TFNR - The Scales of Reality

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Science, physics, cosmology in particular, are engaged in the study of Nature on a very wide range of dimensional scales, from the immensely small to what are commonly considered the boundaries of the universe itself. And we human beings, in the middle, we observe in both directions, amazed by the immense complexity that resides both in the infinitesimal and in the infinite.

Among the many dimensional scales, among the numerous orders of magnitude, the most significant are undoubtedly those concerning Dimensionality / Dimensions of Reality: Causality, Spatiality and Temporality.

Causality - Cause

What measures the causal distance between different Structures / Forms is Complexity: the quantity and quality of Action, produced by the Force acting on the Field, necessary to produce that Structure, that Form. In other words, it is the quantity of Information that allows that form to exist in the essence / form it possesses at a given time, in a given spatial position. Complexity is difficult to measure, as it depends on qualitative factors and on the history of the Variations undergone by the Field to produce the Shape in question.

Fundamental are the spatial and temporal dimensional scales, which as physical quantities enter almost all the formalizations that shape our knowledge of Physical Reality.

Spatiality - Space

Observing Nature from a spatial point of view, we can see how broad the spectrum of observable dimensions is, from the smallest particles of ordinary / exotic matter to the confines of the observable universe. But Nature extends spatially far beyond what we can observe, and even far beyond we can imagine. In the small, up to the Planck scale, and even further up to the infinitely small. In the large, up to the borders of the Universe as we imagine it to be today, based on the observations of a very distant past that reaches us today, and makes us calculate immense sidereal distances.

Let's try to give some numbers (in many cases these are approximate estimates, since the observations and theoretical models do not help us too much):

  • 10^-∞ meters: the continuum in space dimension
  • 10^-35 meters - The Planck scale - Planck length
  • 10^-20 to 10^-15 meters - The scale of ordinary matter particles...
  • 10^-3 meters - The observed microwave radiation at about 2.7 K (wavelength approximately 2 mm), commonly named "CMB - Cosmic Microwave Background"). Instead of the relics of Big Bang, I hypothesize it represents the black body radiation of the cosmos (the measured slight differences in this temperature represent the spatial distribution of the mass of the Dark Matter / Dark Energy components of the cosmic structures (so called "voids" and "cosmic web")
  • 10^0 meters: we, the dimensions of our body, our today life objects
  • Stars
  • Galaxies
  • Clusters of Galaxies
  • Superclusters
  • Giant voids
  • Walls
  • The observable Universe
  • 10^18 meters -
  • 10^∞ meters: despite our observations and models, the Universe is spatially infinite. If we wanted to follow a concept widely used in current science, "naturalness" (a concept that I do not appreciate very much, as it seems rather presumptuous of us to define what Nature, in its infinite complexity, can do or not do, be or non essere), we could say that placing limits on the spatial extension of the Reality in which we live seems absolutely unnatural. Who or what could have set these limits, these boundaries, under what rules, and why?

Resonances -> to be developed....

Temporality - Time

Also from the temporal point of view (temporal distances, intervals, durations) we observe a great variability. From the femto-second scale of chemical-physical reactions up to the supposed age of the Universe.

Here too let's try to give some numbers, assuming an even greater range:

  • 10^-∞ seconds:
  • 10^-45 seconds - The Planck scale - Planck time-
  • 10^0 seconds: we, the dimensions of our life, our today life events
  • 10^10 years -
  • 10^∞ seconds:

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