a mystical representation of an unknowable, unqualified, indescribable Source of Existence and Essence / Form, the Primary Source, the Source of Reality.
Like any self-respecting recipe, it takes ingredients (inputs) and methods (sequences of actions) to obtain the dishes we want (outputs). And more, we need an "agent" (force) that carries out the correct sequence of actions on the inputs to obtain the outputs, "acted" (field). A transformation, trans-form-action, a change of form). Together, agent and acted, force and field, represent a unit, a source.
From the kitchen, returning to the whole Reality, to "Create a Universe in Evolution", the outputs, we need some ingredients and some methods.
- Nothing or better Nothingness
- a Source (a Source of Existence and Essence / Form, a unitary Entity able to perform the fundamental and elementary Agency to form Reality), with the two aspects:
- a Force, the active aspect of the Source, the Agent, the subject that performs Agency, a causal agent that, in infinite various forms, can operate, can form Reality, a set of Operators of Reality
- a Field, the passive aspect of the Source, the Acted, the object of the performed Agency, a variational acted that, in infinite various forms, takes the infinite forms of Reality
- to transmute Nothing to Absolute Vacuum, i.e. to pass from a condition, a state of Nothingness to that of Emptiness we need the sub-process of Creation, the Source in the act of producing Events, Action
- to transmute Absolute Vacuum to any single thing that exists, i.e. to pass from the condition, the state of Emptiness to that of Somethingness, and from that to the Wholeness, we need the sub-process of Evolution, the Source in the act of producing Relations, Information, In-Form-Action
(Creation and Evolution being the two complementary sub-processes of the Process of Formation of Reality)
- Action (Events)
- Information (Relations)
- Structures of Information (organizations of Event and Relations in medium complexity Processes)
- Forms (organizations of Event and Relations in highly complex Processes)
- Universe (the whole set of low, medium and high complexity organizations of Event and Relations in Processes)
Operators of Reality:
- Perturbation (Variation), Translation (Propagation), Rotation (Conservation) - the three operators of Action, of Creation
- Relation: the operator that forms the connections between Events
- Organization, Transformation, Selection - the three operators of Information, of Evolution
- Wave, Vortex, Interaction: the three operations of the Structures of Information
- Form: the operator that gives form to the Entire Universe
- in quality of the Source of Reality, in the aspect of the Primary Agent, the Fundamental Force, perform the sub-process of Creation: shake the Nothingness (producing the infinite small scale variations that we call Elementary Events) forever, without any stop. Be careful, if you stop shaking the Nothingness even for an infinitely small instant, Emptyness that you so difficulti e faticosamente built, we instantly disappear and you might to be restart from the beginning.