TFNR - Phenomenology: Events and Relations
Evolutionary Phenomenology is the part of Evolutionary Knowledge that studies "what happens in the way it happens" (Events and Relations - pheno).
Events (the variations of the states of the Entities, that emerge through their interaction) and the Relations that, emerging from the interactions among the Events, by organizing them, give Essence / Form to Reality and make it to evolve toward higher levels of complexity.
Phenomenology describes the sub-process of Evolution itself, the manifestations, Action, the Events produced by the Entities, the different typologies and dynamics of the Relations that represent the foundation of the Essence, the Form of Reality.
These are the links allowing the Agents, the Operators of Reality, to express the process of building the dynamic and conservative structures that constitute the Essence of the Process of Formation of Reality.
An endless cycle that makes the universal network of Events more and more complex and interconnected.
Pheno (from ancient Greek, means "showing or manifesting", indicating the observable aspects of reality) is what we can observe. We can observe only Events and Relations, Processes in other words. The impression of the stability of Reality is an illusion due to the distance from which we observe the fundamental phenomena that incessantly build it, everything changes, perennial mutation.
Only for descriptive purposes, as per Reality, Evolutionary Phenomenology can be seen as articulated in Phenomenology of Physical Reality, Phenomenology of Cognitive Reality and Phenomenology of Metacognitive Reality.
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