TFNR - Reality and Knowledge
Evolutionary Knowledge is a comprehensive approach to the observation of the natural and human world, based on a full extension of the evolutionary theory and a critical review of the constructivist thought. It is Knowledge of Reality and its manifestation, the Universe in evolution.
Knowledge is a process, a construction, an organized net of information about Reality. Knowledge, at the human level, is the higher expression of the evolution of our cognitive functions. As everything else in Nature, knowledge emerge as a product of the Process of Formation of Reality.
In this approach, Reality includes everything: the physical aspects (Physical Reality), as well as the metaphysical or cognitive ones, the representation of Physical Reality (Meta-Reality), and the representations of how Meta-Reality is and evolves, knowledge on the Process of Formation of Meta-Reality, knowledge about the cognitive processes that produce knowledge on Reality and on Meta-Reality.
Reality and Knowledge of Reality incessantly coevolve toward a more and more complex organization that opens rooms to a wider and deeper comprehension of Nature.
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