TFNR - Paper Contents
From Evolutionary Knowledge Base
1. Introduction 2. Reality? Universe? 3. The Fundamental Nature of Reality What exists? What happens? How happens? 5. The Process of Formation of Physical Reality 6. The Source: the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field Evolutionary Meta-metaphysics Adventure of Knowledge Discipline of the Force artEvolution evTek - Evolutive Technologies Publications
1. Introduction
2. Reality? Universe?
- 2. Terminological conventions
- 2. Reality? Universe? Topic list
- 2.1 The Research Project
- 2.2 Reality - Existence - Essence (Form) – The Process of Formation (Creation and Evolution)
- 2.3 Levels - Dimensions - Scales
- 2.4 The elementary levels of Reality
- 2.5 Entities: Source (Force - Field)
- 2.6 Events: Action - Creation/Existence
- 2.7 Relations: Information/Energy - Complexity - Evolution/Essence (Form)
- 2.8 Processes: Entities that produce Events and Relations that organize them
- 2.9 The world of continuity and the fundamental physical quantities: Mass - Motion - Charge - Spin
- 2.10 The world of granularity: structures and the quantum
- 2.11 Waves and particles - Radiation and matter
- 2.12 The Universe of the Forms
- 2.13 The cosmic evolution
- 2.14 The biological evolution
- 2.15 The cognitive evolution: the "meta" side of Reality
3. The Fundamental Nature of Reality
- 3.1 The Source of Reality
- 3.2 The dimensions of Reality
- 3.3 The causal evolution of Reality
- 3.4 The levels of Reality
- 3.3 The causal evolution of Reality
- 3.4 The levels of Reality
4. What exists? What happens? How happens?
5. The Process of Formation of Physical Reality
- 5.1 Creation and Evolution in the physical world
- 5.2 The causal structure of Reality
- 5.3 The Evolutionary Dynamics
6. The Source: the Fundamental Force and the Elementary Field
- 6.1 The Source
- 6.2 The Fundamental Force: the fundamental causal agent
- 6.3 The Elementary Field: the unitary enhanced space-time field
7. Action: the Dynamics of the Source
- 7.1 The Elementary Action
- 7.2 "Creation": the Dynamics of Elementary Action
- 7.3 The fundamental principles of the dynamics of the Elementary Field
- 7.4 The states of the Elementary Field
- 7.5 Elementary Energy: energy in the unstructured Field
8. Information: the evolution toward complexity
9. The Structures of Information
- 9.1 Waves – Radiation
- 9.2 Vortices – Elementary particles of matter
- 9.3 Mixed structures – Complex vortices/particles and interactions
- 9.4 Interactions between matter and radiation
- 9.5 Properties of the Structures of Information and the connected derived forces and fields
- 9.6 Continuity and quantization, fields and particles, waves and vortices: the duality
- 9.7 Locality, separability, individuation and measurement
- 9.8 Observing Structures from absolute or relative perspectives
- 9.9 Energy and matter in the structured Field
- 9.10 Energy
- 9.11 Matter
- 9.11.1 Dark matter
- 9.12 Ordinary matter
- 9.13 Some common physical phenomena in the structured Field
- 9.13.1 Cosmic intergalactic void
- 9.13.2 Massive particle moving in space-time
- 9.13.3 Charged particle in an electric field
- 9.13.4 Charged particle in a magnetic field
- 9.13.5 Massive particle emitting an electromagnetic wave propagating in space-time
- 9.13.6 Massive particle interacting with a dark matter structure